If I could ask for one thing, I wish DG would....

There are a total of 326 votes:

offer merchandise with the DG logo (t-shirts or mugs, or ???)
(34 votes, 10%)
Red dot

make more forums subscriber-only
(44 votes, 13%)
Red dot

make more forums open to all members
(63 votes, 19%)
Red dot

improve a certain feature (tell us what would you like to see improved)
(49 votes, 15%)
Red dot

improve the navigation (be specific, please!)
(27 votes, 8%)
Red dot

have more contests (photo or .... ?)
(17 votes, 5%)
Red dot

conduct a member's choice survey
(14 votes, 4%)
Red dot

organize a national gathering of members
(42 votes, 12%)
Red dot

other - tell us, please!
(36 votes, 11%)
Red dot

Previous Polls

Dallas, GA(Zone 7b)

I'd like to be able to post more than one image to a Forum reply. I know there needs to be a limit, but it would be great to be able to post 2 or 3 rather than only one.

Norfolk, VA

oh to not go POOF!! I agree that can be frustrating!!!!! and I hate when it happens :o(
but to be able to post more than 1 pic at a time would be grrrr-eat!!!!!!!

Lilesville, NC(Zone 7b)

I had to put other...only because i can't think of anything that needs to be changed...I am very happy here and have not one problem now or since the time i joined.....knock on wood...knock, knock, knock.....

Thanks Dave and crew for a wonderful site. If i need advice on ANYTHING or just something to do at 3 am when i can't sleep this is an "AWESOME" site.

So please keep up the good work and I like all the others love ya for what you do for us...I know we can be a big pain in the batooka sometimes.


Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

I'd like to see a weekly specialty forum.

One idea would be to take one of the wonderful articles written by one of our members, and set it up as a tempory community where we could ask questions, discuss the new information, and generally learn more on a topic.

Another thing that I would like to see is a "To Do List" by regions. Tomorrow is the first of April. What should I be doing in the garden this week/month. How about just some general reminders, like check your forcithia. If they are blooming, it's time to Preen for the crab grass! Perhaps it looks more like a list that members where could add theri suggestions. After a couple of years, we could probably have a data base for newbies and great remindrs for the experts.

Finally, I'd love for the ubers and master gardeners to have feature space. :)

And I love the logo idea-- but I'd really like to have a high quality gardening apron with the Dave's banner across the center of the bib. That would be sooo beautiful!

Blessings on your garden,

Houston, United States(Zone 9b)

Elf---those are fabulous suggestions!!!!!!!!!!! You are so creative!

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

Um,Maybe have the coops divided between closed and open? Or maybe I'm doing it wrong.....
like it to be easier to find the open ones,as I am now an addict.ha

Corpus Christi, TX(Zone 9a)

Thank you for providing a cool meeting place where I can be a compulsive gardener & it's not only OK, but might be normal.

I voted to improve navigation. I'm a newbie. I complete a data form, click a tab up top to browse around the site, and then I can't figure out how to get back to add another entry.

Please consider the following solutions:
1) add scroll-down or expandable sub-menus to major menu headings

2) make a better distinction between links that lead to "view" vs. "edit" with regards to the member profile and trade list

3) Enable the site to recognize when logged in users view their own data and provide an edit link (or button) IFF the user being viewed and the login match. (Use login cookie as affirmation?) Add this feature to all data tables: personal, plant, pest, whatever. I'm sure the security on such a feature is rather complicated, but I have seen similar customization on other sites.

Greenwood, IN(Zone 5b)

I want Dave's Garden mugs!! LOL

Alameda, CA(Zone 9b)

I would like to see the winter sowing/propogation database fully integrated with Plant Files, so that it is possible to search for a plant in Plant Files and then pull up propogation/winter sowing reports for the plant from there and then filter/sort by zone. That would be so incredibly, amazingly awesome!

Lubbock, TX(Zone 7a)

I voted 'other'. I would like for it to be possible to start writing a post and then scroll up to read something or enlarge a pic and have the post I was writing still there! Can't count how many times I've 'lost' my post-in-progress because I went back to look at the pic I'm commenting on again!

Hammond, LA(Zone 8b)

1. I would like a DG mug too ; )
2. I like Pyewacketcat54's idea about having different forums for open/closed co-ops. Great idea!
3. I like the idea about Plant Files being acessible while looking at the forums.

