...and while we tap our feet waiting for spring...

Cordele, GA(Zone 8a)

Neal, which coop did this thread spin from? I'm trying figure out if I have any more Lilies coming from coops that I may have forgotten. Having a senior moment I guess.

Southern, WI(Zone 5a)

The bulbs you speak of from the Lily Garden, are the sizes I have received over the years on those varieties. They bloom and I just think are particularly smaller bulbs.

Willamette Valley, OR(Zone 8a)

I think the lankongense hybrids are naturally small. I'm not sure about Red Velvet, though I have it in my garden. Last summer was coolish compared to the summer before. We did get a little bit of rain, but not enough to really water anything. Summer of 06 was very dry and very hot and very long and that probably set them behind for 07, especially since Judith digs all the bulbs whether they have sold or not. Compare to buggy who for the most part digs only those that are sold, leaving the rest to grow even bigger.

I've never received big asiatics from LG either. But that may be because of the types I buy. I haven't purchased directly from the LG garden in a number of years, just the society sale. Too bad she doesn't charge by size (other than specie types) like buggy.

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

I don't think she can charge by size, considering her bulbs are smaller than lots of folks. Seems like I read something on her website or catalog once where she said that the larger bulbs don't adapt to being dug and moved as well as smaller ones? So that's probably part of her philosophy?

I'm quite close to TLG fields- a couple miles, as the crow flies. Our summer was very "blah". Cool, cloudy, yet sort of dry. Had a couple of weeks in July that barely hit 70'

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Cordeledawg, mostly the Wooden Shoe/Ednie co op I hosted, the 4paws/Touch of Nature co op, and the Faraway Flowers co op that many of us participated in. And of course, what anyone is doing with any new lilies from any source is up for discussion too :-) I love to hear everyone's ideas.

I'm glad to hear that about TLG bulbs. They were healthy little bulbs, and since I planted them 1 per variety, I'm not really expecting a big show from them this year anyway, but a sneak preview of whats to come will be fun!

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

Oh, I forgot to mention--The Red Velvet I've got also were small, but they grow quickly. And even though I got mine in MAY last year, they did bloom-late and short, but they bloomed. Same with Eurydice-I can't believe how many bulblets she's grown in one year, and her bulbs have increased a bunch, too. The only lily from TLG that hasn't done a lot for me is Viva, but then I think it's known to be a bit fussy or shortlived?

Amsterdam, NY(Zone 5a)

I got TLG bulbs on the yahoo co-op - and they were very small. And the prices, even with the co-op, were very dear. But they were unusual, so I'm willing to try. May have to ratchet back the bulb auger.

Greenwood, IN(Zone 5b)

Neal, I have always had that experience on Lily Garden Asiatics. They're ALWAYS small! I was whining to Magnolia about this in a d-mail LOL. Hopefully they'll bloom and develop and I'll get a nice show this and in coming years. B&D's bulbs in every category are much larger, but Lily Gerden just has the coolest varieties that no one else seems to have, especially among the OT's. I got a few Silk Roads this spring and an OT called Rococo? (sp) from LG and unlike the Asiatics they were of decent size.

Southern, WI(Zone 5a)

Oh my! I have been eyeing 'Rococo'. It looks really neat.

Greenwood, IN(Zone 5b)

It is supposed to be the deepest yellow OT available, Tracey - we'll see how it does!

Southern, WI(Zone 5a)

It really looks gorgeous, from the color to the form of the petals. Sometimes I wonder, in a blind study, no prices attached, if I would always be attracted to the lilies and peonies with the biggest price tags ;)

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

Oh, no kidding! We could have a contest to see who could spend the most. Champagne tastes and a beer budget.....

Cordele, GA(Zone 8a)

Can some one advice me on moving Asiatic lilies please?. Last year I planted some in deep shade. Not a good spot, right? They are coming up now and I'll like to dig them up and plant them in a sunnier location. Will moving them now stop them from blooming this year? They have just starting poking through the mulch.

Lisbon, IA(Zone 5a)

I think most folks recommend moving bulbs in the fall, but I'm sure there are wiser folks on here that can give you better information.


North Pole, AK(Zone 1)

I know when I've moved moved any of my lilies in the spring, even though I take a pretty good chunk of soil, digging way away from the roots, gently lifting the mound, delicately relocating them and whispering that they'll never even know they've been moved, they've rebelled and not bloomed that year....They get frowny face from me in return. They don't like that, so they bloom for me the next year.

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

lol I move lilies it all the time. Yes, Fall is best but try to take a big chunk of soil with them and they'll hardly know the difference.

morehead, KY(Zone 6a)

I am a little worried. Some of the lilies from the 4paws co-op are up and some even as much as 6 inches. I planted them 8 inches deep. I just happened to be walking in that area where they are planted and noticed them today. Do I have anything to worry about?
newbie to lilies here. I also have another 103 in frig. They prob need planting ASAP. it's just been so wet and rainy. Tuesday will have to be the "Day of the lily". LOL

Cordele, GA(Zone 8a)

I;ll wait and move them in the fall then. Thanks folks!

Mine are up too from 4paws coop, I'm in zone 8a and the weather is on again off again with showers a few days, warms up then cools off again for several days. Maybe the bulbs know spring is here even if the weather isn't cooperating.

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Steve, I'm glad to know that's normal for their bulbs. I'd only ordered OTs from them before, so it was a surprise to see those little bulbs. Asiatics are so fast to establish, I'm sure we'll see a great show from them next year. I love Rococo too! Cool form, and sounds like a great late blooming yellow. I tried some of the yellow OTs from Faraway Flowers this year and am looking forward to those!

