2nd Chance Swap - Pictorial

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

this summer when the hostas are up... I'll get some new shots. i'm not on my PC so i dont have any other images here... jsut what i can find on Daves.

I've got A LOT of hostas up there, but many are scattered about... and i've been moving them. we didnt purchase until Sept of 06, so last summer was my first "planting" year up there... oh what fun i had. lemme see if i can locate Frosted Jade... i was posting in about 4 forums last year.... now to find things.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

i found one, just a wider view of the one with the Crane... but i love this photo

well, can't find frosted jade on daves... but i know its here somewhere.

Orrville, OH(Zone 5b)

I'm almost ready to admit I can grow Hakonechloa grass. It slowly gets smaller and smaller. Since it's a forest grass I'm guessing it doesn't like my mildly alkaline soil. Yours looks like it is better placed and should do well there. You're so lucky to have such a great site to garden. I realize this is a vacation site so you want easy care but that's easily achieved in shade. You have to post this garden as it grows up. Looks like it will be a beauty.

I found a pic. of the Monarda 'Coral Reef' I mentioned earlier.

Thumbnail by maozamom
Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

thanks... and that yard is really a passion to me... i've never really had shade... and this is nice sandy so much nicer to work in than that clay hard crap i have here at home.

i do plan on spending most of the summer up there this year. Its a seasonal park, and we only have water 4-15 thru 10-15... though the water is always on at the club house.... so we do go up there off season for a few days at a time.

I will certainly post pics when things fill in this summer.

and OH How pretty... and i think i just got those seeds in the mail today!! yay.

(bestest fairy)Tempe, MI(Zone 5b)

Mao-love the monarda-especially with the purples for contrast-pretty.

Terese-If you want some stuff for the shade you are welcome to some splits off my hosta this spring & some toad lily seeds. I wish I had more shade here-just in the very front of my house-faces N...

I found this really pretty monarda I'm pining for-it looks to have purple & yellow in it & the flowers go up the stalk in different intervals-here is the link:

Here is one of the others I like:

DH says that by the time I'm done he won't have any yard to mow-HEHEHEHE!!

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

tcs, here is one of your pictures of frosted jade lol I had to look for it because I wanted to see it! It's so pretty does it have any blue in it? What is the color in the middle and how much sun can it take I have one in a pot and doesn't seem to like a pot or anywhere I put it, I'm going to have to get it in the ground this year.


Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Last year i WS'ed some Wild Bergamot seeds [Mondara, Bee Balm] and not sure of the color, but either Pink or Red [red would be fantastic] ... so we shall see if they bloom this year. Hopefully ALL the seeds i sown last year will bloom.
Most everything I did last year was a perennial ... so this year i will hopefully have tons of blooms to attract butterflies and hopefully a few hummers.

(bestest fairy)Tempe, MI(Zone 5b)

That hosta is HUGE!! WOW-it does look to have a bluish tint to it...

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Lea -- YES thank you!! i looked everywhere [well, almost] and he GORGEOUS??
it has to be one of my faves, and because of Frosted Jade, I have totally gotten into HUGE [large and bigger] hostas... dont have room for them here, but they will all be going to Wisc as i have much more room up there.

Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

I love the fantasy monarda :)

maozamom, your hosta garden walk is lovely! I have a hosta garden but my hostas are sort of getting lost in it now. I think I'd like to try a walk like you did so you can really appreciate the variety of hostas.

A favorite hosta that I still have on my wish list is Elvis Lives. All the photos of it do it no justice. It is so cool and has rippley, wavey thin blue leaves that really make it unique


here is a photo of our butterfly garden

Thumbnail by wind
Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

yes -- it does have a slight bluish tint.... it's not vivid green, its very dark.

heres more pics from HostaLibrary

and it stays pretty all year long!! gorgeous white flowers.
I grabbed seeds from it in the fall.

This message was edited Jan 13, 2008 7:41 AM

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Elvis lives is cool looking... nice pie crust leaves.

you have a beautiful butterfly garden!!

(bestest fairy)Tempe, MI(Zone 5b)

Wind-I like the ripple too. It looks to be a darker shade of green too.
One that I really want is white feather!!!

I also want the Mini mouse ears-I love how it looks fuzzy!!

