Spring - The Rebirth has Begun

(Zone 7a)

Mostly Cloudy69°F
Feels like: 69°F

Barometer: 29.3 in ↑
Dewpoint: 10°
Humidity: 9%
Visibility: 10 miles
Wind: 28 mph SSW
Sunrise: 6:41 AM
Sunset: 8:12 PM
UV Index: 0 Low

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

46° and heading for 74° and Sunny.
We'll be leaving for the Flower Show here in a bit.

On the Roundup.... you can also put it on a rag, paint brush or Q-Tip.
(wearing rubber gloves of course)
And just wipe the plant.
It's a surfacide so will only kill what it touches.


Thumbnail by henryr10
Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Good Morning! :D I see that you all have really been mulling over the trivia question! OK I've let you all go on long enough! But I couldn't help myself. I was gonna get back to you all yesterday, but DH took me to Lowe's ( the garden center!), so you can only guess what I have been doing! :D

The answer to the trivia is...D
How much does a cloud weigh? That depends on the size and type of cloud, but a 1 km x 1km x 1km (0.6 miles x 0.6 miles x0.6 miles) cumulus cloud weighs about 1.4 billion lbs.

We have had some great rain since yesterday! and it's still coming down slowly. We have had over 1/2". The flowers are lovin' it! :D
At Dublin...
Sprinkles: 46°F
Feels like: 46°F
Barometer: 29.9 in
Dewpoint: 46°
Humidity: 100%
Visibility: 10 miles
Wind: 0 mph
Sunrise: 6:40 AM
Sunset: 8:03 PM

I think that I missed a couple of birthdays! Happy Birthday!!! To Sally & Pepper! I hate that I missed them!
Thanks everybody, on the "congrats" It's been a tough 3 years & with going in the summer, too...I feel rather "burned out" at this point.
Marsue, LOL I think the beach would be a real good place to go. I also think that Alaska would be a good place to go! :D
Ric, I heard about the earthquake & was thinking of you! Glad that you are OK. Hope Wu wasn't scared too badly! We had a small tremor here when I was in the 11th grade and that was scarey enough!
Kelli, I absolutely love your hikes! But I've gotta tell ya... the pic of Anacapa Island looks like it could be in Hawaii! :D
Sharon, I agree with you about aging...& I think that you're only as old as you feel & act. I also think that every day that is added to (or given to you) your life is a real blessing. And I count those blessings! :D This new education that I have been given is going to take me in a new direction & I embrace it!

Now Where is that Dyson! ? He has been MIA tooooo long!

I have another trivia question for you all...and this one won't keep you guessing.
Q.What is La Nina in weather terms?
a) A weather pattern caused by volcanic ash
b) A weather pattern caused by the ocean cooling
c) A weather pattern caused by jet contrails
d) A weather pattern caused by the polar ice caps melting

Well I goota go (for now)
Have a Great Day!

Thumbnail by music2keep
Georgetown, SC(Zone 8a)

Joey: I didn't have a clue on the previous trivia, but on this one today, I'm going with B-ocean cooling.

Sunny and 79 now and we had about an inch of rain over night! Perfect.

Heading out for some weeding. Whoopee!

Thumbnail by DebinSC
Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

Warm - sunny - nice - rain called for till wed.

Georgetown, SC(Zone 8a)

Dyson! Good to "see" you! Sounds like great weather. :)

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

deb, you just solved my indecisiveness.... hope you don't mind your pic on my background!

hi dyson!

Joey, hang in there. try not to stress, the last summer before graduation call kill you! like Deb, i am going with B for my answer.... nice ivy coming out there too!


Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

I love you all - yes that is a southern expression - and wish the best for all.

Georgetown, SC(Zone 8a)

TF: I'm honored you'd place my pic on your background! :)
Dyson: We missed you.

Balotesti, Romania(Zone 5a)

Hi! Great pics everyone! Thanks for the appreciation on my house. It's almost done, except for the sinks, toilets, stove and, of course, the color on the outside. They just finished doing the outside walls and tomorrow will paint it, I can't wait!
This is how the house looks like now.

