How many seeds or seedlings do you have going now?

Toledo, OH
There are a total of 597 votes:

I haven't started any seeds yet
(101 votes, 16%)
Red dot

I've started just one container or tray of seeds
(69 votes, 11%)
Red dot

I've got several trays of seeds going
(293 votes, 49%)
Red dot

I've got a greenhouse full of seedlings
(70 votes, 11%)
Red dot

I don't start seeds indoors
(63 votes, 10%)
Red dot

This is the end of the gardening season for me
(1 votes, 0%)
Red dot

Previous Polls

Wichita Falls, TX

Just moved to Texas from Montana -- have started 8 flats. If in Montana, that number would be much higher as I started everything inside. People thought I was crazy, but my yard and veggie garden was the envy of the town! New house here is demanding lots of outdoor prep work. Am contemplating direct seeding, but have started many inside out of habit.

Love playing in the dirt!

Lumberton, TX(Zone 8b)

Howdy, and welcome home, greta! You're now entitled to the bumper sticker that says "I wasn't born here but I got here as soon as I could."

Bellville, TX(Zone 8b)

I have all my veggies growing on top of my dryer in our utility, underneath a nice set of windows. I am hoping that I will have a really nice veggie garden this year. Tomatoes of all types, peppers, white squash, cucumbers, beans and watermelon (which always grow for me, but the vine dies before they ripen...) I have been here for almost two years. I am a native Texan, but have lived in southeast England from 1995 till my British husband was ready to immigrate. England was one of the best and easiest places I have ever gardened.....

Hornick, IA(Zone 4b)

I voted several seed trays.
I have those. I also start my sweet potatoes from sprouts. So I have one shelf of my plant stand dedicated for those. Two shelves for tomatoes for tomatoes and peppers. one for starting and one for when they start getting taller. Then another for starting other things. like cabbages and coleus. Have to have something pretty too right?

Rosamond, CA(Zone 8b)

I read Critterologist article about W/S and tried it, I have about 30 bottles of outside seeds germanting at various stages and I have several 6packs of seedling, a couple in a shady spot in just cardboard boxes and they are appearing, several in raised containers and barrels, growing and several spots that I planted in the ground directly and the ones the birds haven't got to are now covered so the birds don't get them.

We have had about 2 1/2 weeks of a heat wave and record heat for this time of year so I got a good start. Here the weather has turned cold & windy now so watch it snow or something and kill everything in the ground and in the barrels? Trust me, it is really a possibility in the high desert.

Frankfort, KY(Zone 6a)

This pic is the third transplant in the GH, from 6" pots to 9" tree pots.
I have 60 of many kind in the GH now and must get them out side into the Hoop houses.

Love Compost Tea , Dwight

Thumbnail by rentman
Morganton, NC

I am a horticulture student and we started a gazillion seeds in our greenhouse at school. At home, I have moonflowers, morning glories, buddha bellies, lithrops ( which I know nothing about!) and some cayenne peppers started. I will be starting a few more when I get them. Most of my annuals I direct seed in my flower beds after the last frost. Who knows when that will be, though! Our weather has been very strange this year.

Chewelah, WA(Zone 5a)

I have a greenhouse full of seedlings that I need to transplant into larger pots. Unfortunately, when I do that I won't have room to keep them all on the heat mats I've been using to keep everything from freezing. dmdula, you're not the only one with strange weather this year! My poor greenhouse can't keep up with the nasty temps outdoors--I'm having to make mini-greenhouses inside the GH! Enough already--Gimmee some sun!

Northeast, LA(Zone 8a)

I have a greenhouse and a new glass room and I have slightly gone off my rocker. I quit counting seedlings at over 1000 in the glass room. Now I am spending way too much time hand watering in there.

Lumberton, TX(Zone 8b)

Riverland, you may be able to hear me laughing from here. I hope you have plenty of space to plant, in case they all thrive! Wow.

(Beth) L'ville, GA(Zone 7b)

Well, I'm jealous of all of you! I have several flats started, but this is THE last year I'm planting from seed. My plants love me--but only if someone ELSE starts them--I simply have no luck with seeds. I have tried everything--light, water, no light, no water, tough love--none of it works!

Hmmm....well, ok, I do feel better after venting. But I'm still NOT planting any more seeds.

Chewelah, WA(Zone 5a)

I think it helps to be a fanatical picker of nits and a detail freak to enjoy starting plants from seeds. (That is a self-description, just for the record.) Oh, it's hard to grow from seed? Gimmee some! Don't always suceed, but I just love to try!

Northeast, LA(Zone 8a)

brigidlily I called my DIL today and told her to come get plants. We just loaded her suv with about 12 flats hardened off and ready to plant. I love to grow things but am not healthy enough to plant them out. If I can get them to hang on 3 more weeks for our RU I will be shed of many more. I just can't murder a seedling just because there are too many of them germinating.

Detroit, MI

It's my first year and I thought I was early, but looks like I am right on time

I have Okra, eggplant, tomatoes and a few others started, I hope Detroit is ready for some more green.

Longview, TX(Zone 8a)

I should say I HAD a greenhouse full of seedlings going. I set up a mister hose and a timer because we were going to be out of town for over a week. While we were gone, we had an underground pipe leak and the city had to shut off our water. Almost everything that was about 3 inches tall when I left was dead on my return. I have to go back out of town for two weeks which means I wouldn't even be able to start over until end of April which is pretty late here. I'd have a great fall garden but not much for this year. I am so incredibly disappointed. I wanted to do everything from seed this year. Oh well, there's always next year and I have dozens of perennials popping up from years past. The butterflies and I will have to make due with them!!

