If I could ask for one thing, I wish DG would....

Fort Jennings, OH
There are a total of 326 votes:

offer merchandise with the DG logo (t-shirts or mugs, or ???)
(34 votes, 10%)
Red dot

make more forums subscriber-only
(44 votes, 13%)
Red dot

make more forums open to all members
(63 votes, 19%)
Red dot

improve a certain feature (tell us what would you like to see improved)
(49 votes, 15%)
Red dot

improve the navigation (be specific, please!)
(27 votes, 8%)
Red dot

have more contests (photo or .... ?)
(17 votes, 5%)
Red dot

conduct a member's choice survey
(14 votes, 4%)
Red dot

organize a national gathering of members
(42 votes, 12%)
Red dot

other - tell us, please!
(36 votes, 11%)
Red dot

Previous Polls

Amma, WV(Zone 6a)

I would like to be able to attach more than one image per reply.

Holly Springs, NC(Zone 7b)

It would be nice to have a "free" week or weekend for members so that we could get a taste of what a subscription will buy. Since I can't participate in any of them, I'm not really sure what value I would get for the money.

Kerrville, TX(Zone 8a)

This website is FANTASTIC!

2 improvements I would like to see...

1. I would like the search plants feature easier to use.....perhaps on the homepage with one click.

2. I would like a link so that I can go directly from a plant that is entered into my journal to the detailed info page about that plant.

Thanks for asking! Kathy

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

1. Embed photos (IMG tag) and links (URL tag) in threads.

2. Daily e-mail notification of updated subscribed threads.

This message was edited Apr 6, 2008 5:28 PM

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

I would love to see the Advanced Search in Plant Files updated a bit so that it's more flexible. I would love to be able to search for more than one item in a category at a time (right now if I want something that blooms either in summer or fall, you have to do two separate searches, it would be nice to have that in one). It would also be nice if you could choose to limit your results to certain genera, or eliminate certain genera from the results. Or do a second sub-search to further narrow your results. And it would be great if we could see all the search results rather than just the first 100 (hopefully with the ability to sort them by genus)

I'd also love to see some upgrades to the journal...it would be great if all the links to Plant Files worked correctly when you import a plant into your journal (many times I do this, and it creates the entry in my journal but does not create the link back to Plant Files). It would also be nice if we could create some additional fields to include in all our journal entries (it would be great if these could be customized...for example I like to track where I bought the plant from, but someone else might want to track something completely different). And I know there are other things I'd like to be able to do, but I'm drawing a blank right now! But if upgrading the journal makes it onto the "to do" list I'll be happy to try and remember them!

Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

Just today a new subscriber was too late on a thread to get seed, so I
offered to send her several kinds of seed we were discussing. Her response was, "I hope I am not being overly thankful but no one has ever sent me anything free. This is the best 19.95 I have ever spent in my life".

Carygal, DG offers a lot of good friends and trades of seeds and plant material of all kinds.

Coquitlam, BC(Zone 8a)

I am new and even though the web page told me I could change my computer-generated password, I could not find the link to do so.

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Click on the link near the top of the page (just underneath the tabs) that says "My Info", then choose "Preferences", then if you look at the options along the side of the page you'll see one that says "password"

Coquitlam, BC(Zone 8a)

Thanks so much ecrane, for responding! Found it after a bit of muttered curses....that always works....

Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

if there is a way to do this already please would someone tell me how but every now and then there is a whole thread that i want to save somewhere after it's closed. right now if i want to find an old thread i type in something and hope i can find it that way but i would like a way to "save" certain threads for my reference when i get ready for them. for instance, on the tx. gardening forum right now is a thread about tomato varieties for texas. i would like to file it somewhere so when i get ready to buy tomato seeds i can easily find it.

Coquitlam, BC(Zone 8a)

One other navigational question, if I may. My son's school has a perrenial plant sale and when I entered " Azalea hot shot " and then, "Hot shot Azalea" hundreds of Azalea's came up, not alphabetical. Didn't want to wade into that, so came up short....Am I requesting the info wrong? Why is it not alphabetical?

Thanks anyone and everyone


Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

mamajack--I think what you're looking for is the tag feature that already exists, if you go to the thread you want to remember, click the little folder icon in the upper right corner of the screen, then type in whatever key words you want to remember it by. Then later you can go to your member page and view a list of all the pages you've tagged.

Dawn--if you go to Plant Files and use the specific search, it'll let you choose how to arrange the results, the default is by popularity but you can choose to have it alphabetize by Latin name or by cultivar name instead. I don't think you can do that with the general search however.

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5a)

There are three things I'd love to see updated:
First, I would really like to have a link from an entry in my journal back to the PlantFiles entry. Sometimes it's there, sometimes it's not, and I go back and forth quite a bit.

Second, I would love to have more flexible search options in PlantFiles. In the advanced search, I would really like to have an entry field for the genus, so that I could search, say, for a yellow marigold excluding calendula. I know that's a simple example, but it's the best I could think of at the moment to get my idea across.

Third, having information on the AHS Heat Zones added to PlantFiles would be great!

Thanks for asking, Dave!

