Critter's Gone Bananas

Adamstown, MD(Zone 6b)

I'd like a dwarf red and an allspice. Also some banana fuel -- either a one pound bag or, if you want to split up a 3-pound bag among several people, I'm good with going in on that. Either way.

Off to Bella Flor tomorrow -- the owner has invited our group for breakfast at his ranch to see his personal gardens -- he apparently grows a lot of veggies and found out that we have a few veggie gardeners in our group. Then we will have a tour of the rose production plant --it is supposed to be in full swing right now - preValentine's day shipping. Our hotel sports huge bouquets of roses so I guess, in addition to orchids, they are pretty major around here.

Changing hotels this afternoon but still supposed to have internet connection -- you just never know. . . .

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Bec_No_Va, I couldn't find the high color mini on the e-bay special list. Wish it was included I could just see a nice grouping of the Red Dwarf and the High Color Mini with the Truly Tiny. We will have to keep watch maybe they will offer that one at a later date. Holly
So far we have a nice little order.
5 Red Dwarf
1 Basjoo
2 Allspice
3 Truly Tiny
and a 3# bag of the Banana Fuel

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Holly, please add one Dwarf Cavendish to your order for me. Thanks!

(My friend Theresa, who'll be at the swap, said she wanted a dwarf banana but didn't say what kind! I figure either she'll take the Red and I'll take the Cavendish or vice versa, and either way we'll both be happy.)

You can purchase plants at any time, if you're worried about them running out. Just make one combined payment to finalize your order and get the good deal on shipping. :-)

Glen Burnie, MD(Zone 7a)

Hey if it is not to late can my mom have a truly tiny and a red dwarf for my sister.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)


Ok guys the order is in 14 plants and 1 3lb bag of Banana Fuel.
6 Red Dwarf
1 Dwarf Cavendish
1 Basjoo
2 Allspice
4 Truly Tiny
Total cost of plants $91.81 and the Shipping and Handling is $15.95
I noticed that there were only 6 of the Truly Tiny when I ordered ours. So I guess they only have 2 left. Didn't notice how many of the others were left. I'm going back in just to see. If each plant had been shipped separately the shipping would have been $106.81 they then gave us a discount of $90.86 which made the shipping $15.95.

Glen Burnie, MD(Zone 7a)

Thank you Holly!


Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

My pleasure. Really it should be thanks to Critter, I would never have know where to order these. Thanks Critter for your guidance.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I'm just hoping we get nicely rooted plants and not newly transplanted plugs... but if they're like the plants I got a couple years ago, I know we'll be delighted!

Holly, thanks for being willing to handle ordering and take care of delivery, holding plants until party day, etc.


Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Bananas are on their way. This warm weather break has opened a window and they shipped them yesterday. I will be waiting and watching.

Glen Burnie, MD(Zone 7a)

Thank you HOLLY!!!!!!!!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)


Thanks, Holly!

(It just occurred to me... I haven't told Jim another "big plant" is coming to live with us... two, actually... hmmm... good thing they'll start out small!)

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

oh, I rather think Jim has thrown up his hands by now.... ; ^)

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

ROFL! I do have one big pot "available" since I gave up on the really sickly lemon tree... I'm hoping the allspice sapling makes it, because I think Jim will like that one... he really likes the bay tree, even "brags" to people how different fresh bay leaves are from the dry ones you get on the spice rack... :-)

With the banana, he will want to know where it will go. I will say, don't worry sweetheart, it's a dwarf! He'll say, uh huh... and where's it gonna go? LOL There might be a little eye rolling.

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

Excellent - maybe I can keep them alive!!!!! Let me know how much I owe you please!

LOL - Jill - I do believe our DH's has become used to the madness by now - now if I could just get Thor to stop eating my pricey Caudiciforms and other plants I'd be doing good (let me rephrase that - he doesn't eat them - he uses them for batting practice)

This message was edited Feb 7, 2008 6:35 PM

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

They're here. Looking good. Came in yesterday.

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Very pretty!!

