BIG Gourd

Crossville, TN

I met a man at our local Farmer's Market Saturday...and bought these seeds from him...Jo

Thumbnail by roadrunner
Crossville, TN

It turns out that he grew the gourd that my friend had made into a is a fuzzy picture of her and the drum...Jo

Thumbnail by roadrunner
Crossville, TN

Another view....Jo

Thumbnail by roadrunner
Crossville, TN

Here it sits. Jo

Thumbnail by roadrunner
Whitsett, NC(Zone 8a)

Oh, Jo! You have GOT to share seeds when you grow yours!

Or, hey! If he still has seeds, let me know and I'll send you some $$ !!!!

Crossville, TN

I am going to buy some more seeds from him...and I will be glad to share with all who would like some Jo

Lumberton, TX(Zone 8b)

I'm going to have to think about this one, Jo. I wonder if the neighbors would mind if I devoted the front yard to the gourd vine from H E double hockey sticks...

WOW! Would I like to have a few of those babies, though! Fantastic drum!

Whitsett, NC(Zone 8a)

Put me at the top of your list!

It's too late for this season, of course, but it's never too early to plan for next year!

Lumberton, TX(Zone 8b)

Put me down for NO MORE THAN SIX seeds. Surely I can figure out where I could tuck these.

(You tuck nasturtiums. For these you rent a backhoe.)

Crossville, TN

I'm house/pet sitting for a friend this week...but I'll go to his home soon and get some more seeds...then send them out so ya'll can hold them until planting season next year...LOL Jo

Clinton, IL(Zone 6a)

WOW! For a minute I thought those were MY bushel gourd seeds, from one of my "Bigguns" from last year!
The gourd shown in the pics is spot-on the size of MY "bigguns"!

Unfortunately, the seeds from MY beast don't seem to be viable... NOT ONE (that I've planted this year) has come up for me... ;-(

Crossville, TN

OK Folks...I may go by this man's house this Wed. Tell me how many you want...4/$ about $1.00 postage. I'll pick them up before I forget it. Jo

Whitsett, NC(Zone 8a)

Can I get 8? Just so I can have a few set aside in case I have bad luck with the first 4?

Thanks for getting them, Jo!

This message was edited Jul 13, 2008 11:45 AM

Crossville, TN long as he has them...JO

Lumberton, TX(Zone 8b)

Four for me, please.

Cochise, AZ(Zone 8b)

John Mobely who grows these gourds is a friend. I told him ya'll are talking about him here. If you would like his email address, dmail me. He would love to hear from us!

Ocean Springs, MS(Zone 8b)

Could you please get me four seeds.


Crossville, TN

Sue...does he do the SV Farmer's Market too? I could just go by there Thursday and get some... you down for some. Jo

Cochise, AZ(Zone 8b)

Yes, they were even out in the rain last week. That's when he explained to me about how he cuts and cleans out the big gourds. They use half gourds to display their garlic. If you can't get over, call me and I'll pick them up. My MIL wants to go to the water plant place out your way on Friday so we could meet somewhere out there and save a few gas $$. Let me know if you need my cell phone #.

Crossville, TN

Sue...That is the day of my Senior's Group at it would be quite easy for me to come on up to the Market after....about 1:30ish. See you there. Jo

Cochise, AZ(Zone 8b)

And it doesn't look like it will be raining this week. Sold to only people with umbrellas last week. I was soaked to my knees! BUT I do love the little rain we get!

Crossville, TN

You need a PONCHO....I have a boombershoot. Jo

Crossville, TN

Well...I have your seeds...and you'll never believe what happened...Have all of you met the new gal from St David, AZ? Fiberholic? I was buying the seeds...after buying a watermelon from GrammysgardenAz...and this lady was talking to the gourd man...I asked if she grew gourds...she said Yes...I invited her to join our gourd group and she told me she was into FIBERS and didn't have time for another meeting...Fiber? HMMM...I asked "Would you happen to be Fiberholic?" She said I met another DG'er in our little Farmer's Market today...and got a good watermelon from Sue!!
Small world!! Jo

Saint David, AZ(Zone 8a)

And it was great fun and interesting to put faces to the names. And the gourds are fantastic. I can hardly wait till next year to plant them.

Cochise, AZ(Zone 8b)

And fiberholic had a skein of the most beautiful softest blue yarn I have ever seen. She spun it herself. And a beautiful shawl! She sells at a couple places in St David on occasion. Her bag was felted in 2 shades of orange. 2 textures. Very neat!

Crossville, TN

Sue/...We're going to have to do lunch some time with her. Jo...PS...My watermelon is "Thumped" another good'un. Thanks...Jo

Cochise, AZ(Zone 8b)

Good idea, maybe when newhobby and some others are around! Glad you like the melon!

Ocean Springs, MS(Zone 8b)

Hi Jo. I received the seeds today, thanks so much. I will send you $2.00 tomorrow to cover the seeds and the postage.

Thanks again.


Crossville, TN

OK Vi...Jo

Whitsett, NC(Zone 8a)

Jo - I received my seeds today as well. I put the $$ in the mail day before yesterday . . . don't remember what time, so it may not have gone out until yesterday.

Crossville, TN

Thanks! Jo

Mesilla Park, NM

Jo, dont' forget me..I'd love a couple of seeds, tell me what to send you $.. also, the mini gourds are growing here.. I'll take a photo tomorrow of the cattle panels we put up..


Crossville, TN

Gourd...I have to go back for more seeds!! LOL I'll get them in a week or so. Jo

Lumberton, TX(Zone 8b)

Got the seeds, Jo, and thank you so much! I'd mailed the $ last week, so let me know if you don't get it within a few days.

Crossville, TN

I received all of your monies...It's been a pleasure doing business with you...LOL Jo

Crossville, TN

I went to my Gourd Group meeting today...and Pauline showed us her gourd grown from the BIG Gourd seeds she got the same place I bought yours....

Lovely! Jo

Thumbnail by roadrunner
Lumberton, TX(Zone 8b)

Gorgeous. I'd hate to do anything but varnish and display it!

Pretoria, South Africa

Jo, I assume these gourds need to be trailing on the ground? Can't see them "dangling" from a trellis...


Lumberton, TX(Zone 8b)

Elsa123, I never meant for big gourds to grow up the fence -- here's what I had to do. They are WAY too heavy for trellising:

Thumbnail by brigidlily
Crossville, TN

The man that had them at the Farmer's Market had put little stools under each one after they reached some size on these little plastic yard tables that you get at WalMart. Jo

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