Combinations !!

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

How I love to plant clematis and Roses together..this Clematis "Ramona" was bought in a huge pot and it said it was two years old then..I planted her 2 years ago and she is at the top of the Pergola and starting to grow sideways attaching herself to my other Climbing rosa "Crepuscule" that is growing on another post you can't see in this pic..I planted "Ramona" with Climbing rosa "Royal Sunset" and if you look at the very bottom of the post you'll see two small blooms of Montana "Mayleen"..most of her is way up on the sides of the Pergola...I will post another pic of the two so you can see the true colour of Climbing rosa "Royal Sunset" for this pic doesn't do her justice...Jeanne

Thumbnail by JeanneTX
Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Here is a pic of "Ramona" with Climbing rosa "Royal Sunset"..see what I mean RS is a peachy pink color..I'm very pleased with this combo!!

Thumbnail by JeanneTX
Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

As I was out in the garden today I noticed that I have a real love of the colour Purple..LOL..Here is a combo..I planted two years ago...Clematis "Mrs. Cholmondeley" and "The President"..I like these two together

Thumbnail by JeanneTX
Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

I have climbing rosa "Polka" planted with those two..but unfortunately she hasn't got a bloom to share with yall the combo of those three..hopefully later in the year?Here is the two closeup

Thumbnail by JeanneTX
Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

I got my first bloom of Clematis "Bourbon"..You can tell she just opened..her anthers are still closed up..Reds are hard to find in clematis but in my estimation..she truly is RED

Thumbnail by JeanneTX
Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

"Dr. Rupple" is such a tangled mess this year..but I didn't have the heart to prune him..he just had so many buds!!

Thumbnail by JeanneTX
(Zone 4a)

Beautiful blooms as always Jeanne! Thanks for sharing!

Sherrill, NY(Zone 5a)

Love your combinations Jeanne! I have New Dawn paired with Jackmani. This will be their 3rd year so hoping it will be good! Hoping to do some more combos this year. I have a red climber Quadra coming. Not sure what to pair with that yet.

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Mary..I would pair a beautiful White with your red "Quadra"..Either Clematis "Huldine" or "John Huxtable"...I have "John Huxtable" with my Red climbing rosa "Tess of the d'Urbenvilles" and Clematis "Hudine" with my climbing rosa "Red Eden"

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Oh is a pic from this morning with a "fresh" "Royal Sunset" bloom so yall can see the colour combo I was going for

Thumbnail by JeanneTX
Ripon, WI(Zone 4a)

Wow, that last combination is sooo purdy!!

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Gorgeous combinations which are a delight to the senses and a photographer's dream.

Belgium, WI(Zone 5a)

Wow .. Bourbon is pretty spectacular!

Louisville, KY

those are all really pretty combinations.
I just love me some Dr. Ruppel anytime.
That peachy rose with Ramona...
amazing. All my clems are absolutely
FULL of buds, .... just waiting ....
* biting nails...

Marianna, FL(Zone 8b)

JeanneTX, can you clarify for me the name of the dark purple flower in your picture? I just bought my first clematis vines and was looking for a dark purple, but only found blue, which I did not buy. I bought two with lavender--Dr. Rupple and Fireworks and wanted a dark purple to go with them. Yours are beautiful! I just bought a trellis to go at the end of our new deck. How high can I expect these clematis to climb their first year, assuming I do everything right? Also, I just ordered Ruutel--since I could not find a red clematis here. (My first time ordering a live plant through the mail.)

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Sharkey..which picture are you referring to about the Dark Purple Clematis?..One must realize that clematis are not instant gratification..they truly are the "First year they sleep,Second year they creep and in that glorious third year they leap" and only get bigger and better each year afterwards...Now regarding a vigorous one that will do well for you would be any of the viticella varieties aka the pruning group 3's...Jeanne

Louisville, KY

I used Morning Glories to fill trellises right away when I planted all my Clematis knowing they would be slow. The Japanese kinds are less vigorous Mgs (4-8 or 10 ft.) and it gives you that vine fix you NEED while you wait patiently for the Clems. I will say the newer Evison hybrids like Cezanne (light purple) go crazy right away. They don't get very tall, but flower profusely as soon as you get 'em home.

nice work Jeanne.

Marianna, FL(Zone 8b)

There appears to be two purple flowers in your picture. The one on the right looks like a small tree or bush. I'd love to have the name of both. The clematis I bought both are small vines already and have several flowers and blooms on them. I think I've also read where some people plant them with climbing roses, which I am also researching now. (I've never grown roses either.) Thank you both for your quick replies and advice. I've been doing some homework about the three groups and agree that Group III sounds like the best bet for me.