Smell the leaves of the allspice -- tell me it's yummy! :-)

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

OMG, My daughter in law just walked in and tried to steal the allspice. She was very disappointed when I told her that neither one of them was mine. She just dropped off my Grandson for a sleepover and rubbed the leaves and the smell is wonderful. Also they are well rooted.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Tell her I'm very sorry, but she can't have it! LOL However, I will try very hard to make it happy, and the first rooted cutting that I manage to get will have her name on it.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Critter, I have questions about the Banana Fuel. Both you and Nutmegnana were interested in the Banana Fuel. I don't think anyone else wanted part of this bag? I ordered the 3lb bag at $9.95 and they charged $8.95 for shipping Total $18.90 for the 3lb bag. Do you want me to split it up into smaller bags how much of this would you want to share and is there anyone else that would want some of it?
I was just going to bring it down and let you divi it up at the swap however you pleased. But it would be very easy for me to bag it up and print usage directions especially since we are meeting at the restaurant. I could probably make up 6 1/2lb bags for $3.15 each if that is what you would like. Please don't feel that you have to give up any and I didn't have anyone else other than you two that mentioned they wanted some. It's just an offer, let me know what if anything you would like me to do. Holly

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Wow, I don't remember them charging that much for shipping, but then I just ordered a 1 pound bag before. I'm fine with 1/2 pound or 1 pound, or Sherry & I can just split the bag if nobody else wants any. Either way, just let me know what I owe you!

I don't know how important the minor ingredients might be in this fertilizer, but it's like using special "african violet fertilizer" -- it makes me feel better to give them something "more" than run of the mill Miracle Grow. :-)

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Yea, I had a little sticker shock on that one too. I had asked them for a price on the shipping for the Fuel but they hadn't gotten back to me before I ordered so I just added it to the order. The confirmation I got showed shipping charges at $20.95 and it didn't register until they sent the boxes. They shipped the plants separately from the fuel and that's when I realized how much the shipping was for the fuel. Good news the shipping on the plants came out at 84 cents per plant.
I would take part of the bag and I can divide it into 3 1lb bags unless there is someone else out there that wants some of this.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

The plants themselves were $7 each, right? What did shipping come to on average for the plants? Or just let me know what I owe you so I can settle up on Saturday... :-)

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Sheesh, you just did that calculation on shipping for the plants, and I missed it!

OK, so if the plants were $6.99 (and please check me on that!), that's $7.83 x 3 plants ==> $23.49, plus about $6.33 for a pound of banana fuel (unless somebody else wants half a pound).

So, I owe you $30. ?

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Critter, Your plants are $21.49 The Allspice 6.99 and the 2 dwarfs are 5.99 ea + the Shipping $2.52 for 3 plants
and if we divide the Fuel into 3 bags it comes to $6.30.
Your total is $27.79
1 Allspice
1 Red Dwarf
1 Dwarf Cavendish
Let me know if that doesn't sound right.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Ah, OK. I was off on the price of the dwarf bananas. Close enough! I'd rather round up than down on this sort of thing... I know I could be in a whirl on Saturday, so instead of trying to settle up by totaling what I owe you with what you owe me (brunch plus if you want any cow pots), it's probably easier if I just put a check in your goodie bag... either that, or you'll have to please remind me!

Adamstown, MD(Zone 6b)

I think I owe you $20.96. Is that right, Holly? I'm fine with a pound of the banana fuel unless somebody else wants some. I have a few other "pups" here that can use some fuel also.

This weekend is just not going as I expected -- instead of catching up at home and organizing our pictures from Ecuador (of which there seem to be over 1000 -- don't worry I won't share them) -- I seem to be going back and forth between here and the nursing home in Sharpsburg where we have had to move my MIL into a higher level of care which means cleaning out the room she was in. When I talked to the caregiver she said 3 large pieces of furniture and some crystal needed to be moved out. Right. Just a slight understatement. We loaded the pickup today and will have to go back tomorrow. . . . Also they did not move any of her plants which is about the only thing she connects to so I'm trying to sort out what we can fit in her new room, moving one of my small stands up there, and on and on and on. And I don't think she even knows us but she did respond with interest when I said I would try to move some violets into her room tomorrow.

