DG Marketplace - who's buying what?

Port Vincent, LA(Zone 8b)
There are a total of 321 votes:

I was one of the first DG Maketplace customers!
(8 votes, 2%)
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I've made a purchase (or two) from the Marketplace
(67 votes, 20%)
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I'm a regular customer in the Marketplace
(8 votes, 2%)
Red dot

I love browsing, especially the newest items
(50 votes, 15%)
Red dot

I haven't yet found anything to buy
(86 votes, 26%)
Red dot

What (and where) is the DG Marketplace?
(102 votes, 31%)
Red dot

Previous Polls

Fountain, FL(Zone 8b)

I like the Marketplace, too. It is great to have choices right here at DG.
I received my seeds that I bought from a member today and when I left feedback, I looked to see what else he has for sale. I found a couple more things I want to buy...good thing I didn't look too much or I would have clicked 'buy'. ;-)
If I'm not mistaken, alot of DG members that sell on ebay will give a discount to other DG members. It is a community here and it shows throughout the entire site.
I did see things that seemed overpriced, to me, but they were plants that I've not grown and I have no idea how difficult or expensive they are to propagate. So, they may not actually be overpriced.

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

I don't think it is very User Friendly. Items should be broke down into smaller groups.

Rosamond, CA(Zone 8b)

I went on a couple of times and saw some stuff that may be interesting but at the time I really didn't see anything that was a must have and there was not a lot of stuff on it either.

I will keep checking though.

Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

I don't think we need to worry about the Marketplace being a giant success. Many of us who love to propagate didn't even know the Markeplace was going to happen so soon.

I have bought all my morning glory plants which are magnificent at only 3.50 and really growing and blooming. I also bought several other plants from another vendor.

Next spring I predict we will find so many plants we can't live without and all of us will be ready. The Marketplace doesn't take away from trading for me at all. I have bought and listed plants. Trading is still very important to me and most gardeners have a big heart when it comes to giving.

What is one man's trash is another's treasure and that is true about all of life.
(me thinks so, anyway)

****edited to say that those of us who love to propagate aren't making any money . We are hoping that we make some joy for people. It takes me 5 months to grow a pretty plant from a leaf (at least) and then I sell for less than I actually have in the plant, but it is a win win situation for both me and they buyer. I can't keep this many plants and people can't buy plants this size for 5.00 anywhere.

This message was edited Jun 27, 2008 9:02 AM

(AnjL) Fremont, CA(Zone 9b)

I was one of the first! had to have a brug or two or three asap! lol! very easy to use and purchase :o) I'll definitely buy from DGMarketplace again !!

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

I have made a couple of purchases through DG's Marketplace. Both items were sent out very promptly and one even included a free plant, which was a very nice surprise. However, I had ordered Salvia, "Hot Lips" and didn't realize that the wrong plant was shipped until it bloomed in shades of purple (still very pretty), but not in red/white like it was suppose to.

I haven't said anything until now, but I was upset that I didn't get what I ordered. I was really looking forward to seeing its beautiful blooms and hummingbirds sipping nectar out of its flowers. I know that plants and tags get mixed up all the time in bigger nurseries.....it just happens. Regardless, I'm still sad that I didn't get what I had ordered.

Rosamond, CA(Zone 8b)

I hate when that happens too. You should have spoken to the seller and let them make it right though. Not your fault.

Beaumont, TX(Zone 8b)

I haven't purchased anything from the Marketplace yet. I've looked a couple times a week and drool over all of the offerings. at the beginning of the year, I made a pact with myself that I wouldn't buy any plants (other than herbs and vegetables) this year. So many of the plants listed are very tempting!!!

I do have some items for sale (books and arts) and within the first week had sold several used gardening books. I try to price things fairly. I check other on line sites that offer used books to see what the fair market value is. I ignore the "penny sellers" on Amazon because they are just out for the shipping costs and usually their feedback speaks for itself. I used to sell there and know that sadly, those are the folks that drive a good book into the ground.

