Dive Pics

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Okay, I'll keep my mouth shut. Sorry.

West Bay, Cayman Islands(Zone 11)


West Bay, Cayman Islands(Zone 11)

Shari, I sent you a dmail...my apologies if I hurt your feelings...surely didn't intend for that...

No. San Diego Co., CA(Zone 10b)

I'm so glad I spotted this thread in time to tell you how much I enjoyed your photos, John. They are just amazing.

And for anyone doubting what John says about different locations affecting what you can/can't do - I learned to snorkel on Bora Bora before I knew how to swim! Very foolish of me, really, but I couldn't resist after hearing everyone talking about what they saw. The water held me up like I was floating on a pillow and I got to see some of that beautiful underwater world. Several years later I tried it again in Hawaii - what a difference! Much harder to stay afloat - I sink like a lead balloon and have to really concentrate to stay up. So glad I took that chance in Tahiti. I can imagine yoga does help with free diving - breath is all.

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Every now and then we see people running underwater with huge lava rocks, I think they are training for endurance for those free dives. Could that be so?

Hi, folks. I'm jumping in here a little late. Caribblue, you a goner? I used to live on Grand Cayman, about twenty years ago, for eighteen months.

If this thread is too long, we can start another. I post here on Dave's Garden and also on Scuba Diving Magazine's general chat forum, and the photos that are sometimes/often there are amazing.


OK, back to Brugmansias and vegetables!

This message was edited Apr 20, 2008 9:36 PM

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

I think John may still be around for a little time yet - he was having a party last weekend. Hope he lets us know how it went, live entertainment and all. Yoohoo John, you still there?

West Bay, Cayman Islands(Zone 11)

Hey guys....just finished up with the party ....it's tomorrow....really late but everyone had a blast! Alice Stuart played for a couple of hours....had some friends join in and try to play a few parts with her.....really sounded great....had stew conch, conch chowder, beef ribs, pork, jerk lamb, rice and peas, the whole caribbean spread....drank fresh coconut water...a good time was had by all....the girls went snorkeling earlier in the day and played with a spotted eagle ray in the shallows for a while....we are all whipped now...they've gone to bed and I am putting the finishing touches on clean up...

Someone very special was kind enough to renew my subscription to Daves, I was so surprised and thankful when I received the email stating the same...I look forward to posting some new things soon....

MM, what camera is coming? Do you have a housing for it yet??? Nice Blue Chromis you posted earlier!


TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

There you are John! Looking forward to see more wonders thru' your eyes!

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

So glad to see everyone today. Our weekend RU was an overwhelming success. I, too, am pretty tired today. Having a good time is tiring, eh, John?


John, nice to meet you!

I decided that a decent (for me) camera and housing was more important than eating, I'm awaiting the UPS delivery truck today, it's a Canon 'Rebel' XTi with an Ikelite housing. Wheee, 10 megapixels!I'm wackko, no strobes. I take different photos than 99.9% of other UW photographers, liking scenery, rather than a Blenny's scales. That Chromis was a lucky accident!

I think I have problems with the salty humid air here. My Olympus 5050 died, and then my Sealife(almost an ugh) is stuck on extreme white balance. Here's my neighbor's house!

Thumbnail by
Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

LOL! Looks like my photography !
John, really happy to have you back again.

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Good to see you back John, and to know that you will continue to be with us! Can't wait to see all of those great shots! It is so educational! The grandkids just love them! You are truly an inspiration to us all!!!!!

Aurabest (spelled correctly??????) and Aloha!

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Aloha everyone! Hi there Molamola - so nice to have you join us! Your pic is just too bright for words!

Haven't been around for a few days - recovering from a lesson in physics with my bike. Point of interest - handlebars do NOT give way to collarbones and neck tissue...avoid if at all possible!

Anyway - hope I haven't missed anything (well, of course I have - but most I can catch up with). Sounds like the party and the round up were the expected wonderful, fun, experiences...sure wish I could have joined in! I'm off to check the threads and see what else has been happening. You guys and gals all have a wonderful day!


Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Shari, we have missed you ! I hope that your mishap was not too seroius like broken bones ? Try some of the island remedies that you wrote the article on, banana baths come to mind....
Get well soon, love!

West Bay, Cayman Islands(Zone 11)

Ditto on that! Hope you recover quickly....ouch! Collarbones? Oh dear, take care of yourself!

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

You are all very nice to send healing thoughts my way! I am fine, just a rainbow of bruises and a very damaged dignity!

John, I am sooooooooooooo glad that you are still with us in DG! Now just stick around so we can stop sending out all the rescue parties, and keep them in with the "adult beverages" where they belong! (Ha, ha! raising a toast to the birthday girl as we speak!)

Happiest of birthdays Jenny!!!

West Bay, Cayman Islands(Zone 11)

Hey kids! Hope this finds you well on this fine Sunday.....

Well, our guest has returned home to Seattle now...had gigs lined up from the day she arrived back home and hated to leave...the last afternoon we spent was fun...did Sting Ray City and Coral gardens....snorkeling but saw some cool stuff...

We just got finished rinsing gear from this morning.....had some current to deal with and folks stirring up the bottom with poor fin skills but had a good dive just the same....

This creature is known as a Yellow-Lined arrow crab....voracious(sp) feeder....sort of look like a daddy long legs spider with a pointy hat and pinchers!

Thumbnail by caribblue
Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

hahaha Perfect description only a lot prettier. Tks.

