Fall Gold Party Plant Swap Thread

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

We're having a DG get-together at my place Saturday, Sept. 20! Details are here, http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/892031/#new

This thread gives us a place to discuss what plants we might have available to bring to the swap, and to let folks know what plants we're especially interested in. It's not necessary to pre-arrange trades (although you're welcome to do so), but posting about plants on this thread gives people an idea of whether or not to dig and pack and bring along a lot or a little of a particular plant.

Lots of on-the-spot plant swapping also happens at these events. Somehow, everybody seems to end up going home with more plants than they arrived with, even though I know that's statistically impossible. LOL

Please don't worry if you don't have extra plants to bring. I'll be happy to share plants with anybody who can use them... whether or not you bring me a plant, if you'd like some mint, you're going home with mint! :-) This is not a very regimented affair, and it's as much about just visiting together as it is about swapping plants.

Thumbnail by critterologist
Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Reserved for my list of available stuff... I'll be editing and adding as we go along...

Since we're meeting here, it'll also be possible to do a little digging and dividing on the spot, so let me know if something out in the garden catches your eye. :-)

I dug up a lot of my black eyed susans (see photo here and in the info thread thumbnail) this spring, but if anybody needs them I'll look around -- there are always extra volunteers.

There are definitely lots of mimosa tree seedlings as well as some nice 1 or 2 year old plants of Achillea (yarrow), a white flowering one that came to me in a DG trade from a hundred year old homestead.


Mints, especially Chocolate Peppermint and Kentucky Colonel Spearmint -- Holly
Creeping Thymes -- Holly
Mimosa tree seedlings
Wild Cherry tree seedlings
Obedient Plant (Physostegia), purple
Yarrow (Achillea), white heirloom
Yellow Ox-Eye (Heliopsis helianthoices var. scabra)
Veronica longifolia
Rose Campion, magenta
Hardy (Cranesbill) Geranium 'Biokovo'
Lamium (purple bloom, silver-marked leaves, need to check variety)
Daylily seedlings (known crosses, first bloom should be next year, probably have a few more than I can plant out, LOL)
Tri-Color sweet potato for Holly
Houseplant cuttings
Episcia stolon cuttings (let me know and I'll bag them for you Friday)
Columbine seedlings

Wish List

sun-loving plants, especially pink/purple/white.
pink/purple Achillea (yarrow)
pink/purple Asclepias incarnata (swamp milkweed)

This message was edited Sep 15, 2008 7:28 AM

Glenwood, MD

Off the top of my head, I know I can bring some of these plants if people are interested:
-white yarrow
-pink yarrow
-red yarrow
-pink anemone
-purple siberian iris
-pink hard geranium
-solid green liriope
-red crocosmia
-rose asiatic lilies
Do you usually just dig up things you have and bring them, or do folks say what they're interested in so you know what to dig?

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Lisa, I do some of both... if a lot of folks are interested, I try to dig enough to go around plus an extra or two if I have it. Sometimes, I'm digging and dividing stuff anyway, so rather than tossing it on the compost heap, I pot it up and see if anybody can give it a home. I'd say at least half the plants brought to these swaps don't have pre-arranged homes, people just bring what they have and share it around, and everybody goes home with new goodies.

From your list, I'm guessing you've got a sunny yard too.. I'll have to see what I have out there that you might like... feel free to add a "wish list" to the "have" list on your post. I've got to find something for you, because I've got my eye on several things on your list, LOL (pink hardy geranium, pink anemone, and pink yarrow).

There's usually a flurry of posts just before the event as people get out into their yards and see what they have to bring. I'll be adding to my list over the weekend!

Falls Church, VA(Zone 7b)

Hi, Critter!! Wow, a Fall swap!! I wish to come but the date is not good. The whole month is booked already. But I'd like to swap some plants if it can be arranged "a la absentee", or whatever.

I have:

Shasta daisies
Raspberry yarrow
Golden yarrow
Russian sage
Texas sage (I promised you this one before, still want it?)
Tall fragrant phlox
Oriental lily "Casa Blanca"
Orienpet lily "Americana" (I think that's the name)
Lemon balm
Lemon Verbena
Blackberry (thornless)
Leopard's Bane
Calimigrostis "Karl Forester" (ornamental grass)
I'm sure there's more, but those are off the top of my head.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Oh, we'll miss you, Foxy!

I can see I need to get busy and add to my list above...

