BIG Gourd

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

That is so pretty. So many crafts here, and I never can figure out which one I want to try next. Guess I need to get some gourds to grow first!!! Come on gourds, hurry up and grow please?


Lumberton, TX(Zone 8b)

Once again... WOW.

Crossville, TN

Jan...Just mail it to me when you finish it....NO NO...I can't afford that work of art! Jo

Mesilla Park, NM

Jan, that is coming out just beautiful...

( Kris) Smiths, AL(Zone 8a)

Well I did 3 seeds and soaked them for 24 hours, nicked them and then potted them. Nothing happening here. Did I do something wrong?

Mesilla Park, NM

Elfs, give it at least two to three weeks, they are still germinating here, today the 4th one is coming up. I still need two more and I think they are buried a little too deep, so it may take longer. I have mine now on a heating mat to try to get the last two to come up.

I soaked mine on March 19 and planted them on March 20. (16 days so far)

You soaked yours on 3/25, so give it at least another week or more.. at first I put them inside a plastic bag and blew air into it then tied it up for about a week in front of a sunny window, then let new air in every day for another week, now I took them out and put the ones that did not germinate on my heat mats for about 3 days now and one more sprouted today.

These are big seeds too, so the seedcoat is also harder and thicker, thus take longer to germinate. Hopefully what I posted above will help some, I am in a hurry too, to get them going, but, it has been so windy here, that they will be inside my house for about 1 month.

I put mine into large 20oz styrofoam cups so that I just have to cut the bottom and sides when I transplant.. I'm hoping that will work.

Whitsett, NC(Zone 8a)

I soaked one packet of 5 seeds for 24 hours just over a week ago, and so far 2 have germinated. I have them on a heat mat right now with the rest of my seeds, but will probably take them off within the next few days.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

I have sad new. Both of mine just wilted and died overnight. No explanation. I am almost afraid to plant my last two.

Whitsett, NC(Zone 8a)

How big were they? Were they inside, outside? Any weather conditions/changes that may have affected them?

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

no they were inside they were big. The first true set of leaves were out you can see one of them above. THe only thing really that changed is the weather outside making it a bit warmer inside.

Whitsett, NC(Zone 8a)

Maybe the sun got to it one day? I know I've lost seedlings in a day before . . . they would be perfectly fine when leaving for work in the am, but fried by the time I get home.

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8a)

I have 5 seeds that I got from roadrunner. I would be glad for you to have them if yours doesn't work. I am afaid that our going season here is too short and I would lose them. Let me know if you would be interested and I will send them to you. I have only one request. If you get a great harvest, I would love to have one from the batch. Not a mandatory thing, just a special request if the opportunity avails itself. Hehe

Whitsett, NC(Zone 8a)

Jan -

Thanks for the offer, but I had gotten 2 packets from Jo back in July, so I've got some for backup. Maybe arejay59 would be interested in the same offer?

I'll still keep you in mind, though, if I have a great harvest! I don't know how I'd safely get a huge gourd from TX to OR without breaking, though . . . (The "big" gourd I've got from last season is taking 4EVer to dry! - and it's only maybe basketball size!)

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

I have always wanted to see the Oregon Coast. I here it is breathtaking!!

Mesilla Park, NM

Two of my seeds didn't come up, the other four are doing great, under lights and are going on their 3rd leaf now.. I keep them close to the lights so they don't get leggy. I'll take photos tonight.

Whitsett, NC(Zone 8a)

Oregon is beautiful!! Not just the coast (although a visit to Haystack Rock is in order), but inland, too. The waterfalls! Oh, I just loved visiting the waterfalls when I was younger . . . the grandparents would take us on a car ride up the Columbia River - I remember Multnomah Falls and Bridal Veil Falls (I'm sure there were more), as well as the fish hatchery (at grade school age, I thought fish were icky). I'd love to take DH and the kids there for a vacation someday . . .

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8a)

Syrumani, My daugher and family lives in San Antonio. She works at the Babtist hospital and is Director of the Chemo unit there. I am giving the African Gourd to my son-in-law for being such a wonderful husband and father but I refuse to send it, they have to come and visit me to get it. They should have picked it up when we lived in Tombstone, AZ. Now they have a longer trip to go. This is the gourd that they are getting. Many of you have already seen this gourd.
As far as shipping goes, just put them in a bigger box then the gourd and pack it full of peanust or the like. I have had many shipped to me that way. Gourd just sent me four wonderful gourds.
Thanks again gourd. I am taking them to a freind that has a maching that kind of sand blasts them and leaves them in a perfect state to do what ever you want to them. I am going to apply minwax and then do some beading on them. I am not going to cover the entire gourd so by putting the minwax on the uncovered areas will be just as nice.

