what are u hatching or getting for spring??

Lincolnville, ME(Zone 5a)

Welp Hatchery out of Iowa has free shipping on all chick orders always, but no BLR Wyandottes, they have Black, Buff, Blue, gold laced and silver laced Wyandottes tho. They do have a 25 min order also. Hope that helps...Scott

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

I found some eggs for BLRs...

light and dark blue...


i am SOOOOO tempted. somebody come sit on my hands before i bid! i just counted eggs and bators, and i have the space!

Reynoldsville, PA(Zone 6a)

no we are still pretty cold here yet our lowest day for this week is to be 9 and next week 26 with highest being about 30-35 mabe. we still got lots of snow yet,lol. we stay colder longer i think cause of the mountains. but stay warmer longer into the fall.

she said they have had bunnies for over a mth there now. dh got me 2 lops last year for my birthday it's in late march so i was surprised they had them so early this year. i might get 1 or 2 more does for buddies for my girls since they have such a big coop and run. they r in my old chicken coop,lol. i have 3 now.

Lincolnville, ME(Zone 5a)

TF - like the old NIKE ad, JUST DO IT!!

Sue, RI(Zone 6a)

Just talked to my local TSC and it'll be March 23rd when they'll be available in the store-RIR st. runs-$1.59 ea, Cornish Rock hens $1.59 ea, assorted Bantams $2.09 ea. They are going to have ducklings but she didn't know what types but they'll be selling for $3.94 ea. She said the minimum to buy in store is 6 but if you place an order then it's a minimum of 25.

Well......mine have been hatching the last 2 days. I thought i would add a pic to get things started. I had 5 Ameraucana/ee bantams hatch so far. I have one to go along with one silkie. I am still hopeful for them. I hope you all like the pics to get the blood pumping for spring!!!!!

Thumbnail by cuckoogirl
Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

OH, YESS I DID NEED THAT! I am pumping, haven't even had coffee yet LOL

headed to the po to ship off my FIRST EVER box of fertile eggs. and pick up my First. i believe it is the rosecombs from Oregon.

i am practically shaking...

Lincolnville, ME(Zone 5a)

Holy crap! those are the cutest chix I have ever seen! Congrats Cuckoogirl! Here are some of my little Seramas that hatched the last couple of days.

Thumbnail by maineiac

Thank you......My favorite in your pic is the brown one with the chest out like like a marine!!!!
I just thought this thread had gone on for way too long talking about chicks....but no pictures.
Sometimes i wish every post had to have a picture :) Now we are getting somewhere. I'll post another if the last 2 hatch.
The silkie is a test.....i have given friends hatching eggs to put in their incubator and all come out blue. So i want to see if we can produce another color. We should start seeing more pictures from all the people ordering soon as we shovel our way into spring :)

Lincolnville, ME(Zone 5a)

Yes that one is my fav also. A very friendly chick it is. The seramas are able to be trained to pose from an early age, but trust me, that is all instinct there. Here is a pic of four more that came to life over night last night:

Thumbnail by maineiac
Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

o my goodness, they are so tiny, no tmuch bigger than an ad in the paper! LOL

loving all the pics!


Reynoldsville, PA(Zone 6a)

here is an updated pic of my lonely serama that hatched a couple days ago. it is next to a lighter for size compare. haha look how little it is. it was all yellow we thought it would be pure white. it is comeing in white with black on the ends of the wings.

Thumbnail by silkiechick
Lincolnville, ME(Zone 5a)

Silkie - that one looks smaller than mine. One of these yellows also has black on the ends of the wings. Wonder if that is a Serama thing...

Reynoldsville, PA(Zone 6a)

really?? knew it was small but dang, i didn't know it was that tiny,lol. that's a regular size lighter next to it too. this is a pic of it next to a trial size can of axe, lol. it's about a 3" tall and look how much shorter the baby is. i'm thinking when they feather in they will look the pattern like kinda a light bramah look but not sure.

david shipped 60 eggs yeaterday he said whites and.....I probably sent you some OL. That is for Orange Lace. I am breeding toward the golden seabright color. PL is Pumpkin Lace or Coca Pop which is the same color of the roo that won the Cajun Classic a couple yes ago. Pumpkin Lace seems to be the most popular color at the present.

mabe that's what some of ur colors are.i love pumpkins and the crelle ones!!

Thumbnail by silkiechick
Rankin, IL(Zone 5a)

Now these I have GOT to put on my list.. they are absolutly captivating! I would go buy an incubator for this!
But, Once I had them what would I do.. love um, sqeeze em... but I don't show.. don't think there edible? eggs for ???
This for me whould be pure hobby, but oh what a delight!

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

oh, silkiechick, does it get any cuter than that?

Reynoldsville, PA(Zone 6a)

lol, ut oh look what we started, hehe. they are the worlds smallest and friendliest chickens. full grown they are suppost to be not much bigger than a cockatiel. most people raise them in the house cause so small. the eggs i hatched from where not much smaller than a silkie bantam egg. our new eggs should be here tomarrow or friday i'll take pics so u can see the size. i'd say they could be eaten, pickled what have ya.

here is a pic of one of my bantam frizzled cochins they are a hoot also. his name is andy and about 5 weeks old.

Thumbnail by silkiechick
Lincolnville, ME(Zone 5a)

David did send one RL red-laced, which did hatch, I just don't know which one it is now! What color would a pumpkin lace be, Black? There are so many colors, and I love them each and every one! Andy is a nice friz, it it a he or she?

Reynoldsville, PA(Zone 6a)

i don't know never seen those colors in down feathers. andy is a roo.

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

Q~ at what point can i tell if the bantam cochins i got are frizzles? they are 10 days old tomorrow...

