(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Lorraine - The Sunflower bush? Mine stays green, but it may freeze to the ground in winter. I have to prune it back to about a foot from the ground several times during the year. It gets HUGE and grows up past the roof. LOL! Now I am really going to bed. Nitey, nite!

Gilmer, TX(Zone 8a)

Oh you are not. You are here for the evening and you know it!!!

The seed package these came in say Tithonia Torch. Anjl sent them for the trade. Tough seeds!!

Cumberland Mtns, TN(Zone 6b)

Becky, I meant how close should I plant the Sunflower bush together; do I plant several stalks in each hole or spread them out?

I loved those pictures of it from the Plant Id. especially the night time pictures. Way Cool...I am excited to get this ^_^

Gilmer, TX(Zone 8a)

She may have gone to bed, but I don't think I'd plant them together. Those things get huge. One seed made one bush and it is huge now. Over 6 ft high and 4 foot wide. You can always move them closer if you need to, but I bet you won't. Plant about 2 or 3 feet apart. I've got two growing close together and that's about how far apart I put them.

If I"m wrong beck, just correct me!! lol

Well, I am old and I am tired. Old tired people should go to bed, so they can get up before 10 oclock in the morning.

Jojo, where are you now.

Ni night.

Cumberland Mtns, TN(Zone 6b)

i am so lost.....I hope everyone feels better soon, as my g'son would say, it's funner when everyone's on here. let us know how youre doing; if you miss us =). the problem with this froffie swap is that after you buy the first one, you'll find 5 more after that, each one cuter.

I was in the mood to sew tonight and added the first border on a girls quilt i'm making.....and I cut fabric to start another one. if its sunny tomorrow, i gotta finish my herb bed. I still dont know how to lay it out....guess I'm about to learn =)

ya'll hold down the fort....i'm venturing off to bed. be careful, k?

(AnjL) Fremont, CA(Zone 9b)

sheesh! all these old folks goin to bed just when I'm getting started?! ugh!!

oh and lissa... forget the ben and jerry's....gotta have schwanns!!! it is the absolute bestest!!

(Becky) Colmesneil, TX(Zone 8b)

OK..Lorraine.. did you see the blunder I made on the ..she's about to..#6 thread???? I am sooo embarrassed!! But I'll get over it..hehe Radiologist report said I have a "dessicated" DISK and 2 ruptured disks.. and I have multiple cyst lesions on both kidneys... since I was going for the pain in my back.. he listed the cysts as "incidentally"...but I need an ultrasound... Dr said he wants to try steroid injections!! They always want to do the things that are temporary to keep you going back!! BUT the thing is.. I am NOT hurting as bad in my lower back as my upper.. and neck and right arm!! Sooo he says.. well lets take care of the lower back first!!..$#!%... crap!! OH.. I learned on getting soo many plants at the RU's.. to put them in a lil bit of water if they start to wilt... maybe overnight.. then take them out.. then do it again it again if you still can't plant them... really works!!

Becky.. that's the cutest pic of your does look like he's saying no way!!

I love that sunflower!! I'd have never guessed that was a sunflower!!

trying to get the new puter set up... even the pics are hard to follow...hehe... NITE all!!

(AnjL) Fremont, CA(Zone 9b)

I think there is a problem with the site tonight...and pix are not loading really quick :o( I'm only having the problem on DG site...not other sites...

Santee, CA(Zone 9a)

Schwanns!!! you have the man is his big yellow freezer truck too?? My Dad used to buy from him all the time!! Sorry, I'll take my B&J pints anyday....mmmm so many flavors so little time ;o) I had Cheesecake Brownie for dessert tonight, tomorrow will be American Dream....ahhhh vanilla ice cream, frudge and caramel swirl with waffle pieces, yum yum yum. Did you know these darn ice cream pints now say 4 servings on them?? 4 servings for who?? 4 gnomes?? 'Cause my little butt eats the whole pint in one sitting.... hee hee hee

San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)

Okay, did someone mention ice cream? I must admit I ate rocky road ice cream for dinner a couple of nights ago…it was too hot to eat "real food", and isn’t rocky road the perfect nutritionally balanced food anyhow? Let’s see…nuts and dairy for “protein,” fat and sugar for a bit of energy, marshmallows for…uhhhh…they are extremely nutritious, I am sure of it!

Thanks so much for the welcome back Melissa! :-).

