Dive Pics

West Bay, Cayman Islands(Zone 11)

anybody round these parts tonight? Shari? where you is? come on kids....don't be scared.....i offered apologies and now the thread is slow tonight....standing by.....the grille....got some NASCAR food on flames.....check y'all in a lickle wile....patwa redneck...


TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Hmmm...that patois redneck got me skeeerd....purdy skeeerd!!

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Hi all! I'm here friend John, just not much time on the ole pooter lately! Just got back from working at the library, and have tons to do. I think I spend more time bringing seeds in and out from the rain than I do anything else in my garden! Newly planted seeds will just get washed away in our torrential downpours. They don't last long, but they are plenty strong.

JB has taken a hiatus from working the camera underwater...just wanted to dive and enjoy, so what happens? He sees tons of cool, unusual stuff and no camera! One of the other guys on the dive had one, so we are waiting for pics...if they turn out anywhere near as cool as they sound I will post for all to enjoy.

John - remember some idjits just ain't worth fighting with. Hugs to Spike and Katie - and your own darlin self, of course!

Hugs to all the tropikids!!


Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Keep the food warm - I'll be right over!



West Bay, Cayman Islands(Zone 11)

Mornin' gang....

Shari, I have kicked myself in the past for not having the camera with me...You see the coolest stuff and can talk about it, but, if you have no visual proof of mating whale sharks, seahorses pulling wagons, etc, no one ever believes you!! Tell JB to get sorted out and start shooting again!!

Jenny, you are more than welcome to have a sit on the porch with us! Come on over!

At work now getting ready for another day of battle! catch up later!


Hey~ I would have said hello last night but I go beddybye at 8:30 or so, get up before the sun.

There are some really scary 'bornhere's' on Islands, and especially GC. Not bright and very resentful. I learned to keep a very low profile, and would even hide sometimes.

A camera is as necessary a piece of dive equipment as a mask!

Did anyone answer the size question of the crab? Tiny: a large Arrow crab has a stretched-out legspan of four inches or so. First time I saw one, I thought it was a little pile of sticks, and then it moved!

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Have some docs here from Doctors without Borders...They have been diving as much as possible in the last few days, cuz they don't have much time. JB took 7 out the first day on a walk-in, then they went out on a boat, last night they got a night dive (sooo very cool!), and today back on a boat, then Saturday JB is taking them all out on two boats (he found another captain), for diving all day. They are just bubbling over with ooohs and aaaahs...nice folks and so dedicated! They work all the islands around here, so for several months they don't even know what day it is...just what surgery they are doing, or what case they are working on. I'm glad they are getting a chance to enjoy themselves for a bit. It's always so much fun to have the visitors, cuz we tend to get jaded about our lagoon. One had an octopus crawl up his arm, and thought that JB was miracle dive master! Again - no camera. When he is giving orientation and check out dives, he doesn't take the camera cuz he is watching the divers, not the critters...right!

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Both of you are without equal.


Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Naaah....you just love us, so you see past all the flaws! Ha ha!

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

What flaws?

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

LOL. Exactly!! You have no flaws Shari!

Haven't been in here in awhile. Been busy with life in general and trying to get ready for a bunch of trips.

John, am loving your pics! Keep posting them. I don't ask too many questions cause I would make you dizzy if I did that so I just look. :~)

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