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Foxy and Lisa: Just a question: Do you find your lilies naturalize enough to share? Mine seem to peter out after a few years. I wonder if it is a matter of variety . . ..

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I think it might be a matter of sun, Happy... some of mine have been petering out, too, and I think they might be just a little too close to that line of trees along the back to be really happy.

Glenwood, MD

I have one particular type (the rose colored Asiatic) that I had offered to bring, that just really multiplies! If I keep it away from the deer it is gorgeous. I have had this particular one for probably 4-5 years and have had no problem. I do have almost all sun though. So I would say it can definitely be naturalized.

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Sigh. Critter, you would bring up my serious sun shortcoming. . . . But mine are in a quite sunny spot, for my yard. Maybe I don't have the right type.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Lisa, that sounds really lovely! I can always find a place for a lily... I love them!

Happy, you've seen my lily bed... it's not exactly in the shade, it just doesn't get all day sun... the trees shade it part of the afternoon. It might also be an issue with soil fertility in my bed... maybe I need to fertilize more, although the fact that I've got Veronica longifolica growing to 5 feet tall seems to argue that there are nutrients there, LOL.

Falls Church, VA(Zone 7b)

Critter, Yes!! I'll miss you and the gnag, but I will have guests here that weekend, so it is out.

My Oriental liles multiply readily--I started with a meager number and then they were coming up bonanza. But the Orienpets--I started with 3 and after 3 years, still have the same ones. However, I moved them last year to a better location and soil, so we'll see hwo they do now. I think the lifespan depends on how well you plant them (right depth), how good the soil is, and it must be well-draining. They don't like to dry out, either. And they do need to be divided, so lift in the fall and split bigger and older bulbs every few years. I have grown Asiatics before, which are very pretty; but they don't have a scent to speak of, so I reserve space for the Orientals. I do think that Asiatics multiply even more freely than Orientals. Lilies benefit from some shade, especially during the hottest part of the day. I wouldn't blame fading lilies out on shade. It is probably overall soil and water conditions. You must fertilize your bulbs in spring!!! Loosen the soil in spring before you fertilize.

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

I love the idea of being part of a gnag!

Foxy: I do hope you'll host a swap one of these years. What you and your DH are doing to your yard is downright amazing!

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Just got back and it's too dark to even think about checking out the yard and seeing what I can bring. I did pick up a little something for the gift table. Looks like things are going well. Really looking forward to seeing everyone and getting to meet some new DG members, too. Holly

Falls Church, VA(Zone 7b)

Happy, thanks!! Well, I probably should be the next one to host. I just had so many things on my to-do list that I haven't decided "when."

Welcome back, Holly!! Looks like you had a great garden this past summer. Lots of lovely flowers!!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)


All sounds good! I've been continuing to catch up on garden stuff around here. I'll try to keep adding to my list this week... hopefully will have some extra columbine seedlings, probably some extra daylily seedlings, etc. if people are interested. There's a lot of stuff "out there" that I probably won't pot up ahead of time unless people express interest, but since it looks like we won't have a really big group, it should be pretty easy to do a little garden tour with a shovel and pruning shears and do some on the spot sharing.

Falls Church, VA(Zone 7b)

The yarrow I have was pinkish red raspberry colored. I am looking for the cultivar name as I got it in spring 2007. It may be something you want. I have three plants and only want one. They got big and bullyish in my little front bed They would sell their mothers to get more sun.

Also, I can divide the Texas sage and arrange to have it to you if you still want it. The winter killed it back and I thought it was dead, come Spring, but it returned big time!! So, I know it is a reliably hardy sage as it has survived several winters now.

If you have those long-lasting black-eyed susans, I really want some of those. I have some but the flower shows have been crummy and short. They are supposed to be Goldtrum, but I don't think they are.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Foxy, I'd love both the yarrow and the texas sage! I have ordinary black-eyed susans, but the plant I've really come to love is "Yellow Oxeye" (Heliopsis helianthoides var. scabra).. taller and a little less tidy in habit than BES, but it has a really long blooming season, starting in June and continuing into September. If you can't arrange a ride for your plants, hopefully we can get together at the next swap. :-)

Holly et al., don't forget to let us know (either generally or specifically) what sort of plants you're looking for!

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

I started a list and will probably add to it. For sure some of Critters mint and herb seeds have to see what Ric wants.
Tri-color Ornamental Sweet Potato (cuttings)
Coleus (cuttings)
Moonflower Seeds
Variegated Vinca Major
Variegated Ornamental Grass
Lilies of the Valley
Sweet Woodruff
Coleus (cuttings)
Blackie & Margarita OSP (cuttings)
Morning Glory (seeds)
Few House Plant starters

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Holly, I think I can cover you on the TriColor OSP.

