Unusual Seed Swap 08 Announcement

South West, LA(Zone 9a)

Ok, I just thought you may not have had time to update. So many nice seeds already! Ive been looking for Nicotiana Mutablis and can you tell me if the Nicotiana Rustica is fragrant as well?

's-Gravenhage, Netherlands(Zone 8b)


Are we supposed to choose from this list, or will you compose our packages?

Marine City, MI(Zone 5a)

I will be choosing, BUT.....you will all have a chance to comprise a wish list and I will match up as best as I can.
This method worked great last year.
Participants will also be able to choose from my regular seed list too. I will be creating my list near the end of the month.

's-Gravenhage, Netherlands(Zone 8b)

Pfew, that's a relief! I leave the choosing all up to you! I already mailed you what kind of seeds I like.....

Morgantown, WV(Zone 6a)

I would love to participate, but I'm not sure many of my seeds will be ready by Sept 15. (Is that the mail by date or the received date?) Would seeds from last year's harvest be OK? The only things I have harvested this year so far are LOTS of Basket of Gold Allysum (Aurinia saxatilis) and Snow-In-Summer (Cerastium tomentosum). But both of those are rather commonplace, aren't they?

South West, LA(Zone 9a)

I personally do not have a problem with last years seed. I just don't like dealing with seed that's several years old. ;o)

's-Gravenhage, Netherlands(Zone 8b)

I don't mind either. If they've been stored in a cool, dry place they'll be perfectly viable.....

BTW, the two you mention are not commonplace in Europe!

hickory, NC(Zone 7a)

iv got mine ready will send out soon

Marine City, MI(Zone 5a)

I dont see anything wrong with last years seeds either. Sept. 15 is the last mailing date and I would personally like to receive basket of gold too. It makes such a pretty ground cover. Snow in Summer is very pretty too. I just tried it this year!
Some of the unusuals I hope to have are:
variegated sunflower
frilly aster
moroccan sea holly

I have a question. Is anyone interested in Mexican Hats (rabida)? I have a TON of them.

Marine City, MI(Zone 5a)

How bout a morning glory mix of this?

Thumbnail by Theresa

Oh, yes, I want the Mexican Hats (Ratibida) They look cool. I have oceans of Snow in Summer Basket of Gold as ground covers in my pet garden. Have never tried collecting the seed, though. They are real common here in France, Tuink! I bought a lot of them as plants this Spring for Euro 1.00 each because mine weren't spreading fast enough. Although the Basket of Gold seeds widely, it doesn't do so thickly enough!!!

gieten, Netherlands

yes i would love to mexican hats to

and the leonotis is in mine garden flowering at the moment but in a few months ill hope i have seeds from these
and if you want ill will send seeds to you these seeds than ill think okt nov that the seeds are ready

Marine City, MI(Zone 5a)

would love leonitis seeds bartjestuin
I have lots of rabida, and I agree, they are cool looking!

Greenbush, MI(Zone 4b)


More seeds are on the way, mostly sunflowers. Do you have any name for the varigated sunflowers you would like? I will be getting more sunflowers soon.

I would like some Mexican Hats if you have any left.



Marine City, MI(Zone 5a)

I have thousands of rabida seeds Macsie. Im excited to receive sunflowers! The name of the variegated sunflowers is sunspots.

Greenbush, MI(Zone 4b)

I will look out for "Sunspots".


hickory, NC(Zone 7a)

i sent my seeds out today
i would love the vairegated sunflower as well please been wanting this one for a while
i love anything variegated
i would love some cuttings of the variegated lavatera if anyone has any plmk and thxs

gieten, Netherlands

i have seeds from the lavatera arborea 'variegata'
i can not send plants to the usa the are to long on the way
because ill live in the netherlands

hickory, NC(Zone 7a)

i have tried the seeds and they dont stay variegated,do you know why? they start out variegated but then turn green and thats it.that is why i wanted cuttings,do they need cool temps to be variegated or what any info would be appriciated and if you know how to keep them variegaed i would love to try the seeds again and thxs so much what would you like in exchange? plmk and thxs

gieten, Netherlands

hello moretz
mine seedlings begin always green leaves and than the are variegated leaves in a few mounths
but you must the plant in the fully light than the leaves are very variegated if you have them in the shade than you have green leaves
i have never problem with the plants
i have always variegated leaves even the plants the growing from seeds from the volly ground selfseeding

i can send you a packets from these seeds if you want


's-Gravenhage, Netherlands(Zone 8b)

