July blooms!

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Mel...the yellow one...Montana? kenejiana? Dimorpha?

Knoxville, TN

I beleive it is dimorpha, but, will double check to make certain. (Good eye, Carol)

Lin, you will be surprised at how fast your obovata will take off. Most of the time, Hoyas sit there and it appears they will never grow. Then, you turn your back and they turn into Jack and the Bean Stalk!


(Zone 1)

Mel, I have found that out with the cuttings I got in the spring DL order. A couple of them have taken off like gangbusters! The obovata I received in a trade about 1 1/2 years ago and it just sits there - no new growth at all. I think sometime this week I'm going to un-pot it, take a look at what the roots are doing (or maybe not doing) and give it a new container with some fresh potting medium.

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Lin...you might try changing where it is living...

Hoyas are really particular sometimes....and I don't understand why. My mother plant of H. schneei took years for the first bloom...3 years! Yes, I took it personally. However, cuttings I took 4 months ago....2 have formed umbels. Time of day I took them? Time of year? What I was wearing? Position of the stars?....


(Zone 1)

LOL, Carol! I don't know why I didn't think about changing the location, Duh! I have moved some that weren't doing well to a different location and they have taken off like crazy ... I think I will move the obovata to see if I can coax it to grow.

Thanks for "Waking me up". I swear, if my brain is this bad at 60 I can't imagine what it will be like at 70! If I'm still around DG at that point, they might kick me off for continually asking the same questions over and over.

Waterville, VT(Zone 4b)


I love that Archie! I lost mine that I got from you last year. I think if I try that one again, I'll go with a rooted plant. Although I have to say that I rooted the cutting quite easily, but couldn't get it to grow after that. I think fall may not be the best time to grow that one out; at least it worked out that way for me.

The greenhouse is a kit from the Sunshine Gardenhouse Company out of WA. It has worked out quite well for me. I do have a heater in there to keep it above 57 degrees at night, and I use it from mid-May to mid-September. Any more than that, and it would not be practical to heat it. I am using your basic potting mix of Promix Bx, fine orchid bark, and large perlite with some hydroton thrown in for good measure. I finally took everything out of the straight perlite, as the bottom of the mix got as hard as a rock from all the fine dust, and drainage began to suffer.

I saved everything that I rotted the roots off with that terrible new wave potting mix except for just a couple of plants. The David Liddle Spring Order is finally starting to show signs of life too, which makes me happy. I really have no idea why my serpens does so well. It is in plain old promix with no amendments. I keep it damp (not wet) all the time, and for most of the year it is in a pretty cool environment (no higher than 70 degrees). I also have to say that for years it did nothing. I beginning to realize that many Hoyas need to get some age on them not just to bloom, but to make them harder to kill. It seems that I can kill most of my newish plants by looking at them wrong. If the plant makes it to two years old, it will probably make it - just my experience.

I love everyone plants and blooms here. It just makes me realize why I love these plants so much and keep trying to grow them even when it doesn't always work out.


Seguin, TX(Zone 8b)

Hoya kentiana had two peduncles open at the same time. Here is one of them...

Thumbnail by blue_eyes
Seguin, TX(Zone 8b)

And hoya kerrii albomarginata is full of buds and blooms....

Thumbnail by blue_eyes
(Zone 1)

Great Picture! My kentiana had buds (first time) last week and I was so excited. We just had our pool and pool deck re-finished and all of my plants had been out in the yard hanging in trees. Well, I was so happy all the work was done and I could move my plants back inside. :( The kentiana blasted it's buds! I'm hoping to see buds again before too long.

(Zone 1)

Oh, that's a great kerrii too. I had a cutting of the variegated one but it never took root and died, the green one is doing really well, rooted quickly, no blooms yet but hopefully someday!

Macon, IL(Zone 5b)

H. shephardii - a new one for me!


Thumbnail by kabob
Macon, IL(Zone 5b)

And h. obovata - again!

Thumbnail by kabob
Macon, IL(Zone 5b)

And, finally, an OT, but I'm proud of it - I bought this orchid when I returned from Hawaii - it was blooming then. This is a new spike and flower.


Thumbnail by kabob
San Francisco, CA

Karen, I love the four parted flower.
Here is H. serpens, just opened up and still green.

Thumbnail by markroy68
Cape Coral, FL(Zone 10a)

Beautiful flowers everyone. H. kenegiana in bloom.

Thumbnail by Sunshinesw
Trelleborg, Sweden

Nice flowers and photos!

