This years Sizzles!!!

crossville, TN(Zone 7a)

Where can I get a couple of these darlings? My kids are in love!


Cave Creek, AZ

tmbolin - the reason for my earlier comment about feeling all alone out here is Sizzle land is because I only know of two other people breeding Sizzles, both somewhere on the east cost. I lost track of them when my computer died and I lost my mailing lists. Lots of folks seem to have heard about them but, not many, or so it would appear from here, are breeding them. I won't be letting any of my breeding stock go for several more generations, but, I get some that I won't breed back to, like the one with the red in his feathers, that have to find new homes. Unfortunetly, I've already culled this generation down to the ones I want to keep but, we're just starting our breeding season here so...there will be some more coming around in a few months. I have the space to do the shotgun approach for another generation or two. Breed everything and keep the best then, repeat. So far, I'm learning alot and they keep getting better each generation.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

I'm hopefully going to try breeding a few once my silkies grow up... I will cross them to my red frizzle roo. :-)

Cave Creek, AZ

Hey Suze, knew you were out here somewhere. Nice to "meet" some one so close.

Cave Creek is between Scottsdale and Anthem and one of the fastest growing areas in the valley. Good for land prices, not so good for the neighborhood. I can't believe how much it's built up in just the three years since I bought my place! At least the town counsel is pretty set on maintaining the "old west" feel for the town, in spite of all the multi million dollar building going on all around us!

Can you remember where you found the info on the frizzles? It doesn't match my info or my experience. I haven't had the genetic testing done yet but, I'm getting heavier coats with better curl breeding back to my smooths from my crosses then from out crossing to known non gene carriers. I assumed this supported my understanding that the smooths could carry the gene for frizzled also. I've waited to get the testing done till my lines were more stable. Curiouser & curiouser!!!! I love that there is always more to learn!
Good to hear from you.

Say, can you suggest where to sell nice birds? Is there a local group, classifieds, website, meet?? any kind of "gathering place" in the valley for poultry folks???

Cave Creek, AZ

CMoxon ....YEAH!!!!! A CONVERT!!! I wish you the best of luck with them and please stay in touch and let me know how it goes for you. Always gathering information on my favorite "Muppets" and if there is any way I can help, please feel free to ask!


It's an evil plot Pinky...we're going to take over the world!!!!

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

My silkies are still in their eggs right now, so I don't even know what colors I will have. I have one white one that is a week old. More due to hatch (and more frizzles) starting Oct 6. Yay!

crossville, TN(Zone 7a)

what about frizzles? are they easier to find?

Lincoln, CA

Hi All, I'm new here & found this thread while googling chicken color genetics. Couldn't resist replying about the sizzles since I'm into them too, & boy do I have some questions!
I'm so excited I can hardly type! Anyway, my grandson & I raise show silkies but someone gave him a frizzle so we did a cross breeding just for fun. The babies were adorable & one of the hens took reserve champion at county fair, so we were HOOKED. We are now into our 3rd generation & getting some adorable birds with even better foot-feathering than we have on our pure show silkies. None of our birds are quite as cute as Boop, but her picture definitely gives us something to strive for!

Anyway, I would love to ask questions & share results with anyone else doing Sizzles. I've searched the internet & genetic info is either non-existent or so far over my head that it might as well be written in martian.

I won't bug everyone with a bunch of questions right now but I do have one that I would like to have answered. About the Frilkies. Sarah, your post said that they are silky feathered & frizzled, but your pic looks just like nice regular silkies to me. I don't see any sign of frizzling. Another breeder said she thought frizzled silkie feathers were ugly so I'd really like to see some. So far, in all 3 generations, we haven't gotten a single silkie feathered frizzle so could someone please send me a picture?

I'm trying a pic of one of our 1st gen Sizzles but I haven't read instructions so it probably won't work.

One last thing, the Frizzle bug has bitten us bad, so we've started trying to frizzle other breeds. We have a frizzle Polish that looks just like Big Bird, except she's white, & another with a "do" that you'd have to see to believe. Hmmm. I wonder what a Frizzle/Polish/Silkie cross would look like? Next year we are going to try some frizzled Sultans & frizzled D'Uccles. Oh my. I think this is really getting out of hand. Instead of Country Ranch, we may have to start calling ourselves the Frizzle Farm.

