What's Happening in YOUR neighborhood today pt 7

Victoria Harbour, ON

And they say small cars don't have trunk space..lol

Thumbnail by Bettypauze
Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

LOL .. Betty you sure can 'PUSH the envelope' re the trunk space .. glad you were able to get the furniture home :-)

Am inside at the moment .. way too hot to be outside .. we are probably sitting at 32 to 35C !!! So .. am enjoying the AC ..

Took a couple of pics on my morning round of watering .. one is a Rudbeckia I purchased in the spring .. called "Prairie Sun" .. just well gorgeous !!
The other is a pic of the 2 green pepper plants I adamantly informed DH I could grow in a pot on the patio :-) He's gone south now to Wisconsin fishing .. am hoping the peppers flourish even more than they have .. AND .. that I don't do something to harm his HUGE vegetable garden .. we SO need rain !!!!


Thumbnail by MarilynneS
Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

My green peppers :-)

As you can see in the first pic of the Rudbeckia .. my Cannas ( I have about 15) are starting to 'give'er' :-)


Thumbnail by MarilynneS
Victoria Harbour, ON

Saturday finds cemented in the garden...love the door

Thumbnail by Bettypauze
Victoria Harbour, ON

Birdhouse waiting for tenants...might have put it too high

Thumbnail by Bettypauze
Victoria Harbour, ON

Newest lily in bloom..must check to see if I kept the tag for names...

Thumbnail by Bettypauze
Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

TAGS are so important to keep .. have learned from my mistakes in that one regard ..

Lots on my 'TO DO' list .. best I get at it !!

Enjoy your day everyone


Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

To Do list .. hmmmm .. well .. sorta completed :-)
Weather again quite warm .. close to 85 or 90(with the humidex) .. then about 3:30pm we had a thunderstorm scare ... 5 minutes of rain .. then SUNSHINE !!! So .. am on my way out to water ..

Off to work in the early morning hours (0300) tomorrow .. must take time for a wee nap ..

Enjoy your evening hours


Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Not doing much of anything these days - with the garden competition over I dont even need to weed the garden!
Had a foster dog here for 2 weeks and we took him to his forever home yesterday. A very amiable, easy going giant sheltie!
Saturday at Lougheed House was A Walk Thru Time, in conjunction with Historic Calgary week. There was an antique car display in the gardens, owners in period costume, croquet and badminton on the lawns ,lemonade stands and tango lessons , photographers and painters! Tours of the house were free and we were all in our summer , circa 1925 outfits. Busy day!

Victoria Harbour, ON

Sounds like it would have been a lovely place to walk through...I must be an old spirit..love anything old....maybe because I'm heading that way right? lol

"M", we got the storm, took us an extra hour to get home tonight..torrential rains, had to stop as you couldn't even see the roads..Suzanne reminded me it was much like our blizzards..dead stop, no visibility..yuk it's coming isn't it...

tired tonight, off to bed
glad you all enjoyed your day...
sleep well..

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

You betcha "IT'S" coming Betty .. I left home this morning at about 3:30am .. it was actually 'crisp' !! The hospital is 2 blocks from Lake Superior .. so .. after driving 25K in from the country .. I REALLY noticed a difference when I got out of my car in the parking lot .. but .. leaving the hospital at 11am .. quite the difference .. a very pleasant summers day.

Debating whether or not to go to bed .. the NO is winning the battle .. I used to do 5 to 6 mids in a row (way back when I was nuts) have 3 off and do it all again .. I 'woke up' a couple of years ago .. went casual on Hospice and now I go when I want to. Only down side of that is living with cell phones and pagers .. but .. gonna pull the pin before very long .. nursing is a stressy profession no matter how rewarding it can be and I have had about enough now.

Gonna do some laundry ..

Enjoy your day everyone


Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Had my first bowl of raspberries yesterday. Looks like a good crop this year. Better go buy fresh pectin for freezer raspberry jam!

Grand Forks, BC(Zone 5b)

We're cookin' down here in Southern BC. Suppose to reach near 40C today. Yikes! All I can say is "Thank God for AC".

Edmonton, AB(Zone 3a)

Green house report for veggies
Here are my yellow peppers on their way to being ready. The greenhouse got so hot I had to buy shade cloth and clipped it to the guidewires near the roof. Things are better now.

