Tropical garden #6

Red Oak, TX

Show us your tropical plants and gardens. They are all beautiful and welcome.

Thumbnail by prita
Red Oak, TX

blooming in the GH today.

Thumbnail by prita
(Kim) Philadelphi, PA(Zone 6a)

Only blooms I have are in my camera! :)

Thumbnail by kimarj
Red Oak, TX

Kimarj, did you go to a flower show?

(Kim) Philadelphi, PA(Zone 6a)

Yes this was last year. I will be at one in the morning!

Thumbnail by kimarj
Red Oak, TX

Kimarj, wish that I was going with you. Hope that you find lots of new and interesting plants.

Thumbnail by prita
(Kim) Philadelphi, PA(Zone 6a)

Now that would be great! I will try to learn the plants names this time.
What is that blooming Rita?

Red Oak, TX

Kimarj, that is a Duranta, it is a butterfly magnet.

Thumbnail by prita
(Kim) Philadelphi, PA(Zone 6a)


Red Oak, TX

I am trying to get a ID on this anthurium. It has done quite well for me in the greenhouse and I would like to get a name for it, any help will be appreciated. The leaves are kind of greyish blueish with a shine to them, very striking. I would like to get a few more. I can not remember where I bought it.
I think it would look marvelous in a hanging basket.

This message was edited Mar 10, 2008 10:32 AM

Thumbnail by prita
Miami, FL(Zone 10a)

gorgeous pictures as always.
rita how do you get your hibiscus to look so good. mine are constantly attacked by bugs. i actually tore out three huge hibiscus today because i gave up.

kimarj psychedelic lights

i have had this ylang ylnag tree for about 2 years very fast grower at least 12ft already. today i noticed my first flowers. no smell yet.

Thumbnail by candela
Miami, FL(Zone 10a)

this is a no id bromeliad

Thumbnail by candela
Miami, FL(Zone 10a)

this is my new favorite i bought a month ago. i think this should be on everyones must have plants. the smell is devine!

osmanthus fragrans (sorry if i spelled wrong)

Thumbnail by candela
Miami, FL(Zone 10a)

one little orchid opening up. very light fragrance

Thumbnail by candela
Dallas, TX

candela, Spelled Worng RIGHT===== Could you spell it with some name that this ole Texas (boy)? can pronounce ( now that is a big word). Texas hillbilly here on this end! What kind of orchids are in the same pic. do you have pics. of them? I took my camera into ghouse for pics. and leans foged up. Will take some when it clears up. Jerry

Dallas, TX

candela, What do you put in the coconut shells,for your orchids? Jerry

Miami, FL(Zone 10a)

jerry i think it is also called tea olive or sweet olive or some combination of those words. i have a few dendrobiums, vandas, and cats. not many blooms right now this is from october 07

Thumbnail by candela
Miami, FL(Zone 10a)

i usually put regular orchid bark and i make sure there are holes in the bottom.
these vandas are gorgeous. i went to an orchid auction and could not resist 6 vandas last year. i actually doubled the amount of orchids i ow in one night.

Thumbnail by candela
Red Oak, TX

Hi Candela and Texasbigleaves, I have been researching the sweet olive and everything is good. Candela my Hibiscus plants are also covered with bugs, If you would look closer you could see them on the buds. I ran out of Neem and am using soap to spray with. But I know that as soon as I put then outside they will be healthy again.

Thumbnail by prita
Red Oak, TX

candela, the bromeliad is quite unusual, I like the color of the bloom . You have quite a collection.
The brug cuttings that you sent me are doing fine, they have a few leaves out already.
Lochroma in the GH; It is hard to get a picture of the whole plant, they tend to get a bit leggy, but will leaf out, after a good trim.

Thumbnail by prita
Dallas, TX

My Alpinia ginger starting to bloom. I counted fifteen more starting to bloom. candela, your orchids are beautiful! I think i'am going to try some this year. I've allways liked the cattleyas. Jerry

Thumbnail by texasbigleaves
Red Oak, TX

Variegated bougainvillea, Hibiscus, and alocasia Portei .
GH today.