Gate (Rochester), WA(Zone 7b)

Isn't there chocolate in that too? Chocolate is a complete food group I believe (in my mind anyway)! LOL

San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)

Pea, it has a chocolate ice cream base, so I am positive that makes it extra healthy, (you are absolutely right, how could I forget to mention the chocolate part? ;-))

Joey in Conroe, TX(Zone 8b)

LOL you guys sure stay up late! I went to bed early last night so here I am all bright eyed and bushy tailed and where is every body?
Ooo speaking of ice cream found Hagen Daas Baileys flavored ice cream. Ohhh now thats good!! Well off to the zoo really early so the animals will still be up and moving around before the heat sets in!!

(Becky) Colmesneil, TX(Zone 8b)

I'm telling you girls... Blue Bell is the only way to go when you need that "healthy" fix for ice cream... hehe.. and since it's cheaper than Schwanns..OR B&J's... you can have a double.. double dip...and feel soo proud cause you are saving money too!!....LOL...ohhhh the webs we weave to justify the wants we want...

anjl.... I been forgetting to tell you congrats on the baby chicks ... AND that man of yours sounds like 1 in a million too!! He cooks, and cans???? and is the perfect builder ....and he's waaayyy cute??!!!! Where'd you find him?? He's gotta be the only one.. and the only one left!!


Joey in Conroe, TX(Zone 8b)

Beck how did I miss you coming to Houston? Next time you do that let me know! It would be neat to meet up! I would love to take you to a couple of my favorite nurseries or just to lunch if you like!

I'm sorry to hear about your back issues. I've had surgery at L4 and L5, they didnt fuse them as they said I was too young back then, but theres mornings when I move pretty slow! I have to say though that the surgery works! It's been 10 years and I really do feel good. I still do TaeKwonDo and Yoga and can lift Zeke most of the time (other times I just tell my DH that my back hurts, Can you get him dear?) LOL

Please let me know next time your down!

(Audrey) Dyersburg, TN(Zone 7a)

JOJO. I want some of that Baulet's flavored icecream! Never seen it, I always buy coffee flavored! I'll look for it next time!

Sorry, Bailey's!
And then, I misspelled "sorry" (sotty)!! Another freudial slip?

This message was edited Jul 11, 2008 11:07 AM

(Becky) Colmesneil, TX(Zone 8b)

Jojo....You have been out with that bad tooth I guess.... how's that coming by the way?? You know.. I am waayyy closer to you in Conroe.. than going to Houston.... and Houston is soooo big... I was raised there.. and it was big enough then.. many moon ago..hehe..Yep I had L-4.. L-5.. S-1 worked on in the 70's.. seems funny it's still the exact same ones.. but you are right.. I have gone 22 yrs without another surgery so I am blessed there too.. BUT I wake every morning with pain.. just try to ignore it.. I haven't been to Conroe since the 70's either and I bet it is no longer the sleepy lil town I remember!And we don't have to wait for me to go to Houston to get Please give me an excuse to go have some fun...!!!

Audrey.. what is Baulets?? Maybe I need to try some of that??

(Audrey) Dyersburg, TN(Zone 7a)

Sorry! Read it again!

Gilmer, TX(Zone 8a)

Hey, Beck, ya'll all get an excuse and meet in the middle, HERE!! That would be cool.!!

I'm sending a picture of the boy's flower garden with their great big ole sunflower in the middle. They planted all the seeds themselves so I can't mess with it till everything dies down. This is what it will look like till fall. They are proud. But look at the sunflowers. LOL

Thumbnail by LorraineR
(Audrey) Dyersburg, TN(Zone 7a)

Looks like they've got a good crop of lilies, too!

San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)

Awww they must be so proud Lorraine! I remember those sweet pics of them planting and tending their garden. :-). Beck, so sorry to hear about your back, and Joey how’s the tooth pain? Have fun at the zoo! (Are you taking Staynot? I am behind on reading about his journey too…eeek).

I am still trying to catch up on previous posts…I think I’m going to give up though. LOL. Becky, thanks so much for your kind words about my little garden and ponds. I have pics of some of the steps in making the new pond in my garden blog. The info starts near the bottom of the “June part 1” tab, and continues on to part two. I do have more detailed pics of the steps involved, and am happy to dmail you additional pics and explanations if you’d like. Phyl, I’m so glad you got your seeds (that’s about as far as I got in my reading. LOL). I sent you a dmail with info and growing notes, so let me know if you didn’t get it and I will resend. Have fun :-). Audrey, did you ever get your package, or did it end up in USPS limbo somewhere? Anjl or Pea, did your mom ever get hers? Let me know if you don’t end up getting them, and I can send you some more. I still do have some seeds up for grabs if any of you other seed nuts wants any. I am just not organized enough to list everything right now, and it seems to vary depending on the day and what I’ve been able to harvest/find in my cluttered bookcase that’s turning into the seed hangout spot. So, if anyone is interested just send me a dmail. I don’t have large quantities of each seed variety, but still plenty to share….maybe we can call the seed packets “Sunny’s Samplers.” ;-)

Santee, CA(Zone 9a)

Sunny- Like Rainey said, we can't talk about froffies in great detail without our head frog lady here!!

