Got lilies?

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Tee hee paj. I only have one but wait til I riiiiiiiiiippppppppppp out the driveway. Does that mean you don't want a heads up when the Valley K Lilies catalogue goes online? I check every day LOL.

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

Oh oh oh, you are the voice of temptation! Yes, do let me know. I will see if I can resist! (not)

Looking through their catalog -- as it is now, I really like:


Also, I am sure I would like lots more of them if I looked at more of their pictures -- but I am carefully only peeking right now. And I am planting things in my yard so I won't have such a backlog when fall arrives.

This message was edited Jul 3, 2008 1:54 PM

Santa Fe, NM

I could have more roses and/or lilies if my driveway was ripped out! Nice pictures, Betty. I like the Barbara Mitchell. I think I had one once but may have unknowingly sent it away when I thinned all of the daylilies year before last. With a shovel, a chopping block and a hatchet! We got some rain last night, finally. I hope we get more today. I want the ground to get soft so I can dig up a sickly rose bush.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

paj last year I only allowed myself to order from the first page for each colour and type. I thought I was very self disciplined until the big box arrived. Bonus is if I do these very disciplined things, I reward myself with a present for being so good (usually more dahlias). Do you use the 'free money theory" when you shop? I find that's a very handydandy budgeting tool.

Englewood, CO(Zone 5b)

You know, paj...
Since your lilies in pots are doing so well, maybe you should move the speciosum rubrum to a pot, and give it the acidic soil it requires. It's worth a try, if you're on the verge of throwing it out...

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

Good idea, Trisha, but I have nothing to throw away! Everyone I have ever planted simply, unceremoniously vanished! I presume they rotted, but I don't actually know. To try again means I would have to order another one. I am pretty good at growing things in pots -- so maybe it is worth a try. I could plant it in compost mixed with soil imported from the farm. Hmmmm.

I don't know what you mean by the free money theory, unless you mean I freely spend my money. I do do that. My theory is that I can't be out of money because I still have checks!
I really do try to curb my buying. My way of doing it reading the whole catalog for each company over and over until I come up with a list I can't live without. Then I buy them. This is not the world's greatest way to save money, but I don't buy many clothes because they would just get ruined in the garden. I don't have a fancy car because I don't go too many places ( at least that I can drive to.) And I don't buy a lot of fancy jewelry because it would all get lost in the garden.
My spending is somewhat limited by the amount of stuff I can plant. Luckily 7 lily bulbs won't take too long.
False economy, I know.

This message was edited Jul 3, 2008 6:59 PM

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

Lilies for July 4. Independence Day here. Sorry, I don't have white and blue -- only red. This one is Lusty Leland, an old reliable for me. Bought it in bloom at Newman's Nursery.

Thumbnail by pajaritomt
Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

And here is Trial by Fire which bloomed for me for the first time this year. It currently lives in my raised veggie beds. Someday it will get a permanent home, after I blast a hole in the rock some where.

Thumbnail by pajaritomt
Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

And here is a bright orange Asiatic that I only dimly remember buying and planting. Why I bought only one is beyond me! But it is cute. Maybe some day I will find some more to go with it.

Thumbnail by pajaritomt
Santa Fe, NM

Nice lilies and nice pictures, Betty! Happy 4th! I didn't go to the pancake breakfast on the Plaza for the first time in many years. The food is always terrible, but who cares. I just didn't want to see crowds. Your lilies really are exceptional!

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

I never go to any pancake breakfast anywhere. I ate enough pancakes ( terrible ones) in the Girl Scouts to fill my life time quota. We stayed home and relaxed. Wasn't up for crowds either. My new iris have started to arrive. Planted 5 in the veggie beds. Moved one from veggie bed to front yard yesterday. I am going to mix rainbow colored chard in with the iris so we will have a few veggies. Also some celery which I love to grow. I have taken about a year off of doing heavy gardening. Now I need to get the show on the road!
Sorry for going off topic.
I had a new day lily not yet photographed in the front yard but it was sort of wrinkled so I decided to wait for a better looking specimen sometime in the next few days. Lots of daylilies that have never bloomed will be starting to bloom this week, it appears.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

'Free Money" budgeting: You have a $100 budget. You plan to buy a $25 dollar rose but it is on sale so only cost $15. New budget:
+ $10 (your savings because of the sale)
= $95.
Every time you save you add it on to the budget. Its a very fabby way to stretch your budget I find ^_^

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

Oh, wow! I will have to try that one. It will drive mathematician DH nuts! But it makes complete sense, I agree.

Santa Fe, NM

Dahlia, you are always an inspiration! I use a "round off to the higher number" system when accounting, balancing, what ever. Then, that way, I always have more money than I think I have, so I can buy another plant and it won't cost anything! D.H. makes me write things down in pencil so he can erase it later, I guess. It is o.k. to go off topic with important financial methods. It makes me feel rich! l.o.l.

