Dive Pics

West Bay, Cayman Islands(Zone 11)

Today is most certainly Good Friday....shot 2 hours ago.


Thumbnail by caribblue


Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

John! My dear friend!! How we have missed you! So glad to see you back, howdy's and hugs to you and Katie. Great pic - as usual, but what amazing colors in the seahorse!

Yokwe my friend, and welcome back!

All your old buds are chatting it up in "Need Some Company" and Need some company - part 2. Come say Hi!

West Bay, Cayman Islands(Zone 11)

Hi Shari, hope this finds you well...Today was the first time I've had the camera in the water in a very long time....took me forever to do my o-ring service, then scrounge around to find 16 AA batteries....Katie and a friend found this seahorse last week and this was my first chance to look for it....Glad I did....fairly big too, normally these long snout's are smaller...may be heading back in the water soon....my dive buddy is working this afternoon and the site where this creature lives wont allow solo diving....may have to stealth dive it tonight...

this return to daves will be short lived...my subscription expires in 21 days....i will enjoy it while it lasts!!


Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

I haven't been posting any u/w pics lately either...its not as much fun without you! JB's main stobe flooded last week, so the camera was under the water line and he forgot about it. Well, guess what got destroyed by the props when they were heading back in? Yep. Good thing he has a backup camera!

West Bay, Cayman Islands(Zone 11)

Oh man, sorry to hear that....i have had that dreaded f word happen to one of my film bodies before....i have a backup too....fecal matter happens and you just have to move on....i insure this current setup...couldn't afford to replace the housing at this point....we have 4 days off for Easter, will be diving/shooting everyday...stay tuned for pics...

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Yeayyyy!!! Can't wait...may even post some along side ya!

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

What can I say. It is indeed a Good Friday. We have missed you tremendously. Glad you are able to dive with the full gear once again. Do I remember correctly that a seahorse is a very small creature? Sure he was hard to find.

Must make the most of the time we have left. Don't be surprised if you are asked to reconsider.

aurabest, yokwe and aloha,

Princess Kilikina

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

It's a beautiful day today, so whatever you've got to do, I'd be so happy to be doing it with you. But if you've got something that must be done, and it can only be done by one, there's nothing more to saaaay, except it's a beautiful day for sayin', It's a Beautiful Day.

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

We're dancin in the garden to those lovely words...its a beautiful day!

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Sea Horses are so cool!

I caught a couple in W. Africa before, they are all black in color though..at least at the time..not sure if they change colors

West Bay, Cayman Islands(Zone 11)

You caught a couple? Were they trying to escape? Did you let them go?

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Yes, I caught them in The Gambia, (Senegal surrounds the whole country except the coast) I did let them go. I also caught ciclid fish in the lagoons..it was cool, a coulple of those did go in my aquarium

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Enjoyed the pictures John, we have missed you around here...

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Hey John, didn't know if you'd seen this, not many people have. But I mentioned you in here, so I thought I'd show you a copy to see what you think.


Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Great shot John, we've really missed you! Welcome back! Look forward to seeing more of your wonderful shots! Thanks for sharing!!!!!!

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Got the words all wrong. Should be "lovely" everywhere I said "beautiful". The day was so beautiful, guess I just got it mixed up.

Oh John, cannot tell you how happy I am to have you with us. We have all missed you very much.


West Bay, Cayman Islands(Zone 11)

My apologies for being missing...didn't have a clue I would be missed...not sure why but thanks....I did manage another dive this afternoon....the weeds will still be in the yard tomorrow when I go diving again, and most likely the next day too....I can do yard work during the week.....one hour at a time...right now, it's dive time.

short timer

Thumbnail by caribblue
West Bay, Cayman Islands(Zone 11)

the above image is a Florida Chorallimorph....I can assure any doubters out there that this image was downloaded right out of the Nikon and only resized for posting. Shot around 5 p.m., strobe lit, notice the blue colors...almost looks like the flames on a gas grille.....I love this stuff....

here is the last one for tonight...a secretary blenny.....about an inch long....

tomorrow is a new set of batteries!

cayman caveman

Thumbnail by caribblue
Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Pictures are just gorgeous, John. Thanks for brightening up my day at work!

West Bay, Cayman Islands(Zone 11)

Happy to oblige! Thanks for the kudos! Even happier to be back shooting again!!! as stated above..my sub runs out in 3 weeks so I will post as much as I can until then....check back tomorrow afternoon, more stuff by then....gotta go sleep off the bubbles....no shari, my skin isn't sizzling(bends)...just getting old and can't run with the beeg doggies anymore....see y'all tomorrow

West Bay, Cayman Islands(Zone 11)

Okay, somehow I got talked into firing up the weed eater instead of going diving....oh man, I hate when that happens...needs done though as we have company coming in a few weeks and want to look good, or, as good as it can be....maybe after chores done we can get in....one for while you wait....Christmas Tree worm....

