This years Sizzles!!!

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

good! lucy is almost breeding age. looks like waly will have another woman

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

that explains my nakked frizzles. I thought it was some pecking going on. My frizzles come from Ideal. So are they no good to breed with now? They carry double frizzle gene now?

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

wally will be happy!!!!!

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Hmmm...hoping Sarah shows up soon, but my guess is you had a double frizzle gene bird, you could still breed with a smooth because then each parent would give part of the genetics of the offspring and you would get the dominant frizzle gene from the double frizzle bird, and the smooth bird would give a regular gene, and then you would get a normal frizzle bird.

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

that is good to know. I was thinking of selling them but may go ahead and keep them now. There are alot of people around here that want the "pretty" birds.

I so want to breed them to a polish. I think they are just to cute.

Ok If I want a blue featherd bird, does the blue come from the male or the female or it does not matter?

Cave Creek, AZ

Sorry folks, crazy work week!!! Just took a break for breakfast & to check this. If anyone needs to reach me asap, please send a dmail. I at least ck my mail every day.

If I understand the genetics correctly ( and there is still a lot for me to learn) I "think" you can bred your double gene frizzle back to a smooth bird with good results. Just be sure that your smooth isn't carrying a frizzle gene! I bought a batch of 25 frizzle chicks from a company and I think they were curly to curly breeding because all of them were poorly feathered. I think some companies will breed that way because they get a higher percentage of curlies ...they just aren't good curlies! Most of them were also too small and I got 23 roosters out of 25 chicks! A frustrating experience!

There are a few folks breeding for Sizzles by crossing Silkies to Frizzled Polish. I've been thinking about bringing Polish into my lines to improve my topknots (chicken people call them crests don't they. Can you tell I raised dogs!)

Can anyone else answer the question about the blue genetics?? I have been trying to get time to study that more..with little luck. So much to little time!!!!~

I've been toying with the idea of starting a Sizzle webpage/ we all don't have enough mail to go thru. Anyone else interested in the idea?
Does anyone else know of any other sites that pertain to Sizzles specifically and Frizzled information would be good too. I am really fairly new to this and because of my work schedule, don't get to do enough research. I'm thinking, pooling our resources would be a good idea. Also, as I've stated, eventually we will all need to do some outcrossing from our own lines to expand our genetic pool and to have a contact place for other funky muppet bird fanciers could be a big help!
Thoughts please?


(Zone 7b)

A man who breeds blue old english put's a black roo with a blue splash hen and he has some pretty blue birds

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Wow Harmony, I think we get the point! LOL!!! (I am sure this is a result of some weird computer glitch, I'm just razzin' ya!)

Dunnellon, FL(Zone 9a)


I got a cochin Silkie (gray or blue?) and a frizzle (black) over the weekend from Kellly in Gainesville. She also had an extra pure white silkie (5 weeks old). Of course, this was ALL before I found out my little Serama flock had pox.

Here they are, pictured in the brooder w/ my little 6 day old (4 days at the time) Serama baby. They get along great...except that RUSSIA (that is the white silkie's name) THINKS that they are HER babies. My goodness, I knew the silkies were motherly, but as I told Kelly, I HAD NO IDEA they were THIS maternal!

Whaddya think? I think I'm on my way to SIZZLE Land :)


Thumbnail by musicnotes
Dunnellon, FL(Zone 9a)

LoL...nah, she just wants to be the center of attention...just kidding. Good to get a laugh in w/ all that's going on :)

(Zone 7b)

I really apoligize for that i posted on the question and went outside i had no idea it did that.

Could someone tell what i did wrong and i will fix it??

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

I very much doubt it was anything you did. Probably a server glitch. It was just funny, don't give it a second thought!

(Zone 7b)

Could have been one of the times i'm screamin at this piece of junk and hittin the send button Screamin SEND STUPID SEND fast internet yea right! LOL

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

ROTFL....time for a nice little sit-down with a warm mug of tea and a foot rub.

(Zone 7b)

Well time to go do the evening meds at Chickenville clinic i will try and be back on later.

Cave Creek, AZ

Oh Music...too cute!!! Sizzle land here you come!!! Looks like a blue & blk, I'll cross my fingers for you. (I'm kind of partial to the blues.) Is it a Cochin Silkie cross? Now if it was a frizzled cochin/'d have your first Sizzle!!! congrats!