Thumbnail by countryranch
Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Welcome Sheri! So much fun to have a new chicken lover join us! There are two chicken lovers (ZZsBabies and Catscan) in Lodi, CA. They will no doubt be around to welcome you soon. I am just starting out into sizzles as you saw from my post, but look forward to learning from your experiences and from SarahSizzles too!

So pleased to have a new chicken chat member!
p.s. LOVE the pic of your bird. Fabulous!

Newton, AL

very cute country ranch.
Love the colors. I have black, white and red.

no mixed. I think I will give it a go next time to see what I get.

Thumbnail by InnBetween
Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Hello and Welcome Sheri countryranch!

I'm one of the chicken heads in Lodi.. The newbie. Your pic is darling!

Lincoln, CA

Thank you all for the welcome. InnBetween, your frizzle is beautiful. Is she a frizzle cochin or a sizzle. Sometimes it's really hard to tell without counting the number of toes.

I read that you can frizzle any breed & they can be shown as long as they have all the right characteristics of the breed they were crossed with. Does anyone know if this is true? We were kind of going on that info when we started trying to frizzle other breeds. Our grandson really likes showing the birds so there is no sense raising something that can't be shown - except that they are usually so cute, it's hard to sell them.

For example, here is Little Bird, Big Birds little sister. She is one of our successes (at least we think she is).

Thumbnail by countryranch
Clarkson, KY

Tooo cute! And welcome!

Newton, AL

country ranch, she's a frizzle cochin. they are my yard birds. I have about 175 standards in my laying flock and 5 little girls 2 frizles and 3 partridge cocins that run around in the yard as pets. They are really special.

Lincoln, CA

I meant to post this right after the pic of Little Bird, but had a horse emergency & just now getting back to the forum.

Here is one of our failures - Rock Star. She is another frizzle polish but the crest is all wrong plus she has some feathers on her feet, which is a no-no. However, she is so cute & different, how can we possibly give her up? If we run out of money for chicken feed, guess we'll just all starve together.

InnBetween, I have to agree with you about your frizzles & cochins being special. Along with Silkies, those are my 2 favorite breeds. Mainly for their great personalities, but the cuteness quotient helps too.


Thumbnail by countryranch
Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Oh wow, I love Rock Star! She's fab!! A diva chicken if ever there was one! I wouldn't call her a failure (but I do understand your criteria). Glad you kept her!

Dunnellon, FL(Zone 9a)

That's so weird that Rock Star is "ALL WRONG" when she looks like she just stepped off of the CHANEL runway!

Cave Creek, AZ

Hey CR..Welcome & Yeah!!! Another Sizzle fan!! Really interesting colors! I can barely keep up with what I've got, I can't imagine taking on Frizzling even more varieties, you go girl!

You know, you might try crossing your Rock Star with a Silkie. I have heard of folks taking that rout to Sizzles. Since she already has the tendency to feathered feet, you are one step closer to creating Sizzles. I considered bring a Frizzled Polish into my lines to improve my topknots and after seeing yours, I may rethink that idea. Better yet, if you cross her, let me know what you get! We might just have some swapin ta consider!!! Especially if she is a blue splash like she appears in the pic.

I will try (one more time) to get a picture of a Frilkie coat on here so you can get a better idea. If they were my main interest I'd spend more time on breeding them. For me at this time, they are just a fun bonus from the Sizzle development.

It's so very nice to hear from you!

Thumbnail by sarahssizzles
Lincoln, CA

Wish I had found this forum before our grandson came up with the name Rock Star. I love Chanel & Diva as names. Hmm, maybe those will fit some of her daughters. Thanks for the kind comments.

Sarah, thanks for the latest picture. I can tell that, cute as she is, she isn't frizzled nearly as nicely as the Sizzles. Have you thought of breeding her back to one of your smooth Sizzles? Come on, pretty please! I'd love to see the result.

I like your suggestion about breeding RS back to a Silkie. My 3rd gen Sizzles have nice frizzling but could definitely use more crest. This really surprised me as our show Silkies all have such huge crests & beards that I have to keep giving hairs cuts so they can see to eat & drink. I was going to breed the Sizzles back to a nice Silkie roo & try to improve crest that way, but your idea has great possibilities so maybe I can try both. I have a couple of nice smooth Sizzles that might make a nice match to RS. I'll be glad to let you know what I get with each cross, & if we can do some swapping, so much the better.