This message was edited Apr 13, 2009 1:36 PM

Thumbnail by Gourdbeader
San Antonio, TX(Zone 8a)

Well, Syrumani, if you come here for a vacation. let me know and we can meet up somewhere or you can stop by here. We are just 6 miles from the Oregon coast of Newport.
Silverton falls are gorgeous too.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Gourdbeader, that is so beautiful!


( Kris) Smiths, AL(Zone 8a)

Oh!!! I got a gourd growing,, Just the one,, the others did not even think of starting.. Will poat pic tomarrow. Is stonga nd healthy with two sets of leaves already!!!!!

Whitsett, NC(Zone 8a)

The apartments we moved into is maybe 10 minutes away from the medical center!

Crossville, TN

Jan....I COVET that gourd....he better come and get it before I do!!! Jo

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8a)

Heheh, thanks Jo.
My daughter live on Spring Valley st. Where ever that is. I actually have two daughter living there now. I don't know what I was thinking. Both of them work at the hospital. One,Julie, is a unit secretary and the other, Summer, is the director of Chemo unit.

Mesilla Park, NM

Oh boy, I can hardly wait to see what you do with them.. glad you liked them..

Here are my four seedling babies for the African Gourd...

The smaller ones are cucumber plants (I never have good luck with cucs) but I try anyway.

They are doing well, staying short, I have them close to the lights, today I fed them very diluted fertilizer, just sprayed/misted the leaves that's all.

Thumbnail by Gourd
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

They are loking real good. So far, I have nothing popping up. I think maybe I will do two more?


( Kris) Smiths, AL(Zone 8a)

Well,,, I have had yet another disaster,, My very sweet and loveable granddaughter was here today and wanted to help in the green house,, now most of the time she is great,, but today was a badd day,, she picked up the pot with the lone African Gourd and then it slipped out of her hand and hit the floor ,, broke it in two with all the leaves separated from the stem and stem mashed,,Poor DGD she was so upset,, I just stuck the leaves in the dirt and told her they were fine!, it is a gonner,, I have two seeds left and am going to try again,, this time no one is allowed near this thing untill they grow gourds at least as big as a,, Poor DGD she was so upset,, I just stuck the leaves in the dirt and told her they were fine!

On the other hand,, she made this today!!

Thumbnail by Elfs_Garden
Crossville, TN

That DGD is more precious than any gourds...anyhow...if you need some more seeds I'll scrounge some up for you. Jo

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

Efls, she is such a pretty little girl !!! Consider it made up as she did the flower pot thing for you .

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Hi Elf,
Love the pots with the strawberries, great idea. I haven't planted my last two yet. I am going to tomorrow.

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8a)

I love that strawberry planter. How did you do that or is that a store bought job. What a great hanger.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

They are called tipsy pots. Easy to make. Either of these links will tell you how to do it!


( Kris) Smiths, AL(Zone 8a)

Gourd is offically dead,, But strawberries are fine,, oh and so is dgd,,,lol
night all

Mesilla Park, NM

Well, I transplanted all four of mine yesterday afternoon and they look great. I've got them covered with shadecloth and buckets till they get going, it is supposed to be a hot one today.. will report more as they grow.. I did loose all my zuccinni plants though. Time to direct sow those.

The other two seeds never came up, maybe they still will so I'm saving the containers they are in.

Anyone else still have some going? My devils claws are still doing well, I need to transplant them also, but haven't got a clue where they will go. I don't know if they climb or what?

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

I have two little seedlings, but they are looking scraggly, so I am hoping with time it will do better, but the 107 temp yesterday did not help any either! Supposed to be 105 today! I think summer is here!


Mesilla Park, NM

taters, make sure you cover them up with some thing, also, if they are still small, try feeding them very diluted fish emulsion and feed thru the bottom, not the top, let the roots do the drinking.. sometimes, I even misted mine, they had been sitting under a tree for a couple of weeks now, so they are acclimated somewhat. some days they got full sun too.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Thanks for the info. I will get some of that screen stuff for flower beds.

Mesilla Park, NM

any old sheet will work, as long as you provide shade..

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

I have lots of old sheets, that will work too. Thanks


Mesilla Park, NM

You bet! I have turned some buckets over onto some of my tomatoes too.

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