2nd Chance Swap - Pictorial

(Maggie) Jacksonvill, FL(Zone 9a)

A garret is a kind of attic/teensy tiny apartment- as in an artist garret- think La Boheme. Probably a third floor studio would be the modern equivalent.

I dream of the 3rd floor room for me and my quilts. When I was a 13 y/o, we lost our house in PA to Hurricane Agnes.. We stayed that summer with some people who had a 3 story house on the highway. I was given a little space hardly bigger than the bed- it was an alcove off the main bedroom on the 3rd floor. It was one one of those little push out windowed parts of a victorian house. There was a curtain across the alcove which gave me some privacy from the "little" girls. I loved that space- it had lots of light, quiet, and a long view. It was a great cocoon.


Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

hurricane Agnes....I think I remember that one because we don't get many around here...I had a little sunfish sailboat back then and I remember checking on it at Cooper River Yacht Club, camera in hand ~ it was floating with all the other sailboats in the fenced in yard filled high with water...

...a garret sounds charming. It is neat you can make quilts that is an art all in itself.

(Maggie) Jacksonvill, FL(Zone 9a)

Quick question- can I wintersow Bronze fennel in a container? It says something about not moving it but I want to pick out where my survivors go. Also- how do you get the seeds spread out evenly through the little holes in the milk jugs?



Scottsburg, IN(Zone 6a)

Maggie, whack three sides of the milk jug, leaving the fourth as a "hinge". Once you've sown your seeds, duck tape the three sides closed. (The color of duck tape is your own choice :> http://www.stuckatprom.com/contests/prom/ )

Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

here is a photo of one of our jugs cut. I took photos of the whole process, burning the holes in the bottoms etc. It was funny, I proudly sent the pictures to LeBug after I thought she was looking for WS advise in a dmail and found out she is a WS veteran ;) silly me!!

So far I haven't planted anything yet!! I'm not sure when to plant what

now we are getting worried about all the energy the lights are going to use on the indoor rack! I'm going to try and start as many as poss. outside :)

Thumbnail by wind
Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

LOL! Maggie, you get to use your whole hand to spread them however you like, -- do as Dryad says.

but I must say I believe they float around or something because they often come up all bunched together when I know darn well I spaced those seeds out nicely! With bronze fennel it doesn't matter because the seedlings are rather huge, You just pluck them out one by one. If you get two by mistake, then plant two.

Yes, Bronze Fennel was one of my best performing wintersowers last year, but keep an eye on it, as it was one of my fastest growers. When they are little say under 5 or 6", they can be transplanted just fine. Or at least mine did.


(Maggie) Jacksonvill, FL(Zone 9a)

Thanks guys. I have to get in gear. I probably should have planted this stuff a month ago. Our window of nice cool weather is short and I keep missing the Sweet Pea target date. I've burned too many to a crisp here in FL. I'm just going to throw them in with my Passiflora vines so they have something to climb on.

It's so warm here I have Monarchs and Frittilary caterpillars on my plants. it's no wonder I have no seeds! They eat all the flowers!


Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Wind, I found this from legit on here:

"Basically, I separated my seeds into (1) hardy perennials (plants that are known to survive winters in my zone), (2) Hardy Annuals (seeds where the sowing instructions tell you to plant *outside as soon as the ground can be worked* and (3) 'Self-seeding' Annuals (plants that known to grow from seeds that fell from the plant during the previous year). Category #4 in my groups are seeds that must be 'pampered' and started indoors before the last frost...but that category doesn't apply here except to keep those seeds from getting sown in containers and thrown out in the snow. he he he"

And I still enjoyed seeing your pictures of WS even if I had done it before :) Just start on your 'hardy perennials' and go from there, usually by the time I get all of my hardy perennials WS it's time to plant the ones that reseed lol

This message was edited Jan 28, 2008 2:09 PM

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)


I agree with Legit, maybe even make a category 5, but for now, here is a link to annuals that need a really, really early start.



Nelson, NH(Zone 5a)

Great advice, as always Lea and Suzy! I have been busy sowing, but I need more jugs! I am planning on going to the recycling center this week. Don't you think it is funny to go loaded up with stuff to recycle and then come home all filled up? lol!

(Maggie) Jacksonvill, FL(Zone 9a)

Suzy- PLEASE post your photo on your page. I want to see what superwoman looks like in real life. I promise to pot my photo as soon as I get a haircut.


Scottsburg, IN(Zone 6a)

LOL - the last time I was at the Mighty Illoquin's I had a camera, but didn't DARE take a picture as she "wasn't prepared" :) She knows I'm gonna have it with me next time though, so I MIGHT just post it to our trade thread!!

Nelson, NH(Zone 5a)

Come all without, come all within, you'll not see nothing like the Mighty Illoquin-an ode to Bob Dylan and our own Mighty Illoquin!

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

ATTENTION SWAPPERS: The seeds for the swap will not be sent until Jan 2009. Sorry for the short delay, I have to grow my hair out and lose 15 pounds so you can see a picture of me!


Scottsburg, IN(Zone 6a)

Hey - I have PhotoShop - we can do anything!!

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

please don't tear your hair out! Nobody needs to be in a big rush for the seeds. You need to have a life too!

Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

...just got home...too cross eyed from driving at night...I hate driving at night the older I get....anyhow your posts are a joy to read!

I'll read all about what seeds I better get a move on this weekend :) thanks for the much needed information....now better get dinner together ~ better late than never :)))))))) we eat fashionably late around here...so glad the seeds aren't coming until '09 I hate all this rushing :0

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