Mao is helping me with the lemon lime from the swap

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

when you dont have a lot of room, it's nice to have smalls and minis as options... those lil mouse ears are sooo cute.
I got a few smalls and minis last year in the FoxFire Co-Op. Fire and Ice is my fave so far. I wasn't going with any blues at home because my house/garage is a blue-gray and i figured theyd just get "lost" in the color.
[i'm browsing your list... will send dmail]

(bestest fairy)Tempe, MI(Zone 5b)

I also want this one-dragon tails:

(bestest fairy)Tempe, MI(Zone 5b)

I like the fire & ice too. I de enjoy the minis-I don'd have a lot of room for the larger ones. I'd loive to do a walk like mao's if I had the room though!!

(bestest fairy)Tempe, MI(Zone 5b)

And this one:

I love the wavy leaves!!

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

yes, that undulata is so cool looking... there are quite a few in our RV park... I'd love to ask for a piece.. it is pretty similar to Fire & Ice.

there are a few others that look similar to the Dragon Tails... Pineapple upside down cake also rings a bell with me, as to being similar.

I too wish i has a lot of room to do a nice path with hostas... hopefully my next home we will have more land..

i'm in one of those new[er] subdivisions with a large home on a postage stamp sized lot.... luckily i have the land behind me for doing my butterfly garden.

(bestest fairy)Tempe, MI(Zone 5b)

I'm in a 10 year old sub- we are on like .31 of an acre, so not too small, but not big enough for all the gardens I'd love to have. We will probably only really move if we are ever able to build our dream house or if this one starts to fall apart-we just moved in last March

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

WE've been here 6.5yrs, but always lived in this town... stayed for the kids, not the high taxes.
we were expecting to be here 15-20, but one never knows... we'll be out before then due to circumstances... so we've been "Browsing" other states [with lower property taxes] ... who knows... could be 5yrs away or less.

BUT -- I want more shade, and more land and more garage [additional space for DH's shop]
but we'd love to build too.

(bestest fairy)Tempe, MI(Zone 5b)

I really wanted a sunroom, but instead we got the big basement for DH. I'd also like enought land to do a garden walk. I tell ya, I know you aren't supposed to, but if we ever do move, my flowers are coming with-splits at least!! That will have to be in the contract!!

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

you kidding... i ALWAYS take my plants.

in the past it was just my roses, some ferns, sedum, hens&chicks [that mom gave me when i was 19]
but now with me buying hostas... they are coming too... and if i move to say Florida -- where they dont do well, they are going to Wisc to the RV park.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

I would never sell my house if I couldn't take at least part of my plants with me! lol

I found a picture of tcs's frosted jade a while ago and the post didn't come thru? lol

I'll be back later cleaning house a little while dad is in chruch.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

yes... thanks Lea!!

(bestest fairy)Tempe, MI(Zone 5b)

Well, someone told me that when you move you can't take them unless tit is in the contracet...I just couldn't put all that work into something & then ,loose it!!

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

tcs, you have two places for your plants that's not fair, looks like your plants are going to be lovely later on when they mature at the park! I gotta go lol

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Oh I have an agenda, I want to know how much shade you get on your frosted jade mine is in a pot and either he doesn't like the pot or no sun what so ever, and what color is the middle of the leaves? I can't wait till mine is full grown and looking like yours it's very pretty!

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Fairy -- are you right about having it in the contract. you just cant show your home, then when the person goes to move in, all the plants are gone.
I've only moved twice .... our first, I had the plants removed and in pots before the house went up... and i only took my faves, not everything.
the second time... the same... we were building this place, so i was able to move the plants in the fall and get them in the ground... the house [the old one] sold in Feb to friends of ours...and i should have taken everything cuz she pulled out almost all of my plants and let weeds grow... i almost cry everytime i go there, or drive past.

oh yes... i took all my clematis' too.
i had such a gorgeous perennial garden that is now a bed of weeds.

But -- when we leave here... it will have to be in the contract... the cases before it was a non-issue.

and Lea -- yes it's pretty neat, because at home... i'm dealing with almost all sun, and up there it's all shade... sad though that i can't have a tomato plant or any roses, cuz they wont grow.... but that forces me to come home once in a while to check on my plants... oh I mean my kids. ROFL.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

my Frosted Jade sits under a canopy of pines trees.... so i guess they call that "dappled" but I can not recall any direct sunshine [granted, i've only been there one full summer] I do have parts of my yard that will get say, 30-90 min of direct sunshine ... but not that area.

Though I will make note to keep a better eye on it this year.

and the coloring... it's a Green-Gray, not green-blue ... like a "Jade"
I'll have to check DH's laptop for other images... since that is the computer we keep up there in the summer, so that is where all my photos must be... cuz i can't find them on this one.

the leaves are just enormous though.. i LOVE 'em.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Here you go:


I love it! I'm so glad I have one.