When I get a chance, I'll try to take some pics of our 3rd gen. Sizzles & post them on the forum. All comments, suggestions, & criticisms are welcome. The more I learn, the more I realize how little I know. We have a ways to go to catch up with Sarah, but I love the "surprise" aspect of these cross breedings. Never know what is going to pop out of that shell. My biggest problem is wanting to keep all of them.

Here is a good chance for a couple of my questions. Does anyone know if the Sizzles can be shown in the Silkie breed class as long as they have all the other correct Silkie characteristics? Or will they be disqualified because of the hard feathering? If so, is there any chance of getting the Sizzle recognized as a breed?

That brings up some color questions too. The blk lace 1st gen Sizzle hen I posted above actually has a teensy of silver lace Polish in her. She has all Silkie traits but the blk lace color kept her out of a Silkie class so she was only eligible for the Utility Div. where she took her reserve champion featherfoot bantam. Go figure. I think a laced Silkie or Sizzle would be awesome. So, my question is, what does it take for the poultry/silkie standard to recognize a new color?

I sure do wish they had a class for mixed breeds where the birds would be judged on the "cuteness factor." We're going to try & get this type of class added to our county fair for the 4H'rs. We're thinking of calling it "Designer Chickens" or "Feathered Yard Art" or ..... The fair board seems very receptive so we're keeping our fingers crossed.


Cave Creek, AZ

Hey CR!

Breeding silkie coats back to hard coats and vise versa has been my strategy for these three generations. What ever the one doesn’t have, I breed to one who does have. Silkie feathered to hard, smooth to curly, good feet to good topknot. It’s completely mix & match. I keep the best and do it again. My thinking is that I am strengthening the characteristics that I’m after. I am new to chickens but, I raised & showed dogs for a lot of years. You get to see the results from chickens a LOT faster!!!

Actually I suggested breeding RS back to a Silkie to strengthen the 5 toes & feathered feet but, heck, try both and see what you get! I’m very interested in knowing so please…stay in touch!! I really like the idea of some swaping!

I love the surprise aspect too, which is a good thing because, I do this for relaxation from a very high stress job. I’m sorry I can’t answer any of your questions about showing as I don’t know anything about showing poultry. Hopefully some of our other folks who do show can answer those questions. My interest is entirely in the development of a new breed. My only interest in showing is in the standards and how to apply them to what I’m doing. I walk out to my chicken pens & laugh at their antics & squabbles, take pride in their progress and satisfaction in the development of a new breed. I find that rewarding & relaxing and anything that adds stress or makes a job out of it just isn’t right for me at this stage. Maybe, somewhere down the road that will change and I’ll want to do more but, not right now. Right now, this is enough and I leave the “fight” to get Sizzles ..and other new breeds recognized to you all! I'll enjoy watching your progress too!!!!

Please keep the pics coming & please stay in touch personally. Send me a Dmail & Ill send you my home email address. I'd like to stay in touch. The very best of luck!

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

RockStar is absolutely darling! Wow! Your in CA???? How awesome is that!!!!
This is so exciting..

Dunnellon, FL(Zone 9a)

I WANT SOME, I WANT SOME! I'm in FLORIDA...anyone close enough to ship eggs, or sell any for me to pick up?
Please! I've been looking for these little dudes.

Cave Creek, AZ

Sorry Music….I'm not sure I'm ready to “sell” anything yet, even eggs. I don't think I'm breeding true enough. Out of 200 plus chicks this last year I only got a dozen Sizzles I like and a couple of dozen of the other two variations that I'm keeping to breed back to. We just aren't stable enough and I haven't even begun to tweek for the small stuff yet. Actually, that's why I’m so excited to find someone/anyone else breeding. Eventually I'm going to have to widen my gene pool with some outside stock and I think bringing in successful crosses will be better then breeding back to pure foundation stock. SO…for purely selfish reasons…..I would love to see more people doing the crossing for Sizzles so we can expand our genetic possibilities!!


