Science Or Sneaky? Garlic & Onion Taste Test

Lodi, United States

I'm only 5' 5 and 3/4" inches. Can I still be a chicken head? I wear high heels--all the time.

It's the chicken poo on my shoes when I go to church that worries me--I mean it just seems so...sinful.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Yeah, your turn Grow.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

I wouldn't be too concerned Catscan. I don't go to church - never really have except for a brief stint to check it out before deciding it wasn't up my alley. So if anybody's sinful, it's me! LOL!

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

I knew we had a lot in common! LOL I was the class clown, a wanna be comedian... I still try.. 1/2 the time online I try to joke around and it just flops.. LOL

No way.. curly hair? That's too cool. I didn't mention the blue eyes.. but I kinda imagined it.. really!

My kids call me sasquatch.. My son is 15 and 6'2" skinny as a rail..

Commander, that's a crack up about the chicken poo on the knee.. I was initiated this week.. when I had to go sign in a new resident and I walk up with a huge blob and smear... I'm like.. Oh, I'm a mess..

dying inside.. but I'll get over it.. I can't change clothes every time I crawl around with the babiez!!

(Zone 7b)

Lazy_ladies well i've always picture two sisters who are really close and have retired and are raiseing chickens and haveing fun. They call themselves lazy_ladies because they are retired and can be Lazy.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Catscan, I call you 5'6". Any shoes at all and you're there. So let's forget the 3/4 part, you're 5' 6" now.

Clarkson, KY

I almost made 5'2" on a bet. Lost it. So I'm ornery to compensate. I dreamed about Cats' 5'6" when I was planning on being

Lodi, United States

I call myself 5' 6" too. I wanted to stay 5' and be a jockey--but I couldn't stop growing. Then I wanted to be 5' 6", but I couldn't quite make it. I was, however, always the tallest kid in class until 6th grade.

(Zone 7b)

I have a chicken wardrobe all ratty tees and ratty shorts or pants so i can get as much Pigeon,Dove and chicken sh_t on them as i want oh and get dirty i garden and sometimes i have dirt in my bra when i go take a shower. I can't count the times i came in the house and found hay or chicken feed in my pockets. I actually went to the grocery store and reached in my coat pocket to pay and pulled out and egg LOL
So whos the dirty girl now!

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

I'm still the tallest kid in class.. geez I never refer to "when I was little" cause I don't think I ever was.. LOL
My mom is 5'4" She was 45 when she had me.. She was the oldest and I was the biggest.. (in the hosp)

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

LOL at the egg in the grocery store....did they think you were shoplifting an egg? ROTFL.... I suffer from the dirt/hay/seeds/grass in the bra all the time. It's like "How did that get in there?"

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

An egg in your pocket.. that is priceless!!!!!!

(Zone 7b)

Okay Grownut lets hear about you..............

(Zone 7b)

Well ladys it's 12:08 and i promised my son i would get up early and help him build a Dove pen.
He's doing it for a FFA project at school.
So gonna hit the hay

Good Night Keep all them bittys and eggs warm {{{{HUGS}}} **Harmony**

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

ROTFL! I had to restrain myself while you all were concluding there were a bunch of chicken lovers that are 5'10". Because that's how tall I am - no kidding!

I WISH I was retired, unfortunately I've got another 25 years to go... I'm guessing I may be the baby of the group (or at least those that are disclosing their ages); I'm 29. :~)

I can definitely be 'lazy', but the alias was a tribute to my two lazy ladies that are currently snoozing in their hen house.

So 5'10", brown hair, can clean up OK, but that's all in the eye of the beholder. :-)

Lets see if I can find a picture....

