What's Happening in YOUR neighborhood today pt 7

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

I agree. Wonderful talent there.


hmmmmmmmmmm Betty - care to visit and make some for me? LOL
They're really something special!

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Betty .. those Faux Panes would spruce up ANYTHING :-) If it were me (as I have zippety doo in the artistic talent dept) I'd be gluing pics from magazines onto the panes LoL .. dang me .. why'd I throw out all those National Geographics !!
Awesome .. you are truly blessed !!

Wanted to RE pose a question .. when do I do the digging up and repositioning of some plants? My Rudbeckia has sprouted new offspring .. the Hydrangea that cost me $5. in March is blooming a lovely pink colour but is not in a good place .. needs to be moved .. as well .. I wanted to give my friend from the cemetery some perennials. Over the years I have given and received bulbs and roots .. but I can never remember when ? Something tells me to move Iris in the fall .. but what about Day Lillies ..??
UGgggggggggg .. I stay awake at night thinkin up this stuff !! I could easily look it up online, but, prefer to throw it out to all of you because I trust you more than some cold online info .. you've probably all 'been there, done that' .. and hopefully your memory is better than mine LOL .. been awhile since I've had these many perennials go balistic !!

Enjoy your day .. I'm doing a 4 hour stint with the 'Breast Mobile' today .. do that off and on as needed when the van comes out this way .. have seen ALL the Mammogram jokes let me tell ya !!

Take care all !!


Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Omigosh !! Where did the weekend GO !!!!

Hopefully everyone had a good weekend. Sure was a chilly but very pleasant 2 days here. As I type this I can see the thermometer on the Evergreen outside is JUST edging past 40F !!

Have a buncha beets to pickle today and will likely go back to the produce farm to see what's come in later this morning.

The Breast Screening Unit was quite busy yesterday .. we usually get perhaps 3 to 4 clients in over 4 hours .. yesterday we had 12 .. am assuming it's the whole return to work back to school phenomenon that strikes at this time of year. Right now WalMart and Zellers are bursting at the doors with people picking up school supplies and clothing .. come the 2nd week of September the 2 stores will be pretty much empty .. THAT'S when to shop :-)

Take care all ..


Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Read this article a few minutes ago .. thought I'd share it. It's with regards to the Maple Leaf Foods recall ..



Victoria Harbour, ON

Morning, lordy it's cold out there, not far from freezing point I'm sure..yesterday A/C and today furnace, what a mixture, no wonder everyone is coming down with colds..

Easy week ahead..work Mon/Tue - hospital Wedn. am, B.B.Q. here at the house in the aft., Thurs. bringing the 4 grandchildren to Toronto National Exhibition and Medieval Times for supper, Fri. work 1/2 day but am trying to see if we can have the am off and I'll put office phones to my house for the weekend and then the long weekend...let's hope the weather co-operates...

Didn't purchase any flowers for the window boxes, bit late in the season, want ivy, potato vine and geraniums..maybe I'll find something temporary..today I'll sketch some working on the sign I cut out yesterday to go over the doors..everyone is working out of the office most of the day except me, need something to entertain myself...

Well better get a move on, long way to Toronto...highway was closed part of the day yesterday so many cottagers might have put off going home until this morning..

Will go back and re-read the threads and post once I'm settled in ..

Thumbnail by Bettypauze
Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

What a day, "weather wise' , here in Thunder Bay !! After a VERY cool/COLD morning .. we were treted to an amazing day .. sunny and about 75F ..

I did get the messy job of pickling beets done .. I think that each year I do this task I remember 'something' from the years prior .. this year for instance, I wore BLACK !!! No more white shorts and pink top !!!
Went out to the farm and picked up fresh ingredients to make 'cabbage soup' .. not sure if I'll actually EAT it .. but .. I'll help DH make it .. and the sweet corn is now ready .. we were able to pick a couple of dozen .. they had bags on sale, but, I always think DH gets some kind of perverse pleasure from watching me brush away 'make believe bugs' !!! Am for sure NOT a fan of 'things' (corn stalks) brushing my hair or arms !!

Betty , enjoy your 'easy week' at work .. do hope you are able to get Friday off .. have fun a with the boys :-)



Edmonton, AB(Zone 3a)

Hey Betty
Canna's can be super.
I do as already suggested: let first frost take a bite then cut off just above soil, I then empty them out of their pots and knock a bunch of soil off. I get out the garden hose and blast the rest of the soil away. I then leave out in the sun to dry for a couple of days and put into a rubbermaid tote with peatmoss. I have a wonderful neighbor who has a cold room and the tote lives in there till march. Then I get it out and cut it into chunks and pot it into buckets( two gallon size) I sit them in the window till they get going and then put them under grow lights so they don't streach out too much and put them out as soon as possible.
It saves me a bunch and I share like crazy as I usually have 20 buckets or so.

Cooling off here and the nights are getting longer!!
Oh well onto a lovely fall.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Ann, Thanks for the canna tips
Theresa gave me 2 which are absolutely beautiful and since I lost my last year for improper winter storage, I really appreciate the advice.

Thumbnail by joannabanana
Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Here's the green one. Neither have any sign of blooms though

Thumbnail by joannabanana
Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Oops, that 1st picture is a little hard on the eyes. Not sure how to delete.

Thumbnail by joannabanana
Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

I don't usually end up digging all my Cannas because they multiply so rapidly. I do much the same as Ann in looking after them except so far, I've wintered them in one of my large plastic pots. I like the Rubbermaid tub idea.

I got mine started really late this year because of our May 22 - June 9 trip. We've had so much rain that the growth is lush, but I don't know if I will get any bloom from them.


Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Killing frost just south and west of us overnite :-( seems we are unscathed .. WHEW !!!
GREAT instructions Annabell .. am attaching a pic of my Cannas .. they have sort of EXPLODED !!

Enjoy your day everyone


Thumbnail by MarilynneS
Victoria Harbour, ON

First year with Canna's..as I said they were dirt cheap at Church Plant Sale..will follow your instructions, very clear to understand, sometimes these things confuse me..lol..doesn't take much some days...but they would look lovely in pots around the decks so will look forward to springtime and the survival of the fittest of the canna's...

Love the photo's of the flowers Joannabanana...what are the miniature red ones?

"M" it's coming, almost afraid this morning to go out and see the gardens..don't remember fall hitting the gardens so early last year..strange seasons and weather...

should think which plants I want to have indoors and get them in at nights before the frost attacks them...

Ann, must go to Fabricland as well, try and find out when their major sale occurs, am teaching Victorian Santa's this year as 1 day make and take workshops and will need about 80 meters..velvet has gone up substantially, might ask how much if I purchased a bolt or 2..put that on this weekends list...already pouring and painting their faces so feel I'm getting ahead of the game as long as I don't procrastinate...

Can feel my interests change from the garden to fall projects...

Don't know about you all, but it will take me ions to store everything out of winters way..when do you put your gardens to bed???

Well it's time to leave for the city..will start another thread today as some must be having difficulties accessing it...

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