Heidi Chronicles: The Kids Grow Up So Fast

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

This is the ongoing story of Heidi and friends, raccoons and the occasional opossum that frequent my backyard buffet. The kits are growing up so fast now. Summer is almost over. Before we know it these guys will be yearling and we will be waiting for a new batch in spring.

The prior thread: http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/896826/
The original thread, the one that started it all: http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/603944

The photo below is of one of the 08 kits. I believe this is Timba, but to be honest, I'm not entirely sure. With such a staggering number of kits this year, all growing and changing in leaps and bounds, it is difficult to keep track of who is who unless I see them with their moms or sibling groups.

Thumbnail by DreamOfSpring
Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

cute as a button... as usual.

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

As I stated earlier, to night was pretty much a bust. I even took out the strawberry fluff and served it on graham crackers. Everybody had it all over them. They seemed to enjoy it though not as much as frosting and cool whip - surprisingly.

The big news of the night came when all that 'mewing' and I've been hearing night after night from the forest finally yielded forth 2 little black kits, Dennis' two, still surprisingly small. In the end I had to conclude that Dennis is not really cut out for this motherhood thing. She had been in the yard for a while when one tiny kit, still so small it had to stretch to walk on top of the pointy fence, finally made showed its self. As the kit walked up and down the fence bewildered and crying for its mom, Dennis paid no attention at all, never even bothered to look up. One of the other adults picked a shouting match with the little tyke up on the fence while leaving. The little guy looked terrified and still quite ungainly up there on the fence. Still no reaction from Dennis. I was even starting to question my ID of the kit as hers despite the fact that, like her, and like the kits I'd seen her with that night so long ago, the one atop the fence was as dark as night.

Finally, the adult got around the kit on the fence and left. Then another kit joined the 1st one. The wandered around up there crying out and huddling together. I called and called to them and threw peanuts and fluff covered graham crackers up against the fence to try and coax them down. After a few failed, half-hearted and aborted attempts, one finally waddled down the fence post and grabbed a chicken thigh I had tossed back there mostly for Snowball and Puddle and Co. The little fella seemed most pleased with his find, however, and even though it was almost as big as he was, tried to drag it back up the fence. Naturally, that didn't work out. In the end, he stayed down on the slope gnawing on the chicken and was quickly joined by the other sibbling. I tossed some cat food up there on the slope along with the chicken, peanuts, and cookies. It was at that point that Dennis finally looked up from her dinner to survey the situation, but still she did not go to them. Maybe 15 or 20 minutes later Dennis finally meandered up there to join them.

For the bond we shared, Dennis will forever hold a special place in my heart, but I don't think she's got the motherhood gene. Still, it is amazing to see that somehow the little tykes have managed to survive inspite of how the deck seems stacked against them. For a very long time now, they have been but a voice crying out in the darkness, and at times I had begun to doubt their continued existance, but they have muddled through somehow.

Both of them look just like their mom. Here is a pic (very distant shot in the dark) of the 1st kit being accosted by the adult on the fence.

Thumbnail by DreamOfSpring
Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

Thanks, Terese

The kits really are all just adorable - and all seem to have big noses when photographed in this position.

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

The 2 kits on the fence. Notice how (even now) there legs are barely long enough for them to clear the top of the fence.

Thumbnail by DreamOfSpring
Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)


Thumbnail by DreamOfSpring
Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

Here is one of the kits when he 1st came down (middle one. the one far back by fence is not one of Dennis' kits). The one in the foreground is one of the many golden or near golden kits HRH left us with this year.

Thumbnail by DreamOfSpring
Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

poor lil babies. Hopefully they both will survive .... you've certainly had your share of ones to make it thru when you didnt think they would ... due to bad parentage or other things. Hopefully this will only make them stronger.

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)


I wanted to comment on Trouble. I miss HRH, too, and am hoping he will be back someday. Honestly, I don't really feel the kind of bond with Trouble you might expect. He was gone for so long, and when he came back all grown up he was so different and in the mean time I had made so much more headway with Dennis and some of the others. Then we went through his "Terrible Two's" period in spring when Trouble was being such a brat and causing all those problems. Actually, for a while I sort of resented that Trouble was here and not HRH.

