stunted dieffenbachia

Taylorsville, KY(Zone 6a)

I have a dieffenbachia that won't grow up!
Some history...
The plant was about 5 feet tall when I first encountered it outside my office cubicle in 1998. It was getting no natural light; only fluorescent office light. It broke off and was replaced by a little brother. The little brother grew to about 3 feet when the factory closed in 2001 and I brought the plant home. Little brother then had another little brother before he died. This third generation plant has only grown to about one foot tall and won't grow anymore.

He seems to be healthy; no wilting, browning, or pests. He just won't grow up! He's sitting on the floor in an east-facing bay window. I've not changed the original pot or potting soil he was born in. Any thoughts / ideas / suggestions?

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

Lack of growth & extension caused by being badly root-bound. The fix: Remove as much of the old soil as possible & repot into a free-draining and durable mix. Normal growth & extension will resume.


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