House Plants... I'll get a few things in rooting vases this week, too. No spider babies, though, because the big baskets have becomes infested with scale... I don't want to pass that along. (Other plants are in a different area and should be OK.) If anybody wants Episcias, let me know, and I'll bag a few stolon cuttings on Friday.

I can also take cuttings of scented geraniums but once again didn't manage to propagate them ahead of time... hopefully I'll get some cuttings started in October and will have little windowsill plants ready to go in Feb. :-)

Brunswick, MD(Zone 6b)

'Fraid I'm not going to have too much to bring this time. I can bring some coleus cuttings and I have a few tinsy-tiny chain ferns started that would require babying (but no matter what Wayside says they're not hardy to zone 6). Can also pot up some Bears Foot Hellebores for anyone who wants some. Can't say I really have any wants right now.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

No "wants" Miata? Hmm... if you swing by after work, I'll give you some bruschetta or a couple of tomatoes... I owe you for those coleus cuttings you dropped off previously! :-)

Brunswick, MD(Zone 6b)

Pfffttt! It'd be hard to keep track of who owed who if we tried to trade one for one. But maybe I can drop by on Thursday if nothing comes up for a cup of coffee. Those coleus cuttings doing OK? I can bring some more if you need some.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

The cuttings have lovely roots, and I need to get them potted up for the winter! :-) Jim's folks will be here Wednesday (fingers crossed, as they reported car trouble just yesterday), so give a call first to make sure we're not out gallivanting around Gettysburg or something, but it would be lovely to have you stop in.

I think I made too much bruschetta (and plan to make a fresh batch before Saturday), so anybody who can do so is welcome to swing by for a container... it's pretty good.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Is anyone interested in either Trumpet Vine (basic orange) or Wisteria,
both are agressive growers? I would be glad to bring some but won't bother if no one is interested in them.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I need to put up some fencing, just so I can grow more vines! No room here... alas... I know they'd be pretty!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I was digging around just now and saw that my clump of variegated sweet flag iris had become huge, as has my clump of violet-blue siberian iris from Bluespiral. Although we can always dig and pot/bag on the spot, if you let me know ahead of time that you're interested, I'll pot a division for you. :-)

Thumbnail by critterologist
Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

I'd like a piece of both please.

Would anyone like some of my Yellow water lris(agressive grower) or some Purple Pickerel? I won't bother to bring them unless someone wants them. But please do speak up if you would like some of these or the Wisteria and Trumpet Vine. I think there will be some new faces at this gathering and please, please "Do Not" be polite just speak up and grab. It is very acceptable to take home much much more than you brought or take home even if you didn't bring anything. Holly

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Yes, indeed! I'm really trying to catch up on planting, so I'll be trying to resist saying "yes yes yes" to everything, lest I fail to get it in the ground. However, I'm always happy to share what I have, so if I mention it on this thread, or you've seen me post a photo or talk about it another time, or if something catches your eye on Saturday -- please, just ask! If a plant can't provide a division for some reason, it can usually provide cuttings at least. :-)

Anybody else want some of those irises while I'm digging them for Holly?

Oh, and I can probably get some divisions of tall bearded irises, too... I didn't dig and divide them when I should have (July), but we can still get a rhizome or two off the edge of some of the bigger clumps.

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

If you have a tiny tiny tiny extra slip of either of the irises, I'd love it. But I have no business asking. I'm in swap shame territory.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

tiny tiny... LOL... if you could see the size of those clumps, you'd know I might not be able to promise tiny tiny... and I'm just glad we're not keeping track, because I'm pretty sure I'd still owe you big time! (Wait until you see how some of your plants have spread here!)

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Hmm. I hope they're not invasive. That would really put me to shame.

Falls Church, VA(Zone 7b)

The "Yellow Oxeye" sounds like what I want!! Long bloomer, great flowers. Please save a division for me!!

I'll get the Texas Sage and Raspberry Yarrow potted up for you. See what we can do to get them to you.

