Longwood Gardens 2008 trip/get-together

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Just ordered my DG Tshirt. Pink with Chris just below the logo on the front and Screen name on the back. That way I'll know who I am. LOL

flowerjen glad to have your mil along the more the marrier! D-mail me her name so I can add it to the list.

Crozet, VA

I too ordered my shirt over the weekend. I didn't get all fancy the way that you did Chris. I don't have my name on mine and couldn't even find a way to choose a different color for the one that I ordered. Boring white with black around the sleeves. I think that I will remember who I am that day. ha-ha


Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Ruby, I really don't know what to do with you. Well, if you forgot who you are I'm not going to tell you.
Just kidding, Love

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

I can't believe YOU ordered a 2x, Ruby!!! Geezzz!!!

Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

I know, I was thinking the same thing! Ruby you must like things extra comfy :) I still have to order ours.

I'm surely going to have extra plants I can bring if anyone would be interested? I can post a list when we get closer. I'm just starting to separate and transplant seedlings now. Lots of peppers, tomatoes, herbs and annual and perennial flowers. Maybe even a tree or two if I get germination. I have extra seeds too, but I guess it would be too late to share seeds.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

I think she was wanting to "dress up" probably gonna put on some hose and pumps to go with it. Hugs-Ruby!!

Crozet, VA

Alright Ladies - My shirt came in the mail the other day and it is way, way extra small. My husband looked at it and said, you aren't going to wear that, you like your clothes loose. So, even though I haven't tried it on yet, I know that it is way too small. Maybe I just ordered an odd style of shirt.

What I will do is get some sort of name badge and put Dave's Gardeners of in somewhere. This shirt might fit my daughter in law who is tiny. Man, $27.00 basically down the drain. Hmmm.....guess that I could always send it back and get reimbursed. I also still have time to order another style, which I might do.

Take care lovelies.


Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Wow!!! You're kidding me?!?! Well that settles it...I won't be ordering one...esp. at that price. I'm El Cheapo - ask Becky. You won't miss us though..."the red-head partners in crime" - kinda stand out...

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

Glad I didn't order one. I'll figure something out.

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

I did read somewhere their shirts run very small.

Crozet, VA

I don't normally send things back, too much trouble. But....this is one thing that I am seriously thinking of sending back. Okay, the way that I shop for clothes, I could have bought my Easter outfit with shoes and purse included. ha-ha

Actually, I will most likely keep it and garden with it some days. The less I have on while gardening at home, the better. I just will not show every curve, lump and bump of my torso. I wouldn't want to subject friends to that. Be cautioned that if you come to my place to visit me, I usually wear my night gown all through out the day and at bedtime, change in to a clean one. I hate having to get dressed most of the time.

I don't think that any of us will have problems picking each other out of the crowd. We are going to exchange cell phone numbers beforehand I hope.


central, NJ(Zone 6b)

I pretty much stay in my pj's all day too(unless I'm going out).
That would be a good idea(the cell phone #'s)

Crozet, VA

Glad to hear someone else admit to staying in p.j.'s. My mom always went around the house in night clothes, so I came by it honestly. Yes, we dressed whenever going out too, though I have made some late night or very early morning runs for things while still dressed in jammies.


Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

sooo jealous here....would love to still be in my night shirt!!! Course the patients might find it a bit odd...ya think?

Crozet, VA

hahaha - They might just......Chantell.

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

I have started gathering cell phone #s, but was hoping you gals would buddy-up as to keeping in touch for this trip. I don't use my cell phone very much except for emergencies, I talk on the phone all day at work.

The cell phone list I am putting in a document on my computer to print out for the trip, if you want me to include your # just d-mail it to me.

As for the PJs........I'll get back to that, leaving to go to dinner now.

Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

Sorry to hear about your shirt Ruby; I'm thinking maybe that style is a children's style if it was that small?

Things are starting to come alive around here ~ daylilies, iris, tulip greens, shrub and tree buds are all making their move and periwinkle, forsythia, hyacinths and daffs are blooming!

Also Ruby, the lamb's ears you gave me is alive and well. I planted some poppies and other things in the bed I planted it in yesterday :)

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Ruby, I am scratching my head about the size, too. Should not have been THAT small!

Wind, how I envy you, we had more snow here yesterday morning. Well they say it has to snow on the crocus 3 times for spring to come,
I know it has been at least 3. I am so ready for warmer weather to get out and rake a few beds. The temp has been below normal for much of late winter early spring this year.

Getting back to the PJs, I get up shower and dress, just can't work in jammies. I might get up and have coffee and sit at puter in them but that is all.

Crozet, VA

As I said, I came by it honestly, watching my mom all those years. She too was a full time employee and had to dress everyday, so I guess on her off time, she preferred rags or at least a really comfy shift type of thing.

I will bring the shirt along and show you gals. Diana, it would probably fit you actually, and if I remember correctly, you are quite tiny.


Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

Ruby why thank you, but I seem to remember you as being quite petite yourself? :)

I'm looking forward to going, I really enjoy Longwood Gardens...can't wait! Just thought, what do we do in the event of a rain-out forecast?

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Rain ponchos and garden shoes! Then wine tasting to warm the heart. I'm only getting one shot at this, at least this year.

Just keep saying "it will not rain, it will not rain"

Crozet, VA

Wind, I am just short and getting shorter. In the past year I have been diagnosed with late onset Scoliosis. Where the heck that came from I do not know. I am working with a Chiropractor and Massage Therapist weekly to hopefully prevent any more curvature and possibly straighten me a bit. I started with a Neurologist who referred me to The Neurology Department of world renowned medical center, who thus referred me to an Orthopaedist who then referred me to an Orthopaedic Surgeon. I never made the last appointment with a surgeon, because all of my life I have never heard good stories about any spinal or back surgeries.

I believe the Chiro and Masseuse are helping some, so I will continue this for a while.


Crozet, VA

Hmmmm......never even thought of rain. Yeah, we can't cancel because of a little thing such as moisture.

West Pottsgrove, PA(Zone 6b)

Don't forget there's plenty to see indoors, maybe more this year. I don't know if they've finished the addition yet, this was last April:

Thumbnail by claypa
Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

We are DGers...mighty, mighty DGers (think Remember the Titans)...everywhere we go...people wanna know... LOL NO rain gonna keep us away

Crozet, VA

I just love it Chantell.

Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

ok ok ok hehehe......you're all making me look like , well like, someone that isn't a 'real gardener!'....I like rain :)....just can't stand going out in it....have no idea why....even in a little drizzle I pop up the 'ol umbrella! Just wanted to be clear we are going rain or shine :)))))

Longwood does have alot of indoor gardens so in the event of rain we should have plenty to see. Rain or shine we'll be there because I'm looking forward to meeting you all too!

My friend is so neat, she takes her granddaughter (age 3) outside in the rain ~ she knows so much about nature and is the sweetest little gardener/baker (yes she bakes too). I have a cute photo of her in the rain but can't post it without her permission, you'll have to envision it :) I made them a Christmas calendar and used that photo for April with the caption..."April Showers bring May flowers" She was in her little yellow rain gear, binoculars for bird watching hanging from her neck, with a sweet smile as she is leaning to her left to pick yellow daffodils from her grandmom and paw paws garden.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

How sweet is that?!? I'm just too lazy for an umbrella...that would requiring not only remembering it but having to hold it...LOL. Ok...if it's POURING...I might...other wise I kinda like being out in the rain showers.
Becky - if you pop in here...find the pottery pics w/that rain we had down there.

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