How's Slick and RaineyIcky?? Are the bieng nice to each other, actually the real question is are they being nice to all the other froffies...I need to keep a list so I know all the names!!

It's beautiful here today....only 77* right now!!! whoo hooo, I can enjoy this kind of weather. Gonna pull some weeds today. Still waiting to here from the HOA regarding my request. I have no patience. I only Faxed and Mailed them on Mon,7th. They are having a meeting on the 14th.....Speaking of that meeting..RAINEY!! I WILL NOT BE ATTENDING MONDAYS MEETING!! My neighbor had to back out at the last minute, she told me last night. I'm going to approach it as a good thing, since they will mostlikely have my request with them and I don't want to be bombarded (sp) with questions, I really added a bit of "fluff" to me request. We will go to the next one together, since the main reason for going to the one on the 14th was to get me nominatied to the commitee. This way if we wait, go to the next one, they will already know that 'I'm that lady who wrote that extensive request' Could work out to be a win-win situation if I show up the first time NEXT month.

Oh guess what else?? The HOA is puttingin drip irrigation around a lot of the area where flowers are planted. Do I want this or just my sprinklers??? The drip irrigation that I have seen around some of the other house borders the entire areainbetween the lawn and the houses, so basically they will prvided water for the plants and flowers. ANyone who has this stuff. ANJL sprinklers or drip for what we are planning??

Okay, that's all I got for now. Oh Rainey, my EEs are starting to perk up already...yay!!! and I showed those pics you sent me of the bigger ones and DH reall really like what they look like.

OH ANYONE- Ever heard of black mondo grass?? I want some of this for the front of my house but wanted to know if any of you have had anything like it?

TTYallL ~melissa, lissa, mawissa ;o)

Gilmer, TX(Zone 8a)

Well, I gave them the bulbs and watched. They got them pretty close together. I dug the holes fore they went out. I'd like that to be a lily bed next year, but now if I try to pull a weed, I hear about it.

Aud, I got your growbag order done. Added the extra labels, and will d mail total!!

Jojo, I got the box!!!! Yea!!.. Already got the names on labels to put beside them.! I'm so excited. I got the little rose all cozy, is it ok to put it outside in a really shady spot, or should I keep it inside?

I went out to plant it, but it was too hot so came back in. lol

Boys LOVED the frogs. They come over about every 10 minutes to see if it's growing hair. If staring at it will make hair grow, it will be the most hairy frog in the world.!!

My son and one of the grand sons came over earlier and fixed my bathtub drain. (Took it 12 hours to drain) Course they found a superman car down in it. Can't even imagine how that got there. lol. They replaced pipe and put in a water fawcett where I can hook my water hose close to my house instead of dragging it all over the yard from my daughter's. Yea!!! Course I won't see them out here till next year, but I'm glad I got that done. Think it could be cause I told my son he should be ashamed letting me have a stopped up tub when he's got a shop full of stuff to fix it? Took them all of an hour.
Well, we'll just pretend he wanted to cause he loves me, not cause I shamed him into it. lol

Gilmer, TX(Zone 8a)

Ok, Lissa, are you sure you didn't back out? Guess I better check, lol.

Speaking of frogs. I think Slick was here.!!! I brought a pot inside last night to put some cuttings in, already had dirt in it. Was messing around and looked down, there on the counter was a frog. Not moving, just looking me straight in the eye. I swear. I picked him up to "chunk" him outside and he never moved. I know it was slick, he wasn't dainty enough to be Rainey

Hey, did ya'll notice, we've had 1100 people looking over our thread! Cool. We're a popular place or they are trying to figure out if there really are people like us in the world. lol

Hey you guys, come and say hi.