The prices on our copper sculptures may seem outrageous to some folks. When you consider how the price of copper has skyrocketed, the cost of materials has quadrupled since we began making the sculptures. A lot of time and creativity goes into each sculpture. Each one is a unique piece that will never be duplicated again. We create the highest quality of sculptures we know how using the best materials and won't ship anything we wouldn't just love to have in our own yards. We are nit pickers of the first water and a little of our personality goes into each one.

I think given time, this marketplace will be a great place for the community of Dave's to come when they get that itch to have a new plant. The major majority of Dave's population that's selling in the marketplace can be trusted to do the right thing. We know these folks. We talk to them every day!

And if an error happens (wrong bloom color, etc.) hopefully the seller will make it right. I can only imagine having hundreds of plants sitting there waiting to bloom and someone moving something unintentionally and not putting it back in it's place. BUT, on the other hand, if they don't know, they can't fix the problem. In the meantime, you've got a bad taste in your mouth about the marketplace and the poor seller hasn't got a clue that you've gotten the wrong plant. Shirley, please contact your seller and let them know what happened. You'll feel better about it in the long run.

Until Dave gets the bugs worked out, there will be some problems. But in the meantime, I'm delighted with it and look forward to seeing new items from Dave's.


Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

I always just go to live plants. I can see I am missing a lot of good items. Yes, copper is sky high in dollar value today.

I discovered Kathy's soap and never looked back! :-)
I guess I was one of the first to buy. I have some plants and seeds posted, and have sold as well.
I love checking back each day to see what others are posting.
Way to go, Dave!

Port Vincent, LA(Zone 8b)

Thanks for posting Janet. Now, after your awesome description , I have to go check out your sculptures. LOL Thanks again.


Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

I got two beauties from Gordo.........need to do a better job of looking.........

Beaumont, TX(Zone 8b)


Each of our sculptures is custom made. It's like Sonic's hamburgers, we don't make it until you order it. HAHAHAHA

You can see most everything we've made at the link for SEE ALL SCULPTURES posted in the listings towards the end.

Happy Gardening!

Port Vincent, LA(Zone 8b)

Hi Janet, yes I started to head for the sculptures , then I got detoured into your other projects and products. And I loved going thru the old photos. It will take me a while to check out everything. But the site is great. Thanks.
Soooo, you can make a sculpture anyway I want it with in reason? Sorry, I just need to dmail or email you with questions. Sorry everybody. You wil just have to wonder about the answer. LOL


Beaumont, TX(Zone 8b)


(Zone 6a)

I just checked it out yesterday and bought something right away!!

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Thanks for your input hellnzn11 & UniQueTreasures. I appreciate your comments and I will contact the seller.

Charlotte, NC(Zone 8a)

Where IS the Marketplace? I went through Communities and Guides and Information. I can't find it in either of these. So where is it??? Why isn't it easily discernible?

Karin ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

When you are on HOME, you will see at the very top Marketplace...........it doesn't stick out in any way.

Beaumont, TX(Zone 8b)

The tab that it's under is called PRODUCTS and SERVICES.

But it is on your homepage, as Gessie said, under the brightest of the red flowers on the header, almost smack dab in the middle of those GREEN tabs. (parked under Guides and Information)

In my opinion, there needs to be a way to get to it from wherever you are without going through a bunch of hoops to get there. It's really kind of obscure in it's current location.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Is there anyway each seller just have their own little store area & we can go to their area to find all the items they have for sale
& Not have to see 15-30 of their items

maybe plants can be catagoried by daylilies ,irises , hosta ect ect & then click on that persons store to check out all they have .
when i go to the live plants I have to go through list of the same plant from the same person . or a list of other plants for sale by the same seller
& just don't have time to search for what I'm really looking for .

maybe have 1 picture buy a sellers names they list what they have Daylilies ect & we can go to there page & order or not .
rather then haven pages after pages & not be able to check out all the good deals .

I feel this is a great way to share our Goods with others but looks as if the ones who posted plants 1st are back on the 10th 11 page &
many don't have the time to go through all of them . & we miss out as do the sellers .