Harmony...I've go to go back and look this up. If I remember right (someone who knows please help here) Black to splash could produce blue ...if the black has the blue gene. It could also produce blue splash part of the time(?). Blue to splash should produce abut 50/50. Splash to splash should produce splash, but eventually you start getting poor markings so you breed back to blue. There is a red gene in there somewhere, the black I think. Really got to go look this up, sorry!


Cave Creek, AZ

I'm repeating this to see if there is any interest.

I've been toying with the idea of starting a Sizzle webpage/ we all don't have enough mail to go thru. Anyone else interested in the idea?
Does anyone else know of any other sites that pertain to Sizzles specifically and Frizzled information would be good too. I am really fairly new to this and because of my work schedule, don't get to do enough research. I'm thinking, pooling our resources would be a good idea. Also, as I've stated, eventually we will all need to do some outcrossing from our own lines to expand our genetic pool and to have a contact place for other funky muppet bird fanciers could be a big help!
Thoughts please?

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

I'm new to it and not ready for breeding yet but would be interested as a lurker for the time being. I'd be good at collecting links about frizzles and sizzles though!

Rankin, IL(Zone 5a)

I too would love to lurk and learn about the genetics as they happen..
the sense and makes-no-sense of them

Cave Creek, AZ

Hey Everyone...I have some good news & some not so good news! I HAD 9 Silkie feathered Sizzle hens ...until two of them started crowing this morning!!!! Now I fear I don't have any "extras" I consider good enough to give to someone for their breeding program. I'm SO sorry!! The good news is, the girls have finally started laying again and I've separated my groups & put the roos back in with the girls a month or two we will be starting to incubate again. I'm hoping for some nice birds this generation & hopefully more of what I'm after so I can share!

I'm so sorry I just don't have enough to spare yet… except....... I think I have a nice black smooth Sizzle roo who is going to be an extra. He has 5 toes with nice foot feathers, blue skin and a Silkie comb in the right color. His crest is small but that can be improved and he is a third generation. I don't want to loose his genetics so...if someone is interested, I would really love to place him with a Sizzle enthusiast. He’ll cost you shipping and perhaps some kids back down the road. Let me know!


Marceline, MO

countryranch, your frizzle looks like liberacci! LOL

Cave Creek, AZ

In case you all haven't heard, I started a list for Sizzle fans. It's for the sharing of information, meeting of other fans & possable selling &/or swaping birds , all for the improvment and growth of our favorite little "muppets" Please come join the list if your interested in Sizzles, add to the photo section pics of your birds and to the file section if you have any info that you want to share. By all means, spread the word about the list. The more people interested in bettering the breed the better! Hope to see you there!


Tempe, AZ(Zone 9a)

Okay, somehow I missed a bunch of these posts. I'm good at the genetics, no experience with frizzle, so this is "book" knowledge..

The best beginning chicken genetics website it at It explains necessary terminology, and uses as little jargon as possible. The gene tables are very useful and frequently updated. Chicken genetics are highly researched.

The frizzle gene is dominant--based upon that gene alone, if a bird has it, it should show. However, there is a frizzle modifying gene that reduces frizzling. A heterozygous frizzled bird (one copy of the frizzling gene) will be almost as if not frizzled. A homozygous frizzled bird (two copies of the gene, a curlie) will appear similar to a heterozygous bird without the modifier. There are other health issues with the frizzle gene, I don't recall if the modifier affects these as well--I'd have to look that up.

A fairly recent change to the APA and ABA Standards has frizzles showing in their breed rather than as a unique group. I honestly don't know whether sizzles would be shown as a silkie or as something separate--one of the inherent problems of not having a specified standard. The frilkies, as Sarah calls them, obviously would be shown as silkies. As for sizzles? I think that is a question that needs to be asked to the show secretary and/or judges prior to judging.

Getting a new variety of a recognised breed is straightforward, if not necessarily easy: 5 years, 5 breeders, a large number of birds (don't recall the number) at a qualifying show. Not sure about getting a new breed recognised. I know with showgirls they have toyed with both new breed and new variety, but pretty much seem to focus on new variety as it seems necessary to breed back to silkie.

The usefulness of a frizzle roo versus a hen is that since frizzle is domiant, he can create more frizzled offspring than she can. One hen, one egg (hopefully fertilized) per day. One roo, ?? fertilized eggs per day.

Cave Creek, AZ

Hey Suze;

Would you please reprint this on the Sizzle list also!

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