Boy #1's Holiday at AlohaHoya Heavenly Retreat

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

We are OK! Thanks Randy for passing along the message. We got power and phones back on today.

We had minor roof damage. Stack to the fireplace damaged. Canopy went down....It's totalled. Our shed frame was lifted off of the ground about 2 1/2 feet, lots of limbs down, banana tree leaves shredded, many banana trees broke in half. Only one plumeria tree snapped. Most of the plants will survive, and we can get another canopy.

We were really blessed. It could have been worse. We are at 26 ft elevation so we didn't get any storm surge. Those on the waterfront of Baytown were not so lucky. There are alot of trees down, some on homes. Some of the schools were damaged. My grandchildren are out of school until furter notice.

Galveston, TX City, Kema, Seabrook, and even La Porte got it alot worse than we did. They did get "wiped out".

Thank you for your concern and prayers. I'll start a new thread later with some pictures of the present that IKE left me. Fortunately I have a great yard crew and they did a great job cleaning up.


Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)


So VERY relieved to hear from glad you and your Mom made it through all the terror of the hurricane...

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Jen, thanks!

We're still sticking to our previous plans, "Cat 4 or more GO, Cat 3 or less stay." We were just one MPH away from the Cat 3. They said that the storm surge was actually that of a Cat 4, and we didn't get any water in the streets of the neighborhood. It's just with a Cat 4 then you have much higher winds that can push the water further. I think we'd still be safe from a storm surge, but I have no desire to go thru winds that high. Mom thinks we'd be safe for a four, but I told her I would have the kids pick her up and put her in the car!!!! She just laughed.
She's a trooper; there's not much that rattles her.

Hopefully we have met our "Quota" and won't have another one for three or four more years.....or ten or twenty.....LOL!

Hope everyone else is OK! I sure missed y'all during the past week. We had a little weather radio that gets the TV stations, so we could hear what was going on, but hadn't seen very many pictures of Galveston. WoW!!! What a mess!

We were truly blessed!

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