George, are you concerned about them freezing? After last April, I'm a bit worried about that too. I've put upside down pots over the sprouts in spring to protect them from hard frost before. Often spring planted lilies are stunted the first year, but they'll beef up and be glorious next year.

I've moved them in spring before without problems too, but I do try to avoid it. When I did, voles were threatening to devour them, so it was move them or watch them disappear anyway.

Grandview, TX(Zone 8b)

I visited Lily Garden's web site and was amazed how big some of these lilies get. How do you stake your tall lilies? Or do they not need to be staked? Think I'm going to have to find a spot for a few of these beauties.


Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

Oh my, went to bigbox store and found Red Dutch & Pink Tiger Lilies, had to bring some home!!!

Greenwood, IN(Zone 5b)


I have found Conca d'Or and Silk Road can get very tall and I have to stake both. I have had Conca d'Or between 5-6 ft and S.R at 7'. They have thick stalks and are very strong but with the weight of open flowers they can lean a lot. Also many trumpets get 6 ft or so and they tend to have more wiry stems and so need to be stakes. I am sure others here can name some additional varieties requiring staking. As a rule I have found most Asiatics do not require staking.

Fox River Valley Are, WI(Zone 5a)

A 6-7' asiatic, that would be a sight.

Greenwood, IN(Zone 5b)

LOL intercessor - true. Maybe someday someone will grow one.

Southern, WI(Zone 5a)

How about an OT(oriental trumpet ) )x A (x asiatic). Now it could then get its height from the trumpet family and its fragrance from the oriental family. Wouldn't it be a great asiatic :0) ? Probably impossible,But fun to think about it.

Greenwood, IN(Zone 5b)

Ya know Tracey.....makes you wonder...I have just recently begun to see "Asiapets" (Asiatic/Oriental hybrids) on the market - and am really interested in trying those. I wonder if the cross you speak of IS possible? That would be too cool!! ^_^

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

And could it please multiply like an asiatic??

This message was edited Apr 7, 2008 7:45 PM

Southern, WI(Zone 5a)

That would definetly give them the height, wouldn't it now. And I guess not all OTs are tall. Just got a four footer in 'Baywatch'. I like the tall ones best. No easy view of the weeds either.

Fox River Valley Are, WI(Zone 5a)

Steve actually asiapets are asiatic x trumpets. Given the right circumstances I can see an OT crossing with an asiapet. Just about every other cross has been made so...
TLG has 'China Express' and a couple of other asiapets, although they are not listed this year. Buggy has 'Zeus' and some kids from 'Zeus'. Plant Lilies has maybe 6 or so asiapets
listed in her summer/fall catalog usually. Something else to keep in mind is that an OT or asiapet or whatever else may not be 50% of each cross. 'Silk Road' for example is 75% trumpet and there for produces seed with some tetra trumpets without the fancy lab procedures. Anyway some fun stuff playing with genetics.


Greenwood, IN(Zone 5b)

You're right Intercessor - thanks for correcting me! I wanted them to be Orientals x Asiatics LOL ^_^

Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

I've been very pleased with the OTS in my beds--very strong with big blooms. I added 5 more varities this spring from our Iowa Lily Society sale. it will be awhile before I see them--still in the 40s & 50s here. Sigh.

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Those Oriental/Asiatic crosses have piqued my interest too!


Greenwood, IN(Zone 5b)

Thanks Neal I knew I had seen them somewhere!! LOL

I agree, Wanda - aren't they great?? They are a terrific choice here also.

Dallas, GA(Zone 7b)

Here's one of the orienpets I got from the co-op... and a little friend.

Thumbnail by GeorgiaJo
Lisbon, IA(Zone 5a)

Oh, Isn't he cute. ;) I'm glad he's living in your lily pot and not mine, though. :) What kind is he?

Dallas, GA(Zone 7b)

Midland Water Snake - back for his second year. He's probably living in the stones alongside our little pond though. Just using the lily pot as part of its commute.

Lisbon, IA(Zone 5a)

Is that as big as he gets?

I was out weeding last fall and leaned back and put my hand down on a pile of weeds and felt something squirming and looked down and there was a big garter snake under my hand. It suprised the daylights out of me that I didn't have a heart attack on the spot. But I took it rather calmly. I guess I was too tired to jump and run, so I just lifted my hand off him and he took off. No harm no foul. :)

Dallas, GA(Zone 7b)

You know, Ticker.... I'm not sure how big they get. Gonna find out though!

Good for you dealing with your shock last fall. That's the thing about snakes, isn't it.... the surprise factor is what freaks us out.

Lisbon, IA(Zone 5a)

Yeah, they still startle me, but I'm not nearly as freaked out about them as I was. :) I've been known to watch for them when I'm mowing and to stop the mower to allow them to cross safely and get out of danger. It's also helpful to know that 99.99% of the snakes I'm going to run into in Iowa are non-poisonous, or I probably wouldn't be so casual about it. :) LOL

I also, really rather enjoy having Bumble Bees in the area when I'm out in the gardens. They are really quite gentle and not the least bit aggressive (until sometimes in the late summer). Of course, late in the summer, I'm not as active in the gardens as in the spring, either. :)


Saint Bonifacius, MN(Zone 4a)

Speaking of how big does he get?, last year I had a spider spin a nice web just outside my kitchen window. I thought I'd leave him be, after all, he's not hurting anyone. A nice "companion" while I do the dishes. Well, he got bigger and bigger and bigger until, even for me, he was not cute anymore!

Killing such a large, fat spider was not so pleasant.

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