I'm not web design sav vyed :( so Don't know if it work but it was just a thought I had .


Please Stop By

picture : DEEJAY("S Offering DAYLILIES, HOSTA"S, IRISES & More

Come READ With us

Just seem's it would be less confusing & all seller would have the chance to be seen & not get lost in the back pages .
Sure hope I don't step on toes here not meaning to do that by any means .

well I need to go to the garden u all have a great day love reading the views .


Beaumont, TX(Zone 8b)

On each listing, there is a place to the right, close to the sellers name, that you can click on to see other items that this seller has.

Port Vincent, LA(Zone 8b)

I didn't know it was on the top of the homepage. Thankya'll so much. Has it been there the whole time. Duh!! Once you know it's there, it's not any harder than clicking on home page from any page on the site and clicking Marketplace. Thanks again.

Beaumont, TX(Zone 8b)

It doesn't really stand out on the homepage. I wonder how many others don't know it's there. It would be wonderful if that tab could be a bold color, like RED! ^_^ I bet more people would notice it then.

Donna in Douglas, GA(Zone 8b)

from post #5168490

Dear Shirley1MD,

I apologize for sendind you the wrong Salvia microphylla 'San Carlos' instead of 'Hot Lips'. Yes, the tags did get mix up. As a seller I can not fix what I do not know I have done. Unless the buyer speaks up about their purchase. You will be recieving your correct order of 2 ~ Salvia 'Hot Lips' this coming week. I want ALL my Buyers to be Happy with their purchase from my garden/nursery. I love to share what I grow and that's why I given a Bonus Plant with every order. I will be more careful with my tagging in the future and communicating with my customer's.

Thank You,

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

If there were a Canadian section, I might spend some time in the Market place, but we can't even consider buying plants from the US and even the seeds aren't exactly legal, though they MIGHT get across the border. Better not to waste my time there.


Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

Are there not enough Canadians on DG for you all to send to one another?

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)


Thank you so much for contacting me and offering to send me the Salvia, "Hot Lips" that I had originally ordered. Yes, I realize that plant tags can get easily mixed up in a nursery. I greatly appreciate your excellent customer service in making this order right.


Beaumont, TX(Zone 8b)


There's been some discussion about this issue in the DG Marketplace Forum. Check out this thread. http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/868266/

Hope this helps you!


Houston, United States(Zone 9b)

All, I'm new to this. I used to make crafts a lot but didn't have many venues to sell them. I'm considering posting them to the Marketplace but I've only myself made in person sales on Craigslist or bought one item from Ebay. I have an Ebay acct and so I pose these questions to you in the hopes I can get started on the Marketplace:

Most sellers are saying they take PayPal or money order.

If I have an Ebay acct but have never sold there am I still set up to sell by PayPal? And how would that work i.e. would I tell the DGer who wants to buy my Ebay acct name and to go there?

And I saw in Dave's tutorial he wants us to be fair in shipping but that most sellers aren't suggesting what shipping would cost prior to your purchase. Is that just something I should tell a buyer AFTER they've bought (say in the event they buy more than one thing it's cheaper on shipping)???

Houston, United States(Zone 9b)

Seems this: how to sell on Ebay answers many questions here http://pages.ebay.com/help/sell/seller_account.html but I'm wondering since Ebay takes a % of your sale THERE do they also get a % no matter where you've accepted PayPal?

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Tir_Na_Nog try posting your question in this forum. http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/f/auction/all/

Houston, United States(Zone 9b)

lol. thank-you!

Sinking spring, PA(Zone 5b)

A few vendors accept personal checks, which is really convenient for me personally. However, I understand if many aren't willing to do that. The shipping isn't stated up front, but if I were dissatisfied, I would post a poor revue of that vendor. I know that may not prevent all problems from occuring, but I do believe it works most of the time!

Houston, United States(Zone 9b)

When you've paid by check did any seller suggest a $25 ISF charge if the check didn't clear? I am not implying you are not good for the purchase :) just wondered if sellers worry about that?

I've checked the DG Marketplace forum and am learning heeps!


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