A trip to the Iowa State Fair in photographs

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

we can host a meetingh here. eveyrone bring your guns LOL.

i am selling my JGs. they are too precious and costly to feed dogs and expose to neighbors antics.... dont' want to pen them up either.

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

I hear ya there. Hope things will get better for ya.

Gate (Rochester), WA(Zone 7b)

Wow, this is great Claire ~ still not feeling up to par & seems son my have wisdom teeth out tomorrow. Not sure I will be able to go out in this heat to our fair. Sat. is suppose to be hotter yet. So tired of being sick!

So, I will do my best to attend our CF meeting (AKA fair) online ~ Easier not to purchase this way, lol.....

TF, sorry you have to sell your JG's ~ they are great birds & yes way to precious & costly to feed to the dogs! Or for nasty neighbors either! can I say it? dare I say it? Ok, will keep it semi nice ~ JERKS!!!!!!

(AnjL) Fremont, CA(Zone 9b)

JG's are Jersey Giants? ~newbie here :o)

oh and drugs will turn your Brain into eggs! lol!

Lodi, United States

Fried eggs!

(AnjL) Fremont, CA(Zone 9b)

fried rotten eggs :o)

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

maybe even scrambled...

Lodi, United States

Mine are coddled. No drugs needed:0)

(AnjL) Fremont, CA(Zone 9b)

hmm, fried scrambled rotten eggs! I think I'll take the chickens any day! LOL!

I need what few brain cells this old mind has left! tee hee!

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

well, Splash Gordon found a home today. Very nice lady has had many chickens before, just never this breed. She also picke dout two Black JG pullets to go with him, promised fertile hatching eggs, and i will be sharing some OEG hatching eggs with her later on... made a new friend today, i think she will take very good care of them...

Thumbnail by TamaraFaye
Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

his hatchamte... Black with Blue genes...

Thumbnail by TamaraFaye
Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

and a pullet from this batch, a different JG bloodline, just Blacks...

Clarkson, KY

Way to go TF!! So glad he's safely away. It's too soon to cancel the tornado relocation project though, isn't it? I was looking forward to that one...

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

the TRP is still on!

Citra, FL

I can't imagine anything more fun, or anything more all American, or anything to portray what rural America is all about than the Iowa State Fair. I would love living in Iowa, but Im afraid I wouldnt love the winters.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Well anytime you want to come visit for the fair, you let us know and we'll be happy to take you and show you around the fair. It's a great time and loads of fun, with a lot of good (but bad for you) food too! :-)

Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

Doesn't Florida have a state fair Fla_Chick ? New York does.


Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

well everybody has a state fair. and FL has lots of well known chicken breeders. they even have a speical breed of quarter horses and a special breed of herding dog... but rural America they are not. i too would love to visit IOWA, much more than just the fair...

Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

Florida has rural areas tf! There are farmers there too ^_^ You have to look more towards the northern part of Florida for them.


Lumberton, TX(Zone 8b)

I wonder how fair food varies from state to state? We have some GREAT boudain here, but we're almost Louisiana. I guess the oddest (and possibly most disgusting) I've seen here is deep-fried Twinkie on a stick.

Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

brigidlily I think I'm quite ill at the thought of a deep fried Twinkie! I thought the deep fried candy bars were bad enough!!!
You see pizza, hot dogs, burgers, onion rings, those onion flower things, fried dough and stuff like that at ours.


Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Iowa is kind of bread-basket rural, because the whole state is pretty much farming! Well, that's how it feels sometimes. Mostly it's corn and soybeans and hogs. It certainly makes for a very agricultural-focused fair. They have lots of old tractor displays and 4-H stuff and tons of livestock. Of course there are many other things too, but it is definitely a showcase of the rural midwest.

Everything you can imagine on a stick, to eat, is there. Deep fried twinkie on a stick, deep fried Mars bar on a stick, smoked pork chop on a stick (these are yummy!), salad on a stick (really!!), breaded chicken on a stick, roast chicken on a stick, fried pineapple on a stick, corn dog on a stick (of course), meat balls on a stick, deep fried oreos on a stick, pickles on a stick, deep friend cheese on a stick, oh the list goes on....

Lodi, United States

Are the pickles deep fried? That sounds good to me. Anyone tried deep fried jalapenos on a stick?

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

oh yes on the deep fried pickles. they are to die for. My fav is Indian tacos. I might just make them tonight.

Lumberton, TX(Zone 8b)

Down here, it would probably be deep-fried salad on a stick.

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

how in the world do you get salad on a stick?

Lumberton, TX(Zone 8b)

The batter keeps it together...


Lodi, United States


(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

just dont seem right. he he he. I have not been to a fair in a long time.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

The salad on a stick is like a kebob - it has chunks of iceberg lettuce, tomatoes, sweet pepper, mushrooms, etc all threaded onto a stick. You can get a cup of dip/dressing with it too.

The salad isn't deep fried or battered though!

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

ok got ya now.

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

one salad, two pineapple rings, and eight oreos on a stick please...

hmmm, got a friend who lives in "rural" Florida.... where IS her number...

Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

We went to our state fair today and stopped in the Poultry display. Lots of Bantams for you who like them. They're cute as can be but not for me.We got to see the Buttercups and now we now know they're not birds we're interesting in getting. Saw Black Jersey Giants. Sheesh!! They're huge!! The thought of their feed bill scares me!!
Saw Dominques (lovely!) and Wyandottes (must get some hens ). A fun afternoon for both of us.


Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Sounds like a good time Molly - did you have any food on a stick?! LOL...

What did you not like about the buttercups? I thought they looked kind of nice.

Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

No food on a stick but ate lots of french fries which are not part of my normal diet! Enjoyed every piece too ^_^

Buttercups were very pretty but not much bigger than the Bantams. We want larger birds for meat plus the eggs.


Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Ah, now I see. They are pretty birds, yes, but small, I agree.

I ate sweet potato fries at the fair - not part of my usual diet either but oh so good! I eat sweet potato baked, but not fried...

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

oh, my DH loves to slice them up and fry them at home, YUM!

Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

I would have eaten those CMoxon if I had seen them there. French Fries were one of the healthiest things being offered!


Lodi, United States

I make fried onion and cubed sweet potato hash--very yummy!

Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

When I moved to Iowa in June, I was told by many people on no uncertain terms that I MUST go to the fair. It was so amazing! And yes, I tried a deep-fried Hostess cupcake on a stick just to say I had done it. It was very rich and not something I would want to eat every day. But the chocolate icing was warm and melty and pretty tasty. And the corn dogs were the best I've ever tasted.

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