Red Rosies New Babies!!!

Greensboro, AL

Do you mean there is something subversive going on here???

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

LOL Sergeant make me laugh any harder and I'll start crying!! I could hear the chicken dance in my head as I read your post....tooooo funny!!!

Commander Moxon is pleased to see that you are aware of the seriousness of your post. Well done. You get a free doughnut for that. Now if you would please pay some attention to the pipped egg with the lazy-butt chick in it and tell it to shape up and get pecking! That egg needs a pep talk (or is that a pip talk?)

Gloria, the only subversive thing going on is that I got everybody to join in my chicken shuttle parody without them even realizing....(oh the goes to my head...) and now you're in on it too! LOLOLOLOL!!!!!

Greensboro, AL

I even posted this thread over in the Sustainable Alternatives forum!

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Uh oh...the chicken shuttle might use a lot of fuel....not so sustainable.

OK, ground crew, commence work on solar powered chicken shuttle, to be named "Eggsplorer II" which will be used for my bantam hatch in about 3 weeks if all goes well.... (includes silkies, a millie, cochins, and some standard easter eggers)

Perhaps General Dusty will do us the honor of the countdown when we get closer to liftoff.

Commander Moxon, off to check on lazy-butt pipper.

Clarkson, KY

And you thought you weren't subverted!

Is it true that doing the chicken dance encourages pipping? It's only a few more hours of chicken dancing in a good cause, Commander. C'mon and subvert by example...

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

10....Stomp stomp stomp...

Colonel Dusty reporting in and checking Troops...Left, right, bout FACE...AT EASE.....

HMMM!! I see an egg...I hear something??? Commander Moxon??? REPORT Please!

9........Stomp stomp stomp....I smell a Rose around here??? MOXON!!!??

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)


Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

What do you think I've been doing this whole time, Lieutenant Grownut? You think I'm just squatting on my hind quarters? I've been dancing my little legs off! The pipped egg is chirping though...

Commander Moxon's Top Five Learnings from Mission Hatch One:

1) New fluffy life forms are covered in white fuzz that falls off and gets up your nose and makes you sneeze.
2) New fluffy life forms try to bite each others toes on a regular basis.
3) New fluffy life forms are relatively unsteady and fall over on their butts for no apparent reason on a very regular basis.
4) Life carrying modules do not hatch on any kind of schedule whatsoever.
5) New fluffy life forms are addiction forming and should be handled with utmost caution due to their strange powers.

Bonus learning: Never call a Colonel a Captain. Very bad form.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Yes Ma'am, General Dusty, Ma'am.

Report on egg: Pipped, not zipped. Egg continues to chirp. Ma'am.

Report on Rose: Uh....just trying to mask the chicken poo smell. Chicken shuttle is tight quarters. What flower do you prefer, General Dusty, Ma'am?

Report on Bantam Hatch: Ma'am, yes Ma'am. Commander Moxon purchased 20 mixed bantam and EE eggs on BYC website, Ma'am. Terribly difficult to resist these things. Received in mail last Thursday Ma'am. Put in incubator Thursday night. Candled today and veins forming, Ma'am. Expect hatch in 018 days or so, Ma'am.

(ground crew, please distract General Dusty, she's scarin' me....)

Lodi, United States

This is where we all step backward and leave you to volunteer for special training--Rookie!

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

tf reporting in. no signs of CF in the High Plains area. Please be wary of her move towards Illinois, detected earlier with the new FairyDetect Satellite.

as for hte newest life form picture, please note this coloring should be golden laced. spot is small enough for female, please supply head shot. coudl end up with barred/laced easteregger...

General is distracted with sleep and new fancy birds by Agent T.

Please advise Down Under Agent of need for more, stronger patches in the US...

congrats Commander Moxon on your first successful hatch! Please be advised you should have them on a regular schedule with white and red lights by two weeks of age to promote healthy laying schedules. This will also ensure your sleep schedule returns to normal roughly 4 days before your next hatch.


Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

Moxon!! Order 10 cases of Depends and have them shipped directly to me.. I will NOT survive another flight hatch without proper *attire*....

EGGcellant Top 5 Report Moxon... Carry on!!

For the Navy personel on board this shuttle...the Smoking lamp is lit, I am retiring to my quarters and my rack...Please sound Reville at 0400 hrs...and for the ARMY personel on board...Stay alert.. I think Moxon is an alien!!

Over and out..

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

Alien status confirmed, but legal papers provided...

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

Hmmm Major TF... You have had them verified for forgeries???

Moxon tends to harbor terrestrial life forms...they appear to *Flock* to her...Pipping and zipping are of a concern... Please be advised we are setting up a perimeter and will contain them until we are certain of their intent...

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

duly noted. verification in progress...

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Green card in my possession, and definitely not a forgery. Only the government could produce such a dreary looking piece of official ID. I would have made it pink with flowers on it. I can show you all in Missouri....honest....!

Major TF - what kind of head shot of brownish color life form is necessary? I thought I already posted head shots?! Suggestion of golden laced has caused a rush of great eggcitement on board Chicken Shuttle. Must calm flight crew so that they can sleep.

White and red lights? What????? Detailed report necessary.

