Combinations !!

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

I like the color echo of the foxgloves too niobe.

Delaware, OH

thanks doss. the foxgloves are candy mountain foxgloves that i started from seed in the late winter of 2007. they were potted up, moved to outdoors in spring and then late last summer planted in the clematis border in the photo. they have an more upward facing tubular flower , when i ordered the seeds it said they were brand new. they are been a good addition and i have been cutting them for arrangements too. will miss their blooms next year as i assume they are biennials.i will let a couple go to seed, but they are a f1 hybrid and may not be true to the form or color. beyond that is a blue spruce and other clematis as you can barely see in the photo.

i no longer grow many perennials and such like i used to before clematis fever hit here.
anyway thanks for noticing!

Mackinaw, IL(Zone 5a)

I'm a clematis newbie, and hope this isn't a stupid question. What kind of roses can you grow clematis on? I have a couple of the arching bush-types (nice technical description, don't you think?) that get just loaded with blooms in June, and would love to see them with a nice contrasting clematis in them. Would that work with this kind of rose, or do you usually just use the climbing kind of rose that needs a trellis or fence or something?

Here's a pic. of my roses last week, in case my description wasn't clear. I often have to stake or tie up the rose, as it gets so heavy with blooms that it wants to lie down on the lawn.

Ignore the grass. . .we've had too much rain to be able to mow!

Thumbnail by Bookerc1
Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

You can grow the clematis with the rose especially if you chose an herbacious type like Rooguchi or Durandii. You could use a climbing clematis as long as it's a small one. Sizes do vary as they do in so many other plants. You might try going through this site but Guernsey Cream is one you might like.

Jersey Shore, NJ(Zone 7a)

here's a new marriage I found in the garden

Thumbnail by venu209
Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

Love the purple clematis with the yellow rose. The color combination sings!

Mackinaw, IL(Zone 5a)

Ah, Doss, I loved that site! I've never seen so many gorgeous clematis. The worst part is that when I'm on the peony forum, I see tons I think I need; same on the lily forum, and the iris forum, and the hydrangea forum, and so on. Gads, this site is addictive! ;o)

What would you all think of Marie Louise Jensen with the red rose I posted a picture of above? I'm torn over whether I want a white or a purple clematis with it! The picture doesn't show it, but there is a white geranium near the rose, and also a tall blue/purple flower (can't recall the name off the top of my head) that sends up spires of flowers, and I love the blue/purple near the red rose.

I've also decided that I have to find a place for a Sieboldii. I wonder if it would play nicely with a grape vine, or if that would make it too hard to harvest the grapes? Also loved the pictures above of clematis among hydrangeas. I planted a Pinky Winky, a Preziosa, and a Limelight this year, so maybe next year they'll be big enough to add a few clematis with them. I can see the Preziosa with a Sieboldii. . .

edited to say: The Marie Louise on the Silver Star Vinery site looks much redder in the center than the picture on Plantfiles:

This message was edited Jun 11, 2008 1:07 AM

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

Marie Louise is beautiful but it is 9-12 feet tall and I'm afraid will outgrow the rose.

Mackinaw, IL(Zone 5a)

Good point. I need to go back and look at sizes more carefully. I guess I was so focused on color and zone that I didn't look closely enough at size. My "list" was getting awfully long, paging through the Silver Star site. LOL

Willis, TX(Zone 8b) your Combo!!
Booker..your Rose is might want to consider a white or dark purple clematis and don't forget these other vendors..they have awesome clematis and huge varieties to choose from...Jeanne

Mackinaw, IL(Zone 5a)

Ah, so you're ALL enablers on this board! LOL Thanks for the links, Jeanne (and the compliment on the rose. . .it was here when we bought the place, though in appalling condition.)

I'd love either a white or purple with it. I'm kinda regretting putting the Paprika yarrow where I did. . .not sure I like the orange-y red with the other things there. I was expecting it to be a little more burgundy, from the pictures in the WFF catalog. Might have to move it. I know I'm going to move at least PART of it, as it is much bigger than I bargained for! It is the plant just on this side of the rose.

Thumbnail by Bookerc1
Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

I'd be tempted to grow rooguchi with the rose if you want purple. It won't call across the yard like a white one would but I love the little bells and it's a perfect size for the rose. Durandii is another possibility although it's more blue. It's flowers are bigger.

Jersey Shore, NJ(Zone 7a)

Doss, I'm with you on the rooguchi. It's been accused of being prey to mildew but I have yet to see it happen on my two, They're tough and pretty and floriferous (sp?)

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

Mine hasn't mildewed and with our cool nights and hot days we almost always have problem with mildew. I have some problems with a couple of my other clematis with mildew but not Rooguchi.

Louisville, KY

My Roguchi were the worst for powdery mildew last year but safe so far this year. It is one of my favorites. Long bloom time and elegant on the pergola.

here is a small flower combination: Roguchi with Avant Garde and Tangutica.
Tall blue Delphinium is behind the screen. A Clematis curtain of sorts.

Thumbnail by Soulja
Delaware, OH

what a pretty garden. i love your use of tangutica and avante garde. my avante garde is just starting to bloom. my tangutica died a few years ago, and now i am using golden tiara to good success for that yellow species slot. attached is a photo of the flower of golden tiara.

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
Delaware, OH

just realized that was not a very good pic of golden tiara. try this one

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
Delaware, OH

sorry the photos aren't so great today. last one i have of golden tiara that shows it's habit nicely. it is great for filing in a lower area, or allowing to drape over a wall.

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
Mackinaw, IL(Zone 5a)

That would be so pretty with the rose! I've never seen a bell-shaped clematis like that--so unusual! Thanks for the suggestion!

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

"Golden Tiara" is a precious and get quite HUGE...Jeanne

Delaware, OH

i grow my clematis on 2 acres, so i have plenty of room for the HUGE ones. but i always encourage people to grow them and by trimming them frequently vs one or two annual prunings you can keep them under control. as mary toomey is famous for saying in her lectures, " you wouldn't let your children be promiscuous so why would you let your clematis"?

(Zone 4a)


Where did you get the fencing in the picture of "Mrs. Cholmondeley"
and "The President"?


Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Tara...sowwy, I just saw this now...I bought those resin panels over at Lowe's and covered my entire wood fence in my backgardens and what you are seeing are the 1 or 2 foot panels of the resin lattice work I got there..I just screwed them onto my posts on my new pergola so my clematis would have something to grab ahold of and climb up...We created this Pergola because this is where we have our BBQ Pit and since it gets the full day hot Texas Sun..we needed a space that was shaded..we put in a fan and a mist system to survive..LOL...Hope this helps...Jeanne

Thumbnail by JeanneTX

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