I truly do hope that HRH comes back - and soon. It sure won't be the same without his gentle giant, big old teddy-bear self, but either way I've decided to stop resenting Trouble and take each day as it comes. Trouble has changed dramatically since spring. He is really quite the gentleman now. In many ways his behavior now reminds me a lot of HRH. He doesn't fight, doesn't take food from the others like he was doing at one time. When he shows up he tries to grab a bite or two while the ladies are yelling at him and then he leaves. He never fights back when the ladies and even the babies fuss at him. Heck even Fraidy yells at him sometimes now - and gets away with it. These days when I notice how transformed Trouble has become, I recall your words about how he would change once he learned why he needed to be on good terms with the ladies; truer words were never spoken. Boy was that a rapid transformation.

Trouble has also grown into a very large, muscular, and attractive fella. He's no HRH, mind you. There is really only one king, but one could imagine how some of the ladies might fall for his type.

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)


I think they will make it now. I figure if they made it this far, the worst is over. Now they can come to the buffet and find food on their own (eventually) whereas before they were dependant on Dennis who, adorable as I think she is, is surely too scatterbrained and self absorbed to be a mom. Yep, it really is the 'luck of the draw' when being born, like rolling dice to see what kind of parents you get.

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

One last pic. This is Blondie. As I mentioned earlier, she and her kids are like those party guests who just won't leave no matter what. The are the 1st to arrive and among the last to go. Every time I look up, there is Blondie giving me her "Can I have another treat?" look. Here she is in the pool with one of her kits, and she is actually poised on the side of the pool waiting for me to toss her something. This is not the 1st time I've seen this pose either, just the 1st time I've had a camera handy. This looks like a pose and face Widget would make to get treats - but a wild raccoon? They are such characters and each an original. Oh, and that is strawberry Fluff on her face.

Thumbnail by DreamOfSpring
Hendersonville, NC(Zone 7a)

Good grief, Dennis' kits are really really small for their age! I'm afraid you're right; that ADHD girl, however adorable, really is not cut out for motherhood. The kits either need more size, or more instruction, to help them through the coming winter; I somehow can't vizualize Dennis caring from them through the winter when food in the wild is more scarce.

I figured that Trouble would straighten out his act once he put it together that courtesy, diplomacy and courtship are closely linked. Since he was being such a total brat this past spring, I doubt he had much success with the ladies; but there's always next year... I'm still hoping that HRH will reappear someday when you're least expecting him. I can't imagine Trouble having the maturity or savvy yet to oust the king; so barring another disaster or old age, the old gentleman should still be out their somewhere, doing his best Clark Gable and making ladies swoon. And from the look of this year's kits, his genes are still very viable!

Blondie is just gorgeous, isn't she? What a face, and such pretty coloring.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

OHHHHHHHH look at those Little Bit of fluff. Poor little kids. They look like they hanging on for dear life on that fence. So glad you were able to get them to finally come down. Hopefulyl they will come more and get a little fat on them and a set of legs that wil reach the fence railing.

That first pic looks like they got all them toenails dug in and holding on for life. Have ya ever thought about maybe taking a board or something and putting against that inside of the fence, so that they could crawl up and down maybe a bit easier.

Seem dogs who still like stuck in the juvenile stage and don't really even realize what happenign to their bodies and so have nothign to do with the babies. But usually by the time the secodn group comes around they better prepared and good moms.

Glad to see them finally really make their presence. Thanks for getting some shots of them.

Love the opening thread shot. " Ya can't see me.. Ya can't see me.. I said ya can't see me. Fudge.. Ya did see me." hahahahahahha

Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

LOL, Starlight, I like your "Ya can't see me" caption for the picture!
Those are cute little kits--good that they made it down to the food. More babies to spoil and hopefully tame!

Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

Echoing...Dennis' babies are sooo small and winter will be here soon. At least they are there and not somewhere that has extremely harsh winters. But it will be a struggle all the same. Poor babies....

Very cute pic of Blondie

Santa Ynez, CA

Hello all, long time no hear, well all the squirrels have flown the coop, squirrely mama was the last one to leave, I knew something was up, a few weeks before she left, she was acting strange, like she did not know or trust us, saw her less and less and then nothing, we are still sad, and I am hoping she will surface again, she was such a delight, what a wonderful light soul.
I hope all are well here on the thread. Hello to all!!!! Marie

Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

Marie, I was recently wondering about your little pet and her brood! So sorry to hear she has moved away. Very strange!

