Container Renovations 2! (smile)

Port Charlotte, FL(Zone 10a)

Thank-You Critter! Thank-you also for the tip on the preserving Cook-book!

Carrollton, TX(Zone 8a)

Kat -
Actually I have a lot of black magic Elephant ears - they do great here- I love their color - start out green - then turn such a deep purple -this is yr 3 for them I need to move them further back from the patio- they get really big - and plant a small border around the edge to kind of prop them up - I was thinking of some dwarf lorapetulum (sp?). they have multiplied like crazy - they are in my trading list as a have - even with trading some - I would still have more than enough to put some in both containers - and replace yearly if they don't survive. they like it wet - when I saw that cannas like it wet , I thought they would work well together - If I go with Cannas - I'll have to bring pot in don't ya think? As I understand it I need to subtract a zone if it's in a pot. What about Bird of paradise - yours are big - but have you done them in a pot - I don't recall seeing them in a pot - I know they aren't hardy here - need to be closer to San Antonio zone.

Port Charlotte, FL(Zone 10a)

Thank-you so much Oasis for the compliments! Gotta say though, I'm not an expert at container gardening, but I just plant! I'm getting better as I'm finally finding out what grows and what doesn't. If it doesn't work this year...I won't plant it again. I see you're in Pompano Beach and I'm thinking that we probably have a similar climate.

When I moved into this home a year and a half ago...I just embraced Containers on my Lanai! It's the only way in Florida to grow annuals and have color. When something is depleted, I just replace it with something in season. Like you, I love the fact you can move and rearrange things. I just love it! No weeds either! haha.

You've definitely come to the right place, as this site is so incredible when you need to identify a plant, want information on a problem with a specific species or need info on re-potting! Just ask...There are so many knowledgeable people here that are so willing to share their expertise. I just love Dave's Garden and I've had so many people inspire me with their beautiful gardens and creations.

Glad to meet you and I hope you share some photo's of your container garden...


(I'm about 20 minutes from South Gulf know how things have been going with Real Estate lately, but I think that area is recovering faster than Port Charlotte - Lot's of commercial stuff going in around there!)

Thumbnail by KatG
Port Charlotte, FL(Zone 10a)

Kitty...I'm not actually positive on this, but I don't think Bird of Paradise will make it! They're gorgeous, but just too tropical and I can't see you hauling pots inside for the winter!

You're looking for tropical color aren't you???


Why not a nice tall green thing in the middle and some really colorful underplantings...

Carrollton, TX(Zone 8a)

Do you think the canna would make it?
Thanks for the compliment on the creativity of the container - I got the idea from proven winners - but I love the combination of colors.
Do you think Bird of paradise would make it as a houseplant? I guess I have reaal zone envy here - I was in Florida in February - My Mom was in the hospital in Englewood - they have a screened covered atrium in the center for waiting room - and just outside it - I mean inches is this huge Bird of Paradise - Everytime I see one - I want it.
I know I probably should just put something green and sensible in the midddle - Maybe a Japanese Maple? that would be different - but I don't want anything deciduous. ARGH!! I have so much green already - Large Live Oak Tree in one corner - Two Japanese Banana groves - they multiply like crazy - I Have a fruit on one of the older ones this yr - looks just like the picture in plant files - One Triple trunk Mexican Fan Palm and another single one - they said it was a Washingtonian when I bought it - but I don't see any difference - and all the green on the 10 hardy hibiscus - which I am taming with tomato cages this yr
I need to get a new camera - I have a creative digital webcam - its not supported by Windows Vista!! and my last roll came back looking like it was double exposed.

Carrollton, TX(Zone 8a)

Kat -
This is the one thing I miss from our old house - the cedar waxwings that would come to our wild cherry trees - This was the view out my dining room window - My Babies would go crazy - Does your dog still fixate on the geckos? If he does - gotta call the dog whisperer - lol

Thumbnail by Kittylover
Carrollton, TX(Zone 8a)

Kat -
Here are my babies

Thumbnail by Kittylover
Concord, CA(Zone 9a)

I always watch you posts because you have the most beautiful home and gardens. I must admit I try to copy some of you planters. You have a real flair for style. You must be so proud .

Crossville, TN(Zone 7a)


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Kat... have you tried the polymer moisture crystals that we were chatting about recently? The article I mentioned was published here last Thursday:

Port Charlotte, FL(Zone 10a)

Critter - Thanks for the article...It's very interesting and no, I haven't tried them yet. The only thing I've tried is that Moisture Control soil from Miracle grow and I really hated just gets too hard after a while. I'm going to try these in some new containers. I'm not sure how much it will cut down on watering, but it's worth a try.


Port Charlotte, FL(Zone 10a)

Kitty: I Love Proven winners plants...they're very hearty and although you pay more for them, I think it's worth it.

