Tapla, could you repost?

Danville, IN

Tapla - I can't download your post "A Discussion about Houseplant Soils". I've tried and tried with no luck... it always freezes my computer. Is there anyway you could post it again. Maybe it would work for me a second time.

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

I sent it to you in a D-mail. You should be able to copy/paste it from there. If not, send me your addy & I'll send it in a regular e-mail.


Danville, IN

Thanks. Got the D-mail just fine. However, I can't go down the thread where you recommend some soil mixes because every time I start the thread with the long post discussion, it freezes up. Is there a way to get to your recommendations, or could you just D-mail the mix formula, if it's not too much bother. This spring, I am potting up so many tropicals for my new sunroom, I really want to do the best thing for them!

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