July blooms!

Mesa, AZ(Zone 9a)

Wow is it July already? Anyway all of my Archie blooms have opened up. This is one hoya that just wows me. The flowas are just too awesome!!


Thumbnail by ACsAgapePlants
Orofino, ID(Zone 6a)

I completely agree! Very beautiful!!! I would like to have the red archiboldiana some day. Do you have it also?

Cape Coral, FL(Zone 10a)

Very pretty!

Crossville, TN(Zone 7a)

i thought those were fake. :-O

(Zone 1)

I have 3 of the speckled leaf lacunosa in bloom right now and one of the regular lacunosa.

Thumbnail by plantladylin
(Zone 1)

the regular green lacunosa full of blooms. Smells heavenly in the evening.

Thumbnail by plantladylin
(Zone 1)

And, I'm not sure which one this is ... possibly H. kentiana? It's one of those EA plants I bought from Home Depot last year with no label. This is the first bloom.

Thumbnail by plantladylin
(Zone 1)

H. krinkle 8 blooming

Thumbnail by plantladylin
(Zone 1)

H. rubra a/k/a Krimson Princess

Thumbnail by plantladylin
Cape Coral, FL(Zone 10a)

Hoya cummingiana in bloom, smells kinda spicy.

Thumbnail by Sunshinesw
(Zone 1)

Oooh, now that is really pretty! I have H. cummingiana cuttings I got in a trade, can't wait for it to grow and mature to see some of those pretty blooms! And, if it smells wonderful that makes it even better! Love the color of that bloom!

Allen, KS

Krinkle Leaf

Thumbnail by ksgirl
Cape Coral, FL(Zone 10a)

Jo, nice flowers!
Here are the cummingiana almost fully opened after the rain.

Thumbnail by Sunshinesw
Whitestone, NY(Zone 7a)

Nice blooms everyone..

So here are mine for the month. Nothing too special, just the usual. But I like these pictures, so here we go.

Here's H. javanica or multiflora

Thumbnail by Gabro14
Whitestone, NY(Zone 7a)

And a close-up to really show the yummy nectar

Thumbnail by Gabro14
Whitestone, NY(Zone 7a)

Here's 3 umbels in a row of H. lacunosa

Thumbnail by Gabro14
Whitestone, NY(Zone 7a)

H. wayetii

Thumbnail by Gabro14
Whitestone, NY(Zone 7a)

And finally, here's H. acuta.
Happy 4th of July everyone!!

Thumbnail by Gabro14
San Francisco, CA

Beautiful shot of lacunosa, Gabi. I can never get more than two umbels in focus.

(Zone 1)

Awesome photo's Gabi. I have a few lacunosa's blooming right now too ... lovely fragrance! Sure wish I was as good at taking pictures as some of y'all are. That's a cool shot of your multiflora! I've got buds on my multiflora now and will have to try to get a shot of the blooms with the nectar this time.

Macon, IL(Zone 5b)

Several hoyas are starting to bloom here in Illinois. This is the first - it's sp. 910307. These first four blooms shot out very quickly - a whole umbel to follow. They grew the fastest of any buds I have had. Tiny, no fragrance as of yet - will check it tonight.


Thumbnail by kabob
Mesa, AZ(Zone 9a)

Hoya 80-03 has bloomed.


Thumbnail by ACsAgapePlants
Cape Coral, FL(Zone 10a)

Great photos everyone.

Whitestone, NY(Zone 7a)

Wow - I actually got a photography compliment from the photo master himself!! Thanks Mark :)

Lin, as you probably know, nectar starts showing up on multiflora blooms when the umbel is a little "older". So if you want lots of "juice" (ha), just wait a week or so after the blooms open.

What gets me about lacunosa is that ALL of the peduncles on my plant (about 40-50) fell of this winter because I kept it way too far from the window, and I counted about 20 or more have already grown back!

I just love seeing everyone's pictures - keep em' coming!


(Zone 1)

Gabi: I got my multiflora in a trade here on DG. It blasted buds twice and I thought it would never bloom for me but just a month or so I got the first blooms and loved it! I had no idea about the nectar until I noticed a bunch of sticky stuff all over the tile on my plant stand and saw it was coming from that plant! Pretty cool!

I am not good at picture taking at all ... if I get a photo that is clear and looks decent I am lucky!

