Dive Pics

Clarence, NY

An inch... that could be my problem. Next time I'm under I'll keep my eyes peeled. I'm getting pretty good with the plants, but I can never remember the fish and reef animals.

I hope you're documenting all this, John. Your pictures far exceed those stupid reef charts.l

West Bay, Cayman Islands(Zone 11)

I can say that when I am shooting Macro, close-up, I cut my dive speed way down and concentrate on the small things. You never know what you're missing when you go too fast! Sometimes I spend an entire dive on one coral head because there is so much life right there!! Go slow and Enjoy!

I keep a dive log, note any new creatures or anything of significance in it...Some could say that alot of my documentation is right here on Daves.....starting back to the first underwater gardens forum....Thanks for taking an interest!!!

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

We have them out here too.

Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)

When I was diving the Keys, I also liked to stay pretty still. You have to if you want to see the critters moving about the reef.

And Yes, even though the waters are quite warm, sitting still on a reef would only allow me about 45 minutes before I got cold, with skins on.

Your photos certainly make the small life forms appear larger than life.


london England, United Kingdom

Hi John!
Great to see your beautiful underwater pictures again.
That Florida Chorallimorph is amaising! please keep posting!

West Bay, Cayman Islands(Zone 11)

Thanks everyone for your delightful comments! I really look forward to posting new stuff as I get them shot...Enjoy the day,


West Bay, Cayman Islands(Zone 11)

wishin all of my mates on here aurabest....just 2 weeks left in my sub and it's done....just as well i guess....things change and ideas/interests follow...thought there might be more activity back here....just as well i guess....after all, this is a gardening site and underwater stuff really doesn't apply....i can't grow a garden on land and what i've learned here will serve me well for what i do....

after my return here i thought to make peace with those i've offended....looks like that ain't gonna happen and too right mate...maybe it shouldn't.....anyway, I wish all my mates that I have met in this forum the best that life has to offer...love each other, plant things dont kill things....take a minute each day and be thankful for something...this was a great experience to enjoy and learn from....take care of yourselves and do something nice each day...

for those that look and don't touch, good luck with that!

should read: for those the lurk and remain silent....well, that's your right...

adios mi amigos

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

I am one of those that truly wish you would reconsider. The underwater experiences can compare to nothing else. Has enriched my life beyond measure. Wait with high expectations everyday for more of the wonder you share with us. Gardening with dirt cannot compare with under water adventures. Few of us will ever be able to see what you have provided us.
Some have talents that cannot be duplicated.


West Bay, Cayman Islands(Zone 11)

I appreciate those thoughts Christi...You of all know my feelings on this ....i have email addresses saved so you will not be sans desktop images periodically..don't worry, be happy...

for all my friends i have met here, i'm thankful...may your lives be enriched with beauty and happiness.

for the rest, good luck!!

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

John, that is too sad for words, I too wish you would reconsider...There have been 265 views you know, even if some people are just enjoying and not talking.

If not, all my best, and thank you for the joy you have brought into our world with your incomparable underwater pictures.


Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Me too.....I wish that you would reconsider!

You have added so much to both our enjoyment and knowledge. I'm not even a good swimmer, and would not consider diving, but have thoroughly enjoyed seeing the wonderful undersea world, with great comments. It's been so educational, and I'm sure an inspiration to many others that eventually might persue diving.

We have forums on photography, cooking, pets, tv....so why not diving, or the Undersea World?????

Please do reconsider!

Our best to you and yours!

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

John, I don't know who (or would that be whom) you think you have offended. But I have actually had people yell at me and call me very unkind names. So I don't think you could have offended anyone too badly. We all love your pics! I have had only sporadic computer hookup lately, I get on and you are back and I am overjoyed, then I get on and you are saying good-bye. Too sad, too painful, going back to my garden.

Yokwe my friend - always,

West Bay, Cayman Islands(Zone 11)

Hey Shari and Gang....

I was wondering what happen to you gal, haven't seen you about the forum the last week...yeah, I can understand the dodgy internet service....glad to see you got to post on here again...

I think I have exactly 2 weeks left in my DG subscription from tonight....I am planning some dives over the weekend....and maybe a night dive thrown in...I will try to post new things before time runs out....

okay then...getting stuff in a pile for tomorrow....photo shoot on the beach at 6:30 a.m......a nice family from Tejas...wants some fun shots before they go home.....I was warned that the 2 kids are masters of fake smiles.....I have a yellow lab that will change that!!! He is so excited!!!

asta la pasta,

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Nothin like a happy pooch to get some real smiles! I'm sure they will love the pics. You know dear, you can always renew! But, I do understand if you don't...not quite the same anymore is it? Well, you have my e-mail address, so keep in touch...ya never know when we might me in the same place at the same time for some diving!

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

I can't dive.

West Bay, Cayman Islands(Zone 11)

we need someone to pour perfect pints when we're done....this means you Lou C.....if you don't know how, learn, if you can't grasp it, come down and I'll demonstrate...as many time as necessary....

West Bay, Cayman Islands(Zone 11)

I should also mention, the Caribbean is much different than the waters of Hawaii....I promise to teach you how to snorkel...no big waves....no rocks to mash toes on....no nuttin dat! sometimes, all you need is the right person in the water with you to make it happen...I am not saying that Jenny and Co. didn't do it right, I am saying that our conditions here might make it a bit easier....let us know....all of you know how to contact me outside of dg's...I hope we stay in touch and someday meet up again...whether in person or by watching some documentary on the Geo....Yeah, wishful thinkin....anyway girlies....we still have 2 weeks to get all warm and fuzzy....