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

The clematis on the left is Clematis "The President" and the one on the right is Clematis "Mrs. Cholomdeley" both are pruning group 2's...I have tons of climbing roses and clematis planted together in my gardens..Some purple Clematis that are pruning group 3's that you might consider are "Etoile Violette","Gipsy Queen","Jackmanii","Polish Spirit","Venosa Violacea" (One of my favs..will post a pic),"Perrin's Pride","Galore"(Which is another fav), You can also go to
and type in Purple for the tepal and click on pruning group and choose 3 and do a search from there..Hope this helps...Jeanne

Marianna, FL(Zone 8b)

Yes, that helps a LOT. I followed the link and I love the Galore! It is exactly the color purple that I want. Maybe I can find it somewhere. Thank you.

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

You are you go..Jerome has Clematis Galore

Louisville, KY

My Galore is going CRAZY right now. It acts like a Morning Glory. I trimmed it less than a month ago and it is skyrocketing, about 4-5 ft tall already!

I have mature Will Goodwin and Snow Queen climbing up my big potted Bamboo and they LOVE it! Lots of tiny shoots to cling to and tons of buds.

Here is Mandevilla with Cezanne.

Thumbnail by Soulja
Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

OH MY your clematis "Cezanne" is stunning..I keep saying I am going to get that one!!..I've heard from several authorities that Clematis "Harlow Carr" from his same series is very vigorous..My clematis "Galore" is HUMONGOUS this's out grown my obelisk...and has tons of buds..will share pics when it is fully bloomed..thanks for sharing your beauty!!...Jeanne

Louisville, KY

Oh I just saw Harlow Carr in my Clem Encyclopedia and noted that I want it! I even had the page turned down from before. I also love Bonanza which is a pretty vigorous small flowering purple.

I wonder if you know Jeanne, if there is a mail order place for more mature maybe 3rd yr. clems. I've found a few around here, but at more obscure nurseries out in the country. I just started (being obsessed) with Clems early spring last year. I put about 50 in and only lost 3 of 4 Montanas. (2 Rubens :( The slowest of my whole bunch is Nelly Moser, the fastest and most flowers was Ernest Markham & Cezanne. My favorite is Dr. Ruppel, Fireworks, Claire De Lune, Arctic Queen, Haku Ookan & Roguchi. I can't wait for Avante Garde and Ice Blue and Vanso Blue Light.

So this my 2nd year is creep but I'm ready for LEAP YEAR!

Thumbnail by Soulja
Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

You can check our Murry Rosen at ChalkHill or Maurice Horn at JoyCreek
I am shocked you lost your Montana's..what zone are you in?...Jeanne

Louisville, KY

I am not charmed by Completely Clematis.... Those are the only ones i lost from all that I bought, and I lost them AFTER they messed up my order and did not communicate well at all. Also they tried to advise me against buying Montanas which I wanted for specific reasons. A woman there actually asked, "Why would you not want something that flowers all summer?" I also ordered Haku Ookan and a couple others...(?)))... I should have taken that as a bad omen. I should not have lost those Montanas and had I not, there would be 3 more spots that would have early, mid AND late bloomers in these places. I'm in 6B and I treated these as gently as I treat them all.

Thank You for the links.

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Yea..your zone is too cold and iffy for Montanas..but you should Try the Alpinas...they would love your climate and are early bloomers like the Montanas and grow quite large...Jeanne

Marianna, FL(Zone 8b)

Soulja, I love the combo in your picture. I have two lavender clematis that I haven't planted yet. I also have two red mandevillas I haven't planted. I had planned to plant them on trellisses with climbing roses, but the color of roses I bought today wouldn't look great with lavender. I had not thought about putting them in a pot, as your photo appeared. How tall would the trellis in the pot need to be in order to accommodate the growth of both? I would love to have a yellow mandevilla, but haven't found one locally yet.

JeanneTX, I visited the link you gave me last night for Galore. I will probably go ahead and order it, but didn't find an address of their location on their web site nor a phone number. Maybe I was just too tired and didn't see it.

Louisville, KY

Jeanne, I lost two of the Montanas before fall....
But my last one, a Mayleen is healthy and ready for action, about 10 ft. tall, up & over the pergola!

Thank you Sharkey.

I just put the pots with the vines up in front of the trellis which is stuck in the ground up against the house. I move things around constantly. Mandevilla would be great in FL. The hotter the better for those. Thick foliage for the clems to happily twine into.