Thumbnail by Lazy_Ladies

Excuse me? Feel like I just steped into the powder room! LOL
Want to say, You ladys are so warm to one another, what a special group you are!
Im sure you have all been asleep for some time, here is what was on the menue today.
Hens loved the lassagna! They were grabbing big chunks and running way out the end of the paddock,chasing each other all over!
That was a real treat for me.
Closed them in at 5;30 with1/4 c minced garlic and 2 c laying crumble.
Thinking I will just mix minced garlic !/4 c in2c laying crumble in the morning.
Goodnight All

This message was edited Sep 27, 2008 2:19 AM

Clarksburg, MO

Okay if we are telling all. I have been striving to reach 6' 8" so that I would be in my ideal weight range. Have about a foot to go or about 70 pounds to lose. I am looking forward to the "life starts at forty" as I am 37.


P.S. Only pics I disclose are head shots until I reach 6' 8".

Thumbnail by knslwilliams

Yes! thats it! pantaloons!Thanks L. Z. L. ever since harmony mentioned P.J.'s, I've been trying to remember the name of those old fshioned lacy things women wore back then.
Thats what I think of when my girls are pecking around on the lawn, bustles and pantaloons. Fussy, well dressed ladies at a garden tea party.

This message was edited Sep 27, 2008 2:35 AM

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

to funny girls and seth, just how I pictured all of you. I figured LL the youngest of us.

I am interested in how you see me.

Gao, Mali

The CF knows what Tia looks like AND how she acts... CF loves you!

Now about reaching 6'8" Sheila, do you have a plan?

CF envies all you 5'10" lovely ladies with dark brown hair and blue eyes.

The CF is 10'5" with long flowing white hair that resembles slightly frizzled silkie feathers. Eyes like a crystal lake. Because of my fairy genes, pictures just don't take. Many people cannot even see me when I stand in front of them and jump up and down! Eventually CF lands on their toes and that gets an immediate response.

If CF could wear pants she would wear bloomers, named after the female rights activist who made them famous by wearing them in public.

(Zone 7b)

Luvs2garden I see a lady working in a Beautiful Big Flower Garden (one i would envy).

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

Well close I only have one left for now. Once I get all the birds put up then I will have more.

(Zone 7b)

"Beautiful" Bright Smileing Face Sheila!

Yea i been trying to lose weight for 20 years but it always seems to out run me!
I gave up when i got 45 tired of starvin and worrin to please somebodys image of what i should be i said you just going to have to except me as I'am.

"Lazy" Beautiful picture of a pretty girl on the beach.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Lazy_Ladies - great pic! I envy your top - it's very snazzy. You look maaahvellous!

Sheila - another great pic! Now I know who to look for at Jacob's Cave! You have perfect teeth too - where'd you get those? Love the sunglasses, very fun!

Chicken Fairy - thanks for the description - now I know what to look out for!

Seth - you have to post a pic of yourself...

Still waiting to hear from Grownut.

Tia - I am not good at picturing people, and anyway it doesn't matter what we look like as long as we love our chickies, but I think you have short hair and great taste in shoes.

I think Patchouli is young too - not sure how she and L_L stack up in terms of age.

(Zone 7b)

Everbody is asking me what i see is this strange that i envision what i read,type or hear.

I still see Seth Green sitting at a desk in front of a computer proped on his hand with a pondering
look on his face.

Glad i was right on somethings would never want to offend.

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

Nope Claire not short hair and yes I just love my choice of shoes. Took a pic for ya. Hope you like my style.

Thumbnail by luvs2garden2000
Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Excellent shoe choice - comfort, style, sensibility, fun, all wrapped into one shoe.

Sorry I was wrong on the hair length. I'm bad on visualizing.

Harmony - probably not strange to visualize like that - it's just not something I do. Probably because I am not good at it! As I just proved! LOL!

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

here is me and a few of my family,
From left to right
My sister my niece and grandson my oldest daughter me my hubby and my sister in law.

I usually always wear my hair up I think that day it was french braided. That was my grandson 5th birthday party.

Thumbnail by luvs2garden2000
(Zone 7b)

A powder room hummm haven't heard that in awhile i was thinkin more of a Hen Party with Refreshments of course.