Santee, CA(Zone 9a)

Mama Rainey, I Pinky Promise that I didn't back out. My neighbor was real bummed about not going honest. She's a work at home mom, but business has been down since the economy is in a rut, so she is taking jobs on the side ;o(

We will be going to the next one, and worst case scenario, maybe I could find a diff neighbor to go with me. Just gotta find a neighbor that I like...hee hee hee

Joey in Conroe, TX(Zone 8b)

Yay I'm glad you got the box! did everything look ok? The little rose should be ok outside, it just sprouted on its own so I potted it up. Just star tit with some shade and then move it out a little at a time.I know it needs a bigger pot. I actually took it from a bigger pot and put it in that little one for shipping. It ha a pretty big root system. The candletre needs repotting soon! Its still in seed starting soil LOL. I can't even remember all the stuff I sent, but if you ask maybe I'll remember!!!!
I'm glad the boys like the hairy frogs LMBO didnt think of it that way!!!

Gilmer, TX(Zone 8a)

I was just teasing! Yeah, findint someone you can like in the same neighborhood is hard sometimes!!

When my first husband was in the air force, we lived where the only people living there were AF,families, so we kind of stuck together against the "townies" Not true!!!
But we did all stick together cause most people didn't understand what it was like to tell your husband bye and the next time you heard from him might be 3 or 4 months.!!! lol WE'd all hvae to get together and keep her company till she heard from him. When the vietnam war was just getting started, and we were still called "observers" lol. Guys would go to work, get on a plane and off to vietnam. Couldn't tell their wives where they were. Ahhhhhh, the good ole days!! The stories I could tell. lol

(Becky) Colmesneil, TX(Zone 8b)

Lorraine.. LOL you are a mess!!! Why don't you and Jojo just meet up here.. I am about 1/2 way.. I might even cook something.. and I have 2 beds ya'll could fight over if you might get too tired to go home!! HEY.. since I know the lady at Lowes... wanna get some 5..10.. 25.. and 50 cent plants>>> HMMMM... oh yeah.. you love me now.. right?? hehe and Gboys lil garden is looking good!!

Ty sunny for the concern... DH is getting me all set up for the steroid shots... isn't he sooo nice??...humph!! I just don't like Dr. and he knows it!!

Melissa.. are they going to be paying the water bill?? if they are I'd say whatever you want to do..sweeties!!

And how's everybody getting boxes of goodies?? I am jealous.. guess I need to start trading so I can talk about mine!!

I just moved my LR furniture around since I needed more room for the new puter.. still haven't gotten all the gismos done on it so I can use it.. but my back is really killing me now... DH.. and I ain't saying what kind of D... walked through .. and walked back in the den.... now ya'll know why my back is soo bad!! ^%@!#

Audrey... Baileys is an ice cream?? I thought it was some kind of liquor...LOL.. or am I still confused??

Joey in Conroe, TX(Zone 8b)

LOL Baileys is a Liquer that most people put in coffee, but they made an ice cream in that flavor. It's just plain decadent!!

I gotta go loook up Colmesneil, cant place it. We actually drove into Houston today to go to the zoo. It was fun, but it certainly was good to get back home!! I live on the southside of Conroe, right outside of the Woodlands, and it has grown so much with a Mall and a waterway that I never have to leave this area LOL. I forgot what it was like to drive in Houston!! Glad I was in the Big Red Truck and not the VW. People were trying to run over me as it was, and I was bigger than them, cant imagine if I was in the bug!!

Hey Sunny! Yup Staynot went to the zoo!! Didnt get as many pics as I wanted, keeping up with Zeke and getting Staynot posed was a pretty big job. I'll drag the camera out in a bit and post some pics on his thread in a while, I think he had a really good time. He really liked the Orangutans!!

San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)

Thanks Melissa, I am very honored to be the head frog lady of the mixed seed nuts! I’m guessing that Slick and Rainey Icky are doing well, and I’ve now hopefully released the last of the little froffies. I cannot keep track of them either at this point, and will go back in my garden blog and compile a list ;-). Joey I released Grenouille and her surprise buddy Ranita (little frog) at the end of June. Grenouille definitely took the path less traveled (straight down into and through the fish pond, yikes!). I will post a pic of her below, climbing out on the other side of the pond…oh the drama. ;-)

Okay, fill me in on the hairy frogs…what in the heck? LOL

Thumbnail by sunnyg
Gilmer, TX(Zone 8a)

Be nice Beck.!!! The steroid shots will help. I had a friend who got them and it was amazing how much better she did. Never had to have surgery. The doctor told me I waited too late to come in, so they wouldn't do me any good. Mmmmm, just cause I waited till I couldn't walk and was hurting so bad I was hysterical, and dthey loaded me in the car and took me. Course I was saying, no, it will be fine tomorrow!!!

