Do you label your plants?

Tuscaloosa, AL(Zone 7b)
There are a total of 507 votes:

Yes, I use purchased labels (which ones?)
(136 votes, 26%)
Red dot

Yes, I make my own labels (tell us how!)
(198 votes, 39%)
Red dot

No, I don't label my plants
(173 votes, 34%)
Red dot

Previous Polls

Hastings, MI(Zone 5b)

Hey You Guys!
Does anyone remember the embossing click machine? I think they are a Brother
product. You insert the plastic tape and then click out the name and whatever
else you need. A new one costs about $9.00

The tape I think is glued on the back and you can double it back on itself
then stick a rod into it or cut a hole for ties.

The embossing stays forever...and forever

Huntington, AR

I label my plants, but only with the names I have given them, such as 'Jack' and 'Susan' and 'Janie'. Then, when one dies I can tell my neighbor or the guy in the garden center at Home Depot , " Yeah, Janie died. I figure I'll wait a week to see if she's still kicking, but if she don't show any signs of life I'll dig her up and put this Begonia where she was."

Zanesville, OH(Zone 6a)

I label seedlings. And I'll stick a marker in potted plants. I don't put markers in my garden beds. I've thought about it because more than once I was left scratching my head wondering what I was looking at LOL (my memory gets worse by the day). But I don't like the look of markers in the garden. I might try using stones as markers at some point. I do keep a Garden Journel on my computer with info on every plant including a picture. This helps most of the time :~)

Winnetka, IL

Okay, I sort of lied. I don't generally label the plants, but I do have a map of the garden which is marked with the larger plants (i.e. woodies) and a list of all the perennials, so I may not be able to whip out the cultivar until the plant flowers!

Wayland, MA(Zone 6a)

I take pictures and put them in my garden journal on daves garden!

Thumbnail by laurawege
(Zone 5a)

I don't like the look of tags either, so I stick the tag (cut up blinds) at the base of the plant just at or below soil level. I do it on the same side in each bed so that I know roughly where to look. I know most of my plants, but just in case I forget, it is right there at my fingertips.

Madison, IL(Zone 6b)

I'm a mapper, not a labeler too.

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

I label things I started from seed until they are planted, after that no labels. I do try to keep pictures in my Daves Journal.

Dahlonega, GA

most all my stuff that is labeled is in buckets. i know what i have in the i said earlier,i have a nice rock with the name of the plant on it .people don't have to ask questions

Baker City, OR(Zone 5b)

I reuse the plastic tags that come in plants I buy, just write on the back with a permanent marker. It lasts for a season or two. Cats and wind dislodge a few of them. I have also used yogurt and cottage cheese cartons cut into strips. Some day I may buy some of the metal ones with wires that go way down into the ground.

Millersburg, PA(Zone 6b)

laurawege, What a pretty group of Poppies!

Zanesville, OH(Zone 6a)

Yes, what kind of poppies are those?

Bentonia, MS

i am on a fixed income so labels were to high for me. this is my first year i am doing la hybrid lilies, asactic lilies, orinetal lilies and day lilies. these were bought for me for my bday in fed. all were bulbs. i went to the dollar store bought plastic picnic spoons use a perm marker and stick with spoon end up next to the bulb. the first pic of my flower garden was a sea of spoons. looked funny but works great. they do not fade out.

Auburn Hills, MI(Zone 6a)

I use the rose plant tags from here

I alos use a brother p-touch 1180 , you can get uv ray and water resistant,, I love it !!

here is one of my daylily signs

Thumbnail by cacolos
Westland, MI

I don't label. I have a map of my garden in a spiral notebook.

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

I couldn't impress people with my vast knowledge of plants if they were all labeled!

Hopewell, PA

I cut strips of vinyl siding making a point at the bottom to stick in the soil, and use a dark majic marker to write on them

Otley, IA

I use the knives from the plastic cutlery and a sharpie that won't wash off. The knife goes into the ground easily and the sharpie doen't wash off!

Lexington, MA(Zone 6a)

I recycle whatever I can write on. I have three aluminum blinds I've been cutting for a year now. I can make them as long, short, narrorw as I want. I also take pictures.

Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

I can't even remember to vote here let alone label! We have gardens that are twenty five and almost twenty years respectively. I do wish that I had been more diligent in labeling permanent landscape many years ago. Some specimens are recorded in my garden diaries and some not. There were local folks, many years ago, that specialized in old fashioneds, species and wild specimens. I've got the plants that are heirlooms, but not the names. The big box stores have different, hybridized, versions.

I like Palmbob's method of recording and, having just learned to use a digital camera, will adopt his method. Certainly, if you photo the plant and the location, you have an indelible record (unless your computer crashes). I'll get the more tech savvy person in the house to back up.


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