Hillsborough, NC(Zone 7b)

I'd like a litte DG ribbit for my crocs and another style for the kiddie crocs

I'd like davesgarden knee pads made out of croc material

I'd like a DG eyeglass holder for round the neck. Maybe made and sold by our more talented DGers.

I'd like it if because we are a subscriber to DG we could get buying power at some of the large big box stores and even at some of the smaller shops if they would go for it. So, if a subscriber or member we'd get ____% off purchases or specials. Or get the DG "card" stamped 10 times by shopping at a nursery and the 11th thing is free. Something like that.

I'd like to see a scholarship area where some folks with the means and interest could contribute what membership money they could and a new subscriber would be invited for a year --hopefully by the next year the recipient of the year membership might if possibly pay it back and be a contributor to the scholarship fund --or even if there was a memory fund set up where folks could contribute a dollar for those they want to honor (names printed all in a single thread) and that dollar could go to scholarships for those that need help.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

I don't know if there is a way this can be dealt with. I've had Dmail's from folks asking me how much I want for this or that. I look at their profile to see that they just signed up before sending the Dmail. I totally ignore these Dmails as I know they just want the plant or seed that they asked about and they are gone. If there were a way to avoid these types of things... like say they had to be a subscriber for 30 days before Dmailing a subscriber... that might work. I dunno. Since I've had them, I'm sure other DG folks have too.


mid central, FL(Zone 9a)

i would like to see the plantfiles fine-tuned a bit. i think everyone who mentioned something regarding the pf pretty well said it for me too.

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

I voted improve the navigation because Plant Files is too unruly and I hate clicking 3 times just to get to the bar where I can input the plant name.

I also want a live clickable link that says "Plant Files" available from every screen, in other words, back on the menu bar without the Guides and Info clicking. I suggested it before and was told there is no more room, and yet there is plenty of room on my screen.

I would also like an advanced search available on the first try, but I'm sure no one knows what I am talking about.

Houston, United States(Zone 9b)

Wow admin, sounds like PF navigation is a must! :) YEAH!

Missingrosie: I like your way of thinking!

I'd like it if because we are a subscriber to DG we could get buying power at some of the large big box stores and even at some of the smaller shops if they would go for it. So, if a subscriber or member we'd get ____% off purchases or specials. Or get the DG "card" stamped 10 times by shopping at a nursery and the 11th thing is free. Something like that.

mid central, FL(Zone 9a)

llloquin, i know what you're talking about! lol

North Augusta, SC

I would like to see the plant listings of a contributor like Farmerdill in a more orderly fashion.
Farmerdill literally has thousands of plants, mostly if not all, vegetable cultivars that he's commented on. I would like to see those categorized so searching for one type of a plant is not so difficult.

I'm sure Farmerdill is not the only UBER who has added many comments however as I live in the same zone he lives in, I find myself looking to his comments for advise on which cultivars grow best in our area of the country.
It is difficult to search for one plant among 4,000 or so.
Is it possible to group by category?

I LOVE DG and I know its made me a better gardener. I cannot say how very valuable I find this site. Did I mention I LOVE DG!

L.A. (Canoga Park), CA(Zone 10a)

I would like to see a more detailed search engine, like being able to sort by date and also having a "not" function.

As someone else stated, I'd like a Plant Files search button on the home page. Also, I'd like to be able to change the default for the Plant Files search so that the listings were automatically in alphabetical order instead the current default, which is by popularity.

Cordele, GA(Zone 8a)

I'd like to see a column added on the Thread watcher that allows you to click on it to unwatch it. As it is, I have to actually open the ones I'd like to stop watching, especially the game threads. I have a ton on my thread watcher that I just don't have the time to click on each one individually to then go and click close/unwatch.

Burlingame, CA(Zone 9a)

Ummm, I'd like to be able to insert graphics without having to know basic html. It would be great to just click a button to make my text bold or italic, or to insert a quote. I can never remember all the codes and often have to look them up. And smiley's... can we have smileys? I thought I saw a thread about this in the DG forum but I can't find it, so maybe it's been covered already.

This message was edited Mar 31, 2008 9:54 PM

Holden, MO(Zone 5b)

Great suggestions everyone, I would like the Plant Files Button on every page , that would be great.

How about a Bird ID file. I need help Iding some of these birds around on the homestead.

I was wondering if having a comment box on the blogs. Some blogs are more then just telling about their day but ask questions, so that means a person would have to D-mail an answer. But the thing is those that are reading my have the same problem and will never know if there was an answer. Kinda like before i joined i would read a thread and could not read any answers, that sure made me want to join DG.

