Science Or Sneaky? Garlic & Onion Taste Test

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

This is a great thread...

Sheila, you are beautiful!! Who cares what size you are, as long as you are healthy. The people who make your "size" important are NOT important people! Just don't smoke cigarettes so you keep that beautiful face!

You too LazyLadies.. So youthful and beautiful..

L2G you remind me of someone so huggable.. LOL Sweet and delicate looking while tuff as nails..

To visualize is awesome.. I don't know what I'd do if I couldn't "see it" It's part of my comprehension process.. LOL

Foley, MO

Did someone say Patch??? You girls are ABSOLUTELY adorable, and I know adorable!!! Someone has me beat in age, but not in spirit. I'm 30 going on 21 : ) I think I've lost the height contest at a whopping 5'4" : ( I have curly auburn hair and hazel green eyes. I think my best feature is my attitude, but THAT'S my opinion, lol! Shortys can still be HUGE chicken lovers, although I think the duckers are my total faves : ) As far as dirty goes, I run around barefoot even in the winter (I despise shoes, even as a kid). I do run around the chicken and duck and goat pens without shoes, I have never (knock on wood) had anything bad happen to my feet from that yet. Except once when I was preggers with my youngest and I was out in the chicken pen and ended up with ringworm on my foot, LOL! I guess my immunity was down from being pregnant. I'm a total jokester, but still take finance, education, and politics seriously; everything else is up for grabs though! Hey guys, did you hear that Paul Newman died? I'm saddened cause he was a good man. We have lost many comedians and musicians this year. Blah. Anyways, I finally got a new digital (I'm very excited), I'll take a pick of myself and if I can figure out how to get in on here I'll post it. I need to put my roos that I want to get homes for up on here anyways. Maybe Chickenstock will get them placed. Alright, end of hijack : 0 )

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

And by the way, y'all need to go look at the hunky roo chat thread #6 at the bottom where I posted pics of my new roo and his hen. Meatball and spaghetti.

Foley, MO

Great names!!!

(Zone 7b)

SETH! Where are you how goes the project.

Hope we haven't lost you with all this girl talk.

SETH! can you hear me its HARMONY!

Lodi, United States

I just ate a very garlic laced 3 egg omelet. I guess if you wanted to make lemon meringue pie, you wouldn't want garlic flavored eggs--But for just about everything else.

Let us know, Seth.

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

No way Catscan! From feeding them garlic??? That's wild..

Gosh.. I hope I'm not advertising my ignorance again like I did with the Preen thing.. LOL

Lodi, United States

No, it was exogenous garlic:0) But I'm sure it would taste even better with garlic-flavored eggs.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Seth...where is everyone else's lasagne. I'm hungry.

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Okay.. Me hungry too.. Too tired though..

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

Yes, lasagne sounded good. Luckily there was some at a party we were at earlier this afternoon... ummmmmm.... Seth your off the hook for me. :)

Hey everyone!
Big project today, leveled area for goat paddock and barn. With that done now all I can do is wait for barn and fencing.
Enjoyed reading through my thread. I like babies, baby anythings I like em.
If i could figure out how to post pic's they would be pic's of Roo's not this ugly mug!LOL.
OK Girls are eating garlic (minced jar type, packed in water) three times a day mixed in laying crumble. This is easiest way to feed it.
Im giving all brahma eggs to dogs this week, so I can make breakfast on saturday with fridays eggs. Im imagining all the garlic building up in their system getting more and more potent. Make sense?

Clarksburg, MO

Makes sense to me. Has the other half caught on yet??? Or will Saturday's breakfast be the test?


Noooooo! Saturday is big day. If she says nothing then garlic does not flavor the eggs. If she says these eggs taste funny, bad or different then garlic does flavor the eggs.
Need suggestions for breakfast, obviousley nothing spicy.

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

i have a pip!

Clarksburg, MO

how about plain old scrambled eggs and hashbrowns??? With nothing in the eggs but salt and pepper, you should get a definate answer.


Congrats Jordan on your pip!

Plain old scrambled eggs it is, will have to do fruit instead. She's funny about potatoes and good tasting stuff like that. She thinks she's over weight, but she's not. Just a little rounded, she looks good like that. I hate skinny women they look sick!

Ditto! Jordan, happy hatching!

Sticking to feed program, with work in it's easier to feed minced garlic.
Wiil check in when I can.

OK here's my ugly mug! Since we were all sharing pic's of ourselves.
Not the good looking movie star Seth Green. Just ugly old Seth. LOL
As soon as I can get Sweets to get pic's of chickens loaded on pc from camera disk I'll be posting handsome poultry instead. I think I got it now!

Thumbnail by Sethought

OK back to work!
Have a good day everyone!

(Zone 7b)

Hey Seth and thanks for the update on project sweets.

Nice Pic and ugly "where" i don't see ugly and seth green is not goodlooking hes just funny.

Hey can't wait to see those chickens you been talkin about!

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Woo hoo! We got ourselves another hunky guy on the chicken forum! Seth, you look fabulous! Nice beach too! We still haven't seen official photos of Commander Josh, but we have our suspicions.

Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

*sigh* been reading this thread and I think I'm now the senior on this group. My 'baby' is older than LL ! At 5'6" I'm as usual in the middle, neither the shortest nor the tallest in the group. I tend to stay on the thin side but can really pack the pounds on around the holidays ^_^ LOL

Very interested in this onion/garlic experiment! Can't wait to read the final results.


Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Well Molly, if you are the senior, it means you are the wisest, and therefore we all bow before your knowledge and wisdom and give the utmost respect to our elders!

Lodi, United States

I wouldn't be so sure about your senority, Molly.

Hey Moxon, a little respect here too.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Oh Catscan, you teeny-boppers are always looking for more respect....Geesh....


Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

who darest speaketh to a commander in that tone?

Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

LOL Catscan this is one title I would cheerfully yield!


Foley, MO

(Always one to question authority). : )

Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)


(Zone 7b)

Now Ladys you have taken over Seth thread AGAIN..............

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Well Hunk, I mean Seth.. What was the verdict? Did I miss it?

Lodi, United States

We are just chatting among ourselves, keeping the thread current, until Seth returns and reports.

Any news Seth?

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

I don't think his experiment is until this coming Saturday. Let that garlic really soak in. mauh-ha-ha!

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

He's too embarrassed to come back cuz I called him a hunk. ;-)

(Zone 7b)

Seth hows it going

Gate (Rochester), WA(Zone 7b)

OK, ya definitely got me curious. Let us know how breakfast turns out, please. And by the way, you are a HUNK Seth!

Thinking I am with Grow on the height thing. Just barely over 5ft, so call myself 5ft 1in. Middle of the 'pack' on age, thankfully. Will just say - 40something for now.....

Cheryl ~ Pea

Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

It's Saturday morning. Was this D-day for this experiment?


Clarkson, KY

yeah, but I was thinking Pacific Standard Time...why I can't recall...

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

Yep, Norco,. CA... the only reason I'm up at this hour on a Saturday is because I HAVE TO. :-P *bleh*

Clarkson, KY

I hope he hasn't run off and we dont' get to hear the results...

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