Joey in Conroe, TX(Zone 8b)

Audrey after a few baileys you have been known to raise the roof LOL

(Audrey) Dyersburg, TN(Zone 7a)


Gilmer, TX(Zone 8a)

Do ya'll need frogs? lol Cause I've got enough out here to furnish Texas. Well maybe not all of it.

Oh Jojo, if I hear the words. "Is dere hair yet, can i see?" again, you are in trouble!!! lol

(Audrey) Dyersburg, TN(Zone 7a)

How much fun! I wish I could afford the equipment I'd need to raise some, but then I'd have to have a place for them to live with water.
I got some Bailey's icecream! Ummm ummmm good!

Joey in Conroe, TX(Zone 8b)

LOL Lorraine! I'm sorry! Didnt think about that!!!
You like it Audrey? It's baileys you can eat and still drive home!!
Oh and that one place sells toad tadpoles, they can live anywhere with just a few bowls of water put out for em. Thye love skeeters too!

(Audrey) Dyersburg, TN(Zone 7a)

So I could raise some toads with just a little water? How big "hatchery" would I need? Could I do it in the house?
(I don't have enough irons in the fire!)

Joey in Conroe, TX(Zone 8b)

I would think an aquarium would be ok for a few toad tadpoles. You could even do it on the porch with a screened cover. Yay Audrey is gonna raise some toads!!!
Once you release them just keep a few shallow bowls of water sunk in the ground, and some toad houses, and you'll have little fat friends all over your yard!

(Audrey) Dyersburg, TN(Zone 7a)

I don't have a porch! I live in a fourplex! would it be to late to do some now? The birds would use their water for baths! I could make some toad houses! I had one here last year, but I didn't see him after fall was over!

Joey in Conroe, TX(Zone 8b)

When do y'all get your first frosts? I know it would be ok here cuz we dont get cold till January LOL.

Gilmer, TX(Zone 8a)

Oh Lord, you've tricked another one into your little frog growing enterprise.

Jo jo, I'm teasing you. I think it is so cute. They are so excited. I closed the mini blind and they couldn't see, had to open it. lol

I was gonna d mail this to Lissa, but wanted ya'll to see the monster too. Lissa, tell your husband these came from one bulb. Planted it last year, moved it this year and it's still huge. It's turned into two.

Thumbnail by LorraineR
Santee, CA(Zone 9a)

OMG!!! Is that from the monster bulb?? the one that was like 2' x 3' or something??LOL

(Becky) Colmesneil, TX(Zone 8b)

LOL girls on the froggies... Tiny tim is cute bless his heart... I used to catch and play with them as a child.. today I pulled the chair cushion back up and a big ol tree frog was staring at me.. now they are ugly when they get grown!! at least to me.. and kinda scary.. I guess you don't think of a frog looking camoflaged...hehe

Ty for the get well wishes.. I hope the shots work too.. maybe the pain pills will last until I can get over some of the pain..

awww...sunny.. you are too sweet but I was only teasing!! Ty for the offer though.. maybe later we can trade or something.. t

Don't worry Melissa.. you have it all together!! And this month will pass sooo fast too.. you'll see..

Lorraine... you know I'll wait on you and Jojo.. 'll be waiting for ya'll to get it yourself!! ..LOL But now I don't mean that in a bad way ... when you come to my house I expect you to feel at home!!

Where's everybody at??

(Audrey) Dyersburg, TN(Zone 7a)

I think it frosts in Oct. here. Maybe I'll wait till spring!

(AnjL) Fremont, CA(Zone 9b)

I'm here! I'm here... been here for an hour ...just reading posts and trying to catch up! lol!

Lissa, my Bro is the top salesman for Schwans for all of CA.... :o) so I am truly a schwans black jack cherry icecream addict! lol!

tee hee! oh and the heath bar crunches are good too :o)

okay ladies...dh is pacing back n forth trying to get me in the truck so we can go buy the wood for my 2nd arbor and for my chicken coop!! and guess what?! IM building the coop! :oD

Gilmer, TX(Zone 8a)

Yes Lissa, that's the alien pod. Well, part of the alien pod. I'm still finding little EE's where the chunks were. I was planting canna's today, and lo and behold, there was an EE coming up. I'm telling you, it's an alien pod. It can't be stopped!!! Beck if you want us to feel at home, does that mean we can take up the plants and put them where we think they'll look better. Our houses?

