July blooms!

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

We, too, are having a drought....and the eriostemmas are starting to bloom....they love it!!! Here is H. sp. Apple Green

Thumbnail by AlohaHoya
Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

.....and here are two umbels of H. sussuela...Sharpie Top in there for a size relationship..... If you look you can see that the undersides of the flowers are a bright green...nice contrast with the deep red.

This message was edited Jul 15, 2008 4:39 PM

Thumbnail by AlohaHoya
Whitestone, NY(Zone 7a)

Wow - gorgeous eriostemmas Carol! I love the red one!

Lin, you have both RHP and Red Buttons? I've had Red Buttons for awhile now - LOTS of growth but no blooms! I just got a cutting of RHP. I love both colors - the RHP is just too cool with the black-ish coloring. It will be a great day when one of those bloom (still waiting on Pink Silver to bloom too - I'm dying to smell those blooms)! But anyway, they are fast growers, so you'll at least have a nice sized plant pretty soon!


San Francisco, CA

Wow, Carol, that is a great shot!

(Zone 1)

Gabi ... LOL, Nope, my mistake. I don't have red buttons ... just RHP. I saw pdoyles photo and didn't read clearly, and was still thinking RHP! See how excited I am to have another "not so common" hoya? I am adding red buttons to my list though ... love the looks and color on that one too!

Carol: I love those eriostemmas ... will have to look up info about them. I know someone has probably explained eriostemma on here before because I do remember reading that name ... just don't remember what was said about them. Those blooms are so big and so different. I really, really love them both but that red one is extra nice!

Cape Coral, FL(Zone 10a)

Ric, nice flowers! I don't have whole lot of flowers right now either, maybe too much rain.
Carol, those are nice looking flowers & photos!!!
Great photos everyone.

Cape Coral, FL(Zone 10a)

Hoya obscura

Thumbnail by Sunshinesw
Chesapeake, VA(Zone 7b)

I call it Vitellina b/c that is what the lable says from my DL order. I'll have to take a closer look when I get home.

Mid, ID(Zone 3b)

The red with green backed eriostemmas is amazing, it doesn't even look real! The other is very pretty also.

Love the close up on Hoya pubicalyx, ..... I have a very young one of these but I can dream of blooms. ^_^


(Zone 1)

A common old krinkle 8 blooming again.

Thumbnail by plantladylin
Brownsville, KY(Zone 6a)

Beautfiul blooms everyone especially those on H. susuela, cinnamomifolia, and 'RHP'. I love how you have them displayed on the fence, Ric.

Fantastic pictures everyone!! I'm especially enjoying seeing the flowers that I'll never see in real life - the eriostemmas of course!

I have in bloom H. heuscheliana, H. pusilla (for the first time) and H multiflora (or whatever), but I can't find my stinking camera!!


Huntsville, AL(Zone 7a)

Oh Christine, I know how you feel! I finally have some blooming and cannot find the cable that hooks the camera up to the computer. :( I have H. pubicalyx 'Pink Silver' and "RHP", H. compacta (both solid green and variegated), H. cv Jennifer and H. carnosa rubra all blooming their hearts out. I am enjoying them, so that's a BIG plus!!
Milan, it's really good to see you posting again after so long. Your pic of H. cinnamomifolia moved that one right to the top of my Wish List.


Cape Coral, FL(Zone 10a)

Red Button flowering on & off for several months.

Thumbnail by Sunshinesw
(Zone 1)

That is so pretty, would love to see the photo of the entire plant! I have a couple of hoyas with no ID yet ... I'm hoping at some point to get blooms so I can properly name them. One has leaves that look similar to yours which I know means nothing without a bloom. But, I sure can hope!

Cape Coral, FL(Zone 10a)

Hi lin, I have 2 different plants in this pot, they both supposed to be "Red Button". I know that leaf belongs to that flower. LOL

Thumbnail by Sunshinesw
(Zone 1)

oooh, that is a nice pot of hoya! Lovely blooms, and they are both red button? Really pretty plant!

