Looking for info. on Peahens & cocks

Sonoita, AZ(Zone 8a)

The eggs show they arrived. I'm getting dressed and heading to the P.O. now! Lets cross our fingers! 28 days from the 22nd = Aug. 18th. ^_^

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

awesome, we will be counting down the days with you.

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

im a little ocnfused.... today is the 26th. so 28 days will make it teh 23rd....???

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

maybe she is excited.

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

MAYBE??? ;-)tf

Sonoita, AZ(Zone 8a)

Yeah, OK....I was counting from the day they were laid, not the day they start incubation. I jumped the gun a little bit. There are 5 eggs, 4 unmarked, and one marked as Indian Blue/Spalding Blue mix. Clearly not all the eggs are from the same hen, at least one is smaller. So, the 23rd it is! We will candle them in around 8-10 days to check for fertility and viability.

londonderry, Australia

try and post candling pics

Gate (Rochester), WA(Zone 7b)

WaHoo! How eggciting! You are in for a treat. It will be soooo much fun. Hint, handle them quite a bit when they are young, so they aren't weary of you or run when older.

I am so happy for you Sonoita!

londonderry, Australia

yer congrats

Sonoita, AZ(Zone 8a)

OK, day 8 and there are varrious signs of air space, but nothing else. Someone sugested taking a pic of the candeling. I use a flashlight, and am not sure how I could take an accurate picture. Can someone enlighten me?

Lodi, United States

Hi Sonoita--what color are peacock eggs? It took longer than eight days for me to be sure I was seeing life in my brown eggs. The growth of the air space sounds promising!

Williamsburg, MI(Zone 4b)

snow white.

Lodi, United States

Nice sites. First says to candle at 10 days. http://www.peafowl.org/ARTICLES/14/

Neat picture of peachicks hatching: http://lancaster.unl.edu/4H/Embryology/hatchpic.shtml

I seriously underestimated the second site--look around it--they have videos of guineas hatching, information on calibrating an incubator, descriptions and pictures of "Keepers"--developing eggs, "Quitters"--stopped developing and "Yolkers"--non-fertile eggs.
I wish I were in 4H there.

This message was edited Aug 4, 2008 12:38 AM

Sonoita, AZ(Zone 8a)

The eggs are white, and different sizes, but all bigger than a commercial laying hen.

londonderry, Australia

catscan i use that site all the time (the lancaster one) i watch the egg cam it has a camera on eggs in an incubator and u can watch them hatch

Lodi, United States

I know, Josh! I watched the guinea hatch--it was so cool! Everyone should check it out.

londonderry, Australia

oh i watched the guinea hatch as well
how long have u used it
i have used for about a year

Sonoita, AZ(Zone 8a)

Here is a picture of the 4 chicks I got shipped from New York I bought on eggbid. 2 purples, 1 purple pied, 1 blue indian, a couple of months old I believe. I am picking up a Indian Blue male 4 months old on Tuesday, and 2 of the 5 eggs I got are due to hatch next week. 3/5 eggs didn't make it, 1/5 started and stoped after 1 week, 2/5 never did anything. The seller from ebay stated her hatching results are between 40-50%, she said this after I bought the eggs!

Thumbnail by Sonoita
Gate (Rochester), WA(Zone 7b)

Would have been nice to have known that during the bidding process!
Maybe I can't see right, Which one is the pied? I see two that could be possibles. I recognize the India Blue. ^_^

Thanks Sonoita!! Lovely pix!

Cheryl ~ Pea

Sonoita, AZ(Zone 8a)

Pea - you know more than I! I suspect the dark brown is the blue, the one with the most white the pied and the other 2 the purple, but that's only a guess.

Thumbnail by Sonoita
Gate (Rochester), WA(Zone 7b)

The dark one is the India Blue. From what I have been told, the pied have a stray white feather, some more than others. I suspect, the one in front on the pix above is the pied with minimal markings. However, not only have I never seen a purple chick, I am just learning about pieds myself.
I would definitely be interested to know what others know. Also whether anyone can tell by wings if male or female and why / how.

Cheryl ~ Pea

londonderry, Australia

Sonoita tell us when they are starting to hatch

Sonoita, AZ(Zone 8a)

Will do, here is a picture of my progress on a temporary aviary.