Thumbnail by caribblue
Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Magnificent! God bless you John Boy. No words to tell you how much you and your talent have been missed.

Clarence, NY

Blue, what's this about a sub? as in submarine?? I'm a scuba diver, but I've never seen colors so vivid except on night dives. Beautiful pics.

West Bay, Cayman Islands(Zone 11)

Thanks for joining in DebSTX, no, the sub I am referring to is my subscription to Daves Garden. It run out soon....Happy Easter


West Bay, Cayman Islands(Zone 11)

Gone divin.....nobody on here anyway....

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

I am for just a short time. Hope you have more of your photos for us by tonight. Enjoy your dive.


Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)


I don't believe we have crossed paths here on Dave's before. I just jumped in on the frequent threads preview and saw the words "Dive Pics". I couldn't help nosing in.

Your photos are fantastic and I am impressed you were able to find those beauties. It's been several years since I've been able to dive the reefs and now, not living near the water, not likely to dive anytime soon.

Sorry to hear your time on Dave's is so short. Will watch for more photos and will enjoy every minute with you.


West Bay, Cayman Islands(Zone 11)

Hey there Molly! So glad you stopped by! Haven't left yet...waiting for 2 friends that are coming along...Dive gear and camera already to go....

There is a great bunch of folks that visit here and all of the other Tropical Gardening forums. Many knowledgeable people, willing to make you laugh, cry, and everything in between! I am a better diver/photographer than gardener, but these fine folks have helped my thumbs become a little greener!! Enjoy your time here, educational and entertaining!!

Everybody, meet Molly!


Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Aloha Molly, Aloha John!
It's 4.20 am here, I was lucky to catch you before you went out diving. I really do hope you will consider re-joining DG when your subscription is up, John. I really enjoy your wonderful pictures.

West Bay, Cayman Islands(Zone 11)

We're back! Great dive....60 feet for 61 minutes! got cold and got out....water temp. has warmed up one degree, now at 80F....sounds warm but after an hour, the body's core temp drops and you may get cold...especially shooting macro stuff where you don't move around much...

I am in the process of photographing as many different coloured Christmas Tree worms as I can find.....I know it's Easter but there aren't any Easter Egg worms....here is the next color.....

Thumbnail by caribblue
West Bay, Cayman Islands(Zone 11)

This fish is called a Coney. It is in it's brown phase....the blue dots are the coolest! These coneys are abundant here....this fish is about a foot long....

let me know when you're bored with this stuff....will be shooting wide angle next week...maybe some bigger stuff...cross fingers for tiburons! the hammerhead type!!


Thumbnail by caribblue
Clarence, NY

Wow, great bottom time, John! Did you ever dive the wall here, in St. Croix? It's pretty cool. Never even heard of a Christmas Tree worm. Breathtakingly creepy. All your picss are gorgeous!!

Clarence, NY

lol, never bored! Yeah, that midnight neon blue is the best. What's the name of the tiny fish I see swimming on the reef that are that same color? It's my favorite color.

West Bay, Cayman Islands(Zone 11)

Debs...haven't been to St. Croix as yet....dove Culebra before...kinda cool with all the unexploded ordanance laying about....different rules there.....lot's of spear guns, beers before dives....not my idea of safe.....I shoot with a Nikon and buy my fish from local fisherman....never ask how they were caught.....if my filet shows up with a hole through the side, I pretty much figure it out....

if tattoos could be matched to that color blue....i would glow in the dark!


Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

As always, magic.

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

So exciting! Glad that you are diving again!

Clarence, NY

You got that right, Lou! John, If they made that color blue, I'd even get a tattoo. Where's Culebra? Unexploded ordinance? Near Grenada or something? Cuba?

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Cool pics John, we don't have any Christmas tree worms here, at least I have never seen them. Are they just from your area?

West Bay, Cayman Islands(Zone 11)

Mornin Glories! Ahh, Easter Monday! My last day off for the long weekend....

Culebra is off the Eastern Coast of Puerto Rico. It was a number of years ago when I went there. The US Navy had done weapons research and bomb dropping exercises there. The locals were, and still are, very happy about this...yeah right! Anyway, the diving was pretty cool, seeing a bomb on the sea floor covered in corals, much prettier than a bomb that destroyed life...

Christmas Tree worms, Calcareous Tube Worms, are abundant in the Caribbean, Florida, and the Bahamas. They live in all areas of the reef, from 10 fsw. to 100+ fsw. Not sure if they are found in other oceans or not, can't imagine them not being there..I don't remember seeing them in the bay of Panama, but I wasn't really looking for them...Hmm, maybe we need to take a trip and document this??

These tube dwelling worms are about an inch long, sometimes found in clusters. The tube is attached to living coral and the worm protrudes from it. They can immediately retract back into the tube when threatened, but within seconds, re-emerge from it's protective tube. Comes in a variety of colours, and quite fun to interact with!


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