The leaves on my plant in question don't quite look like that, your leaves look more pointed at the ends. I think mine is probably a carnosa of some sort, will know for sure when it blooms and I can post a pic for ID.

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

It looks like you have one plant in there of Pink Silver....

North Augusta, ON

I have one, I have one!!!

H. cv "Sunrise". Just full of them!! No detectable scent. maybe tonight...

Thumbnail by threegardeners
Cape Coral, FL(Zone 10a)

Hi Carol, I think it's Pink Silver too.

(Zone 1)

Way to go 3G! Awesome bloom!

3G, you will definitely be able to smell it tonight!! Congrats!


North Augusta, ON

It has a wonderful scent!!

Kinda like a mix of jasmine and Noxzema...

(Zone 1)

Oooh, I love the smell of jasmine and yeah, noxzema too (been using that since I was young)!

Chesapeake, VA(Zone 7b)

Carol, the edges on my Vitellinia do have a dark edge. One or two do not though. I think of mild clorox when I smell the flowers

Celaya, Mexico(Zone 10a)

I'll throw in another pubicalyx, this is a flower of a plain leaved pubicalyx (plain green, no speckles)

Thumbnail by PanamonCreel
North Augusta, ON


Chesapeake, VA(Zone 7b)

Now that is pretty

What an incredible picture Milan! Very lovely flower, and such amazing detail. I've got to learn how to do that with my camera....


Celaya, Mexico(Zone 10a)

Good old macro shots are tricky and it takes me many tries to get it right (or almost right).
The trickiest part with those "hairy" Hoya flowers is to get the lighting correct to have good color reproduction.

Here a macro shot of an unknown Hoya of mine

Thumbnail by PanamonCreel

That's downright surreal looking. The key here I believe is patience. Note to self: develop patience...lol...


Celaya, Mexico(Zone 10a)

Patience, yeah that too :)

(Zone 1)

Amazing photo's!

I think it is so cool the way some look like furryy fabric, not even real flowers! I sure wish I could figure out the macro thing on my camera! My husband has tried to explain it to me and I'm sure it's not all that complicated but I just need a button to push ... don't like to finagle with having to figure out how to change settings. Maybe in another year or so I will get a new camera, we each have a Canon PowerShot, one just a bit newer than the other. At the rate Technology is changing maybe before too long someone will make a camera that even when I am taking the pictures, they will all come out in focus and perfect! LOL.

PanamonCreel: That shot of pubicalyx bloom is really great! I love the colors and the way it looks so soft and fuzzy. That second one is so different, really pretty too, looks like glass.

Whitestone, NY(Zone 7a)

I just LOVE that pic of pubicalyx. Wow. Thanks for sharing.

Here's cv. Iris Marie (a new one to my collection that came in bud!).

Thumbnail by Gabro14
Waterville, VT(Zone 4b)

Congratulations Gabbi!

My cv. Iris Marie is 6 years old, 4 feet high, in a 14 inch pot, and never has so much as tried to form a bud, and I've tried everything. I have actually been thinking about giving it away, but after seeing your great photo, maybe I will give it one more year.


Doug, I think a 14 inch pot is too big for any hoya to bloom, no matter how old. They need "tight feet" to bloom.


Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Doug...I agree with Christine. Mine (2 plants) lives in a 10" bulb pot outdoors and bloomed furiously for 4 years.... She got LOTS of indirect VERY bright light and some sun.... The pot is packed with roots!!!! and she blooms away!!!

GREAT photo Gabi!

Waterville, VT(Zone 4b)


That could be it, but even in a pot that big it will dry out very quickly with all that vegetative growth, and that is why it progressed up to a pot of that size. I'm also wondering if it won't bloom, because I am growing the plant upright - tying it to a trellis. Last year I took many cuttings and did up some hanging baskets with it, we will see if one of those will bloom at some point within the next year.


Waterville, VT(Zone 4b)


I will try to increase the light levels even beyond what it is already getting in the greenhouse.


Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Both my cembra and cv. IM grow like viney shrubs....and are space hoggers!!! They seem to want to grow OUT rather than up or down... I don't really mind because the blooms are SO fragrant!!!


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