PNW Flower and Garden Show Pictures

Snohomish, WA

Sorry I got on anouther thread and dmail and lost what I was doing.Thank God I still have two good fingers for typeing with!lol Here is my new bears breech 'Tasmanian Angel'. I have wanted it since I saw it in Fine Gardening a couple of months ago!

Thumbnail by NWGordon
Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

Thanks NWgordon for the additional photos. I wanted to see the big gardens in the center. There used to be many. I always liked the ideas on water features stone work and the collection of Lillis from the orient.

Snohomish, WA

here is one

Thumbnail by NWGordon
Snohomish, WA

Here is another I think, hard to pick out with little pics and bifocals! Should of seen me tryimg to save seeds from my salvia Black and Blue! That was crazy small!

Thumbnail by NWGordon
Union, WA(Zone 8b)

Susybell, I have a few begonias and they are houseplants. I use African Violet drops on them every time I water and they flourish and bloom constantly. You can put them outside in the summer, they love it, and them take a cutting to hold over until next year. They look like shade plants but they like the sun or at least a lot of light.

Buckeye, AZ(Zone 9a)

Oh thanks for the picture, I absolutely love that variegated leaf!

Port Angeles, WA(Zone 8b)

NW ~ will you be at the green elephant? If so, I would gladly trade you homebaked sweets for a piece of that escarcot! OMG, it's HUGE! Wow! And the last picture you posted with the rocks? My absolute FAVORITE garden of the whole place. I could easily imaging myself and DH hanging around the fire (a real one in our case), sipping on a nice pinot noir ~ *ahhhh* ~ life IS good.

Snohomish, WA

I got stopped by quite a few people walking around with that plant. Also got voodoo lily, Black Magic Taro, jack-in-the pulpit, brugmansia frosty pink and my newest begonia palm leaf.

Thumbnail by NWGordon

I figured out my camera, so here are some photos I took at the show.
First, an interesting and over-the-top use of stone. Note to self: do not stand anywhere near this during an earthquake.

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Kingston, WA

Who had the begonia palm leaf. I like that one. I didn't know other people liked begonias. I will go see what I have sor sale next year. This lady came up from Oregon with huge 5 gallon pots of begonias for sale and said she would be back this year. They were huge and cheap.

At the same garden, a very cool gothic arch. There is a lot of stone in that there arch.

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Is this that begonia?? I took this photo so that I could get an ID on this plant because it wasn't labeled. It is so cool looking!

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More interesting and expensive use of stone. I think of this kind of garden display as being the equivalent to the catwalks of the fashion world in New York, Paris ,or Milan. Who could ever do this? It would be prohibitively expensive to do, and not such a good use of a natural stone resource. Now the fences at the back of this display are well within the reach of any gardener who has native soil! A creative and resourceful use of glacial till.

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A nicely done stream.

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Snohomish, WA

The begonia palm leaf was at Falling Waters Gardens. They are in Monroe, Wa. They had 5 gal of them, but I could only afford the $10 little pot.

Thumbnail by NWGordon

Lots of living roofs at the show. An interesting way to grow corn. My thought when I saw it was first how cool it was, but then I wondered if there was enough room for the roots to grow. Then I thought - wait - how do you harvest it??
Still, very fun.

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Snohomish, WA

And yeah pixi you nailed it!

The leaf looks like the one in my photo. Are the stems a reddish color?

Here are some other plants that took my fancy. This is Rhododendron 'pink princess'.

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Snohomish, WA

What days did you go? It was so crouded on Sat. I have lots of pics like this , me and at least one other person taking pics. If you could get close enough for a pic that is!

Thumbnail by NWGordon
Snohomish, WA

I thought this fernwas the coupe de ville as my Grandpa would say!

Thumbnail by NWGordon

I went on Wednesday, the first day. I was there at 9:05 and the parking lot was already marked 'full'. You were very brave to go on a Saturday.

I've got a good place for this one already.

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the 'coupe de ville' - ROFLOL! I had one of those and loved it. It did not survive the winter, although it was supposed to. I now wonder if the one I bought was mislabeled and was actually the australian variety, which is less hardy.

Now I know what to underplant with my Edgworthia.

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And this one:

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A very nice fern!

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Did you know that new zealand flax came in this tiny size? I must have it!! It's adorable.

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Kingston, WA

Hi Pixy did you get the silver dragon from me? I also got some big tree frns this year. I would love to try one somewhere.

I have begonia palmar prince, iron cross, escargo, gloziovii soli mutah, cowardly lion, bipinnatifida for this year, I don't know if the waether stays like this I might have them out by the time you all come. Usally I don't have the tropically things out till may.

I'll have to check out the palm leaf one. Thanks for the info. I usally get mine from logees. A little expensive but nice plants. Good packing and service. I guess I should post that on the nursery section

I don't have the silver dragon yet, but probably will get some from you tomorrow. These are all photos of plants from the show that I was interested in.
I'll have to look up those begonias. I grow 'escargot' and have a cement leaf from that one. This year I'm thinking of leaving them in pots rather than putting them in the ground and then having to dig them up. I love to put them with heucheras. Here is 'fireworks' in the border a couple of years ago.

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Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

Aaaahhhhh. Thank you Pixy you were so kind to show the show. Love the rock works. I need to do the balance rock thing at my house. Now just who can I get to volunteer to help me balance it until I get it right. Good Ideas on rockeries.