Gee, Englewood - You certainly weren't far from me. Hope your Mom is doing well. Canna would probably do fine for the Summer, but does Japanese Maple do well in your Zone? I'm trying to think of something tropical that would survive in Zone7 and its totally eluding me. A Standard Hibiscus tree? Love your Babies Esther :). Yes, there mine still are fixated on Lizards - there are so many wandering around the yard without tails! It's snake season right now and my female has become quite a hunter!!! I worry about it because they're could be some poisonous ones, but so far she's rustled up a couple of Harmless Black snakes.

Thank you Linda and Crimson!

When I was planting my Caladium Bulbs a few weeks out in front of the house, I poked a few in the containers of Impatiens out there! I think Caladiums go with everything! hehe

Thumbnail by KatG
Port Charlotte, FL(Zone 10a)

I love this new plant I found. I bought a few 3 inch pots of it at Lowes and had no idea how it would grow or if it would even survive in this heat. After putting it on Plant Identification it was identified as Baby Sunrose (ice plant, aptenia) and it is just loving it in these pots! I can't believe how much it's grown and how healthy it looks.

Thumbnail by KatG
Port Charlotte, FL(Zone 10a)

This gives you a good idea of how much it's grown in just over a month and 1/2...

Thumbnail by KatG
Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Love the look, Kat! Just beautiful! You do such a great job! You are the true Container Queen!

Edited to correct a typo!

This message was edited May 19, 2008 1:55 PM

Carrollton, TX(Zone 8a)


Decided to go with Canas - Talking with other DGers and looking at hardiness of what is surviving - I'm actually 8a - I'm going to do Tropicanna in one and Chocolate Cherry in the other. Let you know how they turn out - post a pic when I can get this camera working or break down and buy a new one.
Your dogs are adorable - if they get too fixated or you worry about poisonous - contact Dog Whisperer - He got one dog out of fixating on rocks - If you never have seen him check him out on the discovery chanel - he helps dogs with all sorts of problems. My son and I watch both to see the crazy things dogs do - and how Cesar is so in tune with them - It's amazing.

Ocala, FL(Zone 9a)

KatG...I'm a new member here (also fairly new to FL...from Michigan) and I'm absolutely enthralled by your container garden & photos... it gives me hope!

Thanks so much for sharing, you've inspired me!

Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

Welcome Denisemb!

Port Charlotte, FL(Zone 10a)

Kitty...I think you're going to love the Cannas - I planted some Tropicannas in my yard last year and they're in bloom right now but really stunted in growth because my soil is really crappy! But in the right conditions, they're gorgeous.

The Dog Whisperer? hahaha. I've seen him and he's really good! Ziggy needs more than the Dog Whisperer...he doesn't think he's a dog but thinks that he is joined at the hip with me. Everybody comments on's like, what is up with him? He's just totally in Love with his MOM! hahaha. Most people describe Ziggy as a "little person" . Now Zara on the other hand is an affectionate little sweetie, but she's got basic dog instincts and is a DOG! just something else! I've had dogs all my life and have owned 4 Yorkies. I bought these two from a breeder in Miami and she said to me - there's is really something special and different about that pup (Ziggy). She was right.

We were visiting my friend when I took this picture and everytime I look at it...I just have to laugh at the expression on Zara's face! It's just too cute!

This message was edited May 20, 2008 1:10 AM

Thumbnail by KatG
Port Charlotte, FL(Zone 10a)

Hey Jeanne - Good to see you. How's your garden growing these days? Thank-you for the heads-up...I try!

Port Charlotte, FL(Zone 10a)

denisemb...OH OH!

You moved from Michigan to Ocala? (One of my favorite places in Florida - I used to be involved in Thoroughbreds and I just love Ocala).

If you're inspired, you're in trouble! LOL.

I've only been doing container gardening for about a year and a half now, but I just totally LOVE it! I think you have better soil up in Ocala as mine is really bad (sand) and needs a lot of enhancement to grow anything. That's why I container garden on my lanai and now I've moved to the front of my house. I have color all year round and there's such a good variety of plants available, that I just replace what is depleted or won't grow in heat and humidity. It's really is very rewarding!

Right now, I probably have about 98 pots spread out on my lanai (I started with 3 hehe). If you want some inspiration, you have to go and
check out this link - Nancy has a small patio and has 160 pots on it and it's gorgeous!

It's nice to meet you and if you get into the planting mood...please share!



Caddo Mills, TX(Zone 8a)

This is one of the red siam bananas that I planted. I'm still trying to figure out how to use the camera and download pics tho.

Thumbnail by Tina_A
Caddo Mills, TX(Zone 8a)

Here is almost all of the pots in the foyer of my house. I'm waiting for the temps at night to go over 50 before I put them outside.