We just had our swimming pool and deck refinished and my husband made something for me so I'd have room for a lot of my hanging plants. He went to Home Depot and bought a bunch of wrought iron plant brackets and a bunch of those long steel poles used for chain link fencing, and pvc caps ... painted everything dark brown to match the aluminum pool enclosure and I just brought a bunch of my plants back in today.

Here's a picture of the hanging pole on one side of the pool with hoya's.

Thumbnail by plantladylin
(Zone 1)

My ds-70 is full of blooms and smelling wonderful.

Thumbnail by plantladylin
Palm Bay, FL(Zone 9b)

lin, what a wonderful idea. I love the way all the plants look hanging across the back. What is your exposure? My house faces south, and I'm afraid to put the hoya in the sun. Do you get sun all day in the pool area? If I can hang them in the sun, it would be great. I have them under the patio roof and am running out of room. They only get about an hour of easterly sun and I don't think it's enough.

(Zone 1)

The pool area is on the west side of the house and the hoya pole (west side of the pool) is shaded for the better part of the day by the huge Schefflera tree right outside the screen room. That area gets sun until about 11:00 or so (which can be pretty intense sometimes) but with the screen and the large tree my plants seem to do well, none have shown signs of sunburn at all.

The rest of the pool enclosure has plants hanging that can take full sun. At the other end of the pool deck is an attached wood deck that is under cover of a roof. I have another long pole hanging on that side (north) with a lot of different house plants too.

I have about 6 or 7 hoya's hanging on my front porch, the east side of the house. That area gets early morning sun and bright light the remainder of the day with shade from a large crape myrtle tree.

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

I feel so left out!!!!!

I dropped my little Nikon and the new one hasn't arrived yet...so I can't take any photos!!!! I do have blooming H. aldrichii (a first time...this one is growing up a tree), H. rigida, H. sp. Thai#3, all the lacunosas, H. onychioides X H. archboldiana, H. patella, H. pubicalyx 'Red Buttons', H. aff. pubifera, H.......

Just wish I could take pictures!!!! All of yours are SO lovely!!!

Macon, IL(Zone 5b)

Here's h. subquintuplinervis - try saying that three times!


Thumbnail by kabob
Knoxville, TN

Sweet Karen!
I finally had my camera and Hoya blooms in the same place and the batteries were charged. (The above has proven to be challenging for a space cowgirl like me!)

Here is H. rigida.

Thumbnail by meltn
Knoxville, TN

This is one of my most faithful bloomers. H. acuta 'albo marginate'

Thumbnail by meltn
Knoxville, TN

H. memoria

Thumbnail by meltn
Whitestone, NY(Zone 7a)


AWESOME pool area! That is just gorgeous, and such a great idea. Your hubby is the best! Thanks for sharing..


Knoxville, TN

H. brevialata

Thumbnail by meltn
Knoxville, TN

Not a bloom, but, this was a gift from my son. It was his first attempt at oil painting.

Thumbnail by meltn
Whitestone, NY(Zone 7a)

Wow Mel, your son has some talent!!


Whitestone, NY(Zone 7a)

Speaking of lots of nectar, another umbel of H. wayetii..

Thumbnail by Gabro14
(Zone 1)

Oooh Carol ... I hope your new camera arrives soon! I can only dream of a Hoya Heaven like where you live! It sounds like you have a lot blooming right now. I hope your camera arrives before they stop so we can see some of your beauties.

Kabob: That subq hoya is wonderful! I love the pale green edges on that one, really nice!

Meltn: Wow! You have some beautiful plants there! Love that acuta! I have a small cutting of H. memoria that I got in the Spring DL order. It has not put on much growth at all but is hanging in there .. hopefully some day it will grow up to look as great as your plant!
How old is your son? Great job he did with that oil painting! The colors are wonderful and he even got the shading on the leaves! I admire people with talent. I don't know how old he is but he did good and I know you will treasure that painting!

Gabi: Thanks! My hubby is a good guy! We've been married 39 years next month and I guess I will keep him around awhile longer! ^_^ He likes the planter poles too ... it does look a bit nicer than before when I had plants hanging upon plants!

This brevialata is one of the first hoyas I ever bought, an EA plant and it only bloomed once - lots of growth but no blooms since about 1 1/2 years ago.

edited to correct spelling.

This message was edited Jul 5, 2008 9:18 PM

Thumbnail by plantladylin
(Zone 1)

Gabi, very cool photo! Now I gotta go look up H. wayetti and read about it.

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