(Zone 7b)

Luvs thats a good picture i love family sadly all mine have gone on and theres just me.
My son isn't old enough to give me grandkids YET but i gotem ordered (hes been told i want 3)

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Great picture Tia! Now I can picture you typing away... You are one of the lucky ones among us who doesn't have to worry about her weight - how do you do it?! I wish I had your genetics!

Harmonyplace - I sure hope you get your grandchildren and you should be very glad that you are not my mom, because I'm an only child and my mom is never going to get grandchildren because I'm not interested in having kids. I always feel bad about that, but you can't have kids just to give your parents a grandchild, so I just can't do it. I wish I would want one, but I can't even stand the thought. Ah well, some things are just not meant to be.

Gao, Mali

Tia is so thin because the CF works her to the bone.

(Zone 7b)

It's okay claire i don't enjoy newborn babys they just seem to sleep, scream and poo and scream more than anything. I was so glad when mine got over that phase i think the perfect baby gift would be earplugs, and a on call babysitter.
When i go shopping and see a new mom with an infant SCREAMING i think glad it's not me and head the other way.

My son has said he wants children but if he decides not to thats okay too.

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

You're still welcome in this hen party -- sorry to have taken over your thread! I can't take credit for the pantaloons, Jordankitty said it first, its just DEAD ON. :)

I can't wait to hear what you find out with the garlic test. I LOVE garlic! So if it turns out to be garlic flavored eggs, I'm doing it too. My girls aren't laying yet, although I think Anya may be the closest of them all. She's squatting when I pet her now ... didn't I read something about that being a sign?

Beautiful picture and smile! I know the feeling on losing weight. Hmmm, I'd never thought of just saying I was trying to reach my maximum height! Love it! Just can't seem to shed the baby fat and my youngest is 3! Oh well, there's always 30 for that! ;-)

My uncertainties and/or writing style gave me away, huh? That's OK, I'm used to being the baby of the group. I'm an only child and have been accused of being more in my element with those a bit older than me than that of my peers. ha!

Thanks! I love that top, too! It hides the tummy, well. ;) hehe I agree. I picture Patchouli to be younger as well, but I'm basing that on the name and nothing else.

No offense on this end. I do the same thing. One of my first jobs out of college, I was in charge of all the hiring, it was always interesting to match up what I had envisioned when first speaking with them over the phone to what I met in the in-person interview. I also do it with books and I'll be terribly disappointed when it turns into a movie... Lord of the Rings is a very good example. I read it numerous times as a teenager, loved it, and had my own images... none of which matched the movie AT ALL! :)

(Zone 7b)

LL I always envision everthing my DH is amazed when i build a new pen and he says it's perfect and you didn't even plan it out and i say i saw it before i built it.
It can be very annoying in conversations because my mind is trying to see what the other person is saying and i can get lost looking at the conversation.

I've been told i'm very articulate in my discriptions of things but my mind is in control and when i tell someone how to do something i'm seeing it as i tell it.

Lodi, United States

Hey, I'm an only child too!

I liked my babies as newborns--they reminded me of newborn puppies. And I like puppies. They didn't scream....I had it soooooo easy.

I don't have a picture of myself....I hate having pictures taken. I do have brown hair...but green eyes.

Having trouble finding a phenotypical marker for chicken addiction in all this.

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

That's the way my back yard is. It was a rental before we bought it... so it needs quite a bit of work. When I give people a tour, I tell them all that its going to be not what it is... I have a complete vision of what it'll be. :)

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

That's the way I am with my backyard. The house was a rental before we bought it... so it needs quite a bit of work. When I give people a tour of the yard, I tell them all that its going to be not what it is... I have a complete vision of what it'll be. :)

(Zone 7b)

I like to leave them guessing what i look like i hate haveing my picture took too.

I love kids i worked at a nursery for a few years in the toddler room I think Their cool all wobbly and grinin with cookie on their face just wanta squeeze them.

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

I much prefer children under 2 when they are still snuggling and smiley and DON'T sass or talk back! ;-)

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