Thumbnail by Tina_A
Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

It's going pretty good! The daylilies are in bloom, the banana and plumeria trees are leafing out, curcuma is up, hibiscus are blooming. I just bought two new orchids, and hit a really good deal on some distressed clearanced items at Lowe's; some zebra plants, money tree, ivey, hot pink angel wing begonias, african violet, wispy palms, draceana (sp?), spathe, and a few I don't know what are, but are very pretty. I bought a few bedding plants for color, so it really brightens things up! Things are good.

We still don't have the "hut" reroofed, but hope to soon. Here's a fairly good picture of the overall yard.

Thumbnail by Texasgal77
Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

From the back porch looking out to the gazebo / soon to be "hut"

Thumbnail by Texasgal77
Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

My latest baby orchid

Thumbnail by Texasgal77
Central FL, FL(Zone 9b)

Yes, kat, I think you've inspired a lot of people with your wonderful combinations of plants. Thanks!

I haven't had great success with Persian Shield, and I really love it. I'm wondering how much sun yours get. Right now I have a pot on my screened porch, and it gets morning sun for a short while. It's too soon to tell how it's going to do there. I had it in complete shade, but in a bright area, and it didn't look very happy there; so I moved it to more direct sunlight. I had some last year in complete shade, and it died over the winter.

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

My persian shield died over the winter also. I even brought it in out of the cold!
I think it likes further south better....

Woodway, TX(Zone 8a)

KatG- IS YOUR PERSIAN SHIELD GROWING IN FULL FLORIDA SUN? I love that plant, but was under the impression it had to be grown in filtered light or even shade in the South. In one of your photos it looks like it's growing in a bed out in the open along with coleus and s.p. Marguerite.


I planted my lance-leaf caladiums Saturday, and ONE is peeping up today. I go out and look about every 15 minutes.

Portland, TX(Zone 9a)

My persian shield actually survived the winter in a protected shady area outside. It doesn't look the best, but I think it will start filling out soon. I just transplanted it last week--still in shade but more room to grow now. Of course I'm in South Texas and we had a mild winter this year.

Nashville, TN(Zone 7a)

Look what I finally found yesterday for $1.50!!!! I was early to pick my child up from preschool so I popped in the Thrift store & there she was!!!! She practically whistled at me when I walked in the door! :) I am so excited. Thank you everyone for the inspiration!

Thumbnail by terichris
Carrollton, TX(Zone 8a)

Kat -
Now that I've decided to do Canna's can't find them - Argh! I can't find Persian shield either this year! Last year I had it planted under my Mexican fan palms -east facing location - full morning sun - with mexican heather - which did come back, YEAH.
Ziggy is cute - you can see he's full of personality in his eyes - Romeo was like that - some are just more in tune and seem more aware, and are just plain charmers!! Wrap us right around their little fingers (paws)

Texasgal77 - Very lush - pretty - looking forward to seeing hut -I'm in Dallas area - is Baytown near Houston?


Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Kittylover, yes we're southeast of Houston about 20 minutes from the outskirts on
I-10 East. Thanks for the kind words. It's taken time, but it has finally become our "Little Hawaii". The hut just puts the frosting on the cake, so to speak. You can check out my Garden Diary / Blog from 2006 to see the one we had in the past.

Terichris, what a bargain! Good Deal!

New Iberia, LA(Zone 9a)

terichris, that looks great! way to reuse!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Great photos, Texasgal!

Kat, I don't know what MG puts into that "moisture control" mix, but I don't like it either. The crystals seem to be a totally different thing -- IMO they work much better!

Port Charlotte, FL(Zone 10a)

Tina...Your pot's are looking good, even inside! Red Siam Banana's grow in ND? Do you bring them inside after the season?

Port Charlotte, FL(Zone 10a)

Jeanne: What a lovely yard! You've been working hard girl! You sure have some wonderful plants! I Love it!

Do you actually have Circuma reapearing? Mine have not come up this year. Gorgeous Orchid also. What kind is that? Your garden is beautiful my dear and I can't wait for future photo's!

Port Charlotte, FL(Zone 10a)

bivbiv...This Persian Shield is an enigma to me! Last year I had this plant thriving with no care whatsoever except for watering. This year some is dying on me and I have no reason why. The plants I bought this year seemed to be more mature, but kind of "spindly" looking and that could be the difference. I'm pinching them back and they still look bad! Even the leaves are different...much longer and pointier than the ones I had last year that lasted and lasted.

Port Charlotte, FL(Zone 10a)

dp72 - My Persian Shield is a little bit filtered as it's under the pool cage...but still, it's not growing like it did last year and these are all new plants. In some pots it's not bad, but in others I'ts completely dying.

Port Charlotte, FL(Zone 10a)

Love it Terrichris! OMG! How cute is that?

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