Beautiful, BC(Zone 8b)

I just got back from the show. It was wonderful. I had a wonderful chat with the owner of Fancyfronds and I think their combo with the other nurseries including Cistus was really interesting. I had a chance to learn a bit more about Dunn Gardens & Kruckeberg so I'll definitely be going back to visit those. I was supposed to go to the show on Saturday but with such a nice day, wouldn't ya know it, I got stuck at the Arboretum in the shrubbery. 300+ pictures later.... Wish I had a chance to meet the rest of the NW gang. Maybe next time. At the end of the show I wandered past the Washington State Dept of Ag & USDA and wouldn't ya know it - they do phyto's right there. Geez - if I'd a known that, I would have bought some plants to bring home across the border.

Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

Love the pics, thank you I wanted to go so bad, But work Work wouldnt let me.
I bought the Tasmanian Angle from Heidi, Heidi do you have any more?

Burwash Weald, United Kingdom(Zone 9b)

Terrific photos everyone - many thanks! Growin, I was just wondering over the weekend where you've been (I saw one of those marvellous trucks like yours on the motorway, complete with big dog in the cab, navigating).

Beautiful, BC(Zone 8b)

I've been PF'ing (Plant Filing) and working at the nursery alot so the Seattle trip was a great break. Mabelline (truck) stayed home and I took the diesel jetta on the motorway (I-5). I might have a few images to add once I get home from work and sort through them but rachierabbit, NWgordon & Pixydish got some great shots. I was still gleaming that I found out where a large Catalina Ironwood (Lyonothamnus floribundus var. asplenifolius) was in South Seattle and it was looking "hot". I do need to revisit and get down to the locks gardens.

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Hey Northern Seasons and NWGordon - good to have you over here.

Balvenie - good to hear from you.

I've had connectivity issues the last few days, so haven't been able to get online. And now I'm at work, so can't stay long.

But this thread is such a Public Service. Those of you who have takent the time to share with us should be knighted (Laurie?).

Snohomish, WA

If any one is intrested I am going to the Peninsula Gardens on Sat. 3-1. Ciscoe is doing a free seminar and doing his show live. Plus it is a nice drive to Gig Harbor. Sort of a plant , learning adventure. I hope I spend less than I did at The NWG Show! I know I'm new, but it would be fun to meet some of the people that are as garden psycho as I am. Would make a fun thread to afterwords.

Burwash Weald, United Kingdom(Zone 9b)

Katie, I am lending you my crown - knight away! enjoy enjoy.

NWG - looking forward to the report on cisco - someone posted a clip of his show here on the thread last year, and I was fascinated! He borders on the edge of mania when relating to plants - what energy! I had to watch it twice to get my ear up to speed to be able to hear what he was saying - I am sure that is an abnormal rate of speech! But then he probably gets more plants per square inch.......

Port Orchard, WA(Zone 8a)

NWGordon, I'll try to go, I only live about 15miles from Penninsula. Jim

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

NWG, It does sound like fun, but not this year for me. Definitely do put up a thread about it. I'd love to see pictures and hear about it!

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

NWG - i'd love to go, but there's a plant exchange in Redmond on Saturday that I'm committed to. Have fun and definitely start a thread with pictures. I'd love to learn. And enjoy Cisco. I've seen him once and he is exactly the same in person as on the television.

Laurie –

Thank you for the crown. Just needed it for a second. As a child, I was convinced that I must have been born a princess, even if most of the people around me didn’t immediately recognize my blue blood. A crown sure would have come in handy then.

There is a neighborhood of Seattle just north of the city proper, called Ballard, that was originally farmed and occupied by a large population of Scandanavian immigrants. That would have been in the late 1800’s. There is still a large number of people of Scandanavian descent there and many jokes are made about their speech – the long “o’s” and the rolling inflection of a sentence. Cisco exemplifies this and so it makes his “ooh la la’s” even funnier. I think he lives in Ballard or close by, as well. There are also jokes about the graying Ballard population and how slow they drive. Gift shops have lots of Scandanavian nick-nacks and art and it’s not hard to find ludafisk.

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

I thought Cisco was closer to Seattle U because he used to work there, interesting to know he's in Ballard instead.

Ballard has changed a lot recently-lots more interesting places to go now-and harder to find parking places, too...It's not just Scandinavian touristy stuff these days. There's a bit of Fremont/Wallingford spillover now.

Laurie, in case you've never heard of Fremont, they've got a giant troll under a bridge, a sign proclaiming it the center of the known universe, a Lenin Statue.,_Seattle,_Washington

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Hi Susy -

I just wanted to give Laurie some context around Cisco and one of the reasons he so personifies this area. I think Cisco used to be in Ballard, but certainly may not be there now. And, yes, it's certainly become a pretty yuppy place to live. When I lived there, the little two-bedroom, 1000 square foot house I lived in would have cost as much as the 1.2 acres I'm on now.

Even Fremont, which used to be aging hippy and general social misfit land has a much more cultured aspect to it. These locations are within pretty easy distance to the city, so they are highly prized locations in which to live. I do miss living in the city and the old Fremont as represented by the troll, the Lenin statue, some great little hole-in-the-wall restaurants and taverns, the solstice parade, and the Fremont outdoor movie, complete with drag-queen Marilyn Monroe lookalike contests.

I lived in a 100-year-old apartment (with a built-in ice box and a dumbwaiter!!) across from the Woodland Park Zoo and the zoo concerts and within walking distance to Greenlake, Greenwood, Wallingford, Phinney Ridge and Fremont. It was ideal for a younger person. Things are a little slower and much more rustic out in the foothills where I am now . . .

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