Looking for info. on Peahens & cocks

(AnjL) Fremont, CA(Zone 9b)

wait...tf is pf AND cf?

Lodi, United States

Don't be silly. Tf can't be the CF--she is as much of victim of the Old Harpy--err, Benificent Spectral Being--as the rest of us. Now as to whether she is the PF, I can't say.

Gate (Rochester), WA(Zone 7b)

WaHooey! Congrats Sonoita! Can't wait to see that pix. Is it also an India Blue?

I usually transport my peafowl in portable dog kennels just big enough to fit them (too big & they seem to flap around too much). They do seem a bit stressed while moving. Have had no real injuries. Just wondering if you would you recommend this type of container for moving them? I do it so seldom, want to try to use the safest, less stressful method.

Pea ~ Cheryl

Sonoita, AZ(Zone 8a)

Pea - Did you read daylillydaddy's story and recs. for shipping adult peafowl? The young ones I have used a cat sized carrier, and they settle down without a problem. I won't be bringing the new chick home for a week or so. My girlfriend is hatching out chickens and guineas, so she has quite a hatchery going on.
Here is a pic of the outside area of my peafowl enclosure with perches.

Thumbnail by Sonoita
Sonoita, AZ(Zone 8a)

Look what I found! my lost hen and 10 new baby chicks!

Thumbnail by Sonoita
Clarkson, KY

Now That's a Beautiful Sight!! Congrats!

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

wonderful, looks like all pullets too!

now, all i did was ask IS THERE SUCH THING as a PF...

thank you Dusty for standing in my defense!

[well, I NE-VER!!!]

Sonoita, AZ(Zone 8a)

How can you tell they are pullets?
Oh and the new peachick is yellow!? Haven't gone to see it yet, but I will take a picture when I do.

Lodi, United States

What about me? I defended you too...sorta.:0)

(AnjL) Fremont, CA(Zone 9b)

well, I REALLY wasnt accusing...just wondering out loud :oD tee hee!

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

sorry catscan, my eyes must be crossed, could have sworn you were DustDS lol... josh and angel, you two are so, ummm, flattering?

SONO, i was half joking, but saw the hen is barred and the chicks in the pic have no spots on their heads, or they are tiny spots... little roos have larger spots...

londonderry, Australia

TF is the CF's evil side kick arent you LOL

PS boy there are a lot of F's going around

Sonoita, AZ(Zone 8a)

OK I'm naive in the abbreviation world the F's you all are using are for Fairies, right? Isn't that where we started? Fairies?
About 1/3 of the chicks have large yellow spots on the back of their heads.....must find a new home for them!
Here it is the new chick.....I think it's a white, anyone want a white peachick?

Thumbnail by Sonoita
Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

i would LOVE to have it! but the Chicken Fairy [sorry bout all those abbrev...] won't let me, I'm grounded for now...

look carefully at those spots before you sell the chicks. if they are perfectly round, still likely to be pullets... is the mom a Marans or Rock or what? and the roos? looks like you have some nice brown chicks too, impossible to sex those by color unless you know what the cross is...

and, trust me, i am NOT a fairy, i am MUCH too big...

Sonoita, AZ(Zone 8a)

Mama is a rock, 2 papas, father & son, Bantum & Bantum/Americana, the browns I suspect are from Son-roo and not Papa-roo. I won't get rid of them until I know for sure, just in enought time to avoid the competitions to begin.
This is a pic of Son-roo and Phyllis Diller in the foreground.

Thumbnail by Sonoita
Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

oh, that is such a pretty roo! so, how are the head spots? i got 20 this last winter, supposed to be Black Australorps [thank you Privett Hatchery!], and got 17 roos and 3 pullets... yep, that'll learn ya how to tell the sexes apart early LOL

Sonoita, AZ(Zone 8a)

Here is a better pic of Son-roo

Thumbnail by Sonoita
Sonoita, AZ(Zone 8a)

Here is Papa-roo chatting with Phillis & one of his daughters.

Thumbnail by Sonoita
Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

Sonoita I would LOVE to have a white Peachick!!! and one of those hunkie roos to go along with it...They are beautiful!! Too bad I can't drive to AZ!!!

Gate (Rochester), WA(Zone 7b)

Sonoita, can you ship the white peachick to WA? I will take in a heartbeat, though I can't afford to spend much right now. If can't ship yet, maybe someone will know best time / age? I have only had eggs shipped to me, never live bird.

Cheryl ~ Pea

Gate (Rochester), WA(Zone 7b)

Sorry Sonoita, forgot to mention (want your white peachick too much, lol). I did see Daylillydaddys way to transport. I do just as you, use the smallest portable carrier they make for chicks, and med one for larger birds. Helps to keep them calm and they don't injure their wings, in smaller spaces. Thinking Geo's way might even be better? & less stressful for adults? Certainly easier to 'carry in the car'

Cheryl ~ Pea

Foley, MO

Sonoita that roo is gorgeous!