Audrey, you have deserted the "no frog army" And I had such high hopes for you. Needed a possee to hunt the little devils down. I can't even find one for the July trade!!!

San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)

Thanks Joey, I think I’m finally figuring out how to use my camera ;-). Hopefully Tiny Tim is doing okay out there. Audrey, how cool you are going to get a toad! Great links and a great idea Joey! I saw a mudpuppy for sale on one of those sights….wild!

Melissa, sounds like the drip system will be great, and I hope the HOA hurries up and gives you permission to tear out those shrubs! I can’t wait to see what you and Anjl are planning for your front yard! Anjl, you must be so excited to be getting chickens!

Okay, time to fess up to all these nice ladies Beck; you are afraid that any package from the Crazy Frog Lady will include a big frog that hops out at you when you open it up, right? Muhahahahaha jk. Tiny Tim and the rest of the froffies are Pacific Tree Frogs, but I can assure you that they will remain completely adorable as adults. I have a ton of pics of the adults, and I’ll track one down to show you. I’d love to trade with you at some point ;-)

Lorraine, I really hope my EE’s don’t grow up to be like your EE’s…because they would take up my entire tiny garden! LOL. They really are such neat plants! Here is a pic that shows two of my baby EE’s in the pond:

Thumbnail by sunnyg
Santee, CA(Zone 9a)

LOL!!! "put the plants where you two think they will look better"!!! you crack me up Rainey!!

AnjL- for real?? how cool, our Schwann guy was sooooo sweet, he would always give Christopher a push-up every other Wed. when he was at my Dad's. I actually just noticed that one of my neighbors here orders from them too. Hey!! Are Schwanns chedder biscuits the same as Red Lobsters?? and the southwestern egg rolls are just like AppleBee's...I eat out a lot!!!

Cumberland Mtns, TN(Zone 6b)

ssshhhhh no more ice cream talk. its 11:05pm and its too late to go buy any.....I haven't heard of a brand so far that I didn't like, but no one mentioned Mayfields ice cream. Anything with coffee, or Baileys or Rum Raisin works for me. mmmm Haagen Daz Rum Raisin. el yum o

Beckygardner, I've trimmed all of these just to get the dead and rotten wood off, but how many of these stems should I plant in a hole? is one enough? I'm sharing one with my best friend...she doesn't have a computer or I'd have made her get her own =) ^_^
ps. ive got something orange blooming; i dont remember if its cosmos or coreopsis. i'll look closer tomorrow. major grins for that surprise. ^_^

Beck.....good luck, Hope you find some relief soon. and will you share? ;) the last 2 mornings Ive not been able to get out of bed and I dont know what Ive done wrong. again.

on that note....I can't sit for long tonight either.

try to stay out of trouble :D

Santee, CA(Zone 9a)

I saw those mudpuppies too!! You know they sell tose at the bait shop around the corner for catfish fishing!! I couldn't bring myself to put one of those cute guys on the hook!! how cruel :o(


Okay, I was just out front watering my calla bulbs and this lady walks by with a little boxer puppy (how cute!!) that's not the story.... okay, she says "Hello." I say "Hello, how are you?" she says "Fine, what are you up to?" I tell her I'm watering my calla bulbs and then she asked if that s what all the tags on the side were for too? I said yes, well not Calla's but all diff types of flowers. In fact, I just sent a letter this week to the Board about rippin out the rest of these bushes here....(pointing to them all) She then tells me She's on the board, and walks by me house all the time and when she read the letter this week, my house was the house that came to her mind and hoped I was the lady who wrote the request!!!!!!!!! OMG OMG OMG

Soooooo, to make my short story longer...heee hee hee. She says they will be discussing my request at the meeting on Monday and the only thing the board will want to know is if any of the committee members dissaprove, well she says there is no need to worry as she can tell that I take care of all of it and I will be hearing from them in about a week!!!! Yippeee Whoo hooo Hooray!!!!