Here's a few of mine at the moment...

Hoya erythrina

Thumbnail by MyHoyas
Trelleborg, Sweden

...and first timer Hoya sipitangensis. To me it looks a lot like walliniana...


Thumbnail by MyHoyas
Mid, ID(Zone 3b)

H erythrina is gorgeous, really gorgeous in that close up!

I so enjoy the pictures that show the fuzz!! There is so much to each of the hoya blooms that can't be seen by the naked eye (at least not my naked eyes!!) which makes the close ups so stunning! Thus this thread so enjoyable each month!!

My cv Christine blasted buds the first time so I am extra happy with this bloom!


Thumbnail by bmedel
Mid, ID(Zone 3b)

Sorry wrong picture .... that was the 'waiting" picture. LOL


Thumbnail by bmedel
Mid, ID(Zone 3b)

H cv Joy has continued to bloom from old and new peduncles in constant rotation since starting in May!


Thumbnail by bmedel
Mid, ID(Zone 3b)

I'm still a total newbie to hoyas and my first H Obovata bloom thrills me .... ^_^


Thumbnail by bmedel
Whitestone, NY(Zone 7a)

Speaking of fuzz, nice picture of obovata! It really shows the fuzz well!


(Zone 1)

Awesome Blooms ... I love the close up shot's too. They look so soft and furry that I just want to pet them!

Celaya, Mexico(Zone 10a)

Well I'll join for a change :)
H. cinnamomifolia

Thumbnail by PanamonCreel
Celaya, Mexico(Zone 10a)

H. pubicalyx 'RHP'

Thumbnail by PanamonCreel
North Augusta, ON

Now that's a bloom!! They look almost black...

(Zone 1)

Awesome Photo's! I love the cinnamomifolia, such pretty contrast in colors. Now, Please, Please tell me that RHP stands for Royal Hawaiian Purple! I got a cutting of that one in the Spring DL order and it has taken root and is putting out new growth so I can't wait for it to mature and bloom. Oh, I sure hope it is that one in your photo! That is really a beautiful bloom!

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

That's right.

Celaya, Mexico(Zone 10a)

Yep RHP stand for Royal Hawaiian Purple ;)

(Zone 1)

Woo Hoo! I am so happy! Now, if my little hawaiian guy would just grow and produce some of those gorgeous blooms! ^_^


San Francisco, CA

PC, I think that's the darkest, most solid colored pubicalyx bloom I've ever seen. Really a striking bloom (and photo).

Chesapeake, VA(Zone 7b)

My h. Vitellinia is blooming again

Thumbnail by pdoyle23323
Chesapeake, VA(Zone 7b)

H. pubicalyx Red Buttons

Thumbnail by pdoyle23323
Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

pd...is that H. vitellina or H. fuscomarginata? Does it have a dark margin around the leaf?

(Zone 1)

Oooh, I can't wait for my pubicalyx red buttons to grow up and bloom! I am loving that one!

I found dependable H. multiflora blooming again.

Thumbnail by plantladylin
Saint Petersburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Amazing blooms everyone.......I've been getting about an inch of rain every day it seems for the last 30 days.........I guess the hoyas bloom when the get a dry spell. I've been getting very few blooms. Oh well maybe in the fall.
Here is a Hoya amoena bloom, a first for me.

Thumbnail by ricfl
Saint Petersburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Here is a close up of Hoya pubicalyx, it blooms nonstop. I don't know what cultivar it is.

Thumbnail by ricfl
Saint Petersburg, FL(Zone 9b)

I've decided to give my hoyas more air movement....they seem to love this fence. Its 120 ft. long and its almost all covered with hoyas. But just one bloom.

Thumbnail by ricfl
Saint Petersburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Here is the garden happy with all the rain. See if you can spot the hoya pubicalyx 'garden Jungle' blooms are going to open soon.

Thumbnail by ricfl
(Zone 1)

Awesome blooms Ric! Love that hoya fence ... looks like a similar set up my husband did for me around our pool enclosure. He bought wrought iron plant brackets, steel pipes (the ones used for chain link fencing) and pvc caps for the ends of the posts, painted it all dark brown and hung it around the perimeter of the swimming pool. One side has my hoyas because it gets shade from the intense afternoon sun. The rest is for any and all plants that can take the sun.

I really like that pothos in your photo too! Your garden is beautiful! Wish you could send some of that rain across the state to us. We've had some but are still about 6 1/2" below normal rainfall!

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