Ennis, MT(Zone 4a)

Hmmm, I have a different method. I paint the flowers. If I get a $4000 painting from a plant in the yard, Bern does not care what I paid for it. This gives me a nice latitude for planting...

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

LOL mulch that's my kind of budget!!!!!

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

Mulch, do you give painting lessons? If I could paint, I could try out your technique!

Ennis, MT(Zone 4a)

I highly reccommend the approach, but do not teach classes.

However, I have a book that gives detailed explanations of painting flowers complete with palettes, etc. that came out in the fall, Quarto in London asked me to do it. They partnered with Simon and Schuster in Australia, Search Press in the United Kingdom, and North Light in North America. The book is the Painting Acrylic Flowers A-Z.

So grab a brush and get going!

Santa Fe, NM

And good luck! I painted lilies yesterday. I liked doing it so much I'm going to do a series. I've been photographing them almost daily.

Thumbnail by roybird
Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

That is a lovely picture above! Will the series be photography or painting or both!

Ennis, MT(Zone 4a)

Roybird, I like what you are doing. Way fun.

Santa Fe, NM

Thank-you. I will do both. I was thinking more of water color paintings. I photograph so much and paint so little that I needed inspiration. Or motivation or something. The photos and the painting inform each other, I think. The photography appeals because it is so much faster. However, the painting is more "internal" for me and more absorbing. Mulch, as you know, it is fun!

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

You folks are ALL so artistic!!! I have trouble with paint by numbers LOL. Another beauty shot. Are you learning all this fabby stuff in your new photo course?

Denver Metro Area, CO(Zone 5a)

Backyard lilies (don't have names but I love the contrast):

Thumbnail by mtnmama
Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

The contrast looks awesome. It makes the paler colour really pow.

(Judith) Denver, CO(Zone 5b)

Love that orange!!

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

Lovely display, mtnmama. The ones without names are just as pretty as the ones with names. The orange with yellow in the petals is really striking!

Santa Fe, NM

Beautiful lilies, Mtn. Mama!

Denver, CO

From earlier in the thread, perhaps the spotted yellow lily is one called 'Citronella,' which is common in the trade and a great plant.

G-jay, what breeds of lilies are your seven-footers?

'Satisfaction' is one of few lilies I've got that doesn't know what staking is or need it. It stands strait, tall, and robust like a fencepost. The colour (it is actually a clear coral, not pink) and fragrance get me too. As well as the substance and shape... I fancy getting more of this beast next autumn.

Thumbnail by ineedacupoftea
Denver, CO

Asiatic 'Tango Halloween'

Thumbnail by ineedacupoftea
Denver, CO

Altroemeria (peruvian lily)
I am jazzed to grow these here as a perennial, and I am terribly bent on acquiring an orange one.

Thumbnail by ineedacupoftea
Santa Fe, NM

ooh. I like that "Tango Halloween"! It could go in my imaginary "plants with cool names" garden!

Denver, CO

Ta, it is far from imaginary here. Somehow I've managed to grow some good ones:

"Cherry Skullcap."
"Ratstripper (aka Mountain Lover, oh irony)"
Geum "Mango Lassie" provides my imagination with rude images of a girl in an irish ice-cream shop.
The two Foxgloves I have are "obscura" and "ambigua."
A recent Iris: "paradoxa.."
and Everone's favourite, let's admit: "Hairyballs"


Santa Fe, NM

L.O.L. !!! That is too good. Let's see, I have "Rooguchi"clematis, "FlutterBy" rose. I think I must have the foxgloves, "obscura" and "ambigua". That would really suit me. I don't think foxgloves would get enough water here, though. Hmm.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

here's my first lily of the season. The luvly little 'stella d'oro'

Thumbnail by dahlianut
Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

Welcome back, Kenton. Great to hear from you again! How are things now that you are a college graduate? Great lilies -- and astroemeria!

Congratulations on the beginning of summer -- at least that is what I consider daylilies as signaling.

Denver Metro Area, CO(Zone 5a)

So many pretty lilies--thanks for sharing the pictures!

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

I checked out various lily sources and my yellow one probably is Citronella. It certainly does look like it. I have an orange one blooming now that I don't have a name for, but it is no where near as vigorous as the yellow on. But I love them both and have ordered some other downward facing lilies to go with them.
I ordered mostly martagons which get quite tall, so I think they will go in a semi-shady part of the front yard, currently covered with gravel -- very close to the Rhodie you brought me last year. They will look nice together.

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

The lily patch today. I know the name of the tall red lily in back. It is Massa, but the others are unknowns but I love them.

Thumbnail by pajaritomt
Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

OUTSTANDING!! The colours are so vibrant. AND you're in a woods! I didn't realize that before.

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