Depends placed on order, General Dusty. However, Astronaut Novak confirms other, better brands of "attire" may be more suitable. (giggle) And yes, alien status confirmed. Bleep bleep snorgle woobly woobly Zzzzt. (that was alien for something I can't say in public).

Wait, what are those white-suited men doing in my yard, and why are they setting up that enormous fence...?

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

ssssnaaaarkkkkk,,,snoooorrrrffffffff, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Lodi, United States

Commander Moxon:

On Background:

The white and red lights were seen on the notorious UFO overflights of Lebanon, Ohio. Strangely, the connection between those lights and the CF's chick brooding regime were never noted.

Non-terrestrial life forms require behavioural shaping in order to infiltrate earth environments. The red light is linked with heat lamps that both promote sleep and limit cannibalistic toe and eye picking by immature aliens. The white heat bulb mimics day light and encourage sleep inducing manic activity. In well lit shuttles, a red heat lamp alone will suffice until fledging occurs.

An added advantage of the red/white heat bulb regime is that it acts to limit flight crew dementia caused by severe alien induced sleep deprivation.


londonderry, Australia

Commander Moxon
your bantam hatch might be on the same shuttle release date as my blue/green eggs i am expecting in the post tomorro

will we be aloud to share the Eggsplorer II with you on shuttle lauch


Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Southern Pacific Ground Control,

You will be more than welcome on the Eggsplorer II. It will be good to have company and more life form modules under observation.

You can even be Flight Commander Josh. Better get yourself into training!

Commander Moxon (report upcoming on final hatch)

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Commander Moxon reporting for duty.

Last hatch successfully completed. Evidence attached. Normal dark life form appearance. Head spot noted.

We are now completed on our hatch. Coming in for landing...


Thumbnail by DrDoolotz
Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

The family portrait.

Thumbnail by DrDoolotz
Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

A sub family group.

Thumbnail by DrDoolotz
Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Here is the cosy lamp brooder set up that I have. I am not sure how to do the red and white light thing in view of the set up. All recommendations welcome!

Flight crew tired but eggstatic over first hatching.
Commander Moxon going to seek out yogurt for sustenance. And hanging up her flight uniform for a couple of weeks. ;-)

Thumbnail by DrDoolotz
(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

they sure are sweet babies. Can NOT bator shop, but maybe for a christmas gift.

Greensboro, AL

Very well done, CMoxon! Those babies are the cutest ever!

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Thanks Gloria - I feel so proud, but really, they did it all by themselves! I was just the shuttle pilot. :-)

Lodi, United States

Welcome home, Eggsplorer II.

And well done, Commander Moxon. A near flawless execution. Mission accomplished.

Commander Moxon be advised, those men are the same ones that took E.T. You MUST evacuate !! immediately. Or use cryptonite . That could be your only chance to escape. Hope it helps . :) I know these men ( previous experience , don't ask ) they can be tricky.
Those chickens have gone, where no chickens have gone before lol :)
Sniffing alien life forms ,be advised that fluffy things do get up ones nose. use kleenex.
thank you for the donut Commander ( salute)
ready for serious business with sniffing fluffy chicks .

londonderry, Australia

great hatch all in all i would say

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

I evacuated yesterday morning before they saw me. Upon realizing that the house was abandoned, I think they figured I went back to Canada. Whew...close call. I need to keep my eye out for those men in white suits. Especially the ones carrying straight jackets. LOL!

Taynors - how goes the chick sniffing? Are you remaining serious in your duties? I am pleased to see that you have gotten over your giggling problems and are ready for some serious chick sniffing. Be careful to sniff the right end. The other end might not be so good. And by all means, have another donut when you are finished sniffing. Also, I am concerned about your previous experience with the men in white suits. I don't think you disclosed this on your application form....

No Commander Moxon previous experiance has been errased from my memory
giggleing contained
how are the fluffy life forms cooperating iwth you sniffing them . any more sneezing on your part ?
Yes the right end is always the right way to sniff LOL oops sorry must not giggle. My bad.
glad evacuation was complete and mission is still in force.
agent T

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Initial experience indicates the white fluffy stuff goes away within about a day of hatching. It all falls out. Therefore sneezing is no longer a problem at this time. Fluffy life forms smell kind of like new puppies. Last night, performed experiment with two fluffy life forms at a time on my lap. Within moments, they fall asleep. All indications are therefore that I am a chicken hypnotist, without even realizing it. Wow.

Agent T, I think you are holding out on us with this supposed memory erasure thing. Don't make me give you the wet noodle treatment.

Commander Moxon

I can run but i cant hide , can i ?
oh dear you have been given the power of hypnotism . Use it wisely Commander Moxon , :)

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

I will attempt to use it on the CF. (evil giggle)

Lodi, United States

Sheesh! You are crazy girl! Oh no, I forgot, you are Canadian. :0)

It makes sense then, eh? Go for it!

Greensboro, AL

More pictures of the babies, please.

watch my eyes , are you getting sleepy , watch my eyes closely.

(Zone 7b)

WOW that was alot and congrats on the new additions.
I better go i'm not cleared to fly anything and i have no rank and could become a target.
Hideing now :)

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

No worries Harmony - you can be part of the ground crew and supervise some of these slackers when they get off track! LOL!! I promise not to hypnotize you. :-)

Gloria - will have to take more pics tonight - I'm at work, with no little fluffers and fluffettes to keep me company. :-(

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