Dunnellon, FL(Zone 9a)

No problem...anyone else willing to part so that I can cull, I am ready and willing!

kent, WA

those are so cool !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)

Cave Creek, AZ

Dear Music......I was hinting to you that you might consider starting your own line of Sizzles. All it takes is one roo, Silkie or Frizzle ( I used Cochin but others have started with Polish) and 2 -3 hens of the other type. I got my really nice blue Sizzle hen from my first generation cross. If you start your own line...or anyone else whose interested...we will have a bigger genetic pool to go to as eventually we will all have to breed outside our own lines. As it's all I'm doing and I have some space, I have been using the "shotgun" approach but, smaller works too! Please consider giving it a try and let me know if I can be of any assistance!!!
Best of Luck!

Thumbnail by sarahssizzles
Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

I have my handsome cochin frizzle roo. Now if my 3 day old silkies would just hurry up and grow, I'd be right there with you! Maybe by spring?

Cave Creek, AZ there I might be able to help. I actually have more silkie feathered Sizzles then I need but didn't want to waste the genetics and just "get rid" of them. I might could send you a couple if you wanted to cover the postage and agreed to keep in touch with your results. I do only raise blues, blacks & splashes. What color is your Roo? Oh yeah, red isn't he. Not something I'll be breeding back to as I've done a lot to get red out of my breeding but, black hens might work for you. Let me know if your interested!

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

I would definitely be interested Sarah! I am sure that I will have at least one roo out of my frizzle hatch last week that is not red. Most of them seem to be black and grey in chick fluff colors. I wonder what the shipping would be? Of course I would keep in touch with results and also send you eggs or chicks if you wanted once I get something without red in it!

Rankin, IL(Zone 5a)

hey, watching a partnership in the making!

With all those animals you have claire, I now have to make a trip up there!

Keep your eyes open for a pygora.. on my list for spring!

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Fran, that is the most amusing timing! I only learned of the existence of pygoras yesterday, and now we are looking into it! Too funny!!

Rankin, IL(Zone 5a)

well watch out... dd has a business trip to iowa next tuesday.. lol... pygoras.. for all!!!
do you think the car rental co. would mind a goat in their car?

Dunnellon, FL(Zone 9a)

Sarah Siz...
I am 1 step ahead of you. I am picking up a Frizzle and a Cochin baby from Gainesville, FL this weekend. Only 2 birds, but also have a few silkies on the way. I also have a friend, who's Seramas through a SILKIE! He doesn't want any Silkies in his flock, sooooooo... (I think you know what I'm getting at)
Going to try a silkie serama hen w/ a frizzle roo...hmmmmmmm...I'm starting to sound like Dr. Frankenstein, now.
YOU CAN BET YOUR BOTTOM DOLLAR, I WILL BE PM'ING, IM'ING AND EVERYTHING IN BETWEEN, with questions, pics and info for you sarasiz!

Countryranch....I LOVE THIS BIRD, but could not tell which one it was from your message. WHO/WHAT is it. I'm in love.
I stole the pic, but only to attach it back...


Thumbnail by musicnotes
Cave Creek, AZ

Yeah Clair! Its starting to get cool enough here that we can ship again. I'm in Cave Creek, AZ 85331 so you can check out shipping costs. I think the box is around $15 and will hold 3 - 4 small hens. I'll check into that part.

Congrats on your Frizzle babies. Gray could turn out to be blues, that's how mine start. WooHoo!!! More Sizzles!!!

Music...Yeah for you too!!! Another Mad Scientist in the making!!! Hey, that might make a good name...Mad Scientist Sizzles!!! We'll have to start a web site!!!

Glad to offer any help I can and I'm really looking forward to seeing what you ladies produce!!!


Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

If I could have roos I'd be begging you for that rockstar that you posted a pic of on Sept 28th.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Definitely check into it Sarah! I am all over that!

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

sarah,is it true i shouldn't breed frizzle to frizzle? i wanted to breed rickie and lucy

Thumbnail by jordankittyjo
Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Yes, Jordan, it is very true that you should NOT breed frizzles to each other.

Here is a quote from an article by the National Frizzle Club of America.

"Thus, the reason for not breeding Frizzle to Frizzle: It causes the bird to have less feather follicles and thus will cause the bird to come out with a dozen feathers and be bald over the body and intolerant of the sun or the cold weather."

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

thanks claire. can i breed them with my cochins?

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Yes, I believe you can. Frizzle to smooth feathered cochin. Should make a nice clutch!

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