Lyndonville, NY

Marie, our little Mama squirrel does the same thing seasonally.....she gets pregnant with a new brood....sends the "juniors" off on their own....and she disappears for a few weeks. Then comes back and starts the nesting all over again.

I hope that is all that is going on with yours.


Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

Ahhh, so that's it--she's taking a much-needed vacation!

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

Just passing the word on that one of her 'buddies' has spoken with Marylyn this morning and reports that she is ok but w/o power. Happy to hear that she is doing well. Hope all of our TX friends have fared well in the storm - and our friends in LA and everywhere.

I'm sure we must have other Texas friends here in Heidi Land and I apologize for overlooking anyone. Ordinarily, I am not the most observant person. I can sit and watch raccoons, for instance, and notice the finest details but in everyday life am inclined to just breeze right through oblivious to everything around me. It was difficult to miss Marylyn's home state since she had the foresight to put it right there in her name.

Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

Someone on another thread talked to Marylyn, too, and said they have a few limbs down, but nothing serious. Many prayers are going out to our suth'n friends!

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

thanks for the update.

glad to hear she's OK.

on a side note.... Dh had to run [well, drive] home this morning .... we've had close to 6" of rain this morning.... our villages sewer system get over loaded at 4" .... we thought we were without power, but it was just the internet is down... and of course we switched to internet PHONE last month.... but DH just called and the detention ponds are ready to spill over onto the streets. In the 7 yrs we've been there, it's never been that high.... anyone watching the weather channel will see the Chicago area and how the highways are flooding.... Uggggg, what's with this weather??

and they [the weather people] said that what is hitting us is not the remnants of a hurricane or TS, just a front.

then they say our front will combine with IKE as it heads east..... so look out OH and states east.

**edited to change what is hitting us it now the remnants of a hurricane or TS, just a front.
to what is hitting us is not the remnants of a hurricane or TS, just a front.
i was probably half asleep when i wrote that....

the weather guy stated about 36 hrs of more rain.... hope they are wrong.

This message was edited Sep 13, 2008 4:20 PM

Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

Wow, tcs, I didn't realize there was so much water up there! Praying for you too, now...

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

Oh, Terese,

That is awful. So sorry to hear this. I didn't realize, but now that you mention it I did see something yesterday on TWC about bad weather in your area and how that would be mixing with the remnants of Ike later. At the time I didn't really associate it with your area but in retrospect that does seem to be the general area on the map where they were pointing.

How is your house? Is it elevated enough to maybe be safe from water damage? Are you back at home? (I was unclear weather just your DH went home or you, too.) Are you safe? Praying that you, your family, and home will get through this ok.

The weather problems do seem to be endless lately. Scary.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

thanks Cheryl,

yes, we are all fine. I"m still in Wisc... DH said it would be quicker for him to get out of here if he went alone [that way we didnt have to lock all this up, which takes about an hour] I just heard that it's up to 8" of rain... which is unbelievable. and by looking at the radar.... it's just gonna keep on coming.

the roads are flooded, so there is really no way to get into town [we have a pretty small town] and actually about the only road open, is ours ... at least it was the last time i talked to DH. but all the other roads that usually flood have been closed for hours.

the last time i recall a huge rain was Oct of 2001, we got 4" ... that was bad, then i think 2 yrs later, the year they decided to work on the sewer system... so most of it was closed down so the measly 2" we got - flooded the streets.

Our house should be OK. We are one of the higher ones in the subdivision. We do have 3 sump pumps and DH has enough gas for the generator for a week in case they lose power. But the way they graded our yard, we are up higher, and the back fields and back yards will flood before it comes up to our home... which is a good thing.

Just talked to DH and he said the rain is off and on... one minute its pouring,,, then it stops for a while.

when they show it on TV, i am in DuPage county, but the NE corner of the county... 4miles west of Ohare.
so we usually go by what they said the airport has. .. which is currently about 8"

MIL -- who is at the house too, is also on a detention pond ... they said that one his close to spilling over .... but also, ,the grading has her place high enough - she should be OK, plus she does not have a basement. But i'm sure she's a basket case.

Ugggg ... at least the rain up here is light to drizzle. Good napping day.

If it gets worse... i'll let ya know,

Hope everyone else is keeping above water.... KY - will you be getting hit too? I know IKE will be heading your way tomorrow.


Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

We'll probably get rain, but we're up on top of a high hill. It would have to rain 40 days and 40 nights again to get us, lol. Thanks for asking, and it's good to hear that you and yours are ok, but a pain about the lack of utilities.

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)


That does sound very frustrating and stressful for everyone involved. After I posted to your prior email, I heard on news that your area had gotten about 8" (just as you said) and was expected to get about 6" when Ike gets there. Hopefully, some of the water from today will drain away to somewhere before the rains tomorrow. When you say the sewer system is overloaded does that mean the rainwater and overflow from the ponds has no where to go? I ask that because I'm a little confused by the wording, probably because here we live along a river. Overflow from the ponds drains into the river and out to the ocean. Here if I said the sewer was overloaded that would be an entirely different problem.

My prayers are with you.

BTW, those afternoon naps in the rain are a wonderful diversion - if you can sleep with all that is going on.

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)


"we're up on top of a high hill. It would have to rain 40 days and 40 nights again to get us"

How many times have I wished mine were, too. Like Terese, my house is graded higher than the rest of the yard, but when the water starts piling up back there in the feeding area like it did during the endless rains of summer of 07, I was really getting worried. At such times it would be nice to be on a high hill where I could look down at the water and laugh.

Santa Ynez, CA

thanks for the update, I kept thinking to myself I just know she is fine and that she is on some kind of "squirrel break"
she had such a relationship with us and she hit the jackpot on the goods her, we bought her the best of the best nuts, so I really hope she comes home:) who could resist this face

Thumbnail by makj
Lyndonville, NY

I think she is held up nursing new babies....if not on a vacation from it all. Mama here does it all the time, and she has been here at least four years. It can vary on weather also....what she is doing.

Keep calling her, and putting her food out. I hope she comes back, she sure is a darling.


Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

Awww, she is adorable--and beautiful, too! You can tell she got the best food available!
Look what showed up at our raccoon feeding station (posted it on another thread):

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Cheryl -- yes, storm water sewer, not 'waste' sewer.

we have 'detention' and 'retention' ponds, we have a small creek, that eventually flows to larger rivers ... but that lil creek over flows it's banks pretty easily.

But the Village [in conjunction with the county] spent a boat load of cash building a HUGE water retention area out by the industrial park.... so technically, we should not ever flood.

I just checked the radar...and it does look like they are getting breaks in the rain .... hopefully some should drain away before tomorrows rain.

btw... our detention pond flows into one about 4 blocks east, from there, that one goes all the way across town to the newly built one... from what i understand.

So -- how are your lil critters doing tonight.... are they no longer snubbing you from not feeding the night before?

Buddy will snub us if we leave him home sometimes. IT's really pretty funny.

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

Hi makj!

So nice to 'see' you again! (I read your post the other day and then forgot to respond. My memory is just not what it once was.) I had been wondering how things were going. She is a beauty. I don't know a lot about squirrels, but I feel sure she will remember all the good things she found at your house and will be back. I don't know if you were reading the Heidi threads that far back, but Heidi and the others used to leave in winter and come back in spring. I don't know where they went. By 'leave' I mean that they stopped coming to the yard to eat. At some point in fall they would be gone for a week and then 2 weeks and then one day they would stop showing up at all. I would put food out and it would still be there the next day. Then one day in spring they would show up again to beat up the bird feeder - and I'd be so happy.

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)


What a cute little kitten - and such irony, a cat eating the raccoon's food for a change.

I was going to suggest that you could use a smaller trap for the kitten, the size that is designed for rats, chipmunks, and squirrels. Ruth said that raccoons will not go into the trap if it is so small that they can't get in without the sides touching them, so an adult raccoon shouldn't go into that size trap, but the kitten might, especially as hungry as that one is. Then I remembered that you have lots of baby raccoons, too. How big are they now? If they are nearly grown, they might be too large to go in the smaller trap, too. Otherwise, I guess that idea won't work.

You might still be able to trap the kitten without risk of trapping a raccoon if you can find a place to put the trap where the kitten can get to it but the raccoons cannot. That would require that it be placed on something that they can't climb, something that can only be reached by jumping. Cats can jump quite high, while (I am told) raccoons (like white men) can't jump. Never mind. Upon second thought, finding such a location would likely be almost impossible and building one would probably be more trouble than it is worth.

Guess you will have to tame him. Better work quickly though. The older he gets w/o being tamed the less likely he will be to let you touch him, pick him up, etc.