Rosamond, CA(Zone 8b)

I would love to download multiple pix too.

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Just went to add something to my favorites folder, and realized it is now a tab folder.
Is there, or can we add back in, a folder to store threads we want to keep track of, without necessarily having to watch it with a notification each time there is a new post?

Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

well seedpicker great minds think alike. i asked for something very similar although not quite as eloquently as you.

Vashon, WA(Zone 8b)

Notification of new d-mail on my DG home page is plenty for me. I would not want such notification on my regular e-mail, as it is lengthy enough to wade through and delete. Perhaps this could be a choice people could make, to have this service or not, as several people mention it as something they'd like, but some of us probably don't.

South/Central, FL(Zone 9a)

I'm one that doesn't want it in my regular email, either. If we had a way to turn it off, I wouldn't mind others having it.

Also, the multi picture idea, I like. : )

Hi Dave (waving) : )

Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

My regular inbox overfloweth now. I sure don't want dmails coming in my regular email.
I do wish we could upload manually up to 6 pictures at a time. It is done that way on a lot of sites. Even Pixamo does it that way if you choose to upload 6 at a time.

Rosamond, CA(Zone 8b)

SO Dave are you and Terri taking all this in? We wait to see what is new.

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

Actually we are in the process of culling through all these ideas and figuring out the best way to address the questions and implement some of these great suggestions!

Rosamond, CA(Zone 8b)

Fantastic. Don't think that we don't totally love this site though. We camp here daily so it aint too shabby!

Questa, NM(Zone 5b)

Yeah, what hellnzn11 said!

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Make the search engines more useful. The search forums feature, for instance, is VERY useful if you're looking for information about a certain plant, and know what type of plant it is - perennial, shrub, succulent, but not if you don't know where to look. Searching articles isn't really useful yet, but searching Plantfiles is a miracle!


Mid-Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 5b)

I just discovered a new wish. I wish the message I'm trying to craft would not be erased when I go back to the thread to check something. I several times abandoned a post because I (my own carelessness I know) lost the post I had been typing so many times I gave up. For me, a more permanent or stable message draft would be beneficial. Thanks for asking.

Chewelah, WA(Zone 5a)

Amen, Candy! Good idea. I have had that same problem so many times; now I always copy off the text of what I've started before I go back to the thread to check something. (At least I TRY to remember to do that!)

Questa, NM(Zone 5b)

I use Safari on my Mac. I don't have that problem. It always saves. I think I'm lucky.

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

I have to agree the "saved/lost" post issue appears to be browser-related and browser-dependent.

As we've ruminated many times, it most likely has to do with unconscious maneuverings with the browser's back/forward buttons, along with the browser's settings.

Opening a second window or tab for sidebar browsing or opening/enlarging photos is a good precaution against accidentally losing a post before it's sent.

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

I will just say that automatically saving a draft of what you are typing would require a pretty extensive piece of Javascript. Not something I see DG doing.

If I am writing a post that's longer than a paragraph or two, I pull up Wordpad and write it there and then copy-paste.

Mid-Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 5b)

I can see some new habits are required here. Okay thanks.

Rosamond, CA(Zone 8b)

Yeah I too have to c&p the post before I go anywhere.

Lenexa, KS(Zone 6a)

Improve the Journals!!!!!!!! So many bugs and quirks in it. So many limitations on sorting. I love it and yet I think it could be so much better.

Rosamond, CA(Zone 8b)

I really do wish to reiterate that we would love it if we could post multiple pictures on one post.

Coos Bay, OR(Zone 9a)

hellnzn11---I absolutely agree. It would be just so much easier to post your pretties on one post rather than a bunch. However, I have seen it done, so I think there is some kind of computer trick to it. And, I don't know many tricks. I'm an old dog (gal)

Mackinaw, IL(Zone 5a)

hellnzn11 and beebonnet, I think some folks use photo software (like Photoshop, etc) to make a "collage" of several pictures, save it as a single picture, and then post that. And I think the first person I saw do it was an "ole guy" in Florida. I was really impressed, and kept trying to do it as well as he did! He even added text to label all the different sprouts in his wintersowing collection. I think there are some free programs out there that will do it. Maybe someone with more experience can give you a few pointers!

from a not-exactly-young-anymore-gal

Mackinaw, IL(Zone 5a)

Here's the thread where the member (grampapa) posted the collage of pictures, and explains how it was done. Lindawalkabout posted one, too, that she did on Printshop.

Hope this gives you some ideas, until we get that capability on DG!



Edited to add links--sorry, I was half-asleep!

This message was edited Jun 20, 2008 9:14 AM

Avatars please.

Atawhai,Nelson, New Zealand(Zone 10a)

I agree with art n garden. Being able to post more than one photo per reply/entry would be far more efficient.


Mackinaw, IL(Zone 5a)

I don't remember what my original answer was, ages ago, but right now my #1 priority would be making PF easier to search. At this point, too often I enter a few key words, and get hundreds of matches. I have better luck entering what I am looking for into the Google search engine and seeing what it pulls up from Plant Files. Very frustrating when you are trying to do a quick search!

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