Why are my Maranta's leaves folded up?

Phelan, CA(Zone 8b)

And I don't mean just when the sun goes down -- they have been folded up ALL THE TIME for the last week. I cut off a few old, browning leaves on the bottom, and it was getting new leaves on top. Now all the new leaves are straight up! I have not changed anything with this plant. Lighting, watering, humidity is all the same. Anyone else ever have this problem?

(Zone 1)

I don't grow the prayer plant. Have had trouble keeping them alive and now after googling and reading about Maranta, I realize my problem was placing them in too much light! I see that they do best in low light conditions. My first thought on your problem was maybe it was getting too much light.

I found this: http://forums2.gardenweb.com/forums/load/houseplt/msg0213454319564.html where someone talks about their maranta leaves folding at different times during the day and not just at night.

And this, which talks about curled (not folding) leaves: http://www.superfloralretailing.com/pdf/FoliagePlant0707.pdf

I know you said nothing has changed with the care of the plant but perhaps the needs of the plant have changed for some reason and maybe it needs less water, or less light. Have you opened any of the leaves on your Maranta to check for insects? I know some insects cause curling, closed leaves. Maybe you can try moving it to a different location in the room and see if you notice any changes?

Hopefully someone who grows this plant will come along with some good advice for you.

Phelan, CA(Zone 8b)

Thank you - I will try changing its location and see if there is any difference. Nope, no insects or creepy crawlies. Although my hibiscus recently had spider mites, and that makes me nervous. I think I'll test if for that. Meanwhile, I'll read the links you inserted. Thank you!

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