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

Back in a few minutes to respond, Terese.

Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

Yep, we do still have one or two coons that are pretty tiny. And the gang here is pretty nimble, even climbing up three different setups my Dad has tried to keep them from getting to the birds' suet. It's hanging from a pole with a slippery tube around it and a baffle at the top, and they still get around it! lol, li'l boogers...

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

Ok, now I'm back. See only a FEW minutes. (Ok, actually I fell asleep, but the important thing is I'm back now)

Terese, I sure hope the combination of new system and time between rain for water to drain away is sufficient to prevent disaster. I'm keeping you in my prayers.

Funny you should ask that about the raccoons. Friday I went out to dinner with a friend and didn't get back in time to feed them, so tonight they were still dis'ing me. Even little Fraidy was barely speaking to me.

here is the story below...

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

Blondie has never been one of my favorites, mostly because she won't have anything to do with me, until lately that is. She still won't come to me, but she is becoming my most unlikely house 'pet'. She and her kits practically live in my yard now. They arrive before dinner and are still here when I leave. They play in the yard, forage in the garden, you name it. For the past few weeks Blondie has taken over the job of coming to the door to get me when I'm late.

As I mentioned, Friday night I wasn't home to feed the raccoons. Saturday morning when I opened the patio door to go out I was greeted by a little, blue jingle ball on the mat just across the threshold outside the door, a calling card left by the raccoons to remind me of my guilt for not showing up the night before. Although I had never seen Blondie's kits at the door before, when I saw it there I knew this meant that one of her kits had been there waiting with her the night before and had brought the ball along to play with, brought it all the way from the back of the yard. (For some reason this year the kits don't play with the toys much in front of me, but obviously they do play with them. I need to take more balls out there for them, perhaps tomorrow.)

So tonight it was Blondie's kit who met me at the door. Blondie was there, too, of course, but it was the kit who stood at the door peering in as I was putting my boots on. I opened the door to look out at them. Blondie ran to the end of the patio followed by the kit. There she stopped and stood upright to look back at me. Seeing me, the kit came back over to the door to peek inside.

The rest of the night was rather ordinary. Everybody ignored me again, except Blondie who spent the night staring at me. That's what she does when she wants a treat, which is always. She stand over at her feeding spot staring at me. If that doesn't work, she comes around in front of me to stand over in or by the pool and stare at me - like in the photo above. Reminds me of Widget. That's what he does when he wants something, just sits there staring at me. Unlike the others, Blondie is never too full for one more treat no matter how much she has eaten or what kind of treat it is. I just have to laugh at her because she will eat one more peanut or cookie or grape or piece of melon as long as there is one more to eat.

Dennis was there but no kits.

Ursula showed up. Her mannerisms belied her unease. She was not welcome. There was no fighting, yet somehow the other communicated this. She sneaked up near one side of me, and I gave her a little Debbie cake and some peanuts before the others told her to move along. After that she hung out over on the outskirts near the fence. I threw her some peanuts. On her way back from getting a drink at the pool, Heidi went over there where she walked right up to Ursula for a stare down of some kind, no growling, no fighting, no sound that I could hear, yet when Heidi walked back to her food, Ursula stood there for another moment or two and then left.

Hendersonville, NC(Zone 7a)

Interesting: I wonder why Ursula was unwelcome; it sounds like she'd been well-behaved at the buffet. Clearly she either did something, or there was something in the air, that made this a family-only night.

It sounds like Blondie has inherited a bit extra of her parents' still-wild attitude; this human seems reliable, but don't take it for granted. And why in the world is Dennis not allowing her kits at the smorgasbord? From the looks of them, they badly need the extra nutrition. She may not beat up on the kids like Diva did, but she clearly is a deficient mom: sad for them.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

i tried posting last night for over a half hour, and it never went thru... but i was glad to see there were not 8 duplicate posts..

my kid sent me some pics of the flood.... this is where the retention pond is ... obviously WAY over it's banks... that guys door that is sandbagged, is about 200' or so from the edge of that pond... and that is the pond [Happy Acres] where OUR detention pond feeds into.

I can say... since those homes, which were built in the mid-80's ... i have NEVER seen the water that high.

when i talked to Jimbo this morning he was saying that many homes had sandbagged... i had never seen that before either.

This message was edited Sep 14, 2008 11:28 AM

Thumbnail by tcs1366

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