Sonoita, AZ(Zone 8a)

Well it looks like I have yet another roo who was supposed to be a hen, he is Americana-roo, but he lacks the fuzzy cheeks!
Pea-Those I have talked with suggest waiting until 3-4 months before shipping, I have a medium bird box that I can use, that my other 4 were shipped to me from NY.
Oh....uhm...I bought a '05 male off eggbid, ...and a hen to go with him. I have got to get OFF that site!

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

in my state, they need to be 16 weeks before you can do the blood tests required for chickens. i don't know what is req'd for peafowl, but hope you two can figure it out, won't that be grand! maybe one day i can have one...

Gate (Rochester), WA(Zone 7b)

Hi Sonoita, sure you saw my d-mail. YES DEFINITELY HOLD THAT ONE FOR ME!!! want to make it clear to everyone, that guy is mine....lol. 3-4mos is fine. Although, I will have trouble waiting. It will be my early Christmas present to myself.

Now, have to ask again here, what breed did you end up with on the two older peafowl? Hope you didn't have to pay alot. If you stay on that sight, I just might get another white to go with the little guy above, but you will probably go broke first!

Love that roo too! What a gorgeous guy, bet the hens like him too.

Cheryl ~ Pea

Sonoita, AZ(Zone 8a)

Pea - I'm unclear here....do you or don't you want the little white guy? ^_^

Clarkson, KY

I'm getting off before she makes it ANY clearer...lol

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

no, i think what she is saying is, she can't wait till Christmas, so just send it to TF for safe keeping till she gest a mate for it, I am closer anyhow... ^_^

Sonoita, AZ(Zone 8a)

Well, we all need to keep our fingers crossed. The little white one has an unclosed navel. We are monitoring & nursing to get it back to eating and smelling right. Sorry for the bad news Pea. I hope it pulls through. :(

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

hmmm, seems flour worked on one i had like that... helps to dry it out and prevent loss of blood.... crossing BIG TIME

(AnjL) Fremont, CA(Zone 9b)

oh...sending peachick prayers your way!

Gate (Rochester), WA(Zone 7b)

ROFLMAO!! YES, I WANT THAT WHITE PEACHICK! No need to send 'em anywhere but here.....lol.

Now, this guy has to be OK, cuz I have had enough bad news for today. My little hatchling from the 15th died today. No clue why, all looks good. Could be that one of the hens sat on 'em wrong (can't see underneath themselves, but always very gentle & careful). Or possibly tried to climb up to roost & fell off? Could be some internal thing noone could see. Ladies lead me to 'em, so they wanted me to know. Always hard for me, would think I would be immune by now! Can handle at a couple days old, but once ya think alls good & healthy acting / looking. Just wanna cry. :( So I am emo, love all animals (Except coons, weasels and mice -- sure there are more). Just can't help myself.

Ya guys brighten an otherwise bummer of a day! Off to bed soon, jaw / tooth bothersome. Gonna take some IBU & sleep it off till I get my new tooth tomorrow. Then I can chew right again!

Cheryl ~ pea

(AnjL) Fremont, CA(Zone 9b)


Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

{{{{cheryl}}}} & {{{{sonita}}}}

Sonoita, AZ(Zone 8a)

Good News, the little white guy is doing great! The new adult Peafowl (blackshoulder cock, spalding hen) arrive Wed., I am almost done with the enclosure. What do you think?

Thumbnail by Sonoita
Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

taht is great news!

they are gonna love it, a little tricky around that tree, eh?

Sonoita, AZ(Zone 8a)

Yeah, 3 trees. Now I have to figure out where to put some sort of cover from elements, a hiding place for the hen, and verious perches. I'm hoping the 12'X12'X12' space will be enough for the two of them.

Thumbnail by Sonoita
morehead, KY(Zone 6a)

Hey Sonoita!
Keep in mind the peacock will need at least a perch 6 ft off the ground so his train/tail feathers stay pretty and clean. The older the cock the bigger the train.

Sonoita, AZ(Zone 8a)

George - Thanks, I'll be suspending a large limb from the trees as high as I can, and then a few a little lower. What do you think about the size? My plan is to use this for 3-4 months while they become acustom to their new home, then let them roam freely. The male is a blackshoulder hatched in '05, and currently has lost his tail, hence shipping is easier. The hen is '06 or '07 spalding.

Thumbnail by Sonoita
morehead, KY(Zone 6a)

Sonoita, I think the pen looks great and will work fine for short term. Plus you will have a pen for future use also. I am so happy I built a small pen for my ICU and isolation for new fowl. It's easy to disinfect and ready to roll when I need it. Now when I get something new I have an instant place to put things. Before I was always scrambling around trying to put something together in one night. A spalding hen! I'm so jealous!! That's what I am after at the SOPA fall meet.

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