Thumbnail by adinamiti
Balotesti, Romania(Zone 5a)

This is the oposite side, the back .

Thumbnail by adinamiti
Balotesti, Romania(Zone 5a)

The grass from the field next to our house.

Thumbnail by adinamiti
Balotesti, Romania(Zone 5a)

We have dandelions too.

Thumbnail by adinamiti
Balotesti, Romania(Zone 5a)

Here's a fluffy one.

Thumbnail by adinamiti
Balotesti, Romania(Zone 5a)

Beautiful wild flowers are blooming too.

Thumbnail by adinamiti
Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

looking great adina!

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

Yes, Dyson, you have been missed! Welcome back!
Thanks, Ric and se-eds for the tips on using Round-Up. I'll have to give those a try next time I want to use it on a windy day.
Adina: did you know that parts of the dandelion are edible? The greens, I think it is.
Joey: I'm going with B for the trivia, too. ---and who knew that clouds were so heavy? LOL
Deb: another gorgeous photo. I love daisies! I'm saving your pic for background, too. Right now I have Sharon's great photo at the top of this thread as background.

It has been another picture perfect day here in our neighborhood. Currently 74º. Lots of sunshine, blue sky, no clouds, birds singing, Purple Martins chattering to one another(we have 3 pair in our birdhouse), roses full of buds, tulips and daffs and petunias blooming, soft breeze blowing--what more can I say? DH and I enjoyed some time in the porch swing this afternoon. Actually, DH took a nap in the porch swing and I sat in a lawn chair--LOL.
The sun was so bright that it sort of "washed out" the photos I took but here is one of the flower bed alongside our driveway.

Thumbnail by marsue
Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

and here is one more of the flower bed beside the front porch. That's DH in the chair.

edited to add: whoops--forgot the picture--see below. LOL

This message was edited Apr 20, 2008 5:37 PM

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

here ya go!

Thumbnail by marsue
Springboro, PA(Zone 5a)

The weather here over the past week has been wonderful. This weekend was supposed to be rainy but it has stayed dry and I've been able to get a lot done outside. The forecast over the next week looks good too.

Adinamiti..........looking good. After living in an apartment your whole life a house will seem like a huge change.

Marsue............looks like things are perking right along there.

News Flash! I now have daffodils! Spring has arrived!


Thumbnail by Early_Bloomer
Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

LOL, EB! It's official--and what pretty daffs they are!!

Amelia Island, FL(Zone 9a)

Marsue – I can’t wait to see the picture of your garden. It’s going to be so pretty in bloom. Glad you like that picture. I left my camera at home this morning so of course I missed a great picture of pelicans flying in pattern over the water.
Deb – Great picture of the daisies!
Se_eds – I’ll have to try your method with the roundup! I’m always amazed at how much work you do in your garden in one day. I’d be wiped out!
Ric – What is that?
Joey – Come on down and enjoy the beach for a while! I can’t believe I’m right on the last trivia…my brain hurts! So glad this is an easy question…B. Pretty vine!
Dyson! – We’ve missed you! Hope all is well and you’ve just been busy. How are the dang hillbilly cats doing? What about your dog?
Adina – Not much longer now and you’ll be moved in! How exciting and the house looks great!
E_B – Finally Spring! LOL! Beautiful Daffs!

75.7 °F / 24.3 °C
Scattered Clouds
Humidity: 36%
Dew Point: 47 °F / 8 °C
Wind: 1.0 mph / 1.6 km/h / 0.4 m/s from the SSE
Wind Gust: 6.9 mph / 11.1 km/h
Pressure: 29.91 in / 1012.8 hPa (Steady)
Heat Index: 78 °F / 25 °C
Visibility: 10.0 miles / 16.1 kilometers
UV: 2 out of 16
Clouds: Few 7000 ft / 2133 m
Scattered Clouds 25000 ft / 7620 m
(Above Ground Level)
Elevation: 20 ft / 6 m

It was a gorgeous day here. I got a lot of re-potting and some clean up taken care of. Goldalia Orange Dahlia

Thumbnail by MySharona
Amelia Island, FL(Zone 9a)

One of the reasons Isaboo's nickname is "badness"

Thumbnail by MySharona
Millersburg, PA(Zone 6b)

EB- your daffs are beautiful. Your must be closer to Zone 5 that I am. Mine have been out for a week or two.