The Cezanne is only supposed to climb 4 - 6 ft, but I've seen on forums it's proving to be much more ambitious than that and from my two, I believe it! These are amazing and I'd love more of them. I ended up finding a permanent place for them in the ground along a low lattice fence, they spread wide very nicely. many shoots. But I have also heard these are perfect for containers with the compact habit.

Willis, TX(Zone 8b) just order online and use paypal...I just got an email from Jerome..saying my clematis were shipped last Friday!!..WOohoooo..
Soul...I'm glad your Montana "Mayleen" made it..I just love mine..she is a vigorous baby for sure..she is in bloom now..I have her companioned and growing with several climbing roses..she is having a ball just mingling with everything..Jeanne

Thumbnail by JeanneTX
Louisville, KY

I LOVE the unique dark red foliage on these! Thanks for the picture. and the links too.

Marianna, FL(Zone 8b)

JeanneTX, I just ordered a Galore and a white one, Huldine, from Koi. I love the Chalkhill site, as it gives wonderful pictures of all of them! Thank you, again, for your help. I've just got to find enough places for these to climb. I think the white will look good with the Fourth of July climbing rose I planted today (a red & white combo.)

I found myself looking at all sorts of trellises today at Walmart--trying to figure out just where I could put some more so that I can buy some more clematis. I think I've got the clematis fever now!!! Maybe one day I'll have some photos to share with you clematis fans.

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Sharkey..I've done the same thing..what I did last year was create a Gazebo type structure with two of the Arch arbors that I bought from J&P
I crisscrossed them to create a Gazebo and planted a climbing rose on each one and put two clematis with each rose..I dug holes and took pots and cut the bottom out of the pots and sunk them into the hole and planted my roses and Clematis...then I filled the perimeter with Begonias and put begonias in the pots as well...and placed my birdbath in the center

Thumbnail by JeanneTX
Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Then I did the same thing with two pots flanking each side with an obelisk and planted clematis in those

Thumbnail by JeanneTX
Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

They looked like this last year when I did them..I eventually want to put in a walkway from my sidewalk that will go through the rose arbor you see and around to my back gardens

Thumbnail by JeanneTX
Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Then last fall I put in a long bed to house what I call my wall of Clematis..which I also added Obelisk in there with some more..

Thumbnail by JeanneTX
Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Then a couple of years ago I created a flowerbed to encompass my Purple Martin Houses and planted clematis and Roses on Obelisks..I think my husband is tired of me removing grass..LOL..but You can squeeze them in and among plants to scramble and crawl and mingle as well...the more addicted you get the more places you'll find to "squeeze" them in..I am getting an order in this week from Jerome over at Koi Garden Club and my Husband just laughed and shook his head saying, "I have no idea where you are going to stick those but knowing'll find somewhere!!"..Jeanne

Thumbnail by JeanneTX
Marianna, FL(Zone 8b)

JeanneTX, I'm absolutely AMAZED at the beauty of your yard and your flowers! I can't wait to show these photos to my husband (who is being a real champ about digging holes in our concrete-hard clay yard for my new roses.) I think he is just happy that I have found something in my new retirement that I'm passionate about.

Did I make a mistake by planting a mandevilla vine in the same hole with my climbing rose without leaving it in its pot and removing the bottom?

I'm considering buying two tall tree roses to go at the corners of our new deck. (I've planted 5 roses in the last couple of days.) The nursery owner said she didn't advise planting clematis vines with it, but that mandevilla would be less likely to take over the rose. What do you think? The roses will be red and I want something to help hide the ugly skinny stalk and give some contrast--maybe white. Also, I'd like to plant something at the base of it, perhaps white caladiums, but they like shade. I would love your opinion.

Thanks again for sharing those gorgeous photos!!

Sugar Land, TX(Zone 9a)

Sharkey, I just recently picked up a Mandevilla (a red one) and was thinking about putting it with a Clematis. But the Mandevilla info doesn't say anything about pruning, so I wasn't sure how to handle it. How have you pruned yours, or does it matter? Can I treat it just like whatever Clematis I put it with?


Marianna, FL(Zone 8b)

I've never owned either before, but I had assumed (a dangerous thing to do) that I would not prune the mandevilla, at least this spring and summer. I had planned to do more reading about it after I get things under control here and most of my planting done. If I find something, I'll let you know.

As I was typing my last thread, I had a delivery and included in it was my red Ruutel clematis. This is the first time I had ordered plants online and I was surprised at what good shape they were in. This could become habit forming.

I plan to put several clematis and mandevilla together. I just have to find some more colors. I was told yesterday it doesn't come in white. Is there another pretty white bloom on a vine that you can suggest that wouldn't be too invasive?

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