Thumbnail by annabell52
Edmonton, AB(Zone 3a)

And here are my English cukes the whole vine climbs the wall on the page wire which my DH attached to the ceiling . I have eaten 5 or 6 and this is the next crop, two of 7 which will be ready soon. Right now they are about 8 inches long.

Thumbnail by annabell52
Edmonton, AB(Zone 3a)

And the last photo is of the Tomatoes. We have been eating off the far one which is the Sun Gold then the next few are ? and ? Jagonjune started the seeds and I don't remember what their names are but they are so heavy they've been breaking the stems and I have started supporting them.

Carol I am so pleased to have seen your gardens personally they are lovely and your hospitality is just as magnificiant (sp). You are doing us proud!.

Yikes!! I don't know how to change the photo! I made a mistake and clicked too soon!.
These are my chocolate Salpiglosis which I save seeds from year to year. Please pardon my mistake.

Thumbnail by annabell52
Edmonton, AB(Zone 3a)

And the Tomatoes.
OH BOY I am having a "page stuck together day"
My computer leaves this on its side on the desk top and when I open it it's turned the right way.
I guess it's too hot here too.
Thanks for your patience.

Thumbnail by annabell52
Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Super pics Annabell :-) Your tomatoes are coming along nicely as are your cukes !!! The tomatoes here are so so .. have had just 2 and the rest are either green on the vine or turning over to yellow before their 'blush' .. cool nights here makes growing SLOW !!!
Did have a nice feed of fresh green beans from the garden last night .. found out Lilly likes them raw ..tend to think dogs like almost ALL fresh uncooked garden veggies ..

MAJOR horror here for me yesterday .. maybe I SHOULD have gone to bed !! Looked out my kitchen window which looks north onto the property .. did a double take and then froze in me tracks .. there was a MONSTROUS black bear creatin a disturbance .. had knocked over the burn barell, trashed the composter .. and was headed for the garage .. THANK HEAVEN for electric garage doors!! I was able to shut him out and give him a wee scare at the same time .. he trundled off going west down the driveway .. I called the neighbours to warn them as they have young children .. called the police and got no response .. left a message !!!
NO WAY will I be walking down to get the newspaper this morning !! Seems to me .. whenever DH goes away .. 'things' happen .. he called last night and was concerned about the DOG and his VEG GARDEN !!! LoL .. I think he already knew I was in 'bear fear mode' .. I'm ok if I don't see'em .. but .. once I catch a glimpse that close .. well .. I tend to freeze up !!
I'm having a VCARS meeting out here next Tuesday .. 20 people are coming and have requested a fire in the firepit 'OUT BACK' !!! gonna have to think that over !!

Off to buy a new mattress today .. been awhile and I am ASTOUNDED at the cost !!! It's a king sized mattress I am replacing with a new one ..

Weather here is again awesome .. gonna be 27C today .. had a thunder boomer here last evening for about half an hour .. deluge of rain .. so .. didn't have to water .. WOO HOO !! :-)

Happy gardening :-)


Victoria Harbour, ON

Wow to the bear..think they are indeed more frightened of us than we of them, but still, gives you a fright and they sure can do mega damage...

Dark and overcast here in the city, calling for rain...we broke the record for most rain in July, keept his up and we'll break August record as well..calling for much the same for the next 4 or 5 days...looks as though I'd better get some inhouse projects organized...

Did purchase a few months ago wood to make 2 'Dinner' cafe birdhouses...so cute...so might just play with them...one for 'swap' and one for ME of course...

"M" wondered if you won 1/2 the big lottery..one ticket was from Quebec but the other from northern Ontario...tears in my eyes, had wanted to win part of it so I could purchase an RV and travel Canada and USA to visit all my DG friends....maybe next week...

OMG look at those Salpiglosis, need some/want some...lol

My gardens at this time of year have far too much white...must make some changes this fall inpreparation for a colorful 2009 garden...girlfriend June dropped in with hubby last night, they brought me 2 lovely magnolia's (fall type perrenial)..she tried to get red/maroon but only had off white with band of red....so must be on the lookout for more color...

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

'SIGH' .. wasn't me that won the lottery .. it was a group working in a business down closer to you Betty. I believe they have been in a 'pool' for the tickets for 14 years .. will see just over $900,000.00 each .. very nice :-)
I did win a free ticket though!!