And I'm glad you hvae an extra room. We'll make sure we are too tired, so you can wait on us, and watch after all our plants!!!

Oh, everyone gets their turn with boxes, etc. Course it takes me so long everyone forgets what I'm supposed to be sending. I'm mail challenged too. Usually cause I can't find stamps, then have to wait to get them, then forget, then finally get them, forget to mail, on and on. Course you have to send out a few.
Told you this was a bunch of cool chicks. (Did you hear what I just said, lol)

Gilmer, TX(Zone 8a)

Hmmmm, should we tell her about the hairy frogs. lol

Ok, we'll tell. Jojo send the boys these little frogs that are like those chio pets? Put seeds in it's head and it grows hair. lol
Kids about to have a stroke waiting for hair. I have to take them down and let them make sure every few minutes.

San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)

I released the last??? froffie yesterday afternoon. The poor little thing had one malformed, almost non-existent back leg, and I really worry about this one’s chances for survival. He was hopping and climbing with no problem, and I didn’t see the extent of his issues until I looked at my pics (those froffies are small, and perhaps it’s time for a trip to the eye doc for me?). My little yard is pretty protected and has some tasty bugs, I’m sure, but still….:-(. Anyway, this one is still nameless, any ideas?

Thumbnail by sunnyg
Santee, CA(Zone 9a)

Sunny, that little guy with the bad leg (well I don't mean that in a bad way) but you should name him TinyTim...wasn't that the name of the boy in A Chrstmas Carol??

San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)

LOL about the chia frogs…that is too funny! Joey, glad you and Staynot and Zeke made it to the zoo! I have to go check out your adventures.

Beck, I hope those steroid injections really help! When do you begin your shots? I agree about the doctors, btw…not my idea of a good time at all! I can’t send you a box of plants due to a moth quarantine in my area, but I’m happy to send you some seeds…just dmail me your address and I’ll make you up a little packet.

Melissa, it might actually work to your advantage to wait until the next HOA meeting…that way, you can just focus on your nomination at your first meeting, and wont’ have to also think about your yard request (I’m sure those ugly shrubs will be long gone by that time, hehe). I’m not sure what you and Anjl are cooking up for your yard, but I use soaker hoses in my little garden, which are pretty much like a drip system. It works really well, because the plants get their roots watered slowly and deeply, while the foliage remains dry. I do hose off some of my plants, but some stuff doesn’t like to have wet foliage (can lead to mildew, fungus etc).

San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)

Perfect! Tiny Tim he is :-) He is actually bigger than some of the other little froffies...please excuse my beat up hands in this know what happens in the garden, LOL.

Thumbnail by sunnyg
Gilmer, TX(Zone 8a)

Tiny tim is cool.

Joey in Conroe, TX(Zone 8b)

Those little frogs are so cute! I'm glad Grenouille is the trailblazer LOL my kind of frog! Your photography is getting quite good Sunny. Those pics are amazing in detail! Now we just have to make a tiny froggy crutch...

Santee, CA(Zone 9a)

Yay!!! Another froffie has a name ;o)

I think you're right about the next HOA meeting. I really really hope I get my reqeust approved. It's killing me having to wait..ugh!! AnjL is just helping me with design and plant selection. I've heard from some of the neighbors that the landscape co. is upgrading all the watering systems here. Right now I have sprinklers, of course the poor landscaper has to readjust them each monday for everything that is new that wasn't there the week before... hee hee hee But I haved seen some of the houses with the new systems being put in. They look like long black soaker hoses, and they border all the area where bushes and or flowers are planted. The lawns are all keeping the sprinkler systems though.

I'm thinking the drip systems would work out great for me, plus some lady walked past the other day while I was pulling weeds and told me to tell the landscapers about what I am up to and they will get irrigation in for me faster??? I dunno if thats true though, I would think they are doing it in sections. I just hope this means that since the WHOLE communities water bill will go down then they shoudln't raise the HOA dues just cause they put all this new equipment in?? But I'm sure they will raise them next year anyway. We pay only $180 a month and the community on the other side of the main road pays $320 a month and they are in tiny condos that are all attatched together, wereas my community is all houses that aren't attatched to each other. Oh well, I'll have to wait and see....mmmfff

(Audrey) Dyersburg, TN(Zone 7a)

That seems to be happening with lots of frogs, nowadays! I think it's pollution.
Wish I could raise some frogletts! I love raising things!

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