Okay I'm gonna jinx it, I'll stop ;o)

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Phyllis - Only 1 stem per hole and like Lorraine suggested, I'd plant them at least 3 feet apart. Once you start pruning them, they do bush out.

In this photo, you can see my one and only Mexican Sunflower bush to the right. I had pruned it to about 12" from the ground and removed most of the leaves when I sent the stems to you. It was really bare then. That was what ... about a month ago? So you can see how big and fast they grow. Mine is like a big bush or even a small tree if I let it get about 10-12' tall. LOL! I do absolutely nothing to it once it is settled and rooted where I plant it. I have dug mine up and moved it at least 3-4 times in 2 years. LOL! It looks dead for about 2 weeks and then BOOM ... out come the leaves!

Thumbnail by beckygardener
Joey in Conroe, TX(Zone 8b)

You go Lissa!! Your gonna get rid of your bushes!! Think you could get on that board, then expand your authority and make my neighbors clean their yard? Or maybe just mow it? Thye have a little dachshund and the only way I know its outside it I see the grass waving LOL

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Early congrats, Melissa! I am sure they will vote in your favor!!! :-)

Joey in Conroe, TX(Zone 8b)

Oh wait did I see that Anjl's going to be building a chicken coop?? Watch out everybody!! Anjl with power tools!!!

Santee, CA(Zone 9a)

ROFLMBO!! poor little weiner doggie, he must think he is REALLY short!!LOL

Hey AnjL- are you gonna have a mini model chicken coop first??hee hee hee

Joey in Conroe, TX(Zone 8b)

Oooh yesss and little mini chickens!!!

(Becky) Colmesneil, TX(Zone 8b)

Well of course Lorraine... but I am a greedy gut... LOL.. so it depends what you want to move to your WHERE!! OH you know I am teasing..hehe well within reason..

Oh fifi.. you too??? Maybe it's just old age.. cause some mornings I feel about 110!! Hope you get tp feeling better soon!!

Ok anjl.. since you are soo busy with Melissa's landscaping project.. I want to borrow your good looking DH ..LOL You are 1 lucky gal!!

jojo.. I hear you.. some people just don't care.. My Momma always said that the outside reflected the inside.. ok on second thought I am NOT saying anymore.. not untilI I clean my inside pathways a lil more..LOL

Joey in Conroe, TX(Zone 8b)

LOL I finally found my bathroom floor...about 10 loads of laundry sheesh how do we wear that many clothes!!

(AnjL) Fremont, CA(Zone 9b)

lolol! you all have me ROFLMBO! tee hee!

NO my DH cannot be loaned out! sorry! I have way to many projects on his honey do list! :o) AND, I need his 'advise' on building my chicken coop! lol! He's making arbor # 2 tomorrow (sorry, no mini-model of this one...and believe me I asked for one! lol!)

My plans for tomorrow include making and canning salsa... and then trying to replicate this coop

isnt it just the cutest?! cept mine will be up on stilts and the 'cage' will be a 6' tall 6' wide 6' long covered cage with a door cause we have hawks in the trees next door :o(

now, as for a mini model of the chicken coop...well, maybe I can make one after I get this one built! lolol!

Lissa, yes DB has been with schwans for about 15 yrs and he loves it...and his customers love him! lol!

His co-workers (my shwans guy) joke about what a great salesman he is :o) said "oh, Dale? he'll sell you your own vacuum cleaner! lol!" tee hee! thats my bro! Just dont ever buy their peanut butter pretzels! YUCKY! YUCKY! YUCKY!!!

(Karen) Frankston, TX(Zone 8a)

Hello all! Whew, am I tired. I bought 60 lbs. of tomatoes the other day when I met with Lorraine and just got through making my salsa. About 58 pints worth. At least I won't have trouble getting rid of it as my grown girls could eat a jar a day! I was one busy bee, worked from 7:30 in the morning until 10:00. Hubby kissed my cheek and got a tomato seed in his mouth, hee hee!

Wondering who I will get for the swap? Hope it's not Lorraine cause I already showed her my froffies, I couldn't resist, I had them in the car! LOL!