We had 4 days of temps in the upper 80's and low 90's.
I was out digging plants to be shipped tomorrow and the rains started. So far we have had over 1" of rain. Needed it as no rain for the past two weeks.

Temps currently in the 50's. We have unhooked the heating cable from the water pipes and turned down the furnace. Can you believe fuel oil at over $4.00 a gallon? The lack of furnace running and heating tapes will cut 30.00 from the elec bill next month.

We live frugally - like we did when we were just starting out. Works for us.

(Zone 7a)

Flowers, flowers, flowers!!! Gorgeous, everyone!

Look at the size of that tail on Isaboo! LOL

37°F and got to 53º
Feels like: 28°F

Barometer: 30 in ↑
Dewpoint: 18°
Humidity: 41%
Visibility: 10 miles
Wind: 18 mph NNW
Sunrise: 6:40 AM
Sunset: 8:13 PM
UV Index: 0 Low

Thumbnail by kwanjin
Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Se_eds I see much joy in each post I read from you and I appreciate every thing, trick, or knowledge that I've gleaned from you over the last few years.
You almost make me wish I lived a tad further north.
I know I've not been frugal this week.
Now I have to plant it all.
I must hop into bed as whether FA likes it or not I have to be in the garden early in the morning. So much to do, so little back.
Hope the weather will be just right.
Joey I am so proud to know an awesome Fisher Woman like you.
West Virginia is very lucky to have you.
Marsue planning a garden is so much fun. I have a clean or sparse slate this year and am so glad I was able to make a little extra to re-plant.
Ric I reckon it was about this time I met you and SO.
Tell her I said howdy.
The Cincinnati Flower Show is great.
Adina, Next spring you will be taking pictures from the inside out.
It's coming right along.
Flowering Quince, Pecans leafing, and Daffodils, all are our true signals of Spring.
Dyson, it's nice to see you again good buddy!
Hope life is being kind to you.
Deb, my new Hostas were grown in your area.

Amelia Island, FL(Zone 9a)

Celia - Your willlow is so pretty, mine is very sparse right now, but it's never looked like your does. Boo is a fur ball. She weighs about 7lbs, but has 30lbs of cattitude!

61.0 °F / 16.1 °C
Mostly Cloudy
Humidity: 58%
Dew Point: 46 °F / 8 °C
Wind: Calm
Wind Gust: 0.0 mph / 0.0 km/h
Pressure: 29.88 in / 1011.7 hPa (Steady)
Visibility: 10.0 miles / 16.1 kilometers
UV: 0 out of 16
Clouds: Few 8000 ft / 2438 m
Mostly Cloudy 25000 ft / 7620 m
(Above Ground Level)
Elevation: 20 ft / 6 m

Considerable high clouds in the morning...then partly cloudy. High 79. Northwest winds 10 to 15 mph.

Thumbnail by MySharona
Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

46° and FOGGY.... going to 70.....
I have to leave early so no time but here's some CFShow shots...more later