Anyway, here are some banana flowers from Magic Flowers outside Guayaquil in Ecuador.

Thumbnail by nutmegnana
Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Oh, I'm sorry your MIL is doing poorly! I've just started some 'Micro Tom' tomatoes... miniature plants that produce "edible" (but tiny and rather tart) tomatoes in a 4 inch pot... if you can find space for one in her new room, or if there are any other things you think she'd like, just let me know! I've got a small wrought iron type stand she may be able to use, also -- one of those "Garden Gate Design" things from JoAnn's, I think.

Adamstown, MD(Zone 6b)

Thanks, Jill. This little stand I have sounds sort of like the same thing you are talking about it. I think it actually came here when we moved her out of her house in the first place. It is all I can fit in there. Ron thinks the window sill is deep enough to move some of her violets. There are about 3 times as many plants in her old room as what I can fit in the new one. I'll just bring them here and then take them up there if she kills off some of them. I know she waters just about every day because she can't remember if she did or not but it's so warm and dry in there that it doesn't seem to matter to the plants. The violets aren't blooming, probably because of no food. I found her violet food under the sink so I'll give them a drink while I'm up there tomorrow. It was pushed to the back so I'm sure she hasn't used it and probably doesn't even know where it is nor does she remember that she should feed them. At least she's happy watering them . . . .I really think maybe the staff doesn't want to be bothered with the extra mess but it's only a few plants and they are getting paid enough that I'm just going to put them in there anyway! I have some longer bases that will fit in the window sill and the plants can be in those so that they don't mess up the paint or anything . . .

Ooh. These are flowers from a market in Cuenca. The large white arrangements sell for $5 US.

Thumbnail by nutmegnana
Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

OK... you might also think about a hanging basket in front of the window; maybe they'd let you put up a hook. Tell them spider plants are good for air quality. Those hanging pots I get at WalMart with the reservoir bottoms are really easy to water, and filling the bottom every 2 weeks will do it.

I agree about moving a few plants to her new room and just making the staff deal with it... There are lots worse/messier things she could be puttering with!

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

Since I ordered plants, I can take some "fuel" as well - might prevent me from killing them :-) Anywho - Holly what do I owe you? I need to make sure I bring ya cash on Saturday :-)

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Holly, could I ask you to please split my banana fuel into two half pound bags so Becky can have some?

(Alternately, I'll put a zip-loc bag into Becky's goodie bag, and we can do the splitting on the spot... )

Half a pound of banana fuel is $3.13, so that brings my total to $24.64 if we're splitting it ahead of time... otherwise, I'll write my check for $27.79 and work it out with Becky.

Adamstown, MD(Zone 6b)

Jill -

You have many more banana plants than I do so why don't I split with Becky? I'm sure half a pound is plenty for me.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

OK, that works! I'll keep my total as before, then.


Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Hi guys, I'm back on line again. I've gotta run this morning but will sit down this afternoon and post the totals that I haven't posted yet and catch up with all the other things I've missed. Boy just a couple days away and you miss a lot.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Nutmegnanna, I have you down for
1 Red Dwarf @ 5.99
1 Allspice @ 6.99
shipping .84 x 2 = 1.68
1/2lb fuel 3.15
total $17.81
let me know if that doesn't look right.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Bec_No_Va I have you down for
1 Truly Tiny @ 4.99
1 Red Dwarf @ 5.99
shipping .84 x 2 = 1.68
1/2lb fuel 3.15
total $15.81
let me know if that doesn't look right.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Let me know if this all looks right and if anyone else has any questions or changes. I'm back in the loop again since I have a working computer again . Sorry you all had to wait for me to get it together. Holly

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

LOL - Holly - since I had no idea in the first place I am sure it is correct :) Looks good to me :)

Adamstown, MD(Zone 6b)

Does that include shipping for the fuel? I didn't go back and look thru the thread. I'll bring a check tomorrow.

See you then.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Yes, that includes shipping for the fuel. :-)

Thanks, Holly!!

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