Reynoldsville, PA(Zone 6a)

u should see it start to curl between 3-7 days old. let me see if i can find a pic of one of my frizzles to show ya when they was younger.

Reynoldsville, PA(Zone 6a)

this is andy on the left(same frizzle above) and his brother woody on the right. this is them at about 3 weeks old when i first got them in a trade. their feathers started to curl about a week before that if not more.

i woke up about an hour ago to more babies!!! i got anothe showgirl, and 2 silkies with 5 more piped or working on hatching, yeah!!!!

Thumbnail by silkiechick
Sue, RI(Zone 6a)

I think I would be glued to them! I would love to see them hatch. Have fun silkiechick!

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

so, bassically, their down doesn't frizzle, but feathers will as they come in... these are ten days old, not seeing much in the way of feathers except on wings... and they aren't marked like black, so they probably aren't firzzled... ;-(

Reynoldsville, PA(Zone 6a)

no down is not frizzled it looks like normal fluff. can u take pics of them and post them? i can tell ya which is frizzles and which are not. as soon as they get long enough feathers in the frizzle will start to curl the feathers back. also frizzled should be about 50% frizzled looking and 50% smooth frizzle. the smooths carry the gene but do not show they are. what do u mean marked with black? did u get them from a hatchery?

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

they came from Gebo's farm store [went to get feed, picked up chicks], who got them from Welp. the mgr and I looked real close at the posters Welp sent, and tried to pick out black frizzle cochins... but the coloring vary, about two pairs that look alike, two odd balls. one is definitely not cochin, has more upright to his body, but i liked his buff head, and he seemed to be freinds with the others, co i figured why not?

boy do i wish i could post pictures. i haven't been able to find the cable to my camera for months. its a Video camera that also takes pictures. you would think it owuld have turned up by now...

Lennox, SD

Ok, finally got pictures of the chicks. Not the best, but will try to get better closeups later. I think this was day two. They will be a week old Friday-Saturday. I am down to 5, I had one little one that seemed blind; tried getting him to eat and drink several times, and he was just getting weaker. I got some good info to try, from BYC the other night, and when I went downstairs that night with a syringe of yogurt, the poor thing was gone already. I am thankful to have the other 5 healthy though-especially since they are from my own chickens :)

Thumbnail by BeautifulBrahma
Morrisdale, PA(Zone 6a)

silkie girl.,. All I can say is your going to need a bigger house by the time your done!!!!!!!!!!! lmao

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

BB, they are soooo sweet! REmind me what kind they are?

Georgetown, IN(Zone 6a)

I ordered some brown egg layer assortment, and some standard size Sultans.
Now Im thinking about makeing another order, because I really want some cochins and silkies, Im kinda worried that the silkies would have a hard time since they will be the only bantam sized ones in with the others. I think I will get the other coop built before I get them. I still really want some cochins, Maby I will order some eggs to hatch.
Sounds like fun!!!

Reynoldsville, PA(Zone 6a)

silkies can be in with bantams or standards. oh t ya don't know the half of it thankfully about 5 others want babies too so we should be good to go!

Lennox, SD

TF, thank you :) I actually just borrowed an incubator from a friend, to see how it went before I purchase one. I didn't want to risk buying shipping eggs, so I just used eggs from my girls, so the chicks are *probably* mixes :D My main roo is a buff Brahma. One or two of the chicks look like they may be pure buff brahma (have two BB hens) or they may be light brahma/buff brahma. It looks like only two chicks have different dads-respectively, lol! The one really black one, I believe to be out of my EE roo. The chick has black legs, beak, etc. I'm guessing the legs will turn more willow colored as it get's older. The other chick is out of a golden spangled Hamburg egg-only little white one in the bator! And I've only seen my GSH roo mating with his breed of girls. So that leaves the others with my big boy Rudy as the dad. The hamburg chick is the only one with the chipmunk markings, lol! I can't wait to see them feathered out.

Here is a pic of Rudy:

Thumbnail by BeautifulBrahma
Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

oh, rudy is gorgeous! is tat what you call brassy back?

Lennox, SD

Thank you :) He's just a buff, as far as I know, he's the only Brahma roo I have, but from other pics, they seem to look like him. I would love to have a dark brahma roo, but I just don't need anymore, lol! I have buff and light pullets/hens now, and on my next order, I have my first darks (girls only though) and two more buffs.

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

well, i did a search once on OEG BBRIR brassy backs, as a fellow told me he was getting into that. He DEFINITELY has a brassy back gene! I don't know much about Brahmas, but i am really into learning about color. So i want to contiue seeing pictures of his offspring! BTW, i bet he is sweet, he has a very kind eye...

I wonder what he would look like crosse dwith one of my Buckeyes.... would he like to visit TExas??? LOL

Lennox, SD

Lol, TF, I don't know how well he travels! He is a sweet guy though-never had a problem with him being aggressive at all. That is very interesting, about the brassy back, I will have to look that up now. I will keep you posted with pics, as the chicks grow.

(Nadine) Devers, TX(Zone 9b)

I have 46 eggs in the bator cooking that came from Charleneplants. She also gave me 3 banty eggs and 2 are showing veins. The other one didn't make it. So she will get to take home 2 banty babies I hope that will hatch around March 9th. Not sure what I am hatching on the other eggs..will post when they start hatching..

I just wanted to post an update on my hatch. I posted a pic on here when my eggs were hatching. There were 2 eggs left in that pic unhatched. So the little green egg hatched a second chick like the darkish one in the picture above. And the photo here is the only silkie in the hatch. All the rest were Ameraucana/ee bantams. I hatched them under a broody and all 7 hatched fast and easy. So anyway, here is the little baby.....she was the last to hatch and i think it was in the early hours of today.

Thumbnail by cuckoogirl
Lodi, United States

Oh, those eyes!

Georgetown, IN(Zone 6a)


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