Critter's Gone Bananas

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Just wondering how you are all doing with your plants. My Red Dwarf and Basjoo are looking pretty good but the Truly Tiny isn't doing so well. I had moved them back from the window when I was rearranging some things. So I'm not sure if its the light or if I over watered it. I moved the TT upstairs to my seed starting table we'll see if that helps but it was looking pretty bad yesterday.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Mine are in 4 inch pots now. I think you probably do have to be careful not to overwater until the roots catch up. I think my Allspice is looking a little greener, but I'm reluctant to push my luck by boosting it with extra N too soon... maybe I'll give it just a bit of kelp in its next drink.

I didn't get a 'Truly Tiny' this time, but I had trouble with the one they sent me last time... it did OK for several months, then slowly declined.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

I up potted all of them and had them sitting right out in the front of the window then I needed to move some things around and moved them all back away from the window. The other 2 have lost the lower and oldest leaves but are looking good and have new growth but the TT looks like it could be toast. I wondered if it could be a combo of not as much light and since they weren't sitting directly in the sun they didn't loose as much water from evaporation and I didn't take that into consideration when watering.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I'd pull it up and see how wet the soil is... maybe repot into barely moist mix.

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