Joey in Conroe, TX(Zone 8b)

Wow Karen thats a lot of salsa!! My hubby makes a mean salsa, we just make it a batch at a time and eat it fresh. I've beenwatching the canning thread, wish I couold go get my canner, but it's gotta wait..sigh. Oh well soon soon!

(AnjL) Fremont, CA(Zone 9b)

oh yes....

only a few days left til we draw names for the froggie swap!!!!

its still open, so if you want in, just send me a dmail!

Joey in Conroe, TX(Zone 8b)

Bridget!! This pic is for you! We saw these guys at the zoo of all places. Seems as though they take the pups and raise them with the Cheetah cubs as companions and gardians. I was really surprised when I saw them and of course thought of you!!

Thumbnail by jojoringer
Cumberland Mtns, TN(Zone 6b)

G'morning nuts ^_^

Did ya'll know that last week the Group Trades, Swaps and Round Robins Discussion Forum had the most amounts of posts? wow...we talk alot

Wow....Dreamer......I bet you're tired today. I dont even have 58 jars, lol. But, thats only a jar a week, plus you need to make extras to give to your friends and family.

Thanks Becky for the info. And the pictures. You have a pretty yard too. Looking at each one, I thought one would be enough. Yours looks good even without blooms.

Beck,it doesnt really hurt when I'm lying down. it hurts the worst when I first get out of bed, out of the chair, etc., for a few days and then it goes away. I think I'm better when I keep gardening, lots of up bending, but I took two trips to the big city two days in a row; thats a no no for me.

Anjl, we get country eggs from a neighbor and I'd love to have chickens. ( theres several places that I know of here that have chickens running loose (insert "Deliverance" music - dueling banjos playing) but then I think of the yuky times that you have to clean whether its 99 degrees or 9 degrees . and who my back-up would be when I wanted to get away for a few days. I guess I'm too lazy.

Melissa....I bet you havent stopped grinning since she said that! =) You were showing her you walk the walk, lol. Hang in there...your dreams can come true. (lol, I'm in a singing mood this morning... Somewhere over the rainbow just popped into my head too)

anyone up except me?

Cumberland Mtns, TN(Zone 6b)

Oh yeah, ... i have a mulch question. My ground doesnt really need peat moss or anything added, but I'm going to add mulch to a few places. I don't have a pickup or need enough to have it delivered so it's probably gonna come out of a bag.

Any suggestions?

Joey in Conroe, TX(Zone 8b)

Don't get colored mulch! Just stay with the natural stuff. I look at colored mulch kinda like printed toilet paper...LOL it can't be good for you, and whats the point?

Cumberland Mtns, TN(Zone 6b)

seems like I saw some that had additives; stop weeds or seed kill or something like that. I WANT my seeds to restart =)

yeah, same goes for the smelly things they add to those things you packed my ice plant in, makes it worse haha

Joey in Conroe, TX(Zone 8b)

LOL you got that right!! How are those doing? Any growth yet?

Cumberland Mtns, TN(Zone 6b)

Oh YES... so I could have more control over them, I put them all in one pot and they look very healthy. they're doing better than the ones that my Dad gave me. I have so many trees around my house that I don't really have full sun anywhere.

The weather can't seem to make up its mind here; its either too much or too little, no inbetween.

speaking of..I better not waste the breeze going on here. have a good'un.

Cumberland Mtns, TN(Zone 6b)

PS. It just hit me like a ton of bricks...its funny how the date can sneak up on you. Will you all say a lil prayer for comfort and peace for my family today? We need it.

Its hard to believe, but today marks the one year mark of my mom's anneurysm. she only had 2 or 3 moments that she knew us of the 49 days that she was in the hospital, so I've always thought of today as the day she passed away, instead of the 49 days of pure torture that she went thru. No, it doesnt really make it easier :, ( it's a sad day for sure

It seems like at the time when we should all be together and comforting each other that my family is torn apart right now. I'm REALLY upset at my DD and my DD ( whats the one for Dad?) and I'm too stubborn to back down and I havent talked to him in 2 weeks. that's a first for us. They're both acting like double assstronauts!!

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