Rosamond, CA(Zone 8b)

I don't envy you with the cold cold weather still, but do envy the greenhouse. We have had crazy weather too for the last few years, record rain, then 2 years or 3 of drought, real dangerous winds which we have now. Last 2 weeks were in the 70-80's, now it feels like it could rain freezing rain.

I need a greenhouse or my poor seedlings will croak.

Longview, TX(Zone 8a)

We're not having cold weather. It's actually hot so the greenhouse was REALLY hot and then the seedlings got no water because the city shut off the water. So they croaked. =(

Irvine, KY

I have a greenhouse full and it's looking beautiful as ever. Come on warm weather!

Thumbnail by maddawg
Chewelah, WA(Zone 5a)

Ooooooh, how pretty! Um, if your greenhouse is too full, I could probably make room for a few of those, tee hee.

Charlotte, NC(Zone 8a)

There was no answer that fit my situation here with seeds. I probably have at least 8 trays full. They're being moved around as they get bigger and are harder to keep track of where I have them.

Karin ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Union, WA(Zone 8b)

To vote go to your home page and scroll down a ways. The voting site is on the right-hand side. Then come back to this forum.

Beautiful begonias.

Wish I had room somewhere for seeds. To cold outside right now.

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

I am soooo green with Greenhouse Envy!

Madison, IL(Zone 6b)

I've found a safe place kept out of reach of the cats and my little gr-d who likes to "thin seedlings". My seedlings are well guarded in my upstairs bedroom between the storm windows and sash window panes. I leave the sash windows up a bit for ventilation, but not enough that the cats can squeeze under or that little hands can reach. Since they receive southern exposure; though the two windows have awnings; right now the plants receive the right amount and intensity of sunlight without artificial light--though I did use some artificial light the first few weeks. Once the weather warms, I'll raise the storm windows to slowly harden them off by exposing the seedlings to the outside air. The window screens will protect the seedlings from birds and insects. My two window "greenhouses" hold about 8 dozen plants. I check them every morning when I get up for work, when I change clothes after work, and again at bedtime. Nothing fancy, but it works and meets the needs of my small city vegie garden.

Howell, MI

I have 14 trays of seedlings started. I have 7 under a small grow light and 7 on a windowsill. I have 36 different kinds of tomatoes. They are all doing great along with the peppers and tomatillos. I also started herbs. The native wildflowers are the slowest to germinate but are worth the wait. It's been a few years of not doing growing my own plants and I'm glad to be back doing what I love. Can't wait to plant outside it's been a long snowy winter and there is still snow in my yard!

Black Hawk, SD

I have asters, bachelor buttons, cleome, cosmos, allysum. lobelia, marigolds, zinnias, pansies, verbena, snapdragons, sunflowers,maltese cross,blue sage, and nasturtiuims started. First time for me, will see how it all works out!

somewhere, PA

Oh you all make me feel so sane!

I have six flats under lights downstairs plus one tray in the
refridgerator and the greenhouse is filling up fast. A picture
from late Feb

Thumbnail by Tammy
Plainfield, IL

I’ve set up shop in my living room windows—right inside of where my garden is 
Don’t underestimate the GREAT use of Apple Bee's & Chili's take out containers. They have clear dome lids that made fantastic green houses!

I can’t wait for Mother’s Day! (my annual planting day!)

I've got many seedlings that I'm sharing a picture of:
Tomatoes: Best Boy & Lemon Boy.
Jalapeno Peppers
Herbs: Rosemary, Roman Chamomile, German Chamomile, Chives, Garlic Chives, Morgoram, Thyme, Parsily, Basil, Lemon Basil, Dill, Cilantro, Catnip, Lavendar Lady, True Lavendar,
Flowers: Snapdragons (seeds harvested from last year’s), Sweet Peas, Bells of Irland, Allysim, Blue Frescu Ornamental Grass, Forget me nots, & Marigolds (seeds harvested from last year’s). I’ve just started more marigolds (not shown)—which I love to use in and around my vegetables—the kids love to help grow them—they’re dependable and they give such a punch of bright color.—I was always told they help keep away pests—not so sure of that.

Elsewhere—I’m STILL trying to germinate Gerbera Daisies and another variety of daisy (seeds harvested from last year’s), —I’ve moved them to a sunnier location and am trying again. I’m also waiting on Purple Cone Flowers.

Anyone have tips for germinating these daisies? Please advise!

Thumbnail by PamSheetz
somewhere, PA

How smart to put the pots on a layer of stones. Keeps 'em in a moist

Plainfield, IL

Thanks :) I need to get more stone--I ran out and some are just on the plastic. I was concerned about mildew and I've seemed to attract those pesky little plant gnats--or whatever they are. I've always done this with many of my house plants and some of them water the gravel and not the top dirt. Here I just wanted to keep a humidity area and avoid too much dampness on the bottom of the peat pots. I think it helps.

Sinking spring, PA(Zone 5b)

Here is my "greenhouse." I just recently got into seed trading, and it didn't take long for me to run out of dirt and pots! I NEVER thought that would happen.

Thumbnail by fauna4flora
Sinking spring, PA(Zone 5b)

This is my shade table. This is for cuttings that need shade to establish or for seeds.

Thumbnail by fauna4flora
Rosamond, CA(Zone 8b)

I hate thinning seedlings, half the time they fold on me. The thin ones like carnations make me nuts.

I love that Green house garden extravaganza Maddawg.

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