I agree with Marjolein. I sowed her variegated lavatera this year and it is very much spotted indeed. But the first five leaves or so are plain green......

gieten, Netherlands

sent me a d mail with your adres
i tought i had this but it was from your girlfriend for the cleome seeds
and ill send you a packeds


hickory, NC(Zone 7a)

dmailed you thxs

Ozone, AR(Zone 6a)

Theresa, I would like to particatpate. I have one unusual flower that i don't know what is and have'nt been able to find a picture of anywhere. The owner of my nursery says it's a perennial hibiscus species and it resembles a Red Leafed hibiscus but the leaves are not red and the flowers are somewhat smaller tho same color.It's a beautiful plant and stays green most of winter in Z6. I also have plain yellow mexican hat and regular mexican hats,Daylilly seeds from all colors of named dayllies, also have seeds of catnip,motherwort,comfry.
Can get them off by saturday.

New York & Terrell, TX(Zone 8b)


Can I step in here? My seeds will be sent Via NYS, then returned to Texas. I'll be there for the winter again.

Will veggies & herbs be accepted too?
I'll be sending my houseplants & some other outside plants ahead to my mom; just before I leave.

~* Robin

Thumbnail by NatureWalker
Marine City, MI(Zone 5a)

yes you can send veggies and herbs, and unnamed seeds, like the perennial hibiscus, just label them with the info you do have.
Im glad to see all the new participants. This is really gonna be fun!

's-Gravenhage, Netherlands(Zone 8b)

Theresa, did you get my envie yet?

Marine City, MI(Zone 5a)

no, it hasnt arrived yet tuinkabouter...

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

I didn't see my name on this thread, but I do want to participate - primarily I want to send seeds - I have sooo many right now!

Marine City, MI(Zone 5a)

all seeds accepted with pleasure Seandor!

Nieuwegein, Netherlands(Zone 8a)

Hi Theresa,

I'm harvesting several seeds right now. Shall I send some cephalaphora aromatica, rodochiton atrosanguineum, viola x wittrockiana true blue and poppy princess Victoria Louise as well?


Marine City, MI(Zone 5a)

yes please Ana! All those seeds sound great! I was hoping you were going to join in the fun this year too.

Ozone, AR(Zone 6a)

Thanks Theresa, I would like to make one request if i could. I would trade all my seeds for 1 heirloom seed trade of anything from France. My great grand mother, who raised me, was born in Wissemburg France. It would be a treasure to have some seeds from France.
Seeds will be mailed saturday.

Sent out my seed packet today, you should received it in a couple of days I guess.

Marine City, MI(Zone 5a)

Vickie, it will be easy to send seeds from France since Potagere Farges (France) is a participant in this fun swap.
Welcome aboard!

Included in my seeds will be some French orchids (although are probably going to be VERY DIFFICULT to raise), a blue Alpine columbine, Rond de Nice round zucchini, Muscade de Provence winter squash, Longue des Landes sweet pepper, Rouge de la Bresse chili pepper, Craquerelle du Midi and Rougette de Montpelier lettuces. I guess all of these could count as French heirlooms. Except for the orchids and the columbine, if you especially wanted one of these, I could put in a separate packet just for you.

Nieuwegein, Netherlands(Zone 8a)

Great! Really looking forward to it, Theresa!!

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

I joining too!

Morgantown, WV(Zone 6a)

Is there a list somewhere of everyone participating? I was going to see if you had me down, but I couldn't find a list.

Marine City, MI(Zone 5a)

No list Pam. When I receive seeds I log them in at http://www.freewebs.com/gardenbabe/08unusualseedswap1.htm so everyone can see what is offered. When all seeds have arrived I then offer participants to make selections.

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