BIG Gourd

Whitsett, NC(Zone 8a)

I have two seedlings that are starting to send out the curly-dealies . . . just like the luffa gourds and the zucchini's . . . I will take those to my mother's place on Saturday, to get them all planted. Let us know about the devils claw plants, too, A - if they vine or not, etc.

Mesilla Park, NM

Alrighty, they are fury kind of leaves and have a sticky feeling substance to them.. very strange, I feel like I need to wash my hands when I touch

Crossville, TN

Devil's Claw has a very pretty bloom...and they spread on the the Sacred Datura....vines...but no trellis...they are a wild plant.

Gourd, you give me a report on what kind you have...if the blooms are different also. Thanks. Jo

Vandalia, IL

Hello RR -Jo..I planted 5 starts of the african gourds, ,probally the size of far Ive only lost one.. wouldnt you know it our evenings have still been hanging in the 50's....still not great temps.yet! I made 4 -100',, seed rows, at a friends farm,,,,and the temps just arent high enough..i hope Im just being impatient. its been 13 days,and nothing popping up yet...thank- goodness I have more seed, just incase I need to replant! I learned so much this year in my glass house..learned I shouldnt start things so early,,and I need vents in glass house so things dont burn up..thank you for the seeds,,its been fun! Dee

Crossville, TN

Keep reporting on any thing that happens. Thanks...Jo

Mesilla Park, NM

Thanks Jo,
I've got the three types of Devils Claw going, I just have to transplant the seedlings, they look good. They do all look the same. So I better not mix my labels. My gourd plants are doing great, it has been hot here, I try to cover them some in the afternoons, but they don't seem to need it.. I think by them being acclimated for a couple of weeks outside helped tremendously. Now I just have to make sure they get enough water while they grow.

( Kris) Smiths, AL(Zone 8a)

Hi all, well none of the other seeds made it. So I will just be watching you all grow yours. Happy Mothers Day and goodnight all....

Whitsett, NC(Zone 8a)

I did go and plant my two seedlings at my mothers house today. Will go back tomorrow - or Tuesday - to take a look at them.

Crossville, TN

Happy Birthday, Elfs_garden...sorry about your seeds. Jo

( Kris) Smiths, AL(Zone 8a)

Thanks roadrunner, it has been a good day so far..

Mesilla Park, NM

Happy Mother's Day everyone!


Crossville, TN

OK, Folks...It's time for a report on the BIG Gourds!! Jo

Cochise, AZ(Zone 8b)

JO, Have you seen the one John is selling raffle tickets for? I have never seen one that big. Will try to remember to get a picture and maybe of John too if he will let me! Sue

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Sorry, our temp 0f 100+ for the past month, has killed just about every plant I have! Does not matter how much I water! I have lost brugs, and everything else!

Crossville, TN

Sue...I'll have to come by tomorrow and check out John's gourd!!

Taters...I feel your pain! Jo

Cochise, AZ(Zone 8b)

It's amazing! I'm so glad he's feeling better and is back at market.

Whitsett, NC(Zone 8a)

My vines are all fried, too. Even though I tried to keep them watered with a bucket, the heat is horrible here. Over 100 all week.

Crossville, TN

I have heard from is proff that the seeds were viable...her big gourd is now 73-1/2 inches around!!...and still green!

Here is a link to her pictures on her web site. Jo


Thumbnail by roadrunner
Mesa, AZ(Zone 9b)

Holy crap that's big!!

Jo, didn't read this whole thread- just came across it while browsing (I looked at the pics :), where's the one of yours?

Crossville, TN

I have more sense than try to grow one....LOL

I just see that the right folks gets seed. Jo

Mesa, AZ(Zone 9b)

lol you are a most generous gardener, that I know, now I know how smart you are!

Crossville, TN

Smart?....or LAZY?? LOL Jo

Mesa, AZ(Zone 9b)


Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

If you have extra seeds I'd love to have some of them. I have a large yard and plan to have a groud garden, so am collecting groud seeds. Mary

Crossville, TN

Mary...I think I have some...will search them out soon...Jo

Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

Thanks roadrunnr. I'll look forward to hearing from you. Mary

Mesilla Park, NM

Hey guys,
These gourds are really ugly (but beautiful) just about now, they got mold, brown stuff, and a couple are peeling. I'll take photos after it stops raining here. Some are losing weight and are starting to dry.

Did anyone else get some of these giants going? I got about 7 giants and two medium ones... can't move them yet, they are still heavy as all heck.

Hopefully the two medium ones will be dry enough to get seeds out before May...


Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

Good going!! I'll keep my fingers crossed that the gourd dry well for you.

Mesilla Park, NM

Thank you, I think only one has caved in, and it was one that was bumped by something, so far all looks good.

Whitsett, NC(Zone 8a)

I had about 5 of the seeds started, and got them planted in the ground. Then we had drought, etc. . . had to cut back on watering. I'm hoping I can start the other 5 seeds this year.

Mesilla Park, NM

Hi nicole, these things are huge!!! and they do need LOTS of water.. I used some organic fertilizer once a week around the roots to make sure they got bigger.. save all the rinsing water if you can, I'm wondering which other ways we can get/save water. This year I'll grow some in the ground and keep some in the raised beds too. Let me know if you need seeds, these should have plenty in them. I'm not going to open them all up, only on or two, the rest will be for staining and carving if possible, unless I crack them and have to make an open design on them.

Crossville, TN

GOURD!! Welcome home , girl....I can't wait to see your BIG gourds...

Speaking of rain...does anyone have a canoe I can borrow? LOL It has rained slowly here for most of 2 days!! Jo

Whitsett, NC(Zone 8a)

Thanks, gourd. I still have the second set of 5 seeds I got from you. Our lease in the apartment is up at the end of February . . . whether I can start the seeds this year or not will depend on if we can qualify for the homebuyer tax credit deal - and use that as the downpayment on something.

Jasper, TX

Do you have any idea where I can get seeds for the big goards.
I got some seeds last year but the did not germinate.

Crossville, TN

I'm going to let Gourd answer you as my seeds didn't germinate for me ....I did 4 and no luck...Jo

Mesilla Park, NM

jggardener, please D-mail me your address. I'm sending out some packets this week.


Hi there Jo!


Crossville, TN

Hi...from L.a. at SoCal's home...I am having such a good time...I think I will stay here...such good treatment from Donna dn Jerry! 5 Star Inn. LOL Jo

Mesilla Park, NM

You brat! Say hello to Donna... don't know if she remember's me. You go girl, have a great time. 5 Star Inn huh? where's my suitcase? lol


Edited to add: Seeds were mailed out Friday, April 30, to jgardener.. good luck and happy growing.


This message was edited May 3, 2010 8:47 PM

N.C. Mts., NC(Zone 6b)

Just receiver a phone call from Jo's (roadrunner) sister. Jo fell and broke her right wrist also hit her head. She is having another nuclear stress test tomorrow. Please remember her in your prayers.
Love you Jo.

Crossville, TN

Hey////I'm all better...well...I never was "right" so nothing new there.

Has anyone had any luck with their BIG gourds?? Jo

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