Science Or Sneaky? Garlic & Onion Taste Test

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

I'm scared..

Lodi, United States

Should we invoke the protection of the CF?

I'll start.


This message was edited Oct 9, 2008 11:45 PM

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Harmony - you are hilarious! I laughed until I nearly peed myself!

(Zone 7b)

Well i wasn't skeered i was tryin to be funny and molly got kinda serius and i just didn't know which end of the chicken to look at or up or................................................

Boy scout gone bad present. ( or Hunk) LOL! I really wanted to be wicked saturday morning, but work always gets in the way of fun. (I mean science). L.L. was right very busy week. Had new computer hooked up. installed or whatever. The kid left it in pieces for day's in my office. Still loading girls with garlic and planning a breakfast for Sweets.
CMoxon needs to check monitor, me thinks its a bit fuzzy

Clarksburg, MO

10 days worth of busy Seth? I am startting to question your science project. As you know these things are supposed to be uuuhhhmmmm like "scientific". Where have you been hiding for 10 days?

And speaking of hiding, I think it has been about that same time since Tamara has posted also. Where is she hiding? I think this is too much of a coincidence, LOL.


This message was edited Oct 10, 2008 7:41 AM

Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

Sorry Harmony. I wasn't very serious, just didn't get it as usual. I'm the person who always misses the punchline and has to have the joke explained. Don't worry about me.


(Zone 7b)

Well the Wicked Hunky Seth has returned and the project goes on................

Hey Evil Wicked Hunk WE STILL WAITIN and you know not to keep ladies waiting............

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

I knew you were out there somewhere, Seth. Those are going to be some seriously garlicky eggs!

One question, what the heck have you been doing with the 10 days worth of eggs that are already garlicky? That's gunna be one HUGE omlet on Saturday! Are we all invited?

The Missus hasn't caught on yet with a mysterious garlicky batch of brownies?

One more day ladies. Im going to sterilize my euipment in just a bit (clean the kitchen) and prepare for opperation Havoc and Chaos. (That's what it will be when Sweets finds out I've been feeding the giris garlic). I think two weeks of garlic should prove it one way or the other.
A side question; Why is it men can't keep ladies waiting, but men are lrft waiting until they are blacking out from the boredom?
Ten days? Sorry, had some heavy winds here, in my buisiness thats not good. I missed being on line talking chickens though.
Not correct thread, but Im excited goat barn is almost ready for Paris and Nickie!

L.L. feeding Brahma eggs to dogs, eating Cochin eggs. I sepparate my Chickens by breed and color so this has been easy.
I own a pool service and repair company, so when the winds hit I have to spend my time scheduling special cleanup and repairs. Leaves and stuff clog filters and damage pool bottoms. NOT fun!
Sorry, forgive me, please?(Looking dejected and miserable)

Gao, Mali

You ladies be kind to the man. The Goat Fairy cometh to his place...

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Ooooh, not ONLY is he a hunk, he's also a pool boy! Woo hoo! ;-)

(just joshin' ya Seth!)

(Zone 7b)

A pool boy oh how exciteing and goodlooking too what did all of us ladies do to deserve this pleasure.

(Zone 7b)

CF Thanks for the pool boy!!

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Yes, CF, thank you for the hunky pool boy. You know how us girls like our chickens, but we also like Seth! :-)

Which reminds me, when does our Australian hunk return from his holidays?

Pool boy? LOL

(Zone 7b)

Hey Forget aussie boy this one here is local. "GIGGLE" "GIGGLE" (me acting like a teen girl)

What Australian?

(Zone 7b)

Don't worry bout him just keep cleanin that pool "GIGGLE" "GIGGLE"

Wish I could stay and chat , construction crew just pulled in. They say they will finish barn today. picking up feed and straw and one of those minnie hay feeding things (cute). If I stay off the computer I should be ready to pick up Paris and Nickie tomarrow!
Talk to everyone soon

Havoc & Chaos tomarrow morning!

Clarksburg, MO

Okay I am really starting to think this is fishy. Have we noticed that the Chicken Fairy and Seth both post at the same time. And they both hide at the same times??!

I think it is time to pull out all of the resources and find out who these people are. I don't mind a little fun and playing/joking around, but I think we are all getting the wool pulled over our eyes and for me that is a little aggravating. I hate being out and out lied too!


Such a beautifull name. Brings to mind pretty brown eyed girl wearing wind blown sundress, standing in a field of fragrant wild flowers. Everyone loves a brown eyed girl, how could I lie to you?
Now I really should stay off this computer! You ladies are just too much fun!!!

Lodi, United States

Pool Boy cum God of Chaos and Desert Wastelands. No address.

I don't see the CF's claw marks in this...but.....

Special note;
Anyone with blue, green or hazel eyes those are also my favorite eye colors too! Bruenett, auburn, blond, honey blond, ash blond, strawberry blond, red.
(Boy am I in trouble)

Thank goodness were all good chicken friends.
O.K. off to feed store!

Lodi, United States

Yes you are--and you don't know how bad it can get on here. Even the gods tremble.

(Zone 7b)

We are women hear us roar!!

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Seth, how did you know that is just what Sheila looks like?!

Clarksburg, MO

I want it stated for the record that I do not, repeat DO NOT own a sundress. LOL


(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)


(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

hey now

(Zone 7b)

Maybe he is the CF!!!

(Zone 7b)

Okay Mr. Wicked Hunky Pool Boy........ What Do I Look Like???

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

Didn't we already go through this? Oh wait, Harmony never shared a pic of herself....

(Zone 7b)

My knowledge is much more attractive than my appearance could ever be.

If harmony had shared a pic then I could have answered her question! LOL......
Pool boy is a little bit of a stretch
Hunk, a hunk of somthing maybe
Wicked, absolutley!
Just wait till I tell Sweets about her helping us all with the garlic issue, (chuckle, chuckle).

(Zone 7b)

Let's let the what harmony looks like go as i said my knowledge is much more attractive than this face could ever be.

When they passed out the looks i was busy tendin to Gods flock.

Lodi, United States

For some reason Seth's perfect woman sounds a lot like the 80's cartoon character "Strawberry Shortcake". Anyone else get that feeling?

Can we talk about chickens please,who's Strawberry Shortcake anyway?
( Is shortcake anything like cheesecake?)
I don't have a perfect woman, no such thing!
Boy am I in trouble. When did I even mention,Oh never mind.

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