I like your blue irises. Are they fragrant? I am actually looking for some big, showy, white ones. The "Silver Towers" I have are nice, but are very weak plants and have dissipated in numbers. Some irises are more dominant in a bed, and wipe out others. That is what "Florentine" does. It's a coral-colored iris, very pretty. I wanted a "cool" color scheme with ice pink, silver white, and pale blue-violet colors. I goofed with the Florentine. It's a definite peach, and a bed stomper. If anyone wants a sturdy peach-colored iris, you can have my Florentines. Let me know.

Glenwood, MD

Ok, I finally have a chance to put my "wish list" out there.

A few of the things I have on my fall list are:
coneflowers- I'm pretty sure I had asters yellow and had to get rid of a number of my plants
hard hibiscus
perovskia- Russian sage
Kalimeris integrifolia- this was recommended by rcn48 when I asked for ideas this summer!
gaura-Karalee Petite Pink- this also was a recommendation from somebody!
yellow yarrow
coreopsis 'zagreb'
asters- I have tried growing them for 2 years now and just can't seem to get them to take off. I really think the deer are eating them

I also am looking for a new vine for our arbor and was thinking of Campsis Grandiflora- Chinese Trumpet Creeper- is this the same Trumpet Vine that you have Holly? You say yours is an aggressive grower, does it take over the bed?

I also lost MOST of my iris this year due to iris borers, so if you have any bearded iris rhizomes, that would be terrific.
Somewhere on this thread, I saw that someone had Leopard's Bane. I've never grown that and it looks interesting also.

I will pot up as much as I can of the items I listed that I have to offer. I'm really looking forward to meeting everyone! Look's like we'll have a perfect day!!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

No worries. :-)

Hey, does anybody have extra 'Happy Returns' or 'Stella d'Oro' daylily? Jim's folks just arrived, and Mom is very enthused about these beautiful yellow lilies planted out along the NC highways... I'm guessing those two reblooming varieties are the most likely candidates, although she thinks the ones she saw were smaller... she really wants some to put next to the front walk. I've can probably find a couple of little 'HR' out there for her, so I'll have those at least, but I figured I'd ask before she started scouring the nurseries for more. :-)

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Lisa, I've got a big clump of 'Zagreb' growing next to the driveway, so I'm glad you mentioned it. I'll try to get some potted up for you... but if I slip up, don't be shy about reminding me! There might be an extra volunteer or two of Coreopsis 'Early Sunrise' that we could dig out of the mailbox bed on the other side, too. My hardy hibiscus plants seem to have made tons of seeds if you're interested in those... they won't come true to their hybrid parents, but you'll still get a fun plant. Or you can try taking cuttings (I keep meaning to try dormant cuttings from them in fall... maybe I'll manage it this year!).

Foxy, not to worry, there's lots of extra Heliopsis plants in that patch! Also, it's an excellent candidate for winter sowing, so if we don't manage to do a plant swap this fall I will get seeds to you, and then hopefully we can do a swap next spring. If you can arrange plant transport for Saturday, let me know, and I'll be sure to have some potted for you! I'll throw in a magenta rose campion in a quart pot... nice color combo. :-)

Thumbnail by critterologist
Adamstown, MD(Zone 6b)

I can definitely bring some Happy Returns. Our clump has gotten huge and needs thinning. I should be able to dig some beardless iris also. I don't have a name for them but they are white and purple. They were pass along plants from a neighbor and they have multiplied pretty quickly. I just have to get DH or DS out there with a shovel.

Haven't been home/had a chance to be in the garden for the past four weekends so I'm not not sure what else might be out there. I had hoped to have a chance to dig and divide some hostas but I don't see that happening. I do have a pretty lush stand of nepeta so I'll see if I can get some of that dug, too.

I think I overdid the fall ordering so I'm really not wanting to bring anything home. Please remind me of that on Saturday, Jill.

See you then!


Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Lisalove, This is the Trumpet Vine that I have.
One of the favorites of my garden is the walkway arbor with its trained trumpet vine. It puts on a beautiful show in the summer; bright orange flowers attract Humming Birds. In the winter its twisted climbing vines gives a nice structural interest to the walkway. Please read all the comments on this, most talk about how hard it is to control this vine. Several like me love their vines and with a little extra effort and proper placement can control the excessive growth. Mine is about 15-20 years old. The only thing growing close to it is the evergreen group and there are some runners in there that I must go in and cut back a couple of times a year to keep it in check and I believe it is worth the extra effort. Mine is not planted near any structure.

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Another picture after bloom time and with a little cleaning up around it.

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

One more winter shot.
Can you tell that I really love this plant? Definitely not for everyone or for every yard.

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS

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