Orrville, OH(Zone 5b)

Wind- Your butterfly garden is beautiful. We want to see more pictures! I imagine the visitors are even more so. I lost my butterfly bushes last spring because of the freakish winter we had last April. One of them was fifteen years old. It broke me heart to lose it. I have an Elvis Lives that about the same size. I'm looking forward to it getting larger.

tcs and Fairy- Blue Mouse Ears is really cute but he gets pretty large is allowed. I cut the roots back on mine so it stays small. If you like the little ones than get Pandora's Box. http://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/go/2977/ She's a little beauty. I'll be dividing my Striptease this year. I think it looks better if its not too big. Many collectors won't touch it because lots of them carry Hosta Virus X. I've watched it very carefully and I've never seen anything suspicious or I would have destroyed it. I'll share a nice size division with both of you if you would like . To be 100 percent safe you may want to clean your tools before using them on another hosta but really that's not a huge problem. Its a very pretty hosta with a white streak unique to itself and its sports. http://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/go/2999/ I've been know to throw other varieties in my boxes. I love passing the addiction on.

I don't even want to think about moving. I'm so not ready to leave my garden yet. Heres my front walk in spring

Thumbnail by maozamom
Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

here's our lil place.

the Jade sits in the cluster of pines behind where you see the flag.

the other side of the trailer is where i'm planting most of my hostas.. up towards the front, aside where my car is.

the other side, where Jade is located... i'd love to do a lil walking path with some sort of stone, as there are plants willy nilly all over the place, including astilbes and ferns with a smattering of smaller hostas.

I have a split rail fence all the way around our lot, most bordered with hostas [lanciflora and albomarginatas] but that is where i'm hoping to add some columbines that i'm getting in this trade. I"m only zone4, so i dont know what other shade perennial will work here.

Thumbnail by tcs1366
Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Maoz ... yes, i familiarized myself with HVX last year. Striptease is so pretty. i'd love a snippet.
your tulips are gorgeous. I used to have them at my old house... but it's so windy here... they wouldnt last.

Ugggg -- i have to get out of this chair and get the ball rolling for the day... going out to Bday lunch with the family.

BBL --


Orrville, OH(Zone 5b)

That looks like a great place for a woodland garden it would be wonderful to have a place in the woods. With your pine needle ground it would be pretty to line a path with white stone.

(bestest fairy)Tempe, MI(Zone 5b)

Mao-would love the little cutie!! Like I said the little ones suit the amount of growing space I have, but to my bad judgement, I like a lot of the huge ones too-LOL.

What is HVX??

alos, love your walk in the spring. I can't wait until I get to have pics to brag about too

Here is the front of our house this last June

Thumbnail by Fairy1004
(bestest fairy)Tempe, MI(Zone 5b)

Here is DH mowing our 1st lawn for the 1st time this last year-it was a proud day!!

Thumbnail by Fairy1004
Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Fairy -- start here and follow any link that may have images.

it's a virus that is in hostas, and is easily spread if tools are not cleaned properly, among other things.
the plants need to be destroyed.

Orrville, OH(Zone 5b)

Here's a direct link HVX http://www.hostalibrary.org/firstlook/HVX.htm notice the first hosta they show is the striptease. Most are infected.
so far I haven't had it in my garden but I've seen it in garden centers. Once you know what it looks like you can't mistaken it. There's no treatment and the plant must be destroyed.

Fairy- thats the perfect house to put candles in the windows at Christmas. As soon as I saw it in my mind I was pulling the grass out between the walk and the house and exaggerating the curve on the other side. A clean slate gives you so many possibilities.

Thumbnail by maozamom
(bestest fairy)Tempe, MI(Zone 5b)

Thanks Mao-what I did buy to put in the windows for next Xmaas is a small set of lights for each 1 so I can line the inside of the windows w/ them-there are like 3 other houses on my street that do the candles & I want to be different-darn them for doing it 1st!! All the area in the front beds will be a porch in a couple years and the grass that you want to rip out Mao-will be coming out then!! Right now I just this fall dug semi circles around the walkway & planted Tulips & Grape Hyacinths-I wanted to completey line it, but could't becaus of Sprinkler heads!!:(

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

fairy.. i have the same problems with the heads... they border the outsides of the grass... so if i wanted more beds, they'd all have to be moved... and i know DH will NOT do that for me. and the beds i do have, are on the narrow side, inside a small/low retaining wall, and NO WAY dh will re-do that either.... so i plant on state property. LOL
but now with the RV park, i have large areas to play.

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