The bear has not been back (that I know of) still have a mess to clean up .. waiting for the 'right moment'

Purchased a new mattress today .. will be delivered tomorrow along with a new box spring .. guess I'm gonna sorta be like 'the princess and the pea' :-) Nice that they will take away the old stuff .. am having mini fits with regards to how they are going to get it in and insitu .. heavens knows its been awhile since i was able to vacuum underneath the bed (properly) but .. I guess the fellas are used to 'dust bunny colonies' :-)

MMMMMMMMMmmmm .. Magnolias sound so exotic :-) I do know they smell heavenly ...



Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

SHALZBAT (as Mork would say to Mindy) !! Been a night here .. Lilly started to growl and 'act funny' around 2am .. I, in turn, became frozen to the bed listening to my heart beat in my ears .. I finally was able to get out of bed and go down the hall and waken my bud who is staying with me and we crept into the kitchen to look out in the back .. she flipped on the floods and there drinking from one of the bird baths was Mr Black Bear .. by then .. Lilly was 'creatin a disturbance' of GRAND proportions. Course .. I had watched the National news last night and saw the footage of the 2 bears who became aggressive in Coquitlham BC .. one malled a woman the other crashed through a basement apt window. Both of those bears succumbed to gunshot (tranquilizer darts) wounds. I wasn't about to call police .. they have never gotten back to me from my call 2 days ago. So .. since there is NO garbage about .. birdfeeders are put away .. if he/she wants to drink water .. so be it.
Gotta tell ya .. I am none too happy though .. I am surmising this bear is NOT aggressive .. but .. the walk from house to garage is becoming a quick trot now with me SINGING anything I can think of .. and to think .. I went to work in the middle of the night the other night and didn't bat an eye !!! Sauntered out .. went into the garage and left !!!!

So .. it'll be a day spent close to the house .. have to ready for the mattress delivery
anyway ..

HEY .. TGIF and the OLYMPICS open today .. I sure wish all the athletes the best .. hopefully they will be safe and successful !!


Victoria Harbour, ON

It would be a worry..know when I was on the farm we had a pond in the back forty..put in roads for kids to drive golf carts and between the grandchildren, marked out and cleaned trails for them to walk, then same happened, bears/bears/bears so we had to stop letting them go out on their own, did purchase whistles for them to wear as I understand they don't like the high pitch..but, spoilt it for the kids...

Rain most of the way in this morning..as for home, downpoured most of the evening..did want to do a few things but ended up shortning the garbage bag filled with jeans that brother Bernie dropped off..lol..so this morning, dropped them off to him, another project completed.. I've many on my list for this weekend so could entertain myself inside if it rains...always something right...

Of course, driving in myself this morning I had to drop into Canadian Tire, car is full of shrubs..a must have right? shake my head...how can one resist 75% off...I can't...

So let's see how much of my 'to do' list I can get done....

Painted faux windows for the back shed this week at work, Cliff (neighbor) is making frame for the inserts and is away for a week so have to pass on that one..although, I want to put window boxes (have 3) so if I can alter them to fit, I'll be pleased as punch...

Have a stained glass panel that has been on craft room table since spring..don't really have anywhere to hang it so guess that's why I'm procrastinating..only about 3 hrs. and it would be done...sooo maybe this weekend...

Need 2 'Cafe' birdhouses (1 for a swap and 1 for me) that would entertain me for several hours...

Maybe another trip to Meaford, big sales at the Candle Factory (tents set up with gift items - non candle related) only about 1 1/2 drive at the cost of gas ?????$$$$???? to save $5.00 lol..but lovely nurseries along the way...

Will look to install a post so I can attach my glass flowers to tonight IF it doesn't rain.

That's my list and that's my goal..

OOOPS - edited to add....need to finish my project for "Christmas in July" swap so better sleep less/work more...

This message was edited Aug 8, 2008 10:50 AM

Thumbnail by Bettypauze
comebychance, NL(Zone 5b)

we had our memory garden,planting it went realy will

Thumbnail by digging_dirt
Victoria Harbour, ON

OMG isn't that wonderful...were you all family, was it for a special occassion??? how nice for different generations to work together...look forward to the story behind the photo, hopefully you didn't already tell me and I've forgotten??? patience please...

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Wow .. what a wonderful pic :-) What awesome planters .. well done !!!


