A trip to the Iowa State Fair in photographs

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

And finally, the trio of old English game that I brought home from the poultry sale area. They are fawn silver duckwings. So sweet! They sit on my lap with no problem.

Hope everyone enjoyed my trip to the fair!

Thumbnail by DrDoolotz
londonderry, Australia

WOW looks lik some one had fun at the fair

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

Looks like you had some great things to look at. We did not have nearly that much here in Clark Co.

londonderry, Australia

less temptation

Lodi, United States

I wanna go to the Iowa Fair. I don't want to go to the Stockton Asparagus Fair! I wanna go to the Iowa State Fair!

londonderry, Australia

oh thats near me i can go too

Lodi, United States

And bring home bags of birdies!

londonderry, Australia

LOL i can get a Belgian D'Uccle

(AnjL) Fremont, CA(Zone 9b)

lol catscan.... the stockton asparagus fair is better than our Gilroy Garlic festival!!
do they have asparagus icecream?

Thanks so much claire, for sharing your pix! i missed out county fair this year :o(
Now it seems just like I was there!

londonderry, Australia

through pictures

Lodi, United States

Heck--you can get TWO Belgian D'uccles!

(Now my spellcheck says the above appears to be Polish!)

londonderry, Australia

LOL i will get some of them two LMBO

Lodi, United States

I like asparagus--but I love garlic! Do you think if we feed our chickens a whole bunch of garlic cloves we could make Poulet aux Quarante Gousses d'Ail (chicken with 40 cloves of garlic) without seasoning the meat?

Lodi, United States

Polish? Of course! The Oracle Spellcheck has spoken.

londonderry, Australia

i love garlic too but i dont like asparagus

londonderry, Australia

LOL so now polish and belgian d'uccles

(u can get spell check on your posts i didnt know u could do that)

Lodi, United States

Claire--did they have a place where the chickens were for sale--or did you contact the exhibitors?

Lodi, United States

I can spell check at home--but not at work. Go figure.....

londonderry, Australia


Lodi, United States

Iowa is looking better and better....How do chicken/goat people like living there? Would you recommend it?

The fair birds are so beautiful. I don't think most people realize how stunning chickens are.

(AnjL) Fremont, CA(Zone 9b)

lol catscan...not sure if the garlis would work that way :o)

but I asked the my kindergartener bi-lingual neighbor kid if I fed my chickens salsa and tortillas...when they lay eggs would the lay huevos rancheros?....
he thought that might be a good idea :oD lol!

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

lovely pictures claire, thanks, the one you said Super, Spangled Spotted? is a Splash! and the hen you loved so well is an OEG in the color Wheaten...

i loved all the pictures!

Prophetstown, IL(Zone 5a)

great photos!

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Thanks TF for the chicken IDs. I have so much to learn! Too many types beginning with "Sp..." for me to keep them all straight!

I love asparagus, but garlic only in small quantities. Otherwise it repeats on me for days...

Everyone is welcome to come to Iowa and see the State Fair. It goes from August 7 to the 17th this year, but every year it's about 10 days worth of fun and 410 acres of fairgrounds to see. It has a lot of family interest to it. There is a midway of course, with rides. There are lots of livestock displays, there is a demonstration garden with different plants and trees that do well in our zone, tractor displays, produce competitions, pie competitions, egg-rolling contests, blacksmithing, 4-H competitions, dog agility displays, butter carvings (this year a full size cow and one of Shawn Johnson, the Iowa gymnast who is at the Olympics). There are so many things - too many to talk about. You can't see it all in a day. Here's a link for anyone who wants to consider it as a vacation sometime. Midwest living magazine ranked it in the top 10 vacations in the nation for families. Oh, I forgot - lots of entertainment acts too - this year includes Rick Springfield, Def Leppard, Garrison Keillor, the Charlie Daniels band, & Foreigner, among others.


Catscan - chicken and goat people love Iiving in Iowa. One of the best things about it is the very reasonable housing and land prices. It has a lot of agriculture (of course) and the capital city is an "insurance" headquarters capital - we have a lot of insurance companies here. The thing I love is being just 15 minutes outside the city but being in the country surrounded by cornfields. I highly recommend it. I moved here from Toronto, Canada, about 6 years ago.

With regard to the sale chickens, when the poultry show is going on (2 days) they have a separate area where exhibitors can display birds that they have for sale. They put their phone # on the cages and the prices. They are all there anyway for the judging, etc, so you just call their cell phone # and they come running over. It's very convenient, plus you can talk to them about the birds and general chicken questions.


Lumberton, TX(Zone 8b)

Great pics, Claire! You're a Chicken Fairy Tool, you know that, don't you?

The SE Texas State Fair is always in October, almost always on my birthday. I do plan on having the coop/tractor done by then.

I love the speckly ones, whatever they're called -- and your OEGs are gorgeous!

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Brigid - I think the chicken fairy may be trying to recruit me. I'm scared...

I hope you'll take some good pictures at the SE Texas State Fair and take us on a tour of what you see there! It will be fun to see all the different types of things you will have. I bet there will be Texas Longhorns! And do they have Texas Leghorns? LOL...

Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

Ours is at the end of August. luckycharm_1 you'd better come to ours in New York State cause we're way closer to Ohio than Iowa!!! LOL http://www.nysfair.org/home.php


Sue, RI(Zone 6a)

Love the trip to the fair Thanks! We are hoping to go to The Big E in Springfield, Ma this year. http://www.thebige.com/fair/
Love the animals and really love the food!

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Wow, those fairs look like such fun. If I were retired and had the money, I'd take a couple of months to travel in the summer to all the state fairs I could fit into a schedule. That would be such fun - to visit so many and see all the different things. But how would I deal with all the chickens I would buy...

londonderry, Australia

i am on my way LOL


Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

I have a guest room ready Josh! You are welcome anytime! The chickens would love to have company.

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

LOL you gonna put Josh with the chickens.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

LOL, I just meant they'd like someone else to pay attention to them. I try to keep house guests and livestock in separate quarters! LOL!

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

he he he that is to funny. I am going to make my youngest daughter she is 21 sleep with the chickens so she wont be scared of them.

Lumberton, TX(Zone 8b)

Chicken Fairy, drug dealer -- what's the difference? They hook you SO sweetly... then reel you in laughing...

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Ah, but the chickens make you happy, and give you eggs, and make you laugh with their antics, and give you nice compost material, and sometimes enjoy your interaction with the.

Drugs make you unhappy and unhealthy and fry your brain. And they don't give you eggs or compost.

So I much prefer the chicken fairy. :-)

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

and the chicken fairy prefers you, Claire... [look out!]

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

I am with Claire there, give me the chickens. Oh gosh I just thought I have been bitten again. Dang but I want them turkeys. Now how am I gonna pass that one over on the hubby. Plus them long tailed birds. Silver something. That is going to be fun.

Lumberton, TX(Zone 8b)

Plus, CF stays with you all the way through your addiction. Goes to all the Poultrys Anonymous meetings (aka state fairs) with you...

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

that is where the meetings are. Gosh I have to wait for another 3 weeks for a meeting.

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