Thumbnail by prita
Miami, FL(Zone 10a)

i just split a bunch of gingers up and moved them. so i hope they look like that soon

Thumbnail by candela
Miami, FL(Zone 10a)

varigated hibiscus in pink. outrageous.

Thumbnail by candela
Red Oak, TX

Those are nice, Jerry. I checked mine today, absolutely nothing. What I thought were blooms, were just new leaves, can you get a picture of the whole plant.

Thumbnail by prita
Miami, FL(Zone 10a)

rita is that a tropical hibiscus. i would keep that in a pot unless you want a huge tree in no time.

Red Oak, TX

candela, I have a orange wheelbarrow like yours' too. The leaves on the bougainvilla are the new leaves. The plant is the regular variegated white one.
last summer

Thumbnail by prita
Red Oak, TX

candela, it is a Sea Hibiscus, 'Albo-variegatus'. I do have it in a pot , but was planning to plant it in the covered greenhouse this spring. It was a present from Texasbigleaves a couple of years ago. It tends to be a fast grower, his plant is huge.

This message was edited Mar 9, 2008 8:38 PM

Thumbnail by prita
Miami, FL(Zone 10a)

wow i thought it was pink/green it is still gorgeous.

Thumbnail by candela
Dallas, TX

Rita, Will take or try take a pic. of it monday. It's a lot bigger than the last time you were here last it's pushing up the cover and bending over. It must be 14ft by now. My pin stripe is 12ft. tall. I love me tropical hibiscus it got about 12-14ft tall last summer. Lucky it doesnt hurt to cut it back. Saw some in Miami that were at least 15-18ft. tall and about that around. When i got mine i did'nt know if it would live here, but i've had it 4years now plus i have another one about 6-7ft.tall. A wonderful variegated tropical plant.

Dallas, TX

A picture of the trunk of my Borneo Giant. Both of my hands will not go around it. Candela your yard looks like you live in the wilds of Florida. LUCKY LUCKY YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!! I thought it was more like Miami. When i went to Excelsa Gardens in Loxahatchee it was only 15or so miles from the beach but a whole world away. Jerry

Thumbnail by texasbigleaves
Bluffton, SC(Zone 9a)

jerry, is that inside the gh, or outside?

This message was edited Mar 9, 2008 10:26 PM

Dallas, TX

diehrdsouthrnr, It's in gh. planted in the ground. When it gets hot i take the cover off. It's about 4 years old. Only last year it started to really get big.Jerry

Thumbnail by texasbigleaves
Bluffton, SC(Zone 9a)

oh i have to get one! my gh is much to small to plant things in, so i'll keep my future plant in the ground

Dallas, TX

The top of the hoop is 12ft. tall and the top of the leaf is a little taller. This year i hope it will reach ???????? I dont think it would make it over the winter without being in a greenhouse. I do have some Alo. Macrorhizos that i leave outside for the last 10 years. They die back and then come back. Jerry

Thumbnail by texasbigleaves
Bluffton, SC(Zone 9a)

there are some around here likr that just no borneo giants.... that is really amazing!

Red Oak, TX

Texasbigleaves, you mentioned that you have a pin striped ginger plant that is 12 ft tall.
Are you refering to this one in the picture? Mine is only 4 ft tall. It bloomed last year. I can not wait for it to get half that size.

This message was edited Mar 10, 2008 8:44 PM

Thumbnail by prita
Dallas, TX

Placenciarita, The pic. of the bloom is the old green Alpinia Zerumbet. My Pin stripe is 12ft. tall. But it does not bloom as good as AL. ZE. Jerry

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

such a novice question. But here are the experts so...I have two small sagos and one very large. The small ones were a gift from Jeanne in Houston. The large is several years old and belonged to my now deceased aunt and uncle. Rita, anybody, can these stay outside year round or should I keep them potted and move inside in cold weather? Thank you very much.


Miami, FL(Zone 10a)

jerry you are going to have to get a taller greenhouse. they are massive. they are now on my top list of must haves this year.

Thumbnail by candela

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