Victoria Harbour, ON

Wow, does it feel like a true fall October morning here..change in the weather...everything outside is damp/soggie so had better wait till mid morning to play in the garden...what to do/what to do...sure I'll find something...

Do enjoy your day everyone...

Blyth, ON(Zone 5b)

Raining, thunder here this morning. I think it's supposed to go on all day, all night and all of tomorrow. We won't be able to get back to the patio work but I might get finished with painting my chairs. Might even get some housework done, one never knows :-)


comebychance, NL(Zone 5b)

Betty it was a community event,and anyone how lost a loveone could plant a flower or a shrub for that loveone,the ones in the pic arnt from the same family,i took the photo.
the planters are in front of our chruch.i have alot of pic of it and will post more for you
it was a great day ,sad but good.
It would be a great thing for communities to do ,dont you think.

Thumbnail by digging_dirt
comebychance, NL(Zone 5b)

heres another view when we were finished

Thumbnail by digging_dirt
Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Again digging .. just a wonderful tribute .. we have a walkway here where trees are planted as dedications to loved ones who have passed away .. it's just lovely .. LOTS of trees in the 5 years its been in effect.

A PRE fall day here too .. high of 19 .. cool NE breeze .. was able to mow 2 lawns and not break a sweat :-)

Off to harvest some green beans and potatoes from the garden .. WITH a radio and a cell phone I might add .. if the bear is about he had best HATE the music !!


Victoria, BC(Zone 8b)

We've been away for about a week so it's good to catch up on everyone. We've had hot and dry weather but last evening and today, some rain showers that are surely needed.

Everyone seems so busy!!

I can't seem to find any of the chronicles of our 2 travelling boys. I've left off the names incase something taboo happened and the threads were removed. Could someone please dmail me to let me know?

Linda in Victoria

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Whoa Linda .. yer right .. the 'duo' and the adventures thereof have vanished .. I usually get an update when I logon .. but haven' for a bit now .. last one was maybe a week ago.
I know several of us in this forum are waiting for our vist from them .. here's hoping all is well ..

BTW .. welcome back :-) Enjoy your rain showers !!


Grand Forks, BC(Zone 5b)

That's just crazy...I just added a message to Chronicles #3 about 3 days ago. After the fiasco about the Parade pictures, they put the VanDusen gardens back in a again. Then both chronicles #2 & 3 disappeared. Whats going on? Any idea growin?

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Better contact Dave.

Grand Forks, BC(Zone 5b)

A few of us believe we should just let the situation die... Enough has been said to Admin.

North Saanich, Canada

Can I just get everyone to hold onto their britches a minute regarding the boys??? : - )

I am not sure what happened to threads 1 and 2, but thread 3 was deleted because of controversial pictures.
I think Dave and the adminstration have had lots of d-mails already, and after discussions with a few people, I think that we should just leave this alone, and get a new thread going when the boys get to their next destination. We can start having fun again when our next DG person starts posting pictures of the boys.
I think the best bet is if we just stop having discussions about it, and let it go.


Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Guess I missed something!

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

I agree with Glenda . as my Mom would have said in this typa situation "Least said is easiest mended' .. lets just move forward and enjoy :-)

WOOOO HOO .. one COOL morning here in Thunder Bay .. the thermometer is hurtin to hit 50F at the moment .. no bear activity noted (always a good thing).

Am in high gear here re yard work as my "party night" (actually a meeting) is Tuesday. Dontcha know .. there is a call for a 60% chance of rain. Gotta tell ya .. 20 folks OUTSIDE is a lot easier than 20 INSIDE .. but .. as with everything in life .. all seems to work out, and the day after you wonder what all the fretting was about :-) Am so very happy to have Lorna here .. the property looks amazing. OH to have her talent for landscaping .. maybe I should re phrase .. OH to have her ability to incorporate her ideas and make them look as wonderful as her thoughts when completed !!

Enjoy your Sunday everyone .. seem to be some kinda HUGE fire happening in the North end of Toronto .. should make the drive in tomorrow a bit dicey for some folks ..


Blyth, ON(Zone 5b)

I obviously missed something as well, but the hints about it are leaving a bad taste in my mouth. I'm going away for a while now. I'll check in occassionally to see how Dave and Bullwinkle are progressing, but I may or may not be back to post again other than for that purpose.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Neighbor just phoned to tell me about big explosion in TO early this morning ( she knew I have a brother there but not nearby)

Anybody here affected?

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