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Hey John - what is behind the arrow crab? It looks as if it has an eye and eyelashes and a snout shaped almost like a shark is it a living creature or a rock?

West Bay, Cayman Islands(Zone 11)

Good question Jenny! Actually, it is a type of encrusting sponge, brown variety...what appears to look like an eye is actually the excurrent opening. Like other types of sponges, they are syphon feeders...meaning they draw water through an opening and exhaust water out of a different one....sort of like gills on a fish that you cant see move!

We went to the same place that we found the seahorse and had a look for him...no luck, hasn't been seen in a few weeks now....my belief is the paparazzi ran him off...not us, we told absolutely no one of him....good finds like a seahorse are hard to keep secret.....

Thanks for the question Jen, hope this finds you and everyone here well this Sunday....Shari, how is the BMX champion healing up? Remember, when being judged on your stunts, injuries are always worth one or two extra! Just kidding, hope you are healing up and ready to get back on that horse!


West Bay, Cayman Islands(Zone 11)

I have posted a Coney before....this Coney is in it's Golden phase....the previous one was in a brown phase...my apologies for the rope sponge shadow on him but this was the only position I could get the shot....Gotta love polka-dots!

Thumbnail by caribblue
No. San Diego Co., CA(Zone 10b)

We'll call him "Freckles." Beautiful colors.

West Bay, Cayman Islands(Zone 11)

Great name! In case you missed his cousin in the brown phase that was previously posted, here it is again...Sorry for the repost of this one but I find it very interesting that the "Freckles" are the same colour in both the yellow and the brown phase.....things that make you go hhhhmmmmmmmmm.

Thumbnail by caribblue
Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

The wonders of God's world are so beautiful. Thank you, John, for allowing us to share what you see. This is a true example of magic under the sea.

You, too, are special.


Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Unbelievable that a fish can have such a change of color - ain't nature grand!

Thanks for the info on the sponge John, it looked like a shark to me! Didn't anyone else see the "shark"? Man - I have to lay off the hard stuff!


Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)


KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

It doesn't look like a shark to me. :~)

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Aha! I looked again at the little pic - not the bigger one, and yep, it does sort of look like a lurking sharkish type behind the crab. In the bigger pic I can see that it is not, but Jenny - you are not nuts...I see it too.

West Bay, Cayman Islands(Zone 11)

I can't even reply to this ..

having said that, I just deleted over 500 words in reply to the last post....there is a link at the bottom of this page where you can stop watching this thread.......try to be positive each day!

West Bay, Cayman Islands(Zone 11)

standing by, sheltered from the fallout.....

thank you to those with imaginations like mine....beauty is in the eye of the beer holder...

officially gone mad tonight...what was I thinking posting these silly images that might spur conversation, questions, interest, etc......I say, let it run wild and enjoy your mind...drift off to another place, even for a minute.....might do you good...not to mention the folks that work around you....

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

That yellow-Lined arrow crab sure does look like an underwater Daddy long legs!
I'm amazed at the colors of the corals...
Thank you so much for lending us your eyes, John.

West Bay, Cayman Islands(Zone 11)

Hey Jaye! The yellow line arrow crab is the coolest! you can pick them up and they will crawl on your arm...pose for a pic on your mask, clean dirty finger nails,,,,etc....this little creature is one of my favorites!


TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Ooh...you got Kel all excited now!! He picks up critters that sent me screaming and 'talks' to them!!
He sure can use that crab to clean out his nails!!! Kel wants to know how big are they?

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

John, I don't understand your post about unwatching. Has someone said or done something that has offended you again? Just cuz we see something in a pic, that looks like something else does not mean that we don't appreciate the picture itself. Hope you understand that.


West Bay, Cayman Islands(Zone 11)

Jenny and Shari, you have dmail...

West Bay, Cayman Islands(Zone 11)

Of course I understand....I guess I was hoping the fun conversation Jenny started with such good questions would have enticed others into asking more questions, etc...I am sorry if I was so abrupt in my post...Last night was not a good night...had a problem occur with a guy and his aggresive dog....they both charged my gate and I am lucky to still by typing this morning....no police involved but I had a piece of schedule 80 pipe all lined up with this jerk's jawbone...I think it is a case of one too many hits on the ol' glass pipe!!!anyway, I should have cooled off before posting here on this group of friends...my sincere apologies everyone....please, keep posting your comments and thoughts...it helps my creativity when shooting....


Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

That sort of experience could definitely get the juices runnin'. We are your friends and always looking forward to your photos. I am a cloud watcher and almost always see more than what is actually there. Pray today will be a good one.



West Bay, Cayman Islands(Zone 11)

Thanks for that Christi.....today is going to be better....I guess my fear sort of stems from the fact that people poison dogs here and this person is ugly enough to do it....his un-neutered animal runs free day and night, fights with every other dog in the neighborhood....My lab goes nuts and I continually check the fence line to make sure they could never get together....Spike is my best friend, next to Katie, and I just worry for his safety....enough of this....let's stick to the topic of this thread....thanks loose!

p.s. Christi, did you get my gmail with the bathroom floor painting?


Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Loved it. sent it on to other friends. I should have replied.

You can assured if anyone were to present a danger to our dogs (babies) there would be xxxx to pay. Is there no leash law in Paradise? Our community really respects the leash law. Cannot even own a rottweiler or pit bull in our city. One too many children have been mauled and killed. Good luck with Spike. I will email a picture of ours.



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