Forgot to add, make the blog comment feature so one could turn it off and on for comments if they choose.

I love it here, I said it b-4 this is the best thing I did for the New Year.

Dave and others , High Five for a great site : )

oh, can we have smilies added to our wish list : )

This message was edited Mar 31, 2008 11:08 PM

(Mike) Batesville, AR

I'm not sure if this has been addressed in any previous message or not! So - here goes! I'd like to see an area for the new folks (non-paying) to be able to come here for information, conversation, advice, whatever the reason, etc. Just a place for them to be able to 'get to know what Dave's is all about.' After awhile - they may join this great society of gardeners. I know when I first 'visited' and wasn't allowed to 'see' any threads - I wanted MORE! lol! Glad I joined! I've met some GREAT people here on Dave's & have NO regrets!! (Thank you Dave!) And thanks to ALL for making Dave's what it is today! :)


Thumbnail by sibhskylvr
Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

customizable fields in the journal.... so we can add height, sun requirements, ect

's-Gravenhage, Netherlands(Zone 8b)

It would be nice if we could attach more than just one photo to d-mails or replies in threads......

New Hampshire, NH(Zone 5b)

First, let me say that DG is hands-down the best website around. The functionality and "user-friendliness" of this site far surpasses any other similar forum-type site I've seen. And Dave and the DG folks are the most responsive ever when it comes to customer service. Thanks!!!!

Things I would love to see:

1. ability to edit a d-mail post

2. plant files - make generalized search more prominent/easy to get to. Perhaps most people use the more specific search - but I always go first to generalized search and type just the words I know, but it takes a few clicks to get there (lazy!!!)

3. I agree with giving us the option to define in our preferences whether we want email notification when we have d-mail

4. Search - I find that I seldom get the results I'm looking for when I use the search feature. It doesn't seem to work very well - but it might be user error!

5. Tagging system - I find the new tagging system a little confusing. I haven't really tried to figure it out - I'm sure I could if I tried. But I suspect a lot of people won't use it unless it is more intuitive.

(Zone 1)

Is it possible under Guides and Information to have a BIRD FILES?

I LOVE Plant Files and look up plants on a daily basis, sometimes many times a day. It would be great to have a Bird File to be able to check out photo's and learn about different birds. I know there are thousands of birds out there and it would take up a lot of space but there are so many of us bird lovers who would really use something like that.

New Hampshire, NH(Zone 5b)

Great idea Lin!!!

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

Would be nice if we could add more then one picture at a time.

Disputanta, VA(Zone 7a)

I just subscribed, don't know what I was waiting for all this time. Can't believe what I've been missing, wow, it DOES getter better with a subscription! My only suggestion is a tab for the plant files on each page. Now it's time to do some further exploration on my own...

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

I also would like the Plant File button on the first page......I use it constantly.

I have also noticed I can Google in the plant name and the first one that comes up is a DG plant file page. It's faster doing it that way.


Houston, United States(Zone 9b)

Does it seem strange you can edit your text post but not remove a pic?

St. Louis County, MO(Zone 5a)

I wish paid members could have a few free "gift subscriptions" that are good for 10 days, like they use on gaming sites. I'm sure once someone has the whole website for 10 days, most will subscribe. Maybe one gift a month per subscriber - give it to someone you've met in an open forum. OR when a new person subscribes, they get 10 free days to get hooked, then yank it away, haha.

Co-ops, this is a frustrating area. I wish the threads that go together could be hooked together, the offer, the chat, etc. Maybe 3 linked threads each.

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9b)

1. Would like to be able to edit the subject line, sometimes there's a typo and it's there forevvvvveeerrrrr.

2. Would like the ability to share my Journal selectively. Right now it's either completely public or totally private. I would like to open my Journal just to certain people.

Thanks, I love the site.

Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

marymcp, that made me laugh. yep, i bet most of us wish we could have changed a subject line at least once.

Oh my! Anyone else seeing neon pink? That's a blast to the senses.

(Mike) Batesville, AR

It's VERY bright! Wow! lol!

Thumbnail by sibhskylvr
(Zone 1)

Wow! Yes, I saw the Neon Pink just now on another thread ... hurts my eyes!

's-Gravenhage, Netherlands(Zone 8b)

Oh, I thought it was just me......

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