Thumbnail by Sonoita
Williamsburg, MI(Zone 4b)

I think the first three primary feathers on a male wing are brown. At least on the ones I have (greens) The pie bald's ammount of white may change a bit whenever he moults and gets his train.

Sonoita, AZ(Zone 8a)

If the 1st 3 primary feathers are brown on the male, what do the females look like?
Send a pic of your greens!

morehead, KY(Zone 6a)

Hey jylgaskin
How do the Java greens do in your 4b zone? Do you supply them with warmth in the winter or are they on their own? I would love to have then, but I'm afraid of our winters here. I have India blues and black shoulders.

Williamsburg, MI(Zone 4b)

Mine do fine and we have harsh winters.I offer them shelter, but they rarely use it. I'm supposed to get a blue male tomorrow. It will be interesting to see what the chicks come out.

morehead, KY(Zone 6a)

Thanks! jylgaskin
We have the southern Ohio poultry association meets 3 times a year. Thats the closes we can go to get the good colors. I was wanting a new hen. I am going to try a Java green or close to a java green. The last meet is coming up and the birds are cheaper due to people not wanting to over winter them.

Sonoita, AZ(Zone 8a)

George - Out of curiosity what is 'cheaper' for breeding age?

morehead, KY(Zone 6a)

Well for our area cheaper is 75.00 for a breeding age hen(black shoulders) That was actually a really good deal. As I was walking through the meet more I saw them for 100.00. I did pay 100.00 for my peacock. He was 4. Now for my blue India hen I only paid 50.00, but that was off eggbid and it was a local pick up for me. I hope to pick up a Java blood hen for less then 100.00. The greens are always so much more then the blues.
This may seem high, but keep in mind these were all fairly local raised birds and acclimated to our weather. Nice pure blood lines and body structure. Weak legs is a big problem with peafowl. I have been stupid before and bought weak legged birds due to the price and always had my heart broke over them. I have only ever saved one hen who broke her leg. The others had to be put down.

morehead, KY(Zone 6a)

I do want to add something else that a "old timer" taught me about transporting peafowl or large fowl in general.
Take a pair of panty hose and cut the toe out. Slip the bird through hose and stick it's head out the cut toe end. Keeps them nice and secure, but plenty of ventilation and breathing ability. I then tie their legs together to keep them safe. When time to release them just keep slipping their body through the cut toe end and then cut leg string. Works like a charm.

Sonoita, AZ(Zone 8a)

George - Thanks for the info! hose are not high price s for adults. Around here an adult india blue is $150+. I too would like to get some green blood, but am looking for adults, or soon to be 1+ yrs.

Lodi, United States

George--the panty hose idea is great. I saw peacocks at the local livestock auction tied up in what looked like little linen straitcoats. Why do peacocks need to be tied up like that? Are they more excitable than other fowl or is it to protect their feathers?

morehead, KY(Zone 6a)

They are a very strong bird. I was stupid with my first birds and thought I could just "bear" hug them and transport like regular chickens. I got the beating of my life with those extra stiff wing feathers! They actually made cuts on my face. I still "bear" hug them at first, but get the hose on them as fast as possible. Then get the legs tied. They then seem to calm fast. Always be careful with the legs on peafowl.

Before we moved here last spring. I had a friend keep them at his farm until I was moved and settled. He was helping me catch them and accidentally broke the females leg while trying to catch her. He tried to catch them again like a chicken. When he grabbed her leg. She freaked and it was like a wind tunnel with her flapping and trying to escape. She must have twisted and broke it then. I didn't notice until the next morning when we were releasing them. I then had to catch a broken legged peahen(which still took quite a bit of wrangling) I set up an "ICU" for her and the bones in leg refused in about a month and she was able to be released. The only noticeable thing was a small lump on her leg. I was lucky that time!

Lodi, United States

Wow! That is good to know. The ones at the auction did look very peaceful all tied up. I hope someday I'll be in a position to have peafowl. Quite a few of the growers around here have them and they are stunning.

Williamsburg, MI(Zone 4b)

If I need to catch mine, I wait till it's dark and she's roosting. It's a peice of cake then. They seem to be much calmer at night.

Sonoita, AZ(Zone 8a)

We have a hatched peachick!!!!!

Lodi, United States


Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

WOOHOO! is their a PeaFairy around?

londonderry, Australia

if there is who will take responsability for her TF surely u cant do Cf and the Pf

oh and congrats on the new peachick try and get some pics

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