Thumbnail by henryr10
Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Good Morning, it's a balmy 49° w/ fog. I hope we get into the 70's like Ric! :D
BTW Ric, Loved the slide show! :D I really like the painted windows, fish bones (were they wood or were they real? LOL) and the floral arrangements! Great!
The weather girl says we are only supposed to get into the low 60's, & that's in Bluefield so maybe we will get into the upper 60's! :D
Thanks Sidney, for those words of encouragement! I am Fish Woman here me Flop! LOL!! I'm glad that you get time off to work in your flowers....sounds as if you went shopping yesterday! Did you buy anything special? :) How is your back?
Sharon, Boo is a beauty. She's very fluffy, but 7 lbs. seems really small. Maybe not, cuz she's a she. My black tom (Albert) weighed 16 lbs. She poses really nicely. :D And the beach sounds really good about now...I told DH the name of the beach, he's ready too! :D
KW, Is that a weeping cherry? It is so pretty!
Se_eds, sounds like it's been rather warm up there....too warm for this time of year! :-O I hope that we don't get as hot this year as we did last year! I was plum miserable!
E_B, Glad that your Daff's are finally up! I know you've been droolin' over Deb's flowers! :D Now we can drool over yours! :D
Marsue, Your yard is looking really good!
Adina! Yeah! You'll be in your house before you know it! :D It's really shaping up fast! And looking Great! :D I can "feel" your excitement! :D
Deb! Let's see somemore of those flowers! Great! Did you get your weeding done? Every time I try to do that I somehow manage to get company...I have been known to get a few of them to help. Actually that is a rare thing...just depends on who it is.
Dyson! Glad to have you back! Please try not to stay away too long! Even if it's just to say it's Dyson Dark! :D How is the hip?

The answer to the trivia is...B
La Nina is weather pattern due to the cooling of the ocean in the South Pacific.

Today's trivia is...
Q.How much does the earth's atmosphere weigh?
a) 5 million tons
b) 5 billion tons
c) 5 trillion tons
d) 5 million billion tons

Have a Great Day! All!

Thumbnail by music2keep
Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

Here's a link about the earthquake last Friday for anyone who's intereted:
Sharon: Boo's just letting you know who is boss! LOL Beautiful Dahlia!
Celia : love the weeping cherry.
Ric: Gorgeous tulip magnolia, too! I'll check out the link to the flower show a little later.
Sidney: enjoy your time in the garden today. I plan to be out in mine in a few minutes.
Joey: I'll have to wait for the math geniuses around here to answer the trivia question for me. If clouds are heavy just think what the entire atmosphere of the earth weighs!! LOL

We are currently at 58º heading for a high of 80º. Speaking of clouds, here is what our clouds looked like this morning.

Thumbnail by marsue
Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

and here is a collage of my favorite tulip:

Everyone have a great day!!

Thumbnail by marsue
L.A. (Canoga Park), CA(Zone 10a)

Lovely tulip, and I like your reddish mulch, too.

Chilly this morning but it will warm up.

Van Nuys, California (Airport)
Updated: 7:51 AM PDT on April 21, 2008
49 °F / 9 °C
Windchill: 48 °F / 9 °C
Humidity: 69%
Dew Point: 39 °F / 4 °C
Wind: Calm

Rann, I have a postage stamp from Iceland that has a view on it that looks so much like this picture of Anacapa that I had to do some research on that place in Iceland. It is called Dyrholaey. The Google images do not look as much like Anacapa as that stamp did, but there is still some resemblance.

Thumbnail by Kelli
L.A. (Canoga Park), CA(Zone 10a)

Here is an enlargement of the middle of that photo for all you fans of pelicans.

Thumbnail by Kelli
(Zone 7a)

Oh, oh, oh!!! Oceans pics! I gotta be on a beach somewhere soon!

Mau, your favorite tulip is now MY favorite tulip. That is just too pretty for words.

The magnolia is pretty, too. I keep thinking I will get a variety of one.

The slideshow was fun!

The little is tree is weeping cherry.

38°F and will get to 53º, progressing to mid-sixties tomorrow.
Feels like: 34°F

Barometer: 30 in ↑
Dewpoint: 6°
Humidity: 23%
Visibility: 10 miles
Wind: 5 mph N
Sunrise: 6:38 AM
Sunset: 8:14 PM
UV Index: 1 Low

Thumbnail by kwanjin
Millersburg, PA(Zone 6b)

Wow, what beautiful photos
I read somewhere today that the mid-West earthquake generated another aftershock this AM. Sure hope it is done acting up.

Ground is nice and springy after that 1-1/2" of rain this weekend. Cloudy and temps in the low 60's today and windy. The parsley that I planted this weekend looks like it doubled in size.

Sidney, "so little back" - LOL bet you're having a ball adding life to that blank slate you are planting in!

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Yes Se_eds I am!
New Thread http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/837557/

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