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

I got it, John. Wouldn't you be surprised if we called you from the airport. Uh. Would need to talk to Katie first.

How could we get Chester through customs?


Thumbnail by LouC
KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Just now getting around to posting on here. Been running around everywhere here and there and having internet problems off and on.

Great pics John!! Missed seeing them when you quit posting. Hurry up and post more. I know, I know I'm getting to demanding. lol. But it's great seeing you post again and seeing your neat pics. I doubt I will ever get to see any of that in person so I live thru your pics. :~)

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Chester is about as cute as it is possible to be!

Hiya Pep!

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

And he knows it. All of 4 months and 7 pounds. My sister is raising them. I really, really didn't need another dog. What can I say? I love soft, loving little sweeties.


KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

If you want another dog come up here. I have one neighbor who has at least 20. One neighbor. One person. And she has that many. Lots to choose from. lol

West Bay, Cayman Islands(Zone 11)

Christi, they might question the fur coat when you arrive here....Chester is a cutie but he will have to stand guard in Texas....This is a rabies-free island and it is a pain to bring an animal in....we left Spike in Charlotte from July to Nov...because of a clerical error on the paperwork...let me tell you...that was cheap...boarding an 85 lb. youngster for 5 months....in any event, someone mentioned before that once you get a taste of island living, it will be hard to book any holidays in the future that don't involve sun, sand, sea.....

Pepper23....I am counting on you to look after these kids on here....keep everyone smiling and posting....

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

That's the plan. :~)

West Bay, Cayman Islands(Zone 11)

okay y'all....cameras and lenses ready for the shoot...this ol boy is heading horizontal....stay tuned over the weekend for new pics....conditions look good and I'll try to find something new....instead of the same ol same ol like usual....

tomorrow then,

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

I am one of those people now. You were correct about my visit to the island. Nothing is the same anymore. Today I have had my box of Maui booklets, mags, flyers, anything about Maui reading all over again. The Texas beach we usualy visit every year is just too dirty now. How you gonna keep them down on the farm, once they have seen LA? or Maui? or Cay-man?

Our neighbor is a super dog-sitter. Or take him back to my sis.

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

In our books, there is no same ole, same ole. You forget we are landlubbers and even a minnow is a thrill.


KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

LOL. She's right.

West Bay, Cayman Islands(Zone 11)

same thing...same sea...different site....

flamingo tongues....

Thumbnail by caribblue
Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

New to me. Thanks, friend.


Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Oh John - those are so NEAT!

West Bay, Cayman Islands(Zone 11)

Thanks friends....didn't have a chance to dive this past weekend...had another photo shoot to do but was on the beach instead of under it...


TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Wish I have your courage to explore under the seas...
I'm happy exploring from the dry comfort of a padded swivel chair!!
Thanks for sharing, John.

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Those are neat! Really cute! Thanks, John!!!!!

I think I have a tadpole in my pond. I saw it today. Dark brown frog looking with a long tail. Don't know if I can get a picture.....might try. It'd be as close as I can come; I'm a landlubber also, so really appreciate these exotic pictures!

Aloha and Yokwe Y'all!

West Bay, Cayman Islands(Zone 11)

Free divers! what can I say....this is my friend Kirk, down on island now for the Free diving championships next week! I was out shooting and he was out training....Really amazing stuff....can hold his breath at the bottom of a swimming pool for over 6 minutes.....has been over 110 metres on one breath!! Straight down!!! Heart rate is slowed to less than 30 bpm....

Get off the couch!

This message was edited Apr 13, 2008 3:40 PM

Thumbnail by caribblue
Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Another amazing fete that a human being can do. Thanks, John.


Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Great shot as always!

Sorry no picture of the tadpole, the ribbon snake ate it! No picture of the ribbon snake, he left. Haven't seen him since last week exiting the pond.

I did get off the couch today to enjoy the garden, and going to the grocery store!

I still need your great shots, John! Thanks! Good to see you here!


Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

We have some free divers out here as well. They are amazing! I can't even imagine what that must be like. This one guy loved to free dive out here so much, that he took the classes in Hawaii so that he could do it even longer! Great shot John! If you get a chance, ask them if anyone has done diving on Kwaj....just curious.

West Bay, Cayman Islands(Zone 11)

Katie and I can do just about a minute and 55 feet.....we work at it but don't train hard enough to get any better.....I will ask around but your island Shari is off limits from what i've heard here.....besides, lots of deep blue between here and there.....doesn't the US gov. control everything and everybody that arrives there???? have to have invitations from the island folk to even land there by plane....guess we wont be showing up with cameras and dive gear any time soon....anyway, i was lucky enough to be a safety diver when Pipin' set the world record a few years back....ESPN, ABC Wide World of Sports, CNN, etc. were here and documented the whole thing....I sat at 100 feet and he came by me like he had rocket boosters opened full open....415 feet...2:37 minutes total time...from surface to bottom, and back....was pretty cool.....Pipin' held his breath on the bottom of the pool for over 11 minutes.....yoga is a good thing!

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Cannot even imagine. You've had some